Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1950 The fate of ignorance

Chapter 1950 The fate of ignorance
Jasmine, who was born in a middle-class family, has always been a good girl.

Jasmine is the kind of "other people's child" that people often say. She has excellent grades, is well-mannered, and has a sweet smile. Everyone likes Jasmine very much.

After the conflict between southern Africa and the United States intensified, Jasmine was influenced by American newspapers, and her dislike for southern Africa was accumulating.

So when classmate Jasmine invited Jasmine to participate in the rally, Jasmine participated without hesitation, hoping to contribute her own strength.

For this parade, Jasmine made meticulous preparations. Not only did she carefully craft a scaled-down American flag, but she also specially put on a blouse with an American flag pattern.

When the chaos broke out, Jasmine and her classmates were dispersed by the crowd, and then Jasmine was pushed down, her head was injured and her face was covered with blood, and Jasmine was immediately carried to the Southern African Embassy in Washington for medical treatment.

This is the first time Jasmine has entered the southern African embassy in Washington.

According to the logic that all Southern African embassies abroad belong to the territory of Southern Africa, then this is the first time Jasmine has gone abroad in her 18 years of life.

People in Washington, have gone abroad, so amazing.

Southern Africans were not as vicious as Jasmine had imagined. Two marines transferred Jasmine to a stretcher and carried her into the embassy. Immediately after that, a beautiful young lady came over to treat Jasmine's wound.

Jasmine couldn't help crying at this time, and she didn't know if it was because of the pain caused by the wound, or because of the injury caused by being abandoned by her companions.

The superficial wound is on the head, but the invisible injury is on the heart.

"Don't worry, your injury is not serious. I will sew it up for you with a thinner thread, and the stitches will be tighter to ensure that you won't even leave a scar after you recover." The young lady thought that Jasmine was worried that her injury was too serious. Permanent scars are left.

For many women, having a permanent scar on the forehead is simply not acceptable.

Jasmine could only blink, but did not dare to nod, for fear of affecting the young lady's stitches.

"You are so young and beautiful, and you have a good recovery ability. You can recover after a period of rest. Are you still in school?" The young lady kept chatting with Jasmine to distract her.

"Yes, I just got the admission letter from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology." Jasmine's voice was trembling. This is something Jasmine should be proud of for the rest of her life.

One of the four great joys in life is being named on the gold list. Americans actually attach great importance to education, and the degree of emphasis is directly proportional to family income.

To put it simply, the richer people pay more attention to education, but the poor have no money to let their children receive better education, so they can only live in public schools that have been criticized in the United States.

Public schools in the United States are not the same as public education systems in southern Africa.

The public education in southern Africa is to improve the education level of the people and cultivate more high-quality talents for southern Africa. Education is also the best opportunity for the poor to get rid of the shackles of class.

Public schools in the United States are herding sheep. The happy education touted by some spiritual Americans is essentially self-entertainment, evading responsibility under the banner of releasing nature. Students grow up in such an atmosphere, and they don’t know whether they are happy or not. , once faced with competition, especially the kind of life-and-death competition, children who receive happiness education will most likely lose out.

Regarding this point, the elite class in the United States is very clear. Therefore, as long as conditions permit, the children of elite families will study in private schools with expensive tuition fees. The daily schedule is as tense as Maotanchang. Indispensable, that is the price of being an elite.

"Wow, you are really great. Few girls choose polytechnic colleges. What is your ideal?" The young lady blurted out her compliments, which is really a good habit.

Praise is not flattery, but an essential skill for good interpersonal relationships.

Some people who don't understand the art of language often blurt out "Why are you so lazy" when they ask for help and are rejected.

This is to point out the face, denying a person directly with one sentence, without even knowing how to offend the person.

There are also some people who are not only unhappy when their friends achieve results, but also feel jealous, and they will inevitably say that I can do it myself.

In fact, they are all wrong, and this mentality is not right. Friends are good, at least they don’t ask you to borrow money.

If your friend is a millionaire, maybe he can give you a hand.

If a friend is the richest man—

Sorry, I don't have friends who are the richest man, so I don't know what it's like.

"I want to be a fashion designer—" Jasmine was very happy, it really felt good to be praised.

"Does MIT also teach fashion design?" The young lady was curious. MIT doesn't know, and Nyasaran Institute of Technology certainly doesn't teach fashion design.

"You're asking about my ideals—" Jasmine was dumbfounded, and she was right. Ideals may not necessarily shine into reality, but they will become the eternal ray of light in life.

"You are so beautiful, you will definitely become an excellent fashion designer." The young lady is ignorant of logic. What does beauty have to do with fashion design?

Looking at the graduation project of a certain college, it is like a crowd of demons dancing wildly.

At this time, the lady finally finished sewing.

Finally, she carefully cleaned up the blood on Jasmine's face with a cotton ball, wrapped the wound with gauze after applying the medicine, and handed Jasmine a glass of milk, which was really considerate.

It was only then that Jasmine noticed that the lobby of the embassy office building had turned into an emergency center. Not only were ordinary Americans receiving assistance, but also the two Washington policemen who had been injured in the conflict just now. The Marines were doing cardiopulmonary resuscitation for an old man who fell into a coma, and the wounded were still being carried in, and the air was filled with tension.

"Little friend, do you remember your mother's name?" On the chair next to it, a smiling Marine was asking a little girl. The little girl was sitting on the chair obediently, holding an ice cream in her hand, with The tear stains have been wiped clean.

In the corner on the other side, a military doctor wearing a marine uniform and a white coat is operating on a person with a head injury. Next to him is an embassy staff member in a white shirt as his assistant. The blood was shocking, but the staff didn't notice it at all.

"Is my injury serious? Will I die?" A young man kept asking, his injury should not be serious, after all, he was full of energy.

"Well, you can live for at least 50 years—" the serious-looking marines were serious, and the young man laughed through his tears.

"Fuck off, I don't need your help, you bloody southern Africans—" There's also a jarring scene where a boy, who appears to be badly wounded, is still struggling as he's carried into the hall.

Jasmine was very curious, wondering how the marines would treat this guy who didn't know what to do or what to do.

Southern Africans will never disappoint. An officer wearing the rank of second lieutenant had an indifferent expression and pointed out the door calmly.

The two marines who were carrying the young man carried them away immediately, and the young man who was emotional just now was dumbfounded.

At this time, I still dare to shout, I really think that the southern Africans are all saints.

Jasmine subconsciously grabbed the milk in her hand, she was really worried about the young man's body.

The young man's leg was twisted at an abnormal angle. It must have been broken. If he didn't get timely help, he probably wouldn't be able to fully recover.

"No way, our capabilities are limited, and our resources are also limited—" The young lady's expression didn't fluctuate.

"Doctor, isn't it your bounden duty to save lives and heal the wounded?" Jasmine seriously discussed this issue.

"Yes, but we are not doctors, we are soldiers!" The young lady was calm and calm. The duty of a soldier is to obey orders.

Jasmine stopped talking, she was sensitively aware that when others needed help, the marines would indeed provide help within their ability, but only within their ability.

Molly believed that if the injured were southern Africans, the Marines would do what they could.

But the southern Africans will not repay their kindness like this.

Taking a rest in the hall, Jasmine was about to leave the embassy.

The young lady kindly asked Jasmine if she needed to send a car. If necessary, the embassy would call a taxi for Jasmine.

While waiting for the taxi, Jasmine noticed that the young man who was still proud just now was wailing loudly beside the square.

There were police officers on duty nearby, but no one looked at the young man.

"Please help me, I'm an American—" I don't know if the young man regrets it now, the voice is quite miserable.

"Wait, we've already called the hospital for you. You'd better inform your family to prepare a check, and cash is also fine." The policeman looked at the young man with a slightly mocking look. Hospitals in the United States are not cheap.

The medical system in the United States is also divided into public and private. Most hospitals are of good standard, but there are also problems of shortage of medical resources.

Public medical resources are in short supply no matter what time of year. Although the cost is relatively low, an appointment is required for medical treatment.

Doctors in the United States are members of the upper class, and their daily working hours are fixed, and the number of patients they receive is also fixed. When the off-duty time comes, even if there are tens of thousands of people queuing behind, they must leave work on time.

I won't discuss whether the condition is urgent or not here. I really can't wait to go to an expensive private hospital.

Private hospitals only accept money, as long as they have money, they can provide comprehensive medical services at any time.

But if there is no money, private hospitals are not charities, they are commercial enterprises for profit.

"I don't have a family, please send me to a public hospital." The young man had a runny nose and tears, looking miserable.

"I'm calling the public hospital for you. As for when the car will come to pick you up, it depends on God's will." The policeman looked indifferent. This kind of thing happened to the police a lot, and it happened every day.

(End of this chapter)

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