Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1943 The Wounded Soldier

Chapter 1943 The Wounded Soldier

Major Arthur was very smart. While sending government troops to contain the Mizhou Army, a U.S. military force was making a detour to the rear of the Mizhou Army, trying to cut off the Mizhou Army's retreat.

Sun Meng and Rex knew nothing about this, the Americans had planes to assist in the investigation, and the battlefield was one-way transparent to the Americans at this time, and the situation was very unfavorable for Sun Meng and Rex.

"Rex, you lead the troops to retreat immediately, and I'll stop the rear." Sun Meng also had to divide his troops at this moment, the Americans were like brown sugar, they couldn't get rid of it if they kept pulling, and Sun Meng's hundreds of people would be killed if they dragged on Drag to death.

"No, I'll stay, you withdraw." Rex disagreed, Sun Meng was the chief officer, it would be more dangerous to stay.

"I said, you withdraw!" Sun Meng stared, now is not the time for debate.

"Then keep more people—" Rex was worried that he would not be able to withstand the lack of people.

"Don't be mother-in-law, we have too many people so we can't escape." Sun Meng is not afraid, there are fewer people and fewer people.

"Then you take care—" Rex was also decisive, and Rex didn't expect the battle to be like this.

Just when Rex led the troops to retreat, the government forces launched another attack.

The government troops participating in the attack this time were the same as the previous two times, with only about one company and more than 100 people.

Looking at the trembling government soldiers in gray uniforms, Sun Meng was not in a hurry, and decided to let the government troops in before fighting.

The government army is not stupid, knowing that the Americans use them as cannon fodder, and the attack speed is very slow, and as soon as the gun here is fired, the government army will retreat directly, so there are not many people killed on both sides after fighting for a long time.

"Hold on, don't worry, move closer." Sun Meng hid in the gap between two big rocks, holding a telescope to watch the attacking government troops.


A bullet suddenly hit the stone next to Sun Meng, and the gravel flew, and Sun Meng's cheek was scratched, and blood immediately flowed down his cheek.

This is the pinpoint shooter for the Americans.

"Snipers, kill the American precision shooters—" Sun Meng was very angry. The Americans' idea of ​​building an army was actually an imitation of the southern African army.

This is normal. Who made the Southern African Expeditionary Force perform so well in the World War? After the end of the World War, countries have followed the model of the Southern African Army to build their troops. The Americans are the best in this regard.

The main reason is that only the United States can compete with southern Africa in terms of industrial strength.

In the era of hot weapons, fighting a war is logistics.

The firepower of the southern African army requires very high logistical supply capabilities. It is equipped with general-purpose machine guns up to the squad level. The fastest rate of fire can reach 800 rounds per minute, and only 200 rounds per ammunition box. The trigger does not loosen more than ten It can be empty in seconds, and a machine gunner can only carry three ammunition boxes at most when fighting. If the bullets are exhausted, the general-purpose machine gun is a fire stick.

In order to solve the problem of logistical supplies, the method used in southern Africa is that all soldiers in the squad must help the machine gunner carry bullets. One person does not need more than two soft ammunition bags with 3 rounds of bullets. The total weight is about [-] kilograms.

When Rex led the troops to retreat, he left as many bullets as possible for Sun Meng, and at the same time left almost all the accurate shooters for Sun Meng, so that Sun Meng had a greater chance of escaping.

The snipers of the Mississippi Army are all trained by the sniper instructors of the Umbrella Company. At a distance of 200 meters, the requirements for snipers are not high. Many veterans are not inferior to this distance. For snipers, the role of snipers will be fully reflected only when the distance exceeds 600 meters and mechanical aiming is no longer effective.

Major Arthur is also experienced. Although the government army is responsible for the attack, it is the Americans who are responsible for the cover.

The equipment of the U.S. Marine Corps is still good. In the late World War, the number of machine guns equipped by a division in the U.S. was almost the same as that in southern Africa. question.

Arthur still spared no effort in covering, with more than a dozen light and heavy machine guns fully fired, the officers and soldiers of the defending Mississippi Army couldn't hold their heads up.

Regardless of the poor function of the machine gun in the game, not to mention the cumbersome accuracy is not enough, long-range suppression of snipers is a joke.

But on the real battlefield, the suppression effect of the machine gun is extremely obvious. Because of the rush of time, the Mizhou Army has no time to arrange a complete defensive position. Many soldiers choose trees as bunkers.

If you are facing a pistol, a thicker tree can indeed serve as a cover.

In the face of machine guns, the effect of trees is very limited.

Sun Meng suffered from the cover just now. When a bullet hits a stone, it can shatter the stone, and when it hits a tree, the same sawdust flies around. Not to mention blocking the line of sight, the psychological impact it brings is also extremely obvious.

After all, no one is sure when the trees will be interrupted.

There are too many unexpected factors on the battlefield. Just a stray bullet flying from nowhere can kill a person. Therefore, when defending, the Mizhou Army uses more grenades or grenade launchers. These two are the most important for defensive operations. The big killer, the scene of two troops lying in the trenches and shooting at each other during the World War, will no longer appear.

The Mizhou Army, which has received strict training from professional instructors, is of good quality.

It depends on luck in things like snipers, the machine guns covering the attack will not be easily transferred.


A Mississippi Army sniper hid in the grass under a tree and shot at the American heavy machine gunners who were shooting wildly.

The machine gunner was shot in the face and died on the spot. The US military next to him immediately dragged the shooter's body away, and the deputy shooter made up for it. He pointed his gun in the direction of the sniper and continued to shoot wildly.

The sniper has moved quickly after one shot, looking for the next target.

This time, the target was a government officer hiding behind several government soldiers. He was also killed with one shot, and several government soldiers fled in all directions.

The battle lasted less than 10 minutes. Under the persecution of the supervisory team, the attacking government soldiers were allowed to retreat with nearly half of their casualties.

On Sun Meng's side, two people were killed and six were injured, two of them seriously.

"Retreat!" Sun Meng had a headache. When retreating, he was most afraid of wounded soldiers. A wounded soldier needs at least one person to support him to retreat with the troops. A wounded soldier needs to be carried by two people. If he wants to abandon the wounded soldier, it will damage the morale. A huge blow could even cause the entire army to collapse instantly.

"You retreat, I can't go—" A soldier with an abdominal injury was determined to die, unwilling to drag his comrades down.

"Don't even think about it, I won't give up on any of my brothers." Sun Meng was decisive, that's how he won the support of all the soldiers.

"Don't touch me, or I'll die now!" The wounded soldier was holding a grenade with its tab removed, and as soon as he let go, the grenade would explode.

"Freda——" Sun Meng's eyes turned red in an instant. Freda is the best assaulter under Sun Meng, and he is best at close combat. It's a pity that Freda has no chance to show his fighting skills.

"Let's go, sir, I'm glad to serve under your command—" Freda smiled bitterly, the sweat on her forehead was getting more and more, and the blood seeped through the bandages, and she couldn't even raise her hand to give Sun Mengjing a last military salute.

"Sir, nice to meet you—" Another wounded soldier who was unable to move was shot in the chest, one arm was broken, and half of his ear was blown off, like a rag doll with air leaking all over his body.

"There is always death in life, and I will stay—" Another soldier who was slightly injured was unwilling to drag his comrades down.

"God will bless us—" Another wounded soldier stepped forward.

Sun Meng felt that his chest was tight and his nose was so stuffed that he could hardly breathe. He took a deep breath, got up and straightened his hat, and saluted several wounded soldiers who stayed behind voluntarily, and then disappeared into the dense forest with other soldiers. in the forest.

A sharp whistle sounded in the distance, and the government army launched another attack.

The machine gunners began to cover and shoot, and the mortars also joined in. A towering tree with a diameter of more than one meter was interrupted by dense bullets. When it fell down, it crushed two nearby trees. He jumped out, stared at the fierce government army with wide eyes, and quickly returned to the canopy.

The explosion of the mortar was different from the explosion of the grenade. The intermittent sound of the grenade explosion did not stop Sun Meng.

This is the chance of escape that the wounded soldiers won for everyone with their lives, the sacrifice of comrades who cannot be let down——

Major Arthur was silent for a long time when he learned that almost all the soldiers of the Mississippi Army who were left behind had fired grenades at the last moment of their lives.

"Not from southern Africa, they should all be from Mizhou—" Major Arthur's adjutant had a complicated expression. Such a performance is worthy of praise no matter in any army.

"Brazilians—would they be so brave?" Major Arthur looked at the numb government soldiers beside him, and suddenly had a very bad feeling.

This battle is estimated to be very difficult.

At least harder than Washington imagined.

"Chase, keep chasing, we can't let them run away—" Major Arthur came back to his senses, and would still do his best.

The first to set off must be the government troops again. A troop of hundreds of people must have traces even in the dense forest. Major Arthur gave up chasing the small troop led by Sun Meng, and clung to the army led by Rex. The large army persisted and vowed to wipe out the troops led by Rex.

However, what made Major Arthur very dissatisfied was that the soldiers of the government army were probably frightened by the performance of the wounded soldiers of the Mississippi Army, and their progress was a bit slow.

"Oh——" Arthur sneered, that's right, this is the normal state of Brazilian soldiers. Those brave and fearless wounded soldiers from Mississippi just now must have been brainwashed by southern Africans, so they performed so well.

"Casio, order your troops to speed up. If you can't catch up with that army, you will be directly responsible—" Arthur ordered to the government officer beside him.

Shocked, Cassio, who hadn't recovered yet, changed his face drastically, drew out his pistol and strode towards the cowering government soldiers.

(End of this chapter)

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