Chapter 1949 Emergencies
A country that has just withdrawn from the Commonwealth of Nations for a few years, and even the Prime Minister is still the Marquess of the British Empire. In the eyes of the United States, which has been devolved for more than 100 years, it is not imperialism.

The so-called "imperialism" is essentially the transition of capitalism from the stage of free competition to the stage of monopoly, and then imperialism.

Comrade Vladimir has expounded on imperialism. He believes that the economy in the imperialist stage has the following characteristics: the concentration of production and capital is highly developed, monopoly organizations play a decisive role in economic life; banking capital and industrial capital are fused into Financial capital, and financial oligarchy formed on this basis; capital export is of special significance; capitalist international monopoly alliances to carve up the world have also been formed; the largest capitalist powers have completed the division of the world's territory.

Comparing with the above statement, every item in southern Africa is basically consistent, so imperialism is a real hammer.

The U.S. Constitution protects the right of U.S. citizens to peacefully assemble. The U.S. government and the U.S. police cannot interfere as long as the legal rights of others are not hindered or violence occurs.

Therefore, in many cases, on the streets of the United States, it is often seen that the crowd of the assembly and the police who maintain order live in peace.

However, once the crowd at the rally violates the regulations, the police can disperse the crowd in accordance with the law, or directly arrest them.

What I want to explain here is that the southern African embassy in Washington has a small square in front of the embassy. This small square also belongs to the southern African embassy in the United States and is essentially the territory of southern Africa. If the crowd broke into the square without the consent of the embassy, ​​the police on duty would arrest them in accordance with the law.

Many locals in Washington do not know this situation. After all, the Southern African embassy in the United States has always behaved as harmless to humans and animals. The locals in Washington can also freely enter and exit the square without any restrictions. Many Americans even belong to Southern African embassies in the United States. The territory is unknown at all, and other details are even less clear.

The police must be very clear, so before the large group of Americans arrived at the small square, the police put up a cordon around the small square to remind people not to approach.

"What are you doing?" Several young people who had been wandering around the street couldn't help but leaned over and asked.

"Don't make trouble for me, be honest, or I'll put you in the prison and let those Mexicans watch your asses—" The inspector who led the team was rude to these little hooligans, those parades The threat to the Americans is actually not that great. On the contrary, these little hooligans are the real threat.

The U.S. Constitution stipulates that citizens are not allowed to carry weapons when participating in rallies. If they carry them, even if they are not used, the police can shoot and kill them directly.

The concept of weapons here is broad, not even toy guns and water guns.

Therefore, when the Americans at the rally were dispersed by tear gas and water cannons, they could only flee in all directions.

The hooligans are different. These people did not participate in the rally, so even if they carry weapons, as long as the bullets are separated and the guns are not taken out, the police can't do anything to them.

"We're just asking, is this Washington DC? Is this the capital of the United States? Don't Americans even have the right to walk on their own land?" The hooligans are not afraid of the police. The old oil of the palace, the time in prison may be longer than the time of release.

Little hooligans also know how to kidnap morally, and asking questions is especially provocative.

"Go away, or I'll arrest you for obstructing official duties!" The inspector didn't explain, and had nothing to say to these hooligans.

"Okay, okay——" The little hooligan raised his hands and retreated to the opposite side of the street, squatting on the curb, smoking a cigarette and watching the excitement with a sneer, his eyes were stern.

At this time, the crowd of the brigade had come to the cordon set up by the police. The police were still very responsible and lined up in front of the crowd to prevent them from entering the square.

"Are you still Americans?"

"South Africa has closed the US embassy in South Africa. Doesn't Washington have any countermeasures?"

"What are you talking to them about? They're all southern African dogs. Let's rush over together."

The hot-blooded Americans chattered, and it was another round of moral kidnapping.

The policemen were expressionless. Whether Washington wants to retaliate against each other is a matter for Whitehall, and their duty is to carry out their tasks.

Ordinary Americans certainly didn't understand, so there was immediate pushing and shoving, and dozens of strong young men rushed forward in unison, with an imposing manner comparable to football players.

"Calm down, calm down, you can't solve any problems like this, it will only intensify the conflict—" the inspector was holding a loudspeaker and was confiding, when suddenly an egg flew over from the crowd and hit the inspector on the forehead.

White, yellow, and yellow egg liquid dripped down the inspector's forehead, and the inspector looked shocked. This shit should be considered a violent attack on the police, right?
Seeing the inspector's distressed appearance, the melon-eaters who watched the excitement and didn't think it was a big deal felt happy and happy that their revenge had been avenged. The laughter spread like ripples in a pond. Those little hooligans across the street He laughed unscrupulously.

With the support of the police officers nearby, the inspector jumped out of the police car, got back into the car with a look of displeasure, wiped his face and changed his clothes.

This behavior probably inspired the people who eat melons, and the people who eat melons once again launched an attack on the cordon.

A strong young man managed to break through the police line.

But before he could take the next step, two policemen with big arms knocked him down to the ground.

When the young man was handcuffed, he was still struggling desperately. He kicked a policeman's leg hard, and the policeman was kicked to the ground.

Without hesitation, another policeman punched the young man heavily in the stomach, throwing the young man to the ground again.

The young man whose hands were handcuffed lost his balance and fell heavily on the ground face down. His cheeks were scratched by the rough cement floor, and blood immediately overflowed.

"Asshole, you shouldn't treat him like this, he just loves this country, what's wrong?"

"He's bleeding and needs immediate medical attention—"

"My God, the cops are killing—"

When the Americans onlookers criticized, a reporter with a camera suddenly took a photo across the street.

"Catch him and bring back the negatives!" The inspector who had just finished changing his clothes was furious. If this kind of photo was reported as a scandal, readers would not ask about the cause and effect. It's a complete disaster for the police department.

Several police officers tried to rush through the crowd to arrest the reporter, but were immediately blocked by the crowd.

The reporter got what he wanted, put away the camera and disappeared without a trace.

While the inspector was jumping and cursing, suddenly there was a gunshot.

Whether it was the police or the crowd, the first reaction was a little startled when they heard the gunshots, and then they fled in all directions like fried fish.

The police thought someone was taking the opportunity to make trouble.

The crowd thought the police had opened fire.

The police were fairly well-trained, but the Americans who participated in the rally were caught off guard. Women and children suddenly screamed, some even burst into tears, and some elderly people were pushed to be trampled by the crowd, and the scene instantly became chaotic.

The inspector immediately hid behind the car when the shots were fired.

What is ridiculous is that behind the inspector is the southern African embassy in the United States. He actually left his back to the southern Africans and adopted a defensive posture towards the parade crowd.

If this action is published in the newspapers, it will definitely be a bigger scandal.

The preparations of the police at this time came in handy. Several policemen took out the tear gas bombs they had prepared in advance and threw them at the crowd, making the situation more and more chaotic.

At this time, the quality of the Americans can be seen. Those "rugby players" who rushed to the front just now escaped faster than anyone else.

And in the process of fleeing, no matter who stood in front of them, they would push them away.

After a girl holding a national flag was pushed away, she fell heavily on the side of the road, her head hit the curb, and her face was bloody.

A faltering old man was pushed and tried to get up, but was stepped on by a strong man and jumped over. The old man screamed and never got up again.

A little girl in a red dress with a doll in her hand was crying among the panicked crowd. She and her family probably got separated, and no one stopped for him.

The inspector looked at the chaotic situation in front of him at a loss, and this scene seemed familiar.

A few years ago, veterans of World War I gathered near the Capitol in order to fight for retirement money, but they were brutally suppressed by US troops. Under the command of MacArthur, Patton led the armored troops to disperse them with rifles, bayonets and tear gas shells with the cooperation of the Washington police. Veteran, four people died and hundreds were injured in the process.

That is, after this incident, MacArthur was forced to leave the Philippines, and Patton was also forced to leave the army to teach at the Military Academy.

Now this scene seemed familiar again. Thinking of the fate of MacArthur and Patton, the Inspector felt cold all over his body.

At this time, the door of the embassy, ​​which was originally tightly closed, suddenly opened, and more than a dozen marines rushed over.

Isn't this damn messing up!

The inspector was about to speak when he suddenly discovered that the marines were not carrying weapons.

"Do you need our help?" the leading second lieutenant asked.

"What can you do?" The inspector didn't quite understand.

"We've all been trained in emergency treatment, and I thought we could help a little." The lieutenant's smile was as dazzling and charming as golden sunlight piercing through the clouds.

"Great, we really need a little help." The inspector didn't hesitate, the Washington police hadn't been trained in this area.

In order to ensure that the situation will not expand further, the Washington police have made all preparations, except that they have not prepared medical resources.

In terms of responding to emergencies, the Washington police still need to accumulate experience.

(End of this chapter)

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