Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1945 Vargas' decision

Chapter 1945 Vargas' decision
If possible, George Marshall would like to leave now, too, it was too difficult for him.

If the government forces can win, even in the face of the Southern African National Defense Forces, relying on the powerful US Navy and the strong industrial strength of the United States, George Marshall is confident that he will fight the Southern African National Defense Forces.

For the United States, the Brazilian Civil War is not only iron ore of the Iron Square, but also related to the dominance of the United States in the Americas. Washington has spent nearly one billion dollars in Brazil. Thousands of American marines died in battle. The world is watching this war, George Marshall can't afford to lose, Brazil's military government can't afford to lose, and America can't afford to lose.

But with such a group of useless things on the stall, George Marshall really felt that he wanted to kill the enemy and was powerless.

"Tell Fragozzo, if he doesn't want to die too ugly, he should cheer up, and if there are these nonsense things, I will tear up the crocodile leather bag he bought and stuff it into his nostrils!" George · Marshall endured strong psychological discomfort, and had to give Fragozzo enough support after scolding.

No way, this is reality.

"Our intelligence personnel also investigated that Noronha used the money given by Washington to buy real estate in big cities such as London and Paris, while Barreto embezzled military expenditures to invest in the US financial market. This idiot didn't even bother to cover up at the very least. Do, the account for opening an account on the stock exchange is basically the same as the special account for the Brazilian Navy." Colonel Harrison sneered, the Brazilian military government is rotten to the core, stupid and bad.

In fact, it’s normal. Trees fall and hozens scatter, Rio’s frontline soldiers are approaching the city, Victoria’s progress is difficult, and the big shots of Brazil’s military government have to be prepared to leave a way out for themselves.

But it’s fine if you keep it a little hidden, because it’s so well known that even the U.S. government has suffered from it.

Really stupid.

But the U.S. government is not much better, otherwise, how could the U.S. government choose to support the military government——

"Very well, tell General Carroll that if Rio is breached by the Mississippi Army, I want Fragozzo and Noronha to be buried with Rio!" George Marshall was also ruthless, don't even think about losing and slapping his ass, Taking the people's fat and people's anointing collected over the years to exile in other countries and continue to live a life of dreams and dreams, and to live up to Washington's trust, there will be a price to pay.

Carol is the commander of the city defense of Rio, No. 1 under the military government trio, Washington can not give the trio all the trust, Carol is the last insurance line.

If the trio is really hopeless, Carol can always replace the trio.

Just when the relationship between Washington and Rio appeared to be cracked, Vargas set up a dinner in his governor's mansion in Belo Horizonte, Michigan, to entertain the Qinling Mountains and mountains from afar.

For Vargas, Pretoria is basically satisfied. Qinling and Gaoshan went to the banquet in full dress, giving Vargas enough face.

"Welcome to Brazil. I hope you will have a wonderful meeting in Brazil. Please help me convey my gratitude and respect to the Lord. Without the help of the Southern African Federal Government, there will be no justice and peace." Vargas was enthusiastic, Now it's time to represent Brazil.

"Your Excellency, I wish our friendship will last forever." Qin Ling is no longer a sniper who only knows how to fight, and it is easy to deal with this kind of situation.

Vargas also has a heart, Qinling and Gaoshan are both Chinese, Vargas does not know where to find a Chinese chef, and uses Chinese food to entertain Qinling and Gaoshan.

This made Qin Ling and Gao Shan very moved, not only by accident, but also by seeing the small things and knowing the truth. The hype is useless. The foundation and premise of success is to really start from a small point and consider issues from the other side's standpoint.

After drinking for three rounds, Vargas finally got to the point.

"Since the Americans put forward the 'Monroe Doctrine', the United States will regard the Americas as the Americas of the Americans, but the Americans have forgotten that they got the Americas under the banner of America's affairs, which should be decided by the Americans. People's trust—"The United States has developed from a mere thirteen-state colony to the current 930 million square kilometers, and there is also a long process in the process.

Rome was not built in a day, and the hegemony of the United States in the Americas has also gone through a long process, so the disintegration of hegemony also requires a process.

The Federal Government of Southern Africa has always hoped that Vargas can take the initiative to make a choice, and now Vargas has finally taken the first step.

"If possible, I hope to launch an attack on Rio de Janeiro as soon as possible to end all this." Vargas hopes to completely get rid of the influence of the United States.

Getting rid of the influence of the United States does not mean Brazil's complete independence.

With Brazil's strength, after getting rid of the influence of the United States, Brazil will inevitably have to hold on to Southern Africa's thighs. This is the lesser of two evils. Although Southern Africa is also imperialist, at least it has good relations with Southern Africa. The greater good, this is the fundamental reason that prompted Vargas to make a choice.

Qin Ling and Gao Shan smiled at each other, making a wise choice.

"America belongs to the Americans, and Brazil belongs to the Brazilians. The Americans are under the banner of the Monroe Doctrine. The era of dominance in the Americas should be over. Brazilians have the right to choose their own way of life." Vargas said in this paragraph Time finally figured this out. Political speculation is very dangerous. Vargas had to make a choice between southern Africa and the United States.

"No problem, we have formulated a complete battle plan and can launch an attack on Rio at any time." Qin Ling's words strengthened Vargas' confidence.

A comprehensive combat plan has been formulated, but it has not been implemented in time. What does this mean?
This shows that southern Africans are also waiting for Vargas to make a choice.

Thinking of this, Vargas suddenly felt cold sweat soaking through his underwear.

Fortunately, Vargas made the right choice, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

The rest of the banquet was amicable.

Vargas hopes that the federal government of Southern Africa can give more help to the state of Michigan.

On behalf of the Federal Government of Southern Africa, Qin Ling promised that the Federal Government of Southern Africa will not only provide military assistance to Brazil, but after the military government is overthrown and the Americans are driven away, the Federal Government of Southern Africa will increase its assistance to Brazil, including helping Brazil form a modern The national defense system, helping Brazil recover and develop its economy, introducing southern African capital, investing in Brazilian infrastructure, and so on.

These promises made Vargas too satisfied, especially in the second half.

Southern Africans are indeed different from Americans. Americans only plundered but did not build in Brazil. The help that southern Africans gave to Brazil was ultimately for Brazil’s resources. But while taking away Brazilian resources, southern Africans also gave Brazil appropriate resources. Although the rewards are not equal, compared with Americans, southern Africans are angels.

Again, the world has never been fair, and if you want to gain something, you must lose something.

The next day, Vargas issued an ultimatum to the Rio military government on behalf of the Michigan state capital, demanding that the Rio military government immediately and unconditionally surrender to the Michigan state capital, otherwise the Michigan military will launch an attack on Rio.

Fragozzo had nothing to fear. In his view, Rio was defended by the U.S. military and there was a powerful U.S. fleet on the sea. Even if Vargas had the guts, Vargas would not dare to attack Rio.

George Marshall was wary of the ultimatum of the Michigan Army. After learning that the Michigan Army was undergoing a large-scale mobilization, George Marshall ordered the Marine Corps to assist in the defense of Rio and the US fleet on the sea to prepare for combat. On the other hand, they also quietly notified the Americans still staying in Rio to evacuate as soon as possible.

It is interesting to note that while Fragozzo had confidence in the American deterrent, George Marshall knew it.

The United States is indeed a deterrent in front of Brazil.

But in front of southern Africa, George Marshall himself did not believe how much deterrence it had.

Despite this, the toughness shown by the Michigan Army was beyond George Marshall's expectations.

Six o'clock in the afternoon is the deadline for the MI Army to give the Rio military government an ultimatum.

The Rio military government did not respond to the MI Army before six o'clock.

At 06:30, the Mississippi Army blatantly bombarded Rio, and at the same time, the Mississippi Air Force was dispatched. The largest air battle since the outbreak of the war broke out over Rio. More than [-] aircraft were invested by both parties. This is also the largest after the World War. air combat.

Jones and other embassy members were preparing to evacuate the southern African embassy in Rio when Michigan Army artillery shelled Rio.

The state of Michigan has officially turned against the United States, and it is meaningless for Jones to continue to stay in Rio. For this reason, the war will not stop unless one side completely admits defeat.

At six o'clock in the afternoon, it was still dark in Rio, and the sky was as red as blood, and the sky seemed to be ignited.

In the dense clouds, hundreds of fighter planes were chasing and circling. The Mizhou Air Force was highly skilled in cooperating, and the aircraft was relatively advanced. In less than half an hour after the air battle broke out, nearly [-] government aircraft were shot down.

Smoke billowed from the belly of a government aircraft as it slanted down from the clouds, hoping to escape the battlefield.

A Mississippi military plane in the back clung to it tightly. After two consecutive bursts, the government military plane was blown up in the air, and the pilot didn't even have a chance to parachute.

"Let's go—" Jones glanced at the government military plane that exploded in the air, then at the Michigan Army plane flying away triumphantly, and got into the car with a long sigh.

The convoy drove quickly to the pier.

As soon as they arrived at the pier, the convoy was stopped by a group of American soldiers.

"This is the convoy of the southern African ambassador to Brazil. Please get out of the way immediately." The military attache of the embassy took the initiative to negotiate.

The U.S. officer leading the team sneered, and a soldier next to him suddenly raised his gun and hit the military attache's neck heavily with the butt of his gun.

(End of this chapter)

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