Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1944 Alligator Leather Bag

Chapter 1944 Alligator Leather Bag
Both are Brazilians, serving in the government army is completely different from serving in the Michigan Army.

Both are Africans, and Africans in southern Africa are very different from Africans in the United States.

All Southern Africa, too, under the British Empire, and under the Southern Africans themselves—

Apart from this point, if there is no large-scale immigration from the Far East, the southern Africa in this time and space is probably no different from the southern Africa in another time and space.

The reason why Sun Meng gained the trust of all the soldiers stems from Sun Meng's excellent individual quality and the personal charm of Sun Meng who blends well with the soldiers.

Rex couldn't do this. Although Rex was also a southern African, he would show the arrogance and arrogance of being a white man from time to time, and he couldn't share the joys and sorrows with the soldiers like Sun Meng.

Leaving the woods, passing through an open grassland, wading across a small river, and climbing over a not-so-high mountain, Sun Meng's troops finally got rid of their pursuers.

"The Americans didn't catch up, they went after Mr. Rex." Sergeant Major Leba from the Balkans was shrewd and capable. He came from an excellent hunter family and was good at tracking, shooting, close combat, wild survival, etc. No he wouldn't.

The name Leba translates into "bread" in Russian, and this name reflects the heartfelt blessings of Leba's parents to him.

"Where are we now?" Sun Meng leaned against a rock and sat down with some difficulty.

Lieba noticed Sun Meng's painful expression, and looked at Sun Meng with a little worry.

Sun Meng was injured in the battle just now, a bullet hit Sun Meng's arm, and luckily penetrated the wound.

"It should be near Domingos Martins. We are not out of danger." Leba is familiar with the nearby terrain. Domingos Martins is about 30 kilometers away from Victoria.

After half a day of fighting, the soldiers were very tired, and many of them were more or less wounded. They were resting at the moment. For the next fight.

Just half a month ago, these soldiers were fresh recruits who had just left the new barracks. They were growing at an astonishing speed and becoming qualified soldiers.

No, they are now elite soldiers by government military standards, and even by US Marine Corps standards.

If it's a game, they should all have a golden third-level soldier logo on their heads.

"We have to go back and continue our unfinished tasks." Sun Meng was suffocating in his heart. He had been in Brazil for so long, and Sun Meng had never been so embarrassed.

Thinking of those wounded soldiers who bravely left behind to cover the troops, Sun Meng still felt very uncomfortable.

Sun Meng can now understand the feeling that Rex felt when he desperately made money to send money back to Ben and Martha's family.

"The Americans and government troops have already mobilized, and we are going back at this time to throw ourselves into a trap." Lieba was a little worried. Sun Meng is good at everything, but sometimes he gets hot-blooded.

"Hehe, if you think so, the Americans will definitely think so too." Sun Meng was bold and cautious, which is called dying and rebirth.

"That's all right—" Lieba is not afraid. In the Slavs' bones, they are not afraid of anything. Lieba also has a kind of temperament that will never die for thousands of years.

Then go back, return the same way, this is also in line with the essence of guerrilla tactics: the enemy advances and retreats, the enemy retreats and advances——

George Marshall certainly didn't know the concept of guerrilla warfare, and even if he knew, he would probably dismiss it.

Don't forget that this is South America, America's backyard, fighting in your own backyard, using guerrilla tactics is a joke.

George Marshall hoped to defeat the Michigan Army openly, even if the Michigan Army had the help of the Southern African Federal Government, such a victory would be more valuable.

"Major Arthur defeated the harassing Mizhou Army and is pursuing the remnants of the Mizhou Army. However, this Mizhou Army is very tenacious, and the will shown in the battle is amazing. Major Arthur's troops killed nearly a hundred enemies. , no prisoners." Colonel Harrison's request to return to the United States was rejected, and he could only stay in Victoria to assist George Marshall with all his heart.

George Marshall had come to Rio by this time, and the battle of Victoria was only part of the Brazilian Civil War.

"Was all the captives executed, or were there no captives at all?" asked George Marshall, and the difference between the two cases was quite large.

"There are no prisoners. Major Arthur had a chance, but those Mizhou people fought to the last moment. They are not afraid of death, and they will pull off the grenade they carry with them at the last moment—" Colonel Harrison's expression was tangled, this fighting spirit It's unbelievable to Americans.

As I said before, European and American soldiers are allowed to surrender at the last moment of the battle, so those American soldiers who surrendered will say "I demand treatment that matches my status" on my lips.

As for what level of fighting is counted as the last moment of the battle, this standard is not uniform. If it is replaced by the US Marine Corps to carry out Sun Meng's mission, the moment when the battle fails is considered to be the last moment of the battle.

Fighting to the last moment of your life is two different things.

"Has it become so difficult for us to capture Mizhou people now?" George Marshall frowned. Since the outbreak of the war, the government army has not captured any southern Africans.

In contrast, hundreds of active-duty US soldiers have been captured by the Michigan Army.

So now the Federal Government of Southern Africa accuses the United States of meddling in the Brazilian Civil War, and there are witnesses and evidence.

The US government accused the federal government of Southern Africa of meddling in the Brazilian civil war, but there was insufficient evidence.

Physical evidence does not count. The weapons sold to the MI Army in southern Africa are all British-made weapons. This behavior is normal, and it can even be said that the British government is supporting the MI state government.

The key is witnesses. If the US Marine Corps or government forces capture southern Africans on the battlefield, it can prove that the federal government of southern Africa has intervened in the Brazilian civil war.

"General, there is a telegram from Washington—" George Marshall's adjutant hurried to report, his expression a little ugly.

George Marshall took a look at it, and handed it to Colonel Harrison, who was eager to see through.

The content was not unexpected by George Marshall. Washington hoped that George Marshall could end the war as soon as possible, and the US government also did not want the war to last too long.

"Oh, attack, everyone wants to attack, why don't you let the gentlemen in the Washington office command the battle, maybe they can drown the Mizhou people with their saliva--" Colonel Harrison was mean, if the southern Africans were so easy to defeat, the world The war is not the result.

"What does Mr. Fragozzo say?" George Marshall also wanted to end the war as soon as possible, but unfortunately it seems unrealistic at present.

"The military government has spent all the money, mortgaged everything that can be mortgaged, the tariffs have been mortgaged to 100 years later, Mr. Fragozzo has a plan to mortgage the human resources of Brazil." Harrison The Colonel's expression is broken, 100 years later——

Nima 2032!
As for human resources mortgages, this is not unusual, and SASA countries often use their human resources in exchange for help from Southern Africa.

To put it simply, it is to send people to work in southern Africa. It only costs one or two rands a month to do the hardest and most tiring work with the least money. There is no labor security or social welfare. It is called "human animal" for short.

"Didn't you just give 5000 million US dollars to the military government? All spent?" George Marshall suspected that the money was spent a little too fast.

The United States is also in deep trouble now. From the initial 5000 million U.S. dollars, Washington has added three more loans, the latest one being [-] million U.S. dollars.

"Yes, it's all spent. These people can't fight wars. There are many ways to spend money. You must not have imagined that the military government even bought supplies from southern Africa. This is simply an enemy!" Colonel Harrison was extremely angry. This money is earned bit by bit by American taxpayers.

"Buying supplies from Southern Africa, what did you buy?" George Marshall had a bad feeling.

"What else can I buy, buy high-end cars, buy luxury goods, buy women's crocodile leather bags--" Colonel Harrison was heartbroken, Washington is really untrusted.

"These damn moths!" George Marshall took the case to the police. Frontline officers and soldiers were fighting bloody battles. Even the Americans were sacrificing for the Brazilian military government, but the Brazilian military government took the money given by the Americans to buy things in southern Africa. The world is ridiculous.

This is also impossible, as I have said many times before, the United States in this era has no industrial scale, and technology is actually not developed.

Southern Africa has an industrial scale, and its technology is more developed. Especially in terms of field medical treatment and pharmaceutical production, Southern Africa has huge advantages.

Field medicine in southern Africa started during the Russo-Japanese War and has developed for nearly 30 years. The Johannesburg School of Medicine started with field medicine and has gradually become the most famous medical university in the world.

After the end of the World War, many military medical universities appeared in southern Africa, and the field medical technology was further developed. All countries in the world would send people to southern Africa to learn advanced experience.

The same is true for medicines, especially hemostatics and anti-inflammatory drugs. The technology in southern Africa is also unrivaled. Nyasaland University started with biotechnology and has the best biological laboratory in the world.

The Brazilian junta got part of the cash from Washington under the guise of buying medicines.

Washington probably did not expect that the Brazilians would take the money given by the United States to buy medicine in southern Africa——

Why don't you buy medicine, buy a crocodile leather bag for ladies——

Such a military government, just let it die.

(End of this chapter)

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