Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1947 The gap is too big to make people desperate

Chapter 1947 The gap is too big to make people desperate
Roosevelt Jr. always attached great importance to the relationship between the United States and southern Africa.

After becoming the President of the United States, Roque was the first foreign leader that Roosevelt Jr. took the initiative to meet with. In order to meet with Roque, Roosevelt Jr. did not hesitate to run from the United States to Africa, showing great sincerity.

It is also by virtue of the experience of southern Africa that Roosevelt Jr. was able to lead the United States out of the economic crisis. After taking a closer look at many of Roosevelt Jr.’s policies after he became president, many of them have a strong southern African color, from rectifying finance to replacing labor with labor. Roosevelt Jr. even hoped that the United States could join the League of Nations and play a greater role in international affairs.

"Southern Africa and the United States are the two most powerful countries in the world. Why can't we coexist peacefully and must go to confrontation?" Roosevelt Jr. did not want to provoke a full-scale war with southern Africa, and that would be a huge problem for the United States and the United States. Southern Africa, even the whole world, is a great harm.

When it comes to all-out war, it’s not just Roosevelt Jr. Hurley and MacArthur didn’t think about it. Even Pershing, who was emphasizing “courage” just now, didn’t think about it. The more you know about southern Africa, the more you understand the horrors in southern Africa.

To be honest, since modern times, there has never been such a terrifying country in southern Africa.

The United States was founded in 1787. With its continuous blood-sucking and plundering of Europe, as well as its squeezing and exploitation of South American countries, it was not until 1894 that the United States surpassed the United Kingdom in economic strength and became the country with the highest economic aggregate in the world.

It has been less than ten years since Southern Africa left the Commonwealth of self-government, the federal government has only been established for 20 years, and the second Boer War broke out in 1899. In just 30 years, Southern Africa has grown into a country comparable to the United States , which has to be surprising.

It can be said that it took only 30 years for southern Africa to achieve what took the United States 100 years to achieve.

Don't forget that for Europe, the United States is already an economic miracle.

So what is Southern Africa?
No matter how famous an economist is, it is difficult to explain the rise of southern Africa with the normal laws of economic development.

"That's the reason. Southern Africa has grown into a country as powerful as the United States, so we are destined to confront each other—" Hurley also believes that one mountain cannot have two tigers. There can only be one most powerful country in the world, and only one It's America.

"The 25 billion people in the world have limited resources and living space. If people in southern Africa get more, we in the United States will get less." Vice President John Nance Garner tends to be tough on southern Africa.

"If southern Africa becomes the most powerful country in the world, then the whole world will be completely ruled by southern Africa, so we should contact the old continent and jointly initiate the containment of southern Africa." Pershing once said during World War I Fighting side by side with Roque, I couldn't be more clear about the strength of Southern Africa.

The strength of Southern Africa is not only reflected in the advanced level of weapons. Although Pershing is unwilling to admit it, in Pershing's view, the Southern African Expeditionary Force during the World War is almost a nearly perfect army.

A perfect army requires not only advanced weapons, but also perfect logistics support, sufficient material reserves, flexible command art, a huge population base, and more importantly, the courage of soldiers to shed blood and sacrifice.

These elements are not lacking in the southern African army. In many respects, even in Pershing's view, the southern African army has achieved the ultimate.

So don't listen to Pershing's tough words. If an all-out war with southern Africa is really going to break out, Pershing has no idea.

That's why Pershing suggested that it's best to go to the Old Continent.

"No, no, no, now I ask you to think about a question, whether the strength of southern Africa will definitely affect us in the United States." Roosevelt Jr.'s thinking does not conform to the logic of the Anglo-Saxons.

"Isn't it?" Garner asked.

According to the logic of the Anglo-Saxons, the strength of southern Africa will indeed affect the United States.

"If the United States fails in the competition with southern Africa, then the greatest responsibility must lie with us, the United States itself." Roosevelt Jr. had a deep meaning.

"In fact, the rise of southern Africa has already begun to affect us in the United States—" Hull still insisted that war is indeed the most convenient way to solve the problem: "—Brazilian civil war stems from the monopoly of iron ore in southern Africa , we all know that steel is the foundation of modern industry, and it is precisely because of its steel output that surpasses that of the United Kingdom that the United States has become the most powerful country in the world—South Africa has already controlled the Pilbara mining area in Australia, and now it controls In Iron Four Corners, MI, Brazil, Nyasaland has expanded aggressively in South America over the years and purchased a lot of land, and now we have reason to believe that the land purchased by Nyasaland may contain unknown interests underground.”

"It's just steel. Southern African companies also own oil from the Persian Gulf and East India. Oil is the blood of modern industry. Without oil, powerful warships cannot be driven, and the machines in factories will lose power. So we and The conflict between southern Africa is not simply a conflict of interests, but the dominance of the world in the next few decades, or even hundreds of years. If we talk about short-term interests, we can still retreat. On the issue, we have no room to back down." Hull must have the ability to be appointed Secretary of State by Roosevelt Jr.

"We haven't even joined the League of Nations, how can we talk about leadership in the world?" Roosevelt Jr. was calm and would not be incited by Hull's few words.

Of course Hull was right. If Morgan Jr. and John Jr. were present, they would definitely agree crazily.

However, Hull overlooked a problem. Southern Africa did not obtain the above-mentioned regions through war. Therefore, if we want to use war to try to take it away from Southern Africa, it will violate the "free trade" foundation that the United States has always advocated.

Well, there's nothing wrong with that. Anyway, it's not once or twice that Americans break their promises and get fat.

"We can join the League of Nations, but not under the current circumstances." Ghana has strong self-esteem, and the League of Nations' sanctions against the United States have not yet ended. If the United States joins the League of Nations now, it means that the United States has surrendered to the League of Nations.

In other words, the United States has conceded defeat to Southern Africa.

"Hurley, if an all-out war breaks out between us and Southern Africa, what are our chances of winning?" Roosevelt Jr. tortured his soul, don't be swayed by national interests, future world leadership, ideals, and the ability to realize them. Row.

"If a full-scale war breaks out with Southern Africa—" Hurley was at a loss for words. Wars are different from politicians' rhetoric. If they fail to win, they must be responsible.

"We need to call up an army of at least 100 million to 200 million to be able to defeat southern Africa." MacArthur finally found the opportunity to speak. The various armies in southern Africa combined have a standing army of 50, so this figure is not excessive.

However, this number is obviously beyond the expectations of Hull and Garner.

"There are only 50 standing troops in southern Africa, why do we need 200 million?" Hull disagreed, one southern African soldier needs four American soldiers to fight?
This conclusion is too scary.

"If we conduct a national mobilization, southern Africa will also conduct a national general mobilization." MacArthur is patient. The United States implements a civilian system, which is the result of laymen leading experts.

"The recruits we recruit need to receive at least six months of training before they can reach the level where they can be sent to the battlefield—" Hearing Hull's tone, it feels like 200 million is not enough.

"Even if you can be on the battlefield, there is no guarantee that you will be able to defeat the southern African army—" MacArthur recalled the performance of the southern African army in the Far East, and he couldn't bear to look back.

"There is a long transportation line between us and southern Africa. If we want to ensure the safety of the transportation line, then we need more escort fleets."

"Southern Africa has a strong air force. The performance of the 'Cerberus' in the Brazilian Civil War is not as good as the decommissioned 'Strong Wind' in Southern Africa—"

"Southern Africa has the most advanced submarines in the world, and we need to improve anti-submarine capabilities."

"After all, the United Kingdom is the suzerain country of southern Africa. If war breaks out, we have to consider the position of the United Kingdom."

Hull and MacArthur sang together, Hurley and Garner's faces became paler and paler, and Roosevelt Jr. and Pershing looked dignified. They really didn't know many questions. When they saw it, Hurley and Garner were as high as possible. I overestimated the strength of Southern Africa, but I didn't expect that the overestimation was not enough.

"Well, this is the opponent we will face. A country that almost surpasses us in terms of industrial scale, technological level, military combat effectiveness, territorial area, population size, and even international relations. How should we defeat it?" Roosevelt Jr. said. Not surprisingly, there is a saying that goes well, it is not your friends who know you best, but your enemies.

“So going back to the original question, Southern Africa closing our embassies, how do we respond?” Hull began to lower his threshold, if not to fight, there must always be a response.

"Reciprocal retaliation, we will also close the Southern African embassy in Washington." Ghana was not convinced either. When the United States launched the War of Independence, its strength was weaker than that of the British Empire, but the Americans still succeeded.

"Maybe it doesn't need to be closed, it's just a blockade—" Pershing is cunning and cunning. Southern Africa not only closed down the American embassy, ​​but also took away all the people. Although it is called protection in the name, it is actually imprisonment.

Pershing meant the same closure, but allowed embassy staff to stay in the embassy, ​​which is tantamount to a disguised concession, and then Washington can see what Pretoria does next, and then decide how to respond.

"Parker, call Pretoria for me—" Little Roosevelt wants to talk to Rock, which is the quickest way to solve the problem.

(End of this chapter)

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