Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1969 MacArthur's Fangs

Chapter 1969 MacArthur's Fangs

On July 7, before the "Statue of Liberty" arrived at Walvis Bay, newspapers in southern Africa began to hype the atrocities committed by the US military in Brazil.

I don’t know when the southern African media began to write about the dark side of the United States intentionally or unintentionally, from the massacre of Indians during the westward movement of the United States to the pandemic influenza brought to Europe by the United States during World War I. During the economic crisis, American farmers would rather pour milk into the river than give alms to those in need. The image of the United States in southern Africa has fallen to the bottom.

If we talk about the previous propaganda, the southern Africans still watch and eat melons with the mentality of watching the excitement,
So since the outbreak of the economic crisis, what the United States has done in Brazil has completely angered southern Africans.

Although the fact-finding investigation of Macaé by the League of Nations investigation team has not yet ended, almost all southern Africans believe that the Macaé massacre was created by the Brazilian military government with the support of the United States behind the scenes.

Because the Americans have a criminal record!

This is not the first time the United States has opened fire on civilian ships!

Although every time the Americans end up in disgrace, the southern Africans are still filled with righteous indignation. Why can Americans be so domineering all over the world?

Why can't civilian ships in Southern Africa sail in public waters?
Why hasn't the Federal Government of Southern Africa launched a war against the United States so far?
That's right, the reason why Southern Africa wants to create a victim image is to conform to public opinion at an appropriate time.

Everything has to pay attention to a teacher who is famous.

On July 7, Yang Smotz summoned the US ambassador to South Africa, Stimson again, and expressed the strongest protest to Stimson.

"I don't know if the 'Resolution' fired on the 'Statue of Liberty', I only know that the 'Statue of Liberty' is safe and sailing to Walvis Bay, but the 'Resolution' has sunk to the bottom of the water, Washington is dealing with this matter Conduct investigations, and you don’t have to go out of your way to present yourself as a victim, if Southern Africa didn’t participate deeply in the war, why would the Brazilians have submarines?” Stimson was also furious, Southern Africa was a victim every time, but every time he was caught All the sunk ships belonged to the US-Pakistan coalition forces. Who is the victim?
"How the hell do I know how the Brazilians have submarines? Also, how do you know about the situation? Do you still have a way to contact Washington?" Yang Smozi was curious. The US embassy had been closed, and the embassy staff also They are all under house arrest, and it is said that they have no ability to communicate with the outside world.

"Don't you ever read newspapers?" Stimson roared angrily. Yang Smother was astonished, it turned out that there really was an "inner ghost".

Of course, this cannot be blamed on newspaper editors and media people in southern Africa, who have no bottom line in mocking the United States. It coincides with the oolong explosion of the ammunition depot of the US Navy warship.

"You should be grateful for the ammunition depot of the 'Resolution', otherwise what is waiting to meet you will be the wrath of [-] million southern Africans!" When Yang Smotz mentioned the number of [-] million, he was really ambitious .

Just now, the total population of southern Africa exceeded 1406 million, reaching [-] million.

This number is still slightly small for the United States, whose population exceeded 3000 million last year.

However, we must know that there were less than 30 million people in southern Africa 200 years ago. In such a comparison, the population growth rate of southern Africa cannot be described as "explosive growth", and it should be "fission growth".

Corresponding to the population is the economy. Last year, the economic growth rate of southern Africa was 6.5%, and this year it may be around [-]%. Although the growth rate has slowed down, considering the economic foundation of southern Africa, the absolute growth rate Still tops all countries.

"What's the difference between now and a real declaration of war? Can you guys be more sincere and stop being so hypocritical!" Stimson's eyes were full of disgust, which probably meant that although the United States is a real villain, your southern Africans are hypocrites. Not going anywhere.

"Declaration of war! Hehe, okay, I will give you a chance now to go back to Washington to discuss with President Roosevelt Jr. If you want to declare war, then declare war!" Yang Smotz took the initiative to release people, but always detained them It's not a problem.

"Really?" Stimson was surprised.

"Really!" Yang Smozi said decisively.

Later, the federal government of Southern Africa announced the recall of the southern African ambassador to the United States, and at the same time repatriated all the staff of the US embassy in South Africa.

The recall of ambassadors is often considered a precursor to a declaration of war.

Of course not necessarily, sometimes this is also one of the diplomatic means, expressing attitudes by recalling ambassadors.

When the news reached Washington, Whitehall was tense.

Since the Brazilian military government moved the capital, Roosevelt Jr. has been under tremendous pressure.

War is indeed the best way to divert domestic conflicts, but the premise is that the war can be won. If it cannot be won, domestic conflicts will not only not be alleviated, but new problems will arise instead.

Even the U.S. media now have to admit that the Brazilian military government is an idiot that cannot be supported. In the early stage, when it had the upper hand, the Brazilian military government was forced to move the capital by the Michigan Army. Occupying almost the entire elite area of ​​Brazil, the military government was driven to St. Louis, so does the military government still have the ability to make a comeback?

I'm afraid it will be difficult.

Almost all of Brazil's best areas are in the southeast. Rio, Sao Paulo, Mi, and Sao together account for more than 60.00% of Brazil's total population and economic output.

The several states that are still under the control of the military government do not need to be compared with the state of Mizhou, even the state of Sao Paulo. Why does the military government make a comeback?
Just now, the state of Sao Paulo announced its support for the new Brazilian government and supported Vargas as president of the new government.

After the Mississippi Army occupied Rio, the US-Pakistan coalition forces retreated across the board from Rio.

Now the Victorian Michigan Army has also begun to counterattack the U.S.-Pakistan coalition forces. The defense line of the U.S.-Pakistan coalition forces is crumbling. George Marshall has no ability to turn the tide. He sent three telegrams to Washington within two days, hoping that Washington can send more troops to Brazil.

"General Marshall definitely has the ability. The reason why he has reached this point today is mainly because the situation in Brazil is too complicated and there is not enough time for General Michel—" Hurley felt as if he had eaten a fly, Gritting the bullet and defending George Marshall.

Otherwise, so what? George Marshall was appointed by Hurley. If George Marshall was not capable enough, would Hurley, the Minister of War, or MacArthur, the Chief of Staff, be sent to Brazil.

If it is Hurley or MacArthur, let alone whether they can successfully defeat the Mississippi Army—no, it should be the new government army now. Even if they can be defeated, there is no honor for Hurley and MacArthur.

In other words, it's normal if you win, but if you lose——

Then there is really no way out.

"Let's not talk about Brazil now. Southern Africa has decided to recall the ambassador. What should we do?" Roosevelt Jr. looked haggard. Only now did he truly understand the pain of being the president of the United States.

The president of the United States has never been the ruler of the United States, but only the spokesperson of power launched by relevant interest groups.

When he first became President of the United States, Roosevelt Jr. won an approval rate of more than 80.00% in the United States by virtue of his outstanding performance in responding to the economic crisis.

How to put it, 80.00% is really good, but because of the lack of reference data, this number is not so amazing.

The United States has only just begun to conduct support statistics this year.

In contrast, Roque served as the Prime Minister of Southern Africa, and his approval rate has not been lower than 80.00% since the first day. After Pretoria successfully hosted the Olympic Games, Roque's approval rate reached an astonishing 90.00%.

So in the past few years, although the prime ministers of southern Africa were also elected, Roque’s foundation in southern Africa cannot be shaken. In the last general election in southern Africa, the other two candidates both withdrew on the eve of the general election. Time is cited as a good story.

The pain of the American president lies in the constraints on power.

Roosevelt Jr. himself did not support targeting the Iron Four Corners from the very beginning.

Before the Iron Square was discovered, there was no American steel company complaining about the insufficient grade of iron ore in the United States, and the United States still became the country with the highest steel production in the world.

If it is not the Southern African companies that discovered the Iron Square, but the American steel companies discovered the Iron Square, then there is no doubt that Roosevelt Jr. will do his best to protect the interests of the American steel companies.

Now that the U.S. steel companies are trying to forcibly plunder the interests of the Iron Four Corners, is the federal government of Southern Africa easy to provoke?

Live it!

So Roosevelt Jr. had sadness in his eyes, as well as a hint of unnoticed pleasure.

Capital, after all, has to pay the price for its own greed.

"Southern Africa refused to sit down with us to negotiate. We have expressed goodwill to Southern Africa through Krupp, but we have not received the response we deserve." Secretary of State Hull's expression was serious. When Southern Africa refused to negotiate, Hull realized Big trouble.

"If we were southern Africans, we would not agree." Roosevelt Jr. was not angry, because Americans lack the empathy of empathy.

"We can only do our best to win the war now, otherwise we will lose everything." MacArthur's attitude was firm. From the Philippines to Brazil, MacArthur felt more and more deeply about the threat of southern Africa.

"Then how should we go all out, and carry out a national mobilization for Brazil?" The disappointment on Roosevelt Jr.'s face flashed away, and everyone knew that we should go all out, even if we let nature take its course, it should be after going all out Face it calmly, instead of lying down and doing nothing.

"It's not impossible!" MacArthur, the wolf, really showed his fangs.

(End of this chapter)

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