Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1959 They are all on the verge of death and keep probing

Chapter 1959 They are all on the verge of death and keep probing

As southern African embassy staff in Brazil flee Rio de Janeiro, divisions within the United States are growing.

On the issue of dealing with southern Africa, Americans have different positions. Some advocate being tough on southern Africa, some advocate sitting down and negotiating, and some repeatedly jump sideways and sit on the fence.

But regardless of which faction, they all agree that launching a war is more conducive to the recovery of the US economy.

The economic crisis is far away, but the US economy has not fully recovered, and it is far from the peak period before the outbreak of the economic crisis.

This is actually normal. During the economic crisis, southern Africa was not greatly affected. American companies went bankrupt on a large scale. When struggling in the economic crisis, southern African companies were attacking cities, and many markets of American companies were taken away by southern African companies.

Once the market is robbed, it will be difficult to regain it.

The United States still has strong industrial strength. However, due to limited demand, factories are seriously underoperated, which has led to a serious lack of vitality in the U.S. economy. The New York Times judged that the U.S. economy will remain in a long-term downturn.

Launching a war at this time is obviously conducive to stimulating the recovery of the US economy.

Moreover, the opponent in southern Africa is also good, strong enough, and far away from the mainland of the United States. It is unlikely that the flames of war will reach the mainland of the United States, so Washington's attitude is so tough.

For this situation, Roosevelt Jr. was deeply worried.

War can indeed stimulate the economy.

However, when the losses caused by the war reach a certain level, it will have huge side effects on the entire country. This side effect may be so serious that it will cause the United States to collapse. There are too many such examples in history.

As for the Olympics—

Roosevelt Jr. did not use the Olympics as a criterion for making any decisions.

To put it bluntly, this is a game, and Roosevelt Jr. doesn't care at all.

"What we have to consider now is how to control the scale of the war. The Atlantic Fleet in Southern Africa has not participated in the war. If we sink the aircraft carrier or battleship in Southern Africa, will it lead to a full-scale war between us and Southern Africa? "Roosevelt Jr. was very worried. Southern Africa is not Brazil, so be careful.

Following the "Lexington" aircraft carrier and the "Maryland" battleship, the United States transferred the "Mississippi", "Pennsylvania", and "Nevada" battleships to Brazil to maintain its absolute advantage over the Southern African Atlantic Fleet.

The Southern African Atlantic Fleet now has only one "Basutoland" aircraft carrier left. The rest are heavy cruisers, light cruisers, and destroyers. The number of submarines is unknown.

However, the Atlantic Fleet also has a large aviation unit, and Halifax has more than 500 fighters stationed there.

This attitude is obvious. Southern Africa has been shouting all day that its core interests are in the Indian Ocean, so why is there such a large-scale aviation force deployed in Halifax?
Obviously it's for America.

"Yes, if we do that, there will almost certainly be a full-scale war." Hurley pushed others, and if the US battleship was sunk, the US government would not let it go.

At that time, the scale of the war cannot be controlled by the US government. Even if the US government does not want to fight, it will be kidnapped by the raging public opinion and will have to launch an all-out war with southern Africa.

"Then we should avoid this situation. In any case, we must control the scale of the war within a certain range. We need the war to stimulate economic recovery, rather than being led into the abyss by the war." Roosevelt Jr. is rational, and his only prayer now is Yes, Rock can also maintain a tacit understanding with him.

Rock is also sensible, so when the "Shark" asked whether to attack the battleship "Maryland", Rock decisively vetoed it.

"Why? Sink the 'Maryland' and see how arrogant the Americans are!" Stoudemire yelled wildly, and there were also a group of militants in southern Africa.

"Are you stupid? The United States has 18 battleships, and you can sink them all one by one?" Henry laughed mercilessly. War can stimulate the economic recovery of the United States, and it can also stimulate the economic development of southern Africa at a faster speed.

Just now, the Southern African Congress passed an emergency budget to build more warships and buy more tanks.

The super battleships in southern Africa have been shouting for several years, but the keel is laid down to be aircraft carriers. Only then did the countries realize that they were tricked by southern Africa.

The same is true for the armored units. Although the "Tiger" tanks have been installed, the number is seriously insufficient, and even the production of "Leopard" tanks is seriously insufficient. In the territory of nearly ten million square kilometers in southern Africa, only two armored divisions are obviously not enough. Congress passed After this emergency budget, Rock plans to increase the number of armored units to six divisions, so as to meet the current needs.

The southern African stalls are too large, and six divisions are actually not enough.

The mainland needs at least two divisions to ensure the safety of the mainland. If there is no accident, the mainland is still the Northern Division of Rhodesia and the First Armored Division. These two troops are Dinghai Shenzhen.

With the upgrading of equipment, oil is becoming more and more important. Port Elizabeth is the lifeline of southern Africa. At least one armored division must be stationed in order to keep the situation under control.

The same is true for the Changi Naval Base. The Japanese are ready to move, and the Americans are at both ends. Rock predicts that the Changi Naval Base will deploy at least one armored division, and then supplemented by a brigade of marines, in order to guarantee the Changi Naval Base. safety.

Thinking about it this way, there is Halifax, 500 fighters seem to be very powerful, but if the Americans launch a ground attack, they will not be able to withstand it without armored forces.

Come to think of it, Cyprus and Saint Roque—

In short, there are pits everywhere.

With so many orders, Henry was so happy that he almost flew up.

Although the ore of the Iron Square was affected by the war, the iron ore in the Pilbara region is still being shipped to southern Africa in a steady stream. Whether it is to build warships or tanks, a lot of steel is needed. At the same time, southern Africa is still undergoing large-scale infrastructure construction. The dozen or so dams and reservoirs have not yet been completed, and the construction period is calculated in units of "ten years", so roll up your sleeves and work hard, as much steel and cement as you want, the more the better.

"Don't even say sinking one by one, sinking a 'Maryland', the Americans will go crazy—" Yang Smother was slightly afraid, but fortunately the commander of the "Shark" hadn't lost his mind, otherwise now Rock You can sign the mobilization order.

"When will we build a real battleship?" Martin wailed, looking at Maryland at [-], and Normandy at [-], he was getting more and more disgusted.

The reason has been mentioned earlier, it’s not that “Normandy” is bad, but now “Normandy” is the most suitable battleship for southern Africa.

But who can refuse the temptation of a super battleship?
"Wait a little longer, don't worry, there will definitely be super battleships." Rock still appeased, the navy is now complaining, and at the same time, it is really fragrant, and it is also a split personality.

Complaining because no new battleships entered service.

It is really fragrant because of the four "island" class battleships still on the berth. The "island" class battleship has a full load displacement of 28000 tons, carries 130 fighter jets, and has a crew of about 4000 people. Once commissioned, it will be the most powerful aircraft carrier in the world. .

The key is the berth.

The berths that can build super warships are limited. Southern Africa now has a total of 12 berths that can build super warships, all of which are in use.

In another time and space, during World War II in the United States, the number of slipways that could build aircraft carriers exceeded [-].

This is why the United States in another time and space can serve dumplings during World War II.

Southern Africa is also building more berths. Not only are warships getting bigger and bigger, but civilian ships are also getting bigger and bigger. Nyasaland Ocean Shipping Company has begun to design [-]-ton oil tankers. The expected demand very big.

In addition to oil tankers, cargo ships and cruise ships are also getting bigger and bigger. After the end of World War I, Stoudemire towed the last Normandy-class battleship back to southern Africa and transformed it into a unique private yacht in the world. This guy is still on the yacht. The main gun was installed. Although the main gun is welded to death, it looks like it can't be used, but this is crazy enough.

Now this super yacht named "Cecil Rhodes" by Stoudemire is parked in Whale Bay. special.

"Battleship or aircraft carrier?" Martin was worried. A super battleship could be a battleship or an aircraft carrier.

"All—" Rock nodded, and Martin was very satisfied.

As long as you have it, to be honest, Southern Africa is not short of this money now. Aircraft carriers plus carrier-based aircraft are more expensive than battleships, so they are still built one after another.

"If you can't attack the 'Maryland', then the Brazilian battleships can always fight—" Stoudemire did not give up, and the Brazilian Navy also has battleships.

Martin suddenly cheered up, and his brows were beating.

"It should be fine—" Henry was uncertain, looking at Rock.

"We can try it. Starting with the Brazilian destroyer, we need to determine the bottom line of the Americans." Rock also has no bottom line now. He fought the Brazilian destroyer. If the Americans didn't respond, they would fight the Brazilian battleship.

If the Brazilian battleship was hit, the Americans still did not respond.

Then you can try the American destroyer.

"Do you want to withdraw the 'Basutoland' from Victoria?" Martin first made preparations for an all-out war with the Americans, and did not give the Americans a chance to sink the "Basutoland".

"Let's withdraw. The people in Kitchener should also withdraw in batches. Don't give the Americans a chance to accidentally injure them." Rock knows the virtues of the Americans too well. Southern Africa is constantly testing the bottom line of the Americans, and the United States is also constantly testing the south. Bottom line for Africa.

From the detention of embassy staff to the shelling of Rio, it is actually a trial.

Southern Africa responded strongly one by one.

So far it's a draw.

ps: I just found out that chapter 1800 has been reached——Scattering Flowers, Scattering Flowers——Water reaches a new height——

(End of this chapter)

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