Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1957 "X" Division

Chapter 1957 "X" Division

When Hopman walked out of the hotel, Neil Scott was using a telescope to observe the hotel in a private house diagonally opposite the hotel.

Neil Scott was the operations chief of Division "X," a division of Brad's office that specialized in foreign operations.

According to the division of labor between Brad and the umbrella, Brad is on the inside and the umbrella is on the outside.

As Brad and Umbrella's business became wider and wider, and their reputation became more and more famous, they gradually began to be valued by the intelligence agencies of various countries, so there was "X".

Neil Scott is familiar with the situation of the hotel. About one company of government troops is in charge of the outside of the hotel, and about one squadron of US Marines is in charge of the hotel. Probably the Americans think that a group of diplomats are incapable of escaping from Rio , The defense inside and outside the hotel is very lax. The only thing to worry about is the port defense force. Once the operation starts, if it cannot evacuate within 5 minutes, the operation will face failure.

5 minutes.

To break through the defenses of the government forces and the US military, evacuate all 66 staff from the hotel, and also throw off the enemy and withdraw from Rio smoothly requires a careful plan.

"How's the situation?" Nicholas, the deputy team leader, came over with two cups of coffee. The two of them had been in the house for three full days.

"The American ambassador to Brazil, Hopman, just left the hotel. His face is very ugly, and he seems to have gotten nothing." Neil took the coffee casually, and sat on the chair next to him to rest.

Nicholas took over Neil's work, picked up the binoculars and continued to observe: "At least that shows that the person is still alive—"

"Heh—" Neil chuckled. There is a high probability that the Americans would not dare to do anything to Jones and the others. It is precisely based on this judgment that Neil is still looking for opportunities, otherwise "X" would have done it long ago.

"We have to find a way to sneak into the hotel and get in touch with Ambassador Jones." Nicholas had a headache. Although the hotel's defenses were lax, "X" didn't dare to act rashly, for fear of making a fool of himself.

"Can you get some uniforms of the US Marine Corps?" Neil was also thinking of a way, since he couldn't wait for an opportunity, he would actively create one.

"I'll find a way—" Nicholas took the initiative, his Western European face was still very confusing.

It is not to confuse Americans, as long as it is useful in front of Brazilians.

During this period of time, Nicholas pretended to be an American, and he was almost invincible in Rio. As an agent, he was very familiar with doing these things.

Nicholas was still very efficient. Not only did he get several sets of US Marine Corps uniforms, but he also got a car with the US Marine Corps logo.

When it comes to cars, Americans are still a little immature now. There is no sticker on the body, which is very different from the military cars in southern Africa.

The front windshield of the cars of the southern African military is covered with various colorful stickers.

This is not for the sake of personality, many stickers have special meanings, even if people who don't know what's inside get a car, they can easily get out of the way.

The same is true for Brad's office. Agents are better at these low-cost but effective tricks. Once in Pretoria, someone drove a car pretending to be a staff member of Brad's office. get.

The Americans were woefully inexperienced in this area, and with uniforms and cars, Neil and Nicholas elaborated a plan of action.

This plan requires the cooperation of the Michigan Army.

After attacking Rio de Janeiro, the MI Army made rapid progress, and now a small half of Rio de Janeiro is under the control of the MI Army.

In two days at most, the Michigan Army will attack near the pier, and the Americans will definitely transfer the staff of the embassy to other areas, which will give Neil and Nicholas a chance.

Facts have proved that the offensive speed of the Michigan Army is faster than Neil and Nicholas imagined.

In the afternoon of the next day, the forward troops of the Michigan Army were less than one kilometer away from the port. In the evening, the battleship "Maryland" of the US Navy docked in Rio bombarded Rio in order to prevent the attack of the Michigan Army.

In the previous phase of the battle, the "Maryland" and "Lexington" had been in the water near Victoria.

After the Michigan Army voluntarily abandoned Victoria, the "Maryland" came to Rio to cooperate with the US Marine Corps in combat. This was the first time the "Maryland" participated in combat since it was built.

In addition to the 406 main guns on the "Maryland", 12 127mm high-level dual-purpose guns were installed. The life of the main guns is limited.

Even so, the "Maryland" still caused great trouble to the attacking Mississippi Army. The killing radius of the 127mm gun can reach about 25 meters. will suffer great damage.

"Where is our plane?" In a house about one kilometer from the port, Karl and Anthony huddled together and shivered.

Facing the brutal naval guns, no one soldier can compete no matter how powerful they are. Now Karl's ears are buzzing, his head hurts, he can't even stand up, and his condition is very bad.

Anthony was even worse. His ears and nose were bleeding. He was lying motionless on the ground, and his life and death were unknown.

Compared with those more unlucky guys, Karl and Anthony are already very lucky. They cannot feel the power of naval guns without being on the scene. Although the killing radius of the 127mm gun is only 25 meters on the surface, the shrapnel actually flies 50 meters In addition, it can still cause fatal injuries to people.

What's more, compared with shrapnel, the shock caused by the explosion is more harmful to people. Many people don't even have a wound on the surface of the body. In fact, the internal organs are almost shattered, and the clothes will be taken away by the shock. Very miserable.

Carl and Anthony are both veterans with rich experience. When they heard the sound of shells flying over, they subconsciously made the most correct response, so they escaped unharmed. Others were not so lucky.

Now Karl is definitely not in the mood to count the losses. What he cares about now is Anthony.

"Cough cough cough—what the hell, this time it really killed me—" Anthony sounded fine, still full of breath.

"American warships joined the battle, where are our planes?" Karl finally realized the cruelty of asymmetrical warfare. Many soldiers lost their lives without knowing what happened, and their lives were like nothing on the bloody battlefield.

"Bah bah bah——" Anthony spat desperately. During the brief coma just now, Anthony's mouth was full of dirt.

The "Maryland" has not yet undergone large-scale modernization. The "Maryland" will not undergo the first modification until after the Pearl Harbor incident. Therefore, the aircraft of the Mississippi Army can pose a huge threat to the "Maryland".

Of course, the damage caused by a single plane to the "Maryland" is limited. Unless a dozen or dozens of planes board together, it is possible to keep the "Maryland" in Rio forever.

However, if we do that, I am afraid that a full-scale war will really break out between southern Africa and the United States.

Anthony wasn't in the mood to answer Karl's question. After spitting for a long time, he didn't feel like he could spit it out. He took the water bottle from Karl's waist and took a big gulp.

"Fuck, what's in your fucking jug is wine—" Anthony yelled, and the word "also" was used well.

"Hahahaha——" Carl laughed wildly, what is alcohol, and there are psychotropic drugs in Carl's backpack, which are all standard equipment nowadays.

You may not believe it, most drugs were originally developed for the purpose of being used by troops, so that soldiers can be fearless on the battlefield and unleash their full potential.

So it's not just the Mizhou army, but also the armies of European and American countries. If they want to explode the small universe, they all rely on drugs.

Southern Africa has very strict control over psychotropic drugs. Compared with the huge side effects, the Ministry of National Defense of Southern Africa is more willing to improve the combat effectiveness of troops through equipment. Umbrella companies have lower requirements in this regard. After all, many mercenaries of umbrella companies, themselves It is the veterans of European countries.

At this time, the shelling had ended, and the block where Karl was located had been completely destroyed, not even a single complete house remained.

Wails could be heard vaguely, and it was unclear whether it was wounded soldiers or civilians.

A big tree on the side of the road was ignited by a shell and was burning. At the bottom of the huge crater under the tree, the wheels of a children's bicycle were twisted into twists, and the little red flowers on the front of the car were in dilapidated condition.

A soldier of the Mississippi Army staggered out of the ruins and was shot down by a sniper in the distance before he could figure out the situation.

Now the snipers of the U.S. Marine Corps have also learned from the snipers of the Michigan Army. When they hit people, they don’t hit the fatal parts, and they also try to "surround the spot to fight for aid."

The Mizhou Army had been prepared for a long time. Two smoke bombs were thrown over, and the sniper's sight was blocked. When the smoke cleared, the wounded soldiers had been carried away.

Carl finally found his whistle and blew hard to assemble the troops.

The result made Karl very sad. Before the bombardment, there were nearly 100 troops led by Karl, but now there are less than 20 left, and almost everyone is injured.

At this stage of the battle, Karl's troops have lost their ability to attack.

But Karl can't retreat yet, and Karl's troops can't retreat until other troops come to take over.

As night fell, two off-road vehicles of the US Marine Corps and two trucks came to the hotel to transfer the staff of the Southern African Embassy in Brazil to other places.

"We have more than 60 people, how can a truck fit it?" Jones tried his best to delay the time. He still didn't know where the Americans were going to take them.

"Stop talking nonsense, everyone get in the car!" The US military officer leading the team yelled. The Mississippi Army was advancing in the dark. In the deep night sky, tracer bullets flew across the sky from time to time. The sky in the distance flickered, and the gunshots were like firecrackers. The same is connected into one piece, just like hell.

"Get in the car—" Jones gritted his teeth, still looking around when he got in the car.

Jones knew his men must be nearby, but he didn't know where.

(End of this chapter)

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