Chapter 1956 Life Threat
When the Michigan Army launched an attack on Rio, Jones and 65 other detained Southern African embassy staff in Brazil were held in a hotel next to the port of Rio.

Except for a military attache who was injured when the staff of the embassy was detained, the other staff were not injured. The attitude of the Americans towards the staff of the embassy is still good. Except that they cannot leave the hotel, the staff of the embassy are free to stay in the hotel Activity.

The first time he was detained, Jones expressed the strongest protest just like Hopman, the US ambassador to Brazil.

Hopman expressed his sincere apology for the rough behavior of the US military and explained why the US military who did it acted abnormally.

A relative of that American soldier was accidentally killed in a conflict on the US-Canada border, so that American soldier suddenly lost control.

Jones does not accept this explanation. The conflict on the US-Canada border has nothing to do with southern Africa, and the US soldier should not blame the staff of the southern African embassy in Brazil.

"Jones, can't we be honest by now? Don't say you don't know that the home port of the Atlantic Fleet is in Halifax. If there is no support from southern Africa, Canada has now become a vassal of the United States." Since working in the embassy After the personnel were detained, Hopman would come to Jones every day, hoping that Jones could send a telegram to Pretoria to cool down the whole situation.

"This is the true face of you Americans. You want to do all the bad things and take all the good things. There is no such good thing in the world." Jones roared. There is a reason why Americans are generally discriminated against by European countries.

"It's not the same for you in southern Africa. You already own the Pilbara in Australia and the entire Persian Gulf, but you still reach out to South America. You have crossed the line!" Hopman also shouted, there is no room for national interests to compromise.

"The Pilbara and the Persian Gulf were acquired by companies in southern Africa through legal means, not by robbery like you. If you have the ability, your American companies should also buy them. No one is stopping you!" Jones has absolute morality Height, don't Americans like to talk about "corporate business behavior" the most, why is there no commercial freedom now?

"Iron Sijiao's purchase of the Mizhou mining area at a low price is also a robbery of Hongguoguo!" Hopman pulled Jones into the water. Everyone's moral standards are similar, and no one should say anything.

The two glared angrily, and neither could convince the other.

At this time, Jones' secretary brought coffee over, and the embarrassing scene was finally broken.

"To be honest, we don't want to see things develop to this point." Hopman was frustrated, and blamed the U.S.-Pakistan coalition forces for not being up to date, otherwise Hopman would not have to be humble.

"Oh——" Jones sneered and didn't answer. The Mississippi Army had already invaded Rio, and the sound of guns and guns could be heard clearly. The port was crowded with panicked people who wanted to leave Rio. Dollars, wherever you want, as long as you can leave Rio.

"Washington will not give up Brazil, and your actions will only lead to further expansion of the war." Hopman was still threatening Jones at this time.

"Extend to expand. We never advocate war, except for peace." Jones quoted US President Ulysses Grant, a sentence that Hopman should be familiar with.

"Look, we have the same culture, we have similar backgrounds, why can't we coexist peacefully in Brazil?" Hopman has lowered his requirements, knowing that Hopman has always insisted that southern African companies withdraw from Brazil.

"How to coexist peacefully and transfer the interests that belong to southern African enterprises to the US government free of charge? How much can you be satisfied with? You can start a war, but it is not up to you to decide when the war will end." Jones does not make concessions. In exchange for the Americans' insatiable progress.

American thinking is difficult for many people to understand.

Normally, negotiations are all about making concessions, the so-called art of compromise.

The domestic situation in the United States is complicated, and the contradictions between the two parties are serious, and they cannot reach an agreement. Therefore, Americans often show serious inconsistencies, just like a patient with severe mental illness, referred to as neuropathy.

Dealing with such a country cannot be compromised. The current ruling party in the United States is the Democratic Party. Although there are many factions within the Democratic Party, the overall foreign policy of the Democratic Party is tougher, and it is more inclined to use military force to solve problems. It advocates the expansion of the United States and emphasizes the priority of American interests.

Compared with the Democratic Party, the Republican Party is actually not much better, but because the Democratic Party is more inclined to expansion, the Republican Party is more inclined to isolationism.

In fact, at its heart, whatever the Democratic Party supports, the Republican Party opposes.

If the US Democratic Party turns to isolationism tomorrow, then the Republican Party will start advocating the Monroe Doctrine.

Anyway, all kinds of naysayers are holding back.

It is reflected in the specific actions of the US government. The US-Pakistan coalition forces are fighting fiercely in Brazil and South America, and the calls for peace in the United States are getting louder and louder.

At this time, if southern Africa thinks that there is still a possibility of peace, so it should make appropriate concessions to the United States, then the federal government of southern Africa will be fooled, and the Americans have never thought so.

Whether it is war or peace, the United States wants to take advantage of it, and it takes as much as it can.

"We can pay for it—" Hopman thought he saw a turning point, and his eyes lit up.

"Use dollars to buy or buy with rand?" Jones blocked it at once. The dollar has been untied from gold, and Washington can print as much as it wants.

"We can discuss this issue." Hopman is cunning, so we can talk slowly.

"There is no negotiation! Don't think that I don't know that you are at the end of the road. The Michigan Army has already invaded Rio, and the government's rule in Brazil has collapsed. You have completely lost!" Jones laughed loudly, the same sentence, on the battlefield If you don't get something, you can never get it on the negotiating table.

"Yes, we lost completely, but you don't even want to win!" Hopman looked at him, Hong Guoguo's threat was hideous.

This is a threat to the safety of Jones and other embassy staff.

The meaning is also obvious, as long as the Americans intentionally create some security loopholes, the Americans do not need to do anything, and the safety of all embassy staff will be fatally threatened.

"You can try, if you dare to do that, you will definitely pay a hundred times the price, all my colleagues and I are ready to sacrifice, Pretoria will avenge us, you better do it Get ready to paint the White House again!" Jones was not afraid of threats, and the last sentence directly untied the scars of the Americans.

Washington was occupied and the White House was burned, which can be regarded as a great shame that can never be erased from the hearts of all Americans.

"Okay, very good!" Hopman left angrily, and suddenly froze on the spot when he opened the door.

The door was crowded with southern African embassy staff in Brazil.

The closest to the door was Sam Clare, the embassy attache who had been wounded by American soldiers.

Beside Sam Clare, all the embassy staff were glaring at Hopman, and several young and strong embassy staff had already clenched their fists.

The sound insulation of this hotel is not very good. It is estimated that the quarrel between Hopman and Jones just now was clearly heard by the staff of the embassy outside the door.

Only then did Hopman realize that he had just issued a death threat to Jones.

And now he's facing death threats.

Just a word from Jones is needed at this time, and Hopman will definitely not be able to leave this room.

"Get out of the way, let him go—" Jones didn't lose his mind, and he didn't mean to hold Hopman as a hostage. If the Americans wanted to kill people, it would be useless to hold Hopman.

The staff expressed their attitudes with silence, without arguing or giving way.

Sam Clare looked at Hopman with angry eyes, his hands were tightly clenched together, his veins were exposed, the blood vessels on his forehead were twitching, his eyes were red, and he wanted to tear Hopman alive.

"Sam——" Jones called out his name, his business was decisive, and his eyes were strong and powerful.

"You bastard, you're lucky!" Sam Claire gritted his teeth, but he didn't lose his mind at this time.

Hopman didn't dare to respond, didn't even dare to move, and didn't dare to wipe the sweat from his forehead into the corners of his eyes.

Sam Clare stepped aside.

The others stepped aside, leaving only a narrow passage for Hopman to leave.

This must have been the hardest road Hopman has ever traveled in his life.

Without speaking, Jones took the initiative to walk in front of Hopman and sent Hopman to the elevator.

After Hopman stepped into the elevator, he looked back at Jones.

In the dark corridor, there is a group of dark people.

It is amazing that the eyes of this group of people seem to be shining, like a ray of light in the dark, illuminating the whole world.

The next moment, Hopman lowered his head sadly, he couldn't face these gazes directly, and felt that the ulterior things in the darkest corners of his heart could not be hidden in such gazes.

For a moment, Hopman felt ashamed as if he had appeared naked at a party.

When the elevator came to the lobby on the first floor, several marines on duty were leaning against the front desk and chatting with the young and beautiful waiter. Maybe the marines were very attractive, or maybe they were better at talking. Zuijiao laughed endlessly.

Seeing Hopman, the marines didn't restrain themselves. One marine seemed to be very hungry and thirsty. He walked into the service desk and hugged the waitress. The other marines not only did not stop them, but laughed Cheering and cheering, ghosts were crying and wolves were howling.

In the rest area next to it, several marines were sleeping soundly on the sofa. The clear and audible sound of guns did not disturb their dreams. There was a mess of food and wine bottles piled up on the coffee table in the middle. There are also a few used family planning supplies——

Hopman once again clearly realized that the U.S. military could not win this war.

ps: The third update is here, I will do what I say, and I am full of morals——

(End of this chapter)

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