Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1970 A New Era of the League of Nations

Chapter 1970 A New Era of the League of Nations
With MacArthur's arrogance, it is entirely possible for him to do this kind of thing. He is the kind of person who will do everything for victory.

Roosevelt Jr. would certainly not gamble on the future of the United States for Brazil. Brazil is very important, but not so important that the United States needs to mobilize the whole country. The most urgent problem in front of us now is southern Africa. Contradictions, Brazil's problems are naturally solved.

While the White House was meeting, the southern African embassy in the United States was undergoing final cleaning.

The important documents have almost been burned, and the personal belongings of the embassy staff have also been packed. After the staff evacuate, the embassy will be closed, but as a territory in southern Africa, the embassy will still retain some staff to take care of the maintenance of the embassy.

The relationship between southern Africa and the United States cannot continue to be bad. Recalling each other's ambassadors is just a diplomatic means, and the embassies will reopen sooner or later.

"Tonight, we will load all the valuables that are inconvenient to take away to Luoying Lake. The embassy will only keep the most basic living facilities. If everything goes well, we will leave the United States within 48 hours." Chen Qi is in charge of the entire evacuation Action, the relationship between southern Africa and the United States has deteriorated to this point, but Rock's private property in the United States has not been affected in the slightest.

There are quite a lot of valuables in the embassy. There are 12 Lord cars just for daily use. These are all Lord cars with the highest configuration. The more expensive, there is a market for this limited-sale Lord car in the second-hand classic car collection market.

For the Lord car, the method adopted by Nyasaran is also hunger sales.

After all, it is currently the most high-end car in the world, and some rich people flock to it.

Nyasaran Motors will review the identity and qualifications of customers. Simply being rich is not enough, and the social status must be high enough to be eligible to buy Lord cars.

Human nature is like this. The more difficult it is to buy a Lord's car, the more people want to buy a Lord's car. When a car becomes a symbol of identity and status, a car is a business card that can walk.

"Is the lord's manor in Luoying Lake not closed?" Captain Isaiah was a little curious.

"How is it possible? The manor at Luoying Lake is the Lord's private property." Chen Qi was actually surprised. Americans shouted that private property is sacred and inviolable all day long. Chen Qi also thought that Americans were just talking, but he didn't expect this sentence Sometimes it's really useful.

It may not be useful to others, but it is definitely useful to Rock.

But this is also normal. Every time Rock came to the United States before, he stayed in the manor by Luoying Lake.

Not only Rock has private property in the United States, but those tycoons in the United States also have private property in southern Africa.

So whether public or private is private, let’s stay as a human being so that we can meet in the future.

"Oh, the Americans still have a bottom line!" Isaiah sneered. The US government hunted geese all day long, and sometimes they were blinded by geese.

According to the habits of the Americans, the Americans should get involved in the Brazilian Civil War when the Brazilian military government and the state capital of Mizhou are both defeated. This is in the best interest of the United States.

It is a pity that the state capital of Michigan has the support of southern Africa. If the United States does not get involved as soon as possible, then the military government will be overthrown without the support of the United States, so the United States has to intervene in advance.

Then the battle was fought like this.

If the world war is not counted, the last time the United States took the initiative to attack was the Spanish-American War that broke out at the end of the last century. That time, the United States won a complete victory.

This time the future is uncertain.

In addition to cars, there are also some artworks that need to be transferred to Luoying Lake, including calligraphy and paintings by famous artists, rare antiques, and so many "handicrafts" that Southern Africa has collected from all over the world over the years, which cannot be placed in museums. The oil paintings on the corridors of the US embassy are all authentic works, not imitations. It would be very distressing if they were stolen.

When the convoy left the embassy, ​​the policemen on duty on the road in front of the embassy had mixed eyes.

In fact, the relationship between the embassy staff and the police has always been very good. After all, this is a job for them, and there is no deep hatred. The two largest immigrant countries in the world waged a war for iron ore in a strange third country. , which actually sounds pretty stupid.

"Do you need our help?" The inspector leading the team took the initiative to ask. If necessary, the inspector may send a car to clear the way for the convoy.

"Thank you, but no need, we will leave the United States soon, Tom, it's a pleasure to meet you, I hope you can go to southern Africa one day, I will buy you a beer." Isaiah was dissatisfied with the US government, and told the police The relationship is not bad.

"That's it. I'll definitely go if I have the chance." Tom happily clapped Isaiah's hands and moved the roadblock.

Just as Tom was saying goodbye to Isaiah, Edward was on the phone with Louis, the French ambassador to the United States.

Louis' purpose is the same as that of Krupp, hoping that southern Africa can sit down and talk with the United States. The French will not give up until the last moment.

After the world war, especially in recent years, France has not been active in international affairs.

This has a lot to do with the situation in France. During the First World War, France fought so badly that it has not recovered yet. This can also explain why France performed so strangely in World War II.

After the outbreak of World War II, France only resisted for more than a month before surrendering, and then de Gaulle went to England to establish Free France, insisted on not recognizing Vichy France led by Pétain, and continued to fight against Germany.

In this way, the problem arises. Free France does not recognize Vichy France, and Vichy France does not recognize Free France. The two sides belong to different camps. In this way, no matter which side wins the war, France is the ultimate winner.

What is especially excessive is that when Pétain tried de Gaulle in absentia in Vichy France, he signed an amnesty decree to acquit de Gaulle.

After the victory of the Allied forces, de Gaulle also signed an amnesty to pardon Pétain when he tried Pétain.

This is how France staged Infernal Affairs in front of everyone in the world.

"In the previous negotiations, the federal government of southern Africa and southern African companies have made huge concessions, but that did not satisfy the US government and US companies. They are not for freedom and democracy at all, they are purely for the interests of Hongguoguo, and they are greedy. And shameless, Washington's actions have completely betrayed the true meaning of free trade, and we have lost the basis for negotiations with Washington." Edward knew that the phone might be tapped, but it didn't matter, Edward just wanted to have a good time before leaving Washington To scold the Americans.

"War is cruel after all. Soldiers mourn and die, civilians are displaced, and the harm caused to people will be difficult to heal for the rest of their lives. Why not choose a more peaceful way to deal with conflicts. Washington is now willing to return to the League of Nations. This is a good signal." Louis has a clear attitude. France must not be able to reach out to Brazil, but if there is a chance, France also wants to try.

It is also good for the lobbyists to make peace, put the meat in the refrigerator, the quality of the meat will not be lost, and there will be a layer of oil on your hands.

Local steel companies in France also need high-quality iron ore.

After the end of the World War, France brazenly sent troops to occupy the Ruhr area of ​​Germany in order to cut off the hope of Germany's resurgence.

Since then, France has repeated many times. It was not until the London Naval Conference that France had to completely withdraw from the Ruhr area, thus losing its suppression of Germany.

With regard to the United Kingdom, France has remained vigilant.

The "Continental Balance Policy" of the United Kingdom is too disgusting, especially for France. As long as Britain does not abandon the "Continental Balance Policy", it is impossible for France to maintain its suppression of Germany.

The emergence of Southern Africa provided France with an opportunity to change the status quo. In order to forcibly pull Southern Africa into European affairs, France did not hesitate to send Saint Rocque to Southern Africa, and did not care when the Atlantic Fleet in Southern Africa entered Saint Rocco. It is to bind the interests of France with southern Africa.

France has so generously given Saint-Roch to Southern Africa. If World War II breaks out, Southern Africa can't ignore Germany's attack on France.

Especially since Saint-Roch is so close to the Franco-Belgian border.

As mentioned earlier, the French Maginot Line does not include the French-Belgian border.

This brought huge hidden dangers to France's security. Of course, Paris also knew that the French-Belgian border was the biggest loophole in the Maginot Line. Unfortunately, Paris could not make up for it because of the friendship between France and Belgium.

"Then wait until the United States joins the League of Nations." Edward did not completely close the door to negotiations. It doesn't matter what the Americans say, but what the Americans do.

Regarding the situation in Brazil, the Americans are indeed a bit powerless.

On August [-], the United States officially joined the League of Nations. On the same day, the League of Nations lifted the sanctions against the United States.

In Geneva, Switzerland, Hoover, the U.S. plenipotentiary to the League of Nations, visited Sean Ferguson, Secretary General of the Executive Council of the League of Nations, after arriving in Geneva.

Roosevelt Jr. chose Hoover as the plenipotentiary representative of the United States to the League of Nations. The main reason was the personal relationship between Hoover and Rock.

Roosevelt Jr. didn't know why the personal relationship between Hoover and Rock was so good, otherwise, Roosevelt Jr. should have been more cautious.

During Hoover's presidency, the relationship between the United States and southern Africa was good. Everyone in the League of Nations was a colleague. Sean Ferguson was very enthusiastic about Hoover and highly praised the significance of the United States joining the League of Nations.

The League of Nations had only four permanent members from day one, the last one being reserved for the United States.

Now that the United States has joined the League of Nations and directly became a permanent member of the League of Nations, the League of Nations has finally opened a new era.

Also on this day, the Los Angeles Friendship Games and the Los Angeles Olympic Games opened at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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