Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1942 No way to escape

Chapter 1942 No way to escape

The order was broken down layer by layer, and finally the troops led by Sun Meng and Rex received the task of harassing Victoria.

This task is not complicated, but the key is that the speed is not easy to grasp. If you fight lightly, you will not be able to achieve results. If you fight hard enough, you will be entangled by the US military and government forces and cannot escape smoothly.

With the expansion of the Mizhou Army, the positions of Sun Meng and Rex have increased, and the number of troops led by them has also increased to 800 people. According to the establishment of the Mizhou Army, it is roughly equivalent to a battalion.

Promotion is of course a good thing, but what makes Sun Meng and Rex a little regretful is that the Mizhou Army lacks heavy weapons, and all the heavy weapons under Sun Meng are only four [-] mortars, and then there are general-purpose machine guns and super guns. Revolver, general-purpose machine gun or bipod installed, because the weight of the tripod is too heavy, it is not convenient to move.

"It's simple. I bring mortars to harass the Americans. You take large troops to set up sniper positions. If the Americans don't chase them out, I will continue to bombard them. If the Americans chase them out, I will bring the Americans into the encirclement. "What Sun Meng never forgets is the battle of annihilation, and now sporadic killings can no longer satisfy Sun Meng's appetite.

"Let me go, you lead the big troops." Rex took the initiative to ask for a fight. After all, Rex is also an excellent gunner, and he is better at commanding artillery than Sun Meng.

"Rock-paper-scissors—" Sun Meng stretched out his hand directly.

Rex rolled his big eyes, feeling bad all over.

It's a war, don't be so careless, okay?

"Then it's settled." Sun Meng was triumphant, he was the chief officer, and Rex was the deputy.

Just as Sun Meng and Rex started their operations, at Victoria Railway Station, Second Lieutenant Lynch and Captain Costa were busy training troops.

In the battles of the previous few days, Captain Costa's troops performed poorly. Second Lieutenant Lynch made up his mind to train Captain Costa's troops with the training method of the US Marine Corps, and strive to train Captain Costa's troops as soon as possible. Become an elite soldier.

The training intensity of the US Marine Corps, although not as strong as that of the Southern African Defense Forces, is certainly much greater than that of the government forces.

As soon as the training started, government soldiers complained. They had never received such training. Some people passed out after running five kilometers. On the first day of training, more than a dozen soldiers were injured for various strange reasons. Lenovo Considering the performance of the government forces during the battle that day, Second Lieutenant Lynch decided to punish those lazy soldiers.

"Second Lieutenant, some of them are indeed sick, and they are not all lazy." Captain Costa was also very helpless. The Brazilians are not much better than the Africans. At best, they are naive, but at worst, they are lazy by nature.

"If you are really sick, you will naturally be treated by a doctor. Those who are in good health but insist that they are sick must be punished." It's not that Lieutenant Lynch is hard-hearted, those lazy guys don't even bother to pretend Pretending to be like treating the barracks as a nursing home.

There are skills in pretending to be sick. For example, a sprained ankle will always have the appearance of a sprained ankle. For example, there are no adverse reactions such as congestion and swelling. It is purely stupid to say that I have a sprained ankle.

There are also those who fainted, suffered from heat stroke, did not respond when the doctor rescued them, and woke up automatically without the doctor's rescue at meal time. This is not stupid to describe, it is simply a medical miracle.

Lieutenant Lynch can’t be blamed for being angry. The U.S. government spent a lot of money in order to win this battle. Not to mention sufficient weapons and ammunition, the logistics support is also very good. The food standard of the Brazilian government army is comparable to that of the U.S. Marine Corps. It's almost the same, what the US Marine Corps officers and soldiers eat, the Brazilian government army eats, but in terms of training, the performance of the government army and the Marine Corps is very different, and no one can stand it.

"They are used to their previous life, and they need time to change slowly." Captain Costa couldn't explain it either. Some words were too harsh for Captain Costa to say.

"Mizhou people will not give them a chance to change slowly." Second Lieutenant Lynch was unmoved, and insisted on ordering the soldiers to hang up a dozen lazy guys, and then whip them with a whip dipped in salt water.

Fortunately, it wasn't the kind of whip with barbs, otherwise it would be called not punishment, but murder.

"Sir, forgive me—"

"I don't dare to—"

"I'm really hurt and I need to rest—"

The guy who was hung up begged bitterly, and most of the government soldiers who lined up to watch were indifferent, and many even showed excited expressions on their faces.

The Brazilians were punished by the Americans on the soil of Brazil. Most government soldiers did not think it was an insult to Brazil. If the Americans had received some education, these Brazilians had never received any education. There is no concept of "dignity" in their minds, and even if there is, they are powerless to resist.

At this moment, there was a sudden scream of shells flying in the sky.

Captain Costa hadn't reacted yet.

Lieutenant Lynch reacted quickly.

"Enemy attack—concealment—" Lieutenant Lynch hadn't finished speaking, several shells were on the square in front of the train station, and one shell fell in the middle of the government army by coincidence, causing blood and blood to fly everywhere.

This time it was really not a disguise, and there was no need to count carefully, at least more than 20 people were killed or injured.

Before Second Lieutenant Lynch could issue a second order, there was another scream in the air.

"Organize the troops and prepare to counterattack—" Second Lieutenant Lynch was furious. Passive beating is not the style of the US Marine Corps.

This time, another shell exploded in the crowd, and another shell exploded next to the guy who had just been hoisted. The body of an unlucky guy was directly blown to pieces, leaving only one arm dangling from the rope. The scene was extremely miserable.

"Look for a bunker and hide on the spot—" Captain Costa finally showed the courage an officer should have at this time, risking great danger to remind the government soldiers who were running around.

The Marines were well-trained, and they didn't need Lieutenant Lynch to remind them. The Marines responded in the most correct way. At this time, most of the Marines had already evacuated from the square, and Lieutenant Lynch simply gave up. These government soldiers commanded troops to prepare for a counterattack.

"Mr. Second Lieutenant, what we have to do now is defend—" Sergeant Major Cook of Lynch's company reminded Lynch that a rash attack would lead to more serious losses.

"Call for support, we need support." Lieutenant Lynch finally calmed down after the initial panic.

Sun Meng, who had achieved his goal at this moment, had already led the mortar team to withdraw from the position, waiting for the counterattack of the US and government forces.

Unexpectedly, the air force attack came first.

Even if the U.S. military and government forces counterattack, there must be a direction to counterattack.

So the first step is to dispatch an aircraft for reconnaissance.

The advantages of aerial reconnaissance are huge. No matter how good the camouflage of the ground position is, it can still be seen at a glance from the air. The skills of the American pilots are still good. The position of the fierce position.

"Machine gun, machine gun, shoot me down that fucking plane." Sun Meng hadn't finished shooting yet.

"Let's get out, we won't be able to leave after the Americans react—" Rex reminded Sun Meng, the more than 800 people of Sun Meng who were really bitten by the Americans were just delivering food.

Light machine guns are only a stopgap measure, and professional anti-aircraft weapons are still needed to release the air, or the air force is dispatched to seize air supremacy.

Most of the Air Force of the Mississippi Army is on the front line of Rio, and Victoria’s strength is insufficient. The headquarters has realized this problem. With the opening of the transportation line, this situation will soon be improved.

"Withdraw!" Sun Meng observed through the binoculars that the U.S. and government troops had already begun to gather. If they did not withdraw now, they might not be able to escape later.

Then retreat, Sun Meng did not forget to settle accounts on the way back, although Sun Meng's troops who were attacked by planes inevitably suffered some losses.

However, compared with the U.S. and government forces that were caught off guard, Sun Meng's troops suffered less losses.

When Sun Meng's troops were retreating, government planes continued to harass Sun Meng's troops.

Fortunately, leaving the city, the vegetation is very lush, and there are forests everywhere, the pilot's sight is seriously blocked, otherwise Sun Meng's troops may suffer more serious losses.

However, it is not easy to get rid of the government's planes. Although the Mizhou army retreated quickly, the US and government forces pursued them not too slowly. After retreating for about an hour, the US and government forces still slowly caught up.

"Do you want to fight once?" Sun Meng offered to propose.

"You lead a large army to withdraw, and I will lead a company of sniper." Rex simply said.

"Come on, let's divide up the troops with just a few people—reach the woods ahead and teach the Yankees a lesson." Sun Meng quickly made a decision.

Entering the woods is the home field of the Mizhou Army.

The U.S. army that caught up was a unit that had just arrived in Victoria. The commander, Major Arthur, did not know how cunning the Mizhou Army under the command of the mercenaries was.

It is not so easy to hide an army of more than a few hundred people. Through the binoculars, Major Arthur easily found that the Mizhou Army was deploying defenses in the woods ahead.

"Hehe, stop advancing, order the government army to harass and attack the Mizhou Army, and hold me back from the Mizhou Army—" Major Arthur wanted to wait for reinforcements, Sun Meng wanted to fight a beautiful battle of annihilation, and Major Arthur also wanted to make contributions.

The government troops who were ordered to attack were trembling. Barreto's original intention was that the government troops cooperated with the U.S. military in attacking, but in every battle, the government troops were used as cannon fodder by the U.S. military.

Since the Mizhou Army is to be held back, it is necessary to continuously organize troops to attack.

After repelling two attacks by the government forces, Sun Meng finally realized that this was not going to work.

When the large U.S. troops catch up, the troops led by Sun Meng will have nowhere to escape.

(End of this chapter)

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