Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1976 Feast and Carnival

Chapter 1976 Feast and Carnival

Controlling a country begins with controlling the country's military.

Seeing the blond Brazilian ordering "the exercise begins" in fluent Nyasaland dialect is also quite a comic scene.

This scene has actually been staged many times in Brazil now. Roque's goal now is to continue to strengthen it until all Brazilians get used to this scene. If the future Brazilian government wants to break away from the control of southern Africa, most Brazilians will probably I'm not used to it.

This is the power of habit.

"I went to see the Nyasaland National Guard's exercise yesterday. Even a layman like me who doesn't understand the military can easily see the gap between the Mizhou Army and the Nyasaland National Guard. This is just the National Guard. team, not the Southern African National Defense Force—" Vargas recalled yesterday's exercise, and he still has lingering fears.

Although the Nyasaland National Guard is under the banner of the National Guard, its weapons and equipment and combat capabilities are not inferior to those of the Southern African National Defense Forces, and even slightly better in some aspects.

Can the National Guard be the National Guard with land-based aviation?
According to this standard, I am afraid that the national defense forces of most countries in the world are not qualified.

Not to mention the Nyasaland National Guard, which has a large number of helicopters in addition to fighter jets.

Compared with fighter jets, there are many types of helicopters, such as transport aircraft, reconnaissance aircraft, armed helicopters, medical helicopters, etc. It can be said that they have everything except anti-submarine helicopters.

In yesterday's exercise, the Nyasaland National Guard showed Vargas what modern combat methods are in a way that is close to showing off.

First, the fighter jets seized air supremacy, and then the artillery unit, guided by the correcting aircraft, launched a fire attack on the enemy's preset positions, and then the helicopter penetrated through the air, and the tank unit on the ground violently rushed. Vargas was surprised to find that there were no The real infantry came out. It was not until the end of the exercise that Vargas was surprised to learn that the Nyasaland National Guard used tanks instead of infantry to charge forward, and the role of infantry completely changed to cleaning the battlefield.

And still take the armored car to clean.

This is of course a certain exaggeration. Even the Southern African National Defense Forces need infantry to accompany them in combat when they dispatch tank troops.

But Vargas didn't know.

The shock that this exercise brought to Vargas was far greater than the sinking of the "Lexington". When the Michigan Army was still playing crowd tactics, the Nyasaland National Guard had already started tank group operations. If this shit is on the battlefield, how will the enemies of the Nyasaland National Guard fight?
It can be said that until this moment, Vargas was determined to hold the southern African thigh tightly.

"Yes, the relationship between southern Africa and Brazil will develop into a comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership. I wish our friendship will last forever." Rock is very happy, this is enlightenment.

Diplomatic relations in southern Africa are also graded. The countries with the best relations must be the Southern African Union. These are all private lands in southern Africa, and no one else can comment on them, since ancient times.

Next is the members of the Commonwealth of Nations, including the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, India, etc. Although southern Africa is now separated from the Commonwealth, after all, there is still a third of the incense. If the Second World War is really going to break out, the bones will still be broken. ribs.

The next step is the allies during the First World War, France, Belgium, Greece, etc., originally the United States was also included, but now the United States must have been kicked out of the group, and Brazil has replaced it.

"This is simply great! May the friendship between our two countries last forever!" Vargas did not understand what the "comprehensive strategic partnership" was, but it sounded vague.

However, this still did not bring enough security to Vargas, so Vargas still has a request: "If possible, Brazil also hopes to join the Southern African Union."

That's right, joining the Southern African Union means receiving the Southern African amulet, so that Brazil no longer has to worry about the threat of the Americans.

Although the Southern African Union has "Africa" ​​in its name, there are actually East Indies and the Sultanate of Najd. Australia once wanted to join it, and it seems normal to have one more Brazil.

"Don't worry about Retulio, you can't give too much stimulus to Washington yet, but I believe that Brazil will have a chance in the future." Roque didn't agree immediately, and now accepting Brazil, the entire Southern African Union might be dragged down .

Article [-] of the Constitution of the Southern African Union stipulates that all Southern African Union countries are invaded by other countries, and other Union countries should provide assistance to the invaded country as soon as possible and declare war on the invading country.

The role of this "Constitution" is similar to the "Westminster Act". If Brazil joins in, according to the "Constitution", Southern Africa will also declare war on the United States immediately.

That's a lot of fun!
As for not giving the United States too much stimulus.

As long as the United States has not carried out a national mobilization, then there is still room for improvement.

"Yes, I was too anxious—" Vargas was slightly disappointed, but it was also understandable that the chairman of the Southern African Union was responsible to all Union countries.

Of course Rock will not let Vargas down.

In order to strengthen Vargas' confidence, Roque approved a batch of new aid to the new Brazilian government, including not only weapons and equipment, but also part of the investment for infrastructure construction in Brazil.

Giving money directly is not enough. With Vargas’ ability to control Brazil now, if you give money directly, it is estimated that ten out of ten will be used for infrastructure construction.

Direct investment can avoid many problems. If you want to get rich, build roads first. Brazil has been independent for more than 100 years. Many places don’t even have railways. I don’t know what the leaders of Brazil have been doing for more than 100 years. The leaders of the United States may not have anything to do with the United States.

This is really not an exaggeration. With the resources that Brazil possesses, it can completely replace the United States if it is properly operated. At least in South America, Brazil has the opportunity to become a regional leading country.

While the Los Angeles Friendship Games were in progress, the Michigan Army launched a ground attack on Victoria.

The "Lexington" was sunk, and the US-Pakistan coalition air force was completely lost. Victoria, which lost its air supremacy, had become a turtle in the urn. The day after "Lexington" was sunk, the US-Pakistan coalition forces began to prepare to retreat.

Without the protection of the aviation force, even a battleship as powerful as a battleship is in danger of being sunk. The U.S.-Pakistan coalition forces staying in Victoria will only increase casualties.

Domingos Martins is the last barrier for government forces to attack Victoria. The US-Pakistan coalition forces are heavily stationed, and Domingos Martins has as many as 5000 troops.

In order to wipe out the US-Pakistan coalition forces, Qinling mobilized nearly 5 troops, including the Salisbury Rifle Regiment, of which nearly [-] were the Mississippi Army who participated in the recovery of Rio.

After many battles, this part of the Michigan army has become an elite force with rich combat experience. Coupled with the advanced weapons provided by southern Africa, it is even more powerful. The US-Pakistan coalition forces cannot stop the progress of the Michigan army.

Similar to the exercise of the Nyasaland National Guard, the offensive of the Mizhou Army also started with aerial bombing.

It should be said that the efficiency of aerial bombing is much higher than that of artillery. The power of 50 kg aerial bombs is comparable to that of 155 mm howitzers. The coalition forces dropped nearly 150 tons of aerial bombs, coupled with the firepower of the artillery units. When the ground troops were dispatched, the positions of the US-Pakistan coalition forces were almost completely destroyed. Some government troops dispersed without firing a single shot. Some government forces are ready to surrender to the new government.

Before the war, the new government had already decided to pardon all military government officials, as well as government soldiers, except for the three-person regiment, and promised that if the military government officials worked for the new government, they could return to their posts.

For a while, the military government was in a state of confusion, and more and more government soldiers sneaked away in the dark. The new government's endless propaganda caused the government soldiers to panic, especially after the "Lexington" was sunk. reach the peak.

Sun Meng and Rex, who returned to the army, participated in the attack on Domingos Martins without hesitation. Now Sun Meng and Rex actually don’t need to do this. The money they earn is enough to guarantee the rest of their lives With no worries about food and clothing, even if he returns to southern Africa now, he can be a rich man for the rest of his life.

But neither Sun Meng nor Rex gave up. They had too many friends sacrificed on the land of Brazil, and they already had special feelings for Brazil. Sun Meng even planned to send his family to live in Brazil after the war. Rex's support.

Rex had a similar idea.

So do a lot of other umbrella company mercenaries.

Compared with Brazil, Southern Africa has a population of more than [-] million, and the farms in the three central states have been divided up. Even if they can still buy family property, they are still in the backcountry, where the birds don't shit.

Brazil is different. With 850 million square kilometers, Brazil has a population of only 3500 million, and most of them are located in densely populated coastal areas. Most of the inland areas are virgin forests that have not yet been developed.

Don't forget that Brazil's name means "redwood". The virgin forest contains huge value, not only timber resources but also undiscovered mineral resources. Now the land price in Brazil is very cheap. Buy an acre in Nyasaland The money spent on the farm can buy a mountain in Brazil.

Every round of regime change is a new redistribution of wealth.

The mercenaries of the Umbrella Company missed the carnival feast when the federal government of Southern Africa was established, and they will not miss the carnival in Brazil.

ps: At the request of many brothers, since it is short and weak, try to change it three times——

(End of this chapter)

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