Chapter 1972
Brazil has the foundation to become a developed country, but the difficulty for Brazil to become a developed country is much higher than that of southern Africa.

The United States will not allow a second developed country to appear in the Americas, and the same is true for Brazil. Brazil has been invaded by France, the Netherlands, and Portugal in history. If Brazil becomes a developed country, will it retaliate against the above-mentioned countries?
There is no such hidden danger in southern Africa. Don’t forget that southern Africa was originally a British colony, and then gradually became a dominion, a member of the Commonwealth, and finally became independent from the Commonwealth. The interference of the United States, coupled with the free ride of the First World War, has led to what is now Southern Africa.

Oh, and one more important reason is that Brazil is seriously underpopulated. 3500 million people seem like a lot, but in fact most of them are uneducated and live in scattered places. There are not even a few decent cities in the country. Roque estimates At the end of its development, Brazil is at most like Australia, relying on export resources to become a "pseudo-developed country".

This must also be under the premise that Brazil controls the population.

The population growth rate of Australia in recent years has also been very fast. When the World War broke out, Australia had only 550 million people, and now it has exceeded 800 million. Most of the new immigrants are from southern Africa.

"Brazil is rich in resources, relying on export resources, and can obtain huge profits in a short period of time, but it is not enough to make Brazil a developed country. If you want to become a developed country, you still need to base yourself on domestic manufacturing, strengthen the education of the people, rectify the administration of officials, and train A loyal and powerful armed force—” Roque still hopes that Brazil can have a certain strength, at least it can create a certain threat to the United States.

"Yes, after returning to Rio de Janeiro, I'm going to do this." Vargas' expression was solemn, and Roque said it easily, but it was easier said than done.

The rise of southern Africa is based on the Rand gold mine, and many problems can be easily solved with money.

Although Brazil is rich in resources, it is a pity that they are not controlled by the government, but in the hands of capitalists and landlords.

Moreover, the contradiction between the local government and the federal government in Brazil is serious, and the power of the local government is too great, which has already affected the federal government.

Brazil has a tradition of military intervention in politics in recent years. The domestic political situation is unstable, the quality of Brazilians is not good, there are too many Africans in the country, and they like to relax and hate work. How to mobilize the enthusiasm of these people is the biggest problem facing the new government.

All in all, there is nothing to do, unless Vargas initiates a top-down reform, or a revolution, otherwise the old vested interests will become the biggest obstacle to Vargas.

Rock can't help Vargas much in this regard, and the problems in southern Africa are actually very prominent, but because of the rapid development of southern Africa, the contradictions are temporarily covered up.

Speaking of which, this is another story of a boy who slays a dragon and eventually becomes a dragon. The current vested interest class in southern Africa is centered on the Transvaal, Nyasaland, and Rhodesia. When the economy is growing rapidly, everyone’s Interests can be guaranteed and the situation can be maintained.

When the economy develops to a certain level, the growth rate will definitely slow down. At that time, it will depend on the adjustment ability of the federal government.

"I expect Brazil to become a strong country. Because of the friendship between our two countries, southern Africa will provide support to Brazil within its capacity." Roque encouraged Vargas. As long as Vargas is determined, Brazil still has hope .

"Thank you, Lord, Brazil will always be the best friend in Southern Africa—" Vargas sincerely said, it's hard to say what the future will be like, at least for now, Brazil must rely on Southern Africa to resist the invasion of the United States.

While Vargas was trying to win help from Southern Africa in Los Angeles, the Michigan Army was launching a counterattack on the front line of Victoria.

Now Victoria has become the last stronghold of the U.S.-Pakistan coalition forces in southeastern Brazil. George Marshall stationed heavily in Victoria, and there are powerful US battleships on the sea to help out. It is not easy to retake Victoria.

After regaining Rio, Qinling shifted the attack focus from Rio to Victoria. When the US-Pakistan coalition forces tried to attack Belo Horizonte, it was almost impossible to move. The railway could not be used at all. George Marshall had to order the U.S. Air Force to attempt to blow up the Belo Horizonte to Victoria railroad.

It is not easy to achieve this. The attack focus of the Mississippi Army has shifted, and the air force has also shifted from Rio to the direction of Victoria. The pressure on the US military in Victoria suddenly increased.

At Victoria Airport, several U.S. military pilots are studying tactics. They will drive the "Cerberus" to launch an air strike on Belo Horizonte in two hours.

Squadron leader Mitchell is a New Yorker. He was temporarily appointed after he came to Brazil. The former squadron leader was killed in an air battle a week ago. The plane was blown up in the air, and the body has not been recovered yet.

"So gentlemen, don't skydive unless necessary. We have lost control around Victoria. If you jump into enemy-occupied territory, then you'd better beg God to bless you." Mitchell was slightly pessimistic.

The pilots didn't speak, they were all stressed.

In the previous stage of operations, the "Cerberus" has been proved to be inferior to the "Strong Wind" equipped by the Mizhou Army in terms of performance.

When the Mississippi Army launched a general attack on Rio, U.S. pilots encountered a more advanced "gale wind" over Rio.

The result is regrettable. In the air battle in which the "Gust" participated in the battle, the record of the American pilots was [-] to [-].

It was also the largest air battle since the outbreak of the Brazilian Civil War.

"That is to say, our mission this time is a narrow escape—" the cowboy Mike from Texas sneered, not knowing the meaning of such a mission.

"Not necessarily, if we are lucky, maybe the air battle will not break out." Mitchell is also confused, this possibility is too low.

"Cerberus" does not fly as fast as "Strong Wind", does not fly as high as "Strong Wind", is not as flexible as "Strong Wind", and the quality of US military pilots is not as good as that of southern African pilots.

In this case, the air strike on Belo Horizonte is not a narrow escape, or a ten death.

"Then I have to hurry up and learn a few words of Chinese to avoid the language barrier when I surrender." Mike said bluntly. There are some gossips among the pilots. It is said that the American pilots captured by the Mississippi Army were treated well, at least they were not abused.

"Mike, remember your identity, you are the glorious American Air Force—" Mitchell was very angry, such words were too serious a blow to morale.

"Yes, I am the glorious American Air Force, not some damn cannon fodder!" Mike was also angry. The command issued this kind of combat mission to let the pilots die.

Southern African pilots are merciless to American pilots in air combat.

The southern African pilots who came to Brazil in the early days still had some inexperience problems, and the two sides could still fight back and forth.

With the passage of time, the pilots in southern Africa became more and more experienced, and the number of aircraft increased. The U.S.-Pakistan coalition navy blocked the coastline of Brazil, but the Michigan Army continued to obtain aircraft, which is very puzzling.

In fact, the answer is very simple. There are always loopholes in the so-called "blockade" of the US-Pakistan coalition forces. The Brazilian coastline is 7400 kilometers long, and it is impossible to completely block it. Sometimes weapons transportation is even carried out in government-controlled areas. The Michigan Army only needs to pay a little. At a small price, you can easily break through the blockade of the US-Pakistan coalition forces.

This is also a common problem in backward countries. Anyone can be bought with money, from politicians to ordinary people. As long as the money is enough, some people are willing to sacrifice their lives.

So now that the war has been fought, the Michigan Air Force is getting stronger and stronger, and the U.S.-Pakistan coalition forces are getting more and more powerless.

Before Mitchell could speak, the air raid siren suddenly sounded, and the pilots picked up their equipment and rushed to the runway. This was the fourth attack on Victoria by the Mississippi Army in a week.

The runway was already in chaos at this time, the ground crew was busy refueling the plane, and the vehicles carrying ammunition were flying on the runway. The two planes were ready to take off, but because of the chaos on the runway, the pilot couldn't help but curse. .

Mitchell ran desperately to his plane, but before he came to the plane, the sound of bombers diving was already heard in the air.

At this time, the air defense force next to the runway had already opened fire, and soldiers released a large number of smoke bombs on both sides of the runway, trying to interfere with the bomber pilot's sight.

But in this way, the line of sight of the air defense force was also disturbed, and the bombers of the Mississippi Army hiding in the clouds were not greatly affected. A random 50 kg aerial bomb could cause fatal damage to the runway.

Although the airport defense force had gone all out, a bomber of the Mississippi Army still broke through the firepower net of the ground defense force and began to dive towards the airport runway.


The aerial bomb made a heart-piercing sound. In order to amplify this effect, the Mississippi Army frantically installed a sounding device on the aerial bomb, which would have a greater deterrent effect.

Moreover, the aerial bombs of the Mississippi Army are not only high-explosive bombs, but also incendiary bombs and gas bombs.

So when he heard the screaming sound of the aerial bombs, Mitchell put on the gas mask immediately, and then Mitchell found a guy in a US military uniform shooting at his companions beside him.

Damn, the airport has been infiltrated by the Mizhou army, how can we fight this battle?

The bomb finally fell, and it didn't matter whether it was thrown on the runway or not. The key was that the fear caused by the constant bombs falling overhead continued to magnify.

Mitchell turned around and ran out of the runway. It is irrational to return to the lounge at this time. Because the target is too big, the lounge will become the key target of attack.

Just leave it to your fate!
(End of this chapter)

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