Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1971 Don't even want to give up

Chapter 1971 Don't even want to give up

The League of Nations without the United States is an incomplete League of Nations. From the first day of the League of Nations, Britain and France tried every means to hope that the United States would join the League of Nations. Unfortunately, they all failed. Now they finally got their wish. From this perspective, Sean Ferguson It did what Britain and France failed to do.

In fact, the United States has nothing to do. The sanctions imposed on the United States by the League of Nations cannot actually make the United States submit. The United States can still maintain economic growth with its huge domestic market and South American market, not to mention the supplement of the Japanese market.

The problem is still Brazil.

After the Mississippi Army regained Rio, Southern Africa has been refusing to sit down and negotiate with the United States, which has put the United States in a dilemma.

According to the American vision, southern Africa and the United States are engaged in a tacit proxy war in Brazil, and the target of the competition is limited to the Iron Square Mine.

The current development of the war has far exceeded the expectations of the United States. Not only has the United States failed to expand the results of the war, but it has also lost the results of the previous negotiations, and it is even more likely to lose Brazil and even the hegemony of the entire South American region. This caught the United States by surprise.

"So Washington needs a chance to end the war decently, but is unwilling to pay any price. How is this possible—" Sean Ferguson smiled. From the perspective of southern Africa, the American request is insatiable.

But from the standpoint of the United States, this is justified.

"The United States has paid a heavy price. Thousands of Marines were killed, more than 2 were injured, and hundreds of millions of dollars in war expenses. This is the most painful loss for the United States after the World War. It is time to end all of this." The United States. The Marine Corps didn't live up to it, and Hoover couldn't help it, otherwise Hoover wouldn't be so humble.

The loss of the United States is actually more than that.

Although the sanctions imposed by the League of Nations on the United States cannot hurt the muscles and bones, the United States has suffered huge losses because of this. The European market obtained since the outbreak of the World War has almost been lost, and the gains from the German market cannot be made up at all.

The Olympic Games and the Friendship Games held at the same time dealt a heavy blow to the international image of the United States.

A total of 46 countries sent delegations to the Pretoria Olympic Games. Four years later, in Los Angeles, only 38 countries were left to participate, and many countries sent second teams, which made the excitement of the Olympic Games plummet.

London's practice of sending two teams at the same time has set a bad example for other countries. For many countries, Southern Africa cannot afford to be offended, and the Americans cannot be easily offended.

Therefore, sending two representative teams to participate in the Olympic Games and the Friendship Games at the same time has become the choice of many countries.

The same is true for Canada and Australia. Although these two immediately supported Los Angeles to host the Friendship Games, they still have to be consistent with the United Kingdom on this issue.

It's just that what the Americans didn't expect was that Canada's approach was closer to humiliating the United States.

Canada sent a delegation of more than 150 people to participate in the Los Angeles Friendship Games. The delegation to the Los Angeles Olympic Games only had 16 people, and there were 14 officials among them. There were only two poor athletes who participated in shooting and swimming respectively.

Australia is similar, with obvious differences in treatment. Many countries have not sent delegations to participate in the Los Angeles Olympics, and their attitudes are very clear.

This is the first time in the 40 years since the Olympic Games have been boycotted and targeted on such a large scale.

But now the U.S. government is definitely not in the mood to pay attention to the Olympics. If the Brazilian civil war is not done well, it will become the Battle of Waterloo in the United States. This is a battle of national destiny. The United States has not yet surrendered.

"Is Washington willing to give up its privileges in Brazil?" Sean Ferguson tested the bottom line of the US government.

"What does this have to do with the privileges of the United States in Brazil? The issue we are discussing is the Iron Four Corners." Hoover avoided talking about it. If the United States is willing to give up Brazil, it can just pat its ass and leave, so what is there to talk about .

"Of course it has something to do with it. You shouldn't naively think that the new Brazilian government, like the previous military government, will accept Washington's arbitrary manipulation." Sean Ferguson's face turned cold, and now even if he wants to talk, The new government must also get involved, otherwise it won't sound good if it spreads.

Some of the practices of the Allied Powers at the Paris Peace Conference are still frowned upon by some countries. It is no longer feasible for a few major countries to decide the fate of most countries behind closed doors.

While Sean Ferguson and Hoover were trying to make contact, Rock and Vargas were at the opening ceremony of the L.A. Goodwill Games.

Vargas arrived in Walvis Bay a week ago. In order to increase his understanding of southern Africa, Vargas stopped and stopped all the way, and did not arrive in Los Angeles until the night before yesterday.

This journey opened Vargas's horizons. Not to mention the elite areas of the three central states, even the remote areas in southern Africa are developing very well, which surprised Vargas very much.

In particular, the large-scale water conservancy projects on the Zambezi River and the Orange River simply shocked Vargas. Probably only southern Africa in the world has the ability to do so, and Brazil also has this demand.

Brazil is also rich in water resources. The Amazon River is 6751 kilometers long and runs across the northwest of Brazil. And waterfalls, rich in water resources; the San Francisco River system is 390 kilometers long, flowing through the arid northeast, and is the main source of irrigation water in the region.

Brazil has 18% of the world's fresh water, with a per capita fresh water possession of 2.9 cubic meters and a hydropower reserve of 1.43 million kilowatts per year.

2.9 million!
In the 21st century, the per capita freshwater possession of one of the largest developing countries is only 2300 cubic meters, which is less than one-tenth of that of Brazil.

Oh, I forgot, the above 2.9 is the 21 in the 2.9st century. If Brazil is now 3500 million people, then Brazil's per capita fresh water possession is 17.4 cubic meters.

Southern Africa is also considered to be vast and rich in resources, but it is not as good as Brazil in terms of per capita fresh water possession.

So Vargas was very envious when he saw the water conservancy projects in southern Africa. When he met Rock, Vargas euphemistically expressed his request, hoping that southern Africa could give Brazil more help in water conservancy projects.

It's not just water conservancy projects. The gap between Brazil and southern Africa is all-round, and there are many places that need help.

Compared with the last Pretoria Olympic Games, the number of countries participating in the Los Angeles Friendship Games reached 49, and almost all countries sent delegations, even including Russia.

This also fully proves the yearning of people all over the world for peace.

With the experience of many large-scale multi-sports games, the opening ceremony of the Friendship Games is of course perfect in every way. The city of Los Angeles is indeed a big deal, hardening the ground of the entire stadium, and replacing it with the latest materials. Wait until the football match When laying a layer of artificial turf, this is the reasonable use of sports facilities.

Umbrella Corporation and Iron Four Corners are also going all out for this Friendship Games. The Brazilian delegation to participate in the Friendship Games consists of 127 people, including 65 athletes, who will participate in 7 major events and 25 minor events.

When the Brazilian delegation entered the arena, the loudspeaker played the Brazilian national anthem as usual. Roque and Vargas both stood up and applauded. Vargas took the initiative to shake hands with Roque to express his gratitude to Roque.

"The athletes seem to be in good spirits—" Rock complimented casually. He really didn't know the identity of the members of the Brazilian delegation.

Rock would no longer ask about such trivial matters.

"Oh, thank you—" Vargas was a little embarrassed, and he didn't explain in detail, after all, it really didn't sound good to say it.

In fact, if you don’t explain it, few people can see it. On the contrary, because of the strict discipline and neat formation of the Brazilian delegation, it is completely eye-catching.

The athletes sent by the Umbrella Company are all mercenaries. No matter how loose the discipline of the mercenaries, the formation is still good. The orderly and fearful demeanor of the soldiers is always impressive.

Although the costumes for the opening ceremony provided by Iron Four Corners to the Brazilian delegation were not those well-known designers, they were also custom-made costumes produced by Eternal Company, and the temperament was good.

"I hope you can achieve good results in the Friendship Games. The new Brazilian government needs some good results to improve national self-confidence." Roque sincerely wishes that although southern Africa is not the only theory of gold medals, it is undeniable that gold medals must be special. Still works for a while.

"The new government is still facing many difficulties. We have not completely expelled the invaders from Brazil, and the remnants of the military government are still entrenched in Sao Luis. We need to end the war as soon as possible, and then transfer our energy to the construction of the national economy." Vargas There are still ideals. The success in southern Africa has given Vargas great confidence.

Rock nodded and said nothing. Now is not the time to talk about this. If there is anything else, we can talk about it after the opening ceremony is over.

In the evening, the Nyasaland State Government and the Los Angeles City Government held a celebratory dinner at the Rhodesia Hotel. Vargas hoped to find an opportunity to have a good chat with Rock.

It's a pity that Roque's time is too short. There are a lot of leaders from various countries participating in the Friendship Games. Everyone wants to deepen their relationship with Roque. Vargas didn't get the opportunity to be alone with Roque.

Fortunately, Rock will stay in Los Angeles for a few more days. The next morning, Vargas was taken to Eagle Fort. Rock deliberately spared an hour to chat with Vargas about the situation in Brazil.

"I can understand your feelings and the Brazilians' longing for a better life, but you have to be prepared, this is a difficult road full of thorns, you have to make unimaginable efforts, and there may not be rewards. "Rock invited Vargas to take a walk in the garden of Eagle Castle. There was not even an interpreter next to him. Vargas' English was not bad, and communication was no problem.

"I'm ready, no matter what difficulties I face, I will never give up." Vargas vowed. The difficulty he understood was probably not the same as the difficulty that Rock said.

(End of this chapter)

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