Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1948 Down with Southern African Imperialism

Chapter 1948 Down with Southern African Imperialism

When Roosevelt Jr. was about to talk to Roque on the phone, the Southern African embassy in the United States had voluntarily closed to prepare for possible shocks.

With the development of science and technology, the speed of information dissemination has become very fast. Twenty years ago, it took two hours to send a telegram from the United States to southern Africa. Now you can make phone calls, so the news that southern Africa has voluntarily closed the US embassy in South Africa has already been reported. When it was sent back to the United States, the news greatly stimulated the sensitive self-esteem of Americans.

The mentality of Americans in this era is similar to that of the people of another universe in another time and space. They are both inferior and arrogant, sensitive and arrogant. Admittedly, it is schizophrenia when it is embodied in personality.

In the hearts of the vast majority of Americans, the United States, as the country with the strongest economy in the world, deserves the respect of the whole world.

At the same time, on the other hand, Americans have a very special feeling for the Old World, which is probably similar to the impulse of not returning to their homeland when they are rich, which led to the closing of the US embassy in southern Africa by Americans. The reaction was intense again.

Since the morning, there have been some malicious guys wandering around the southern African embassy in the United States, which immediately attracted the attention of Chen Qi, the military attache of the embassy.

"Strengthen your guard, be careful of those unknown guys—" Chen Qi stood behind the window on the second floor of the embassy, ​​discussing countermeasures with Captain Isaiah, an officer of the Marine Corps stationed in the embassy.

Captain Isaiah has joined the Naiji people of southern African nationality, participated in the World Wars, and won a hero medal during this period. This year is the ninth year that Isaiah has served in the Southern African Army.

"Some of them might be carrying weapons—" Isaiah had a serious expression on his face. He had a bushy gray beard, matched with the same gray hair, and looked weather-beaten.

In fact, Chen Qi also has a beard, but Chen Qi has a clean shaved beard and neatly trimmed hair, almost two different extremes from Isaiah.

The United States, like southern Africa, does not ban guns, and in many states in the United States, people can carry weapons and appear in public at will, as long as the bullets are separated.

You can carry guns and bullets with you, as long as you don't load the bullets into the magazine.

Just opposite the southern African embassy in the United States, a few sneaky young people were standing or squatting, looking at the embassy with malicious eyes and whispering.

The embassy has already made preparations. Four armored vehicles guard the front and rear doors respectively, and 45 marines are fully armed and perform their duties. Once these malicious guys or US troops attack the embassy, ​​the marines will Bloody battle to the end.

The southern African embassy in the United States is also, strictly speaking, the territory of southern Africa.

While the U.S. Marine Corps has the option to surrender after fulfilling its duty, the southern African army has no such tradition.

From the very beginning when the Rhodesian Northern Division and the First Cavalry Division were established, Roque emphasized the combat will of the troops. The third and fourth of the eight virtues of knights are "sacrifice" and "valor" respectively. Southern Africa The military places particular emphasis on these two points.

After the end of the World War, Southern African film companies shot a series of films reflecting the World War, which portrayed the heroic images of many southern African soldiers who fought bloody battles to the last moment. Don’t underestimate this kind of propaganda. The American soldiers in another time and space are exactly Because of Hollywood's heroic propaganda, generations of Americans went to the battlefield with the ideal of "saving the world".

On the streets further away, more Americans were gathering.

Most of them are young people.

Compared with middle-aged people with heavy burdens, young people are undoubtedly more passionate and easier to be incited.

The police in Washington should be aware of this. Usually, there is no police on duty at the southern African embassy. Today, a whole squadron came to be responsible for the security of the front and back doors of the embassy.

The Washington Police Department is also afraid that the situation will intensify. Perhaps the U.S. government will choose retaliation and close the southern African embassy in the United States, but before that, the Washington Police Department must ensure the safety of the southern African embassy.

Upstairs above Chen Qi and Isaiah, Howard and the embassy staff were busy processing documents. As long as there were written papers, all the papers had to be destroyed, put into the shredder, and then thrown into the fireplace to be burned to ashes.

"Hurry up, don't leave any future troubles—" Howard is ready to deal with all difficulties. The current national war is everyone's responsibility.

"God, can't Pretoria notify us before closing the US embassy?" A young embassy worker whispered while burning.

"So what if we notify, as long as the Americans don't agree, we can't leave the United States—" Another staff member calmed down. He already had a pistol on his body, and if necessary, he would fight to the last moment.

"Honey, Annie hasn't come back yet, what should I do?" Howard's wife panicked. Annie is Howard's daughter. She is studying with Howard in Washington. The school arranged a spring outing yesterday, which will take about two days.

"Don't worry, Anne will be fine—" Howard tried his best to comfort him. He is a husband, a father, and even the southern African ambassador to the United States.

While the embassy was in chaos, a Southern African Marine was communicating with a Washington policeman at the gate of the embassy.

"Are you burning something?" The policeman looked at the chimney above the main building of the embassy with a playful face.

The chimney is a normal thing, almost every household has it, not only the fireplace, but also the kitchen.

"It should be making lunch. You may not know that Chinese food requires a lot of oil. Stir frying, cooking, bright color and delicious taste—" the marine said that there was an obvious swallowing movement at the end, The policeman outside the iron fence door nodded slightly.

This is definitely a subconscious physiological reaction, and it should not be pretended.

In fact, there are Chinese restaurants in Washington, and they are Chinese restaurants opened by southern Africans.

However, these Chinese restaurants are usually expensive, and ordinary Americans cannot afford them. Although the income of the police is not low, there are also gray incomes. Going to a Chinese restaurant for a full meal usually requires a long period of ideological struggle, and then chooses a weekend to dress up Go to Chinese restaurant for dinner.

This is definitely a big deal for normal people.

"I just made coffee, would you like a cup?" A female staff member walked over with a few cups of coffee and smiled.

"Thank you, I just need it." The Marine was not polite, picked up a glass and handed it to the police officer.

The police officer took it over, feeling a little strange, obviously you need it, why give it to me?

But soon the police officer's attention was attracted by the strong aroma of coffee.

Coffee in southern Africa has a long-standing reputation, especially Blue Star Coffee from Nyasaland, which has now become the number one coffee brand in the world.

The quality of coffee is good, and people must know it through commercial operations.

Southern Africa has the largest food processing company in the world, so it is not easy to promote coffee. Both the United States and Southern Africa are the countries with the largest coffee sales in the world.

The southern African embassy in the United States, except for fresh vegetables and fruits, all other materials needed are shipped thousands of miles from the southern African mainland, including frozen beef.

"This coffee tastes really good." The police officer was full of praise, and several police officers around were also attracted by the coffee and came to receive benefits one after another.

Yes, it is welfare. Police officers who often patrol around the southern African embassy in the United States know that if they need it, they can go to the southern African embassy in the United States to ask for a cup of coffee. Sometimes, if they are lucky, there will be snacks.

Southern African snacks are as famous as southern African coffee, waffles, chocolates and the like are simply weak, honey three knives and sesame candy are the eternal gods.

No way, Americans love sweets so much.

And don't forget that this is 1932, and the Great Depression was a few years ago, and the price of sugar is not cheap.

Today, the chef of the embassy was probably in a bad mood, and there were no snacks to accompany the meal, which disappointed the police officers.

But the sweet smiles of young girls also make people feel happy. These guys who don't learn Chinese probably don't know the word "beautiful beauty", but it doesn't prevent them from understanding the essence of the word.

The relaxed and happy time is always very short. Before finishing a cup of coffee, a large group of Americans suddenly rushed towards the southern African embassy in the United States with slogans on the street in the distance.

"Be on alert, be on alert—" The sleepy fat inspector got out of a car on the side of the street. The proportion of fat people in Americans in this era is not shocking.

Rock has too much to say on this question. In his previous life, Rock was a foreign trade dog. American clothing orders often have pants with a length of one meter and a waist circumference of 1.5 meters. If a certain treasure has this kind of pants for sale , then don't doubt it, it is definitely the original order.

The Marines did not need orders. When a large group of Americans was found, the alert level was immediately raised to the highest level.

Before the girl with a silly face could react, she was guarded by a tall marine and sent into the office building. The machine gun shooter on the armored vehicle next to her was ready, and the strange thing was that there was a firefighter The car joins in.

It's not too strange. Speaking of dealing with these ordinary people, water cannons seem to be more suitable weapons than heavy machine guns. The marines are also equipped with tear gas and flash bombs. The purpose is also to disperse the crowd rather than kill them.

As the crowd got closer, the slogans gradually became clearer and audible.

"Only violence can stop violence!"

"Southern Africans get out of America!"

"Down with Southern African imperialism!"

Listening to the noisy and weird slogans, the marines looked at each other, when did southern Africa become imperialist, we are all peace-loving, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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