Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1960 Close the door

Chapter 1960 Close the door

Knowing that Los Angeles had started to organize the Friendship Games, Coubertin and Latour finally couldn't bear it anymore and came directly to Los Angeles from Lausanne, Switzerland, hoping that the Nyasaland State Government and the Los Angeles City Government would change course.

The speed at which Los Angeles organized the Friendship Games was much faster than Coubertin and Latour imagined.

As mentioned earlier, the basic conditions in Los Angeles are very good. To hold the Friendship Games, there is no need to build a stadium, and the existing ones can be used.

Even the athlete village does not need to be built. Christian is the largest real estate developer in southern Africa. Since Los Angeles is the economic center and industrial center of southern Africa, it must be the top priority of real estate development. Knowing that Los Angeles is going to hold After the Friendship Games, Christian directly changed the name of a community that had been built but not yet opened for sale, and then it became the Athletes Village.

"Changing the residential area into an athlete's village not only meets the needs of the Friendship Games, but also helps the state and city governments solve problems. After the Friendship Games is over, these houses can be sold directly, and the price can be increased a lot, but we There is no need to do that, remember our mission, we want to provide infinitely close to perfect services for southern Africans.” Christian took his eldest son, Christian Jr., to teach him, and Christian hoped that Christian Jr. could take over him smoothly business empire.

The companies under Christian's name are not much less than the companies under Rock's name. From the earliest construction company to the later human resources company and resource exploration company, Christian, relying on his loyalty to Rock, forced these humble companies to Small businesses are made to the size of multinational corporations.

Southern Africa has very strict requirements for real estate. This industry is closely related to the happiness of southern Africans. Only those with real strength are qualified to play real estate.

Another space-time real estate developer's game of empty glove white wolf can't be played in southern Africa. Unless you have enough strength, you don't have the qualifications to participate in the game at all.

Even if you are qualified to participate, you don’t even think about selling off-plan properties, high turnover, and mortgage loans in southern Africa. After ensuring the quality is completed on time, you have to pass the review of relevant functional departments, and the quality can only be listed for sale.

"Last time in Pretoria, the sales of some athletes' villages were not good." Christian Jr. was a little worried. It was a lesson learned.

"So we can't let those African-American athletes live in the athlete's village—" Christian has already had countermeasures, and discrimination in southern Africa has always been practiced.

After the Pretoria Olympics, the floors where some African-American athletes lived were met with cold reception and had to be sold at a reduced price. It took more than a year for them to be sold out.

In fact, it is not just African-American athletes. Some European and American athletes go too far. They do not flush the toilet after going to the toilet, spit, litter, defecate indiscriminately, and even destroy public property. After athletes from a certain country left the Olympic Village , The room was dirty like a dump, the cleaning staff had nowhere to go, the glass was broken, the electrical switches were violently damaged, the curtains were torn down to polish shoes, there were cigarette burns everywhere on the carpet and sheets, and there was even vomiting on the sofa things.

This is what athletes who claim to be a civilized society do. When the Congo Kingdom and the Republic of Congo teams leave the Olympic Village, they at least clean the room clean. The quality of athletes in some countries is just like shit Like cattle.

"Build a row of wooden houses for those African-American athletes by the river, and all of them will be demolished after the Friendship Games is over, so as not to affect the sales of houses." Christian has been prepared for a long time, and southern African wooden houses can be regarded as characteristic buildings, whether it is Easy to build or dismantle.

Architecture is Christian's old business. The current wooden houses are not only in various styles, but also colorful and bright, and can also be adjusted according to the needs of users. Southern Africa and surrounding countries are rich in wood, and wooden houses have long been out of southern Africa. It is sold in Europe and America and is very popular.

"Our place is a bit far from some venues." Little Christian is studying hard, and his current position is the assistant to the president.

"That just allows athletes to appreciate the scenery of Los Angeles. The state government hopes to recommend Los Angeles to the world through the Friendship Games. This requires the efforts of all of us." Money is just a number for Christian now, and the inheritance of wealth Wisdom is needed. Christian's wealth code is to hug Rock's thigh tightly. In the generation of little Christian, as long as little Christian doesn't die, the Christian family can prosper forever.

Little Christian has a good relationship with Gavin. Gavin's laboratory was sponsored by little Christian. Although Gavin himself is not short of money, Gavin did not refuse Little Christian's sponsorship.

This is also wisdom.

When Christian and his father inspected the athletes' village, Coubertin and Latour were shut down by the Nyasaland state government.

When Coubertin and Latour got off the plane, they went straight to the Nyasaland state government to ask Anton to see him, hoping that Anton would change his mind.

Unexpectedly, Anton was so shameless that he didn't see Coubertin and Latour at all, which made Coubertin and Latour fully aware of Nyasaland's toughness.

When Los Angeles hoped to host the [-]th Olympic Games, the Olympic Committee handed over the right to host the [-]th Olympic Games to Los Angeles in order to promote the influence of the Olympic Games.

Now that times have changed, and the Olympic Committee took the initiative to come to the door, it is normal for Anton to ignore Coubertin and Latour, after all, Anton is also very busy.

"Sorry, if you want to see His Excellency the Governor, please make an appointment with the Governor's office." The state government staff said politely, but there was a mockery in the smile on their faces.

"I am the current chairman of the Olympic Committee, and this is Sir Coubertin, the founder of the Olympic Games. Can you let me use your phone?" Latour's pleading was a little ostentatious.

"Sorry, this is our internal phone, you can't use it." The sarcasm on the staff's face was even thicker, titles are not uncommon in Nyasaland, and Anton was once a baron of the British Empire.

"Let's go, Latour, let's think of other ways—" Coubertin didn't want to make Latour stay ashamed, and the Nyasaland State Government made it clear that it would not give face, and it would be useless to ask.

Leaving the state government, neither Coubertin nor Latour wanted to talk.

Both of them are a little confused now, not knowing who to go to.

For other countries, it is a good way to go to the Olympic Committee.

There used to be an Olympic Committee in Los Angeles, but after Los Angeles failed to compete for the Olympics, the Olympic Committee was disbanded.

Nyasaland has a sports department, and the Southern African Football Federation is in Los Angeles, but the Southern African Football Federation does not even buy FIFA's account, and the Olympic Committee is even more out of reach.

Looking for Rock?
I'm sorry, Anton doesn't give face, and Roque doesn't give it. There are not many people who are qualified to call Roque directly, and Coubertin and Latour are definitely not included.

As for the Southern African Olympic Committee, it would be nice if they could coordinate a car for Coubertin and Latour.

"What should we do now?" Coubertin and Latour were gloomy in the coffee shop of the Rhodesia Hotel.

"What does Malan say?" Coubertin pinned his hopes on Malan, after all, Malan is from southern Africa.

"Because of Los Angeles, Malan has resentment toward us—" Latour also had great opinions on Malan, and he, the chairman of the Olympic Committee, was almost dismissed by Malan.

"Now it seems that our original decision was really ill-considered—" Coubertin bitterly, finally admitted that it was a mistake to hand over the Olympic Games to Los Angeles.

It's a pity that there is no regret medicine to take.

At this time, the conversation between the two people next to him caught Coubertin's attention.

"During the Pretoria Olympic Games, the average sponsor qualification was only 150 million rand. Only a few years later, the sponsor fee reached 450 million rand, which has tripled. What the hell are people crazy now? I don’t know if I can make so much money back.” A guy in a T-shirt complained.

"450 million rand is good enough to qualify as a sponsor. Just wait and see the cost of the car sponsor. It must be more than 1000 million." The man in the white shirt was also complaining. Did the sponsorship fees received add up to 1000 million rand now?

Southern Africa is indeed rich.

"I heard that the Friendship Games has sent an invitation to London, and London has agreed to send a delegation to participate, so what about the Los Angeles Olympics?"

Southern Africa's call to boycott the Los Angeles Olympics has been echoed by several countries.

Leaving aside the countries of the Southern African Union, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and India within the Commonwealth of Nations all responded to Southern Africa’s call by not participating in the Los Angeles Olympics, and sending their teams that were originally planning to participate in the Olympics to Southern Africa to participate in the Friendship Games.

Not many European countries responded to Southern Africa's call. The United Kingdom and France were the representatives. Both of them agreed to send a representative team to participate in the Los Angeles Friendship Games, but they would also send a representative team to participate in the Los Angeles Olympics.

"London will definitely not give up on the Los Angeles Olympics, but the focus must be different, so the degree of excitement must be different. I have information from a London travel agency. After Los Angeles decided to hold the friendly games, many Londoners who have signed up to go to Los Angeles to watch the Olympics People have left the group and went to southern Africa to watch the Los Angeles Friendship Games." The T-shirts were well-informed, but Coubertin didn't even know about this.

"Are there any interesting places in Los Angeles?" Bai Shirt had no prejudice against the United States, but after thinking about it for a long time, he couldn't think of any interesting places in Los Angeles.

The limelight of Hollywood in this time and space has been taken away by Nyasaran Star City.

I'm sorry, the NBA has not been seen yet, but a professional basketball league is being established in southern Africa, and it is expected to be launched next year.

(End of this chapter)

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