Chapter 1977 Seat Belts

The indiscriminate bombing did not completely collapse the positions of the US-Pakistan coalition forces, and there are still loyal soldiers doing their best.

The attack of the Mizhou Army is based on tanks as the vanguard, and the infantry hides behind the tanks to accompany the battle. The U.S.-Pakistan coalition forces probably did not expect that the Mizhou Army still has tanks, so it lacks counter weapons against the armored forces, and the troops are progressing smoothly.


The tanks that cooperated with Sun Meng's troops attacked one of the firepower points of the U.S.-Pakistan coalition forces. The soldiers hiding behind the tracks cheered loudly. They finally tasted the dividends brought about by technological progress. His life is abruptly piled up.

The "light cavalry" advanced at a constant speed, and stopped shooting when they encountered the firepower of the US-Pakistan coalition forces.

Bullets from the U.S.-Pakistan coalition hit the armor of the "Hussars" like a torrential rain. The "Hussars" were as brave and fearless as petrels in a storm. They rushed directly to the positions of the U.S.-Pakistan coalition forces and crossed the trenches. Scoring Domingos Martins.

Domingos Martins is actually a small town, and attacking Domingos Martins means the end of the battle, the government forces have completely collapsed, and the US Marine Corps has no intention of resisting. George Marshall now has only one wish , able to lead as many Marines as possible out of Victoria.

Compared with the ambition when he came to Brazil, George Marshall's request can be described as humble.

It was humiliating even for George Marshall.

But it doesn't matter. The U.S. government originally allowed U.S. troops to surrender at the last moment of the battle. Surrender is not an unacceptable situation for Westerners.

So even though the "Lexington" was sunk, George Marshall still took the initiative to contact Kitchener Port, hoping to temporarily cease the war and give the US military enough time to evacuate.

This is the consequence of a tough attitude. George Marshall's early toughness caused the U.S.-Pakistan coalition forces to lose contact with the Michigan Army, so George Marshall had to pass through Kitchener Port to get in touch with the Michigan Army.

It's not possible, it's certain.

George Marshall is sure that the Port of Kitchener has always maintained close ties with Belo Horizonte.

"Hahahaha, I didn't expect that the Americans would bow their heads and admit defeat one day!" Augusto laughed wildly, it's been a long time.

"It's too early for you to be complacent. The Americans didn't surrender. This is just a tactic to delay the attack. When the Americans regain their strength, the Americans will launch a counterattack against Rio." Gao Shan knows the Americans very well. The United States has no bottom line for its own interests. A country that does everything it can.

Well, Southern Africa actually does too.

To say the bottom line, there are still some in southern Africa.

But to deal with a country like the United States, you have to be more American than the United States, and more rascal than a rascal. How can you repay virtue with virtue?

For friendly countries, Southern Africa has never been stingy.

For example, the Najd Sultanate, the Federal Government of Southern Africa is not only responsible for the security of the Najd Sultanate, but also distributes the income from the Najd Oilfield to the Najd Sultanate. Where can such a good thing be found? Don’t forget to develop the oil field. It's money from Southern Africa.

If this were an American, it is estimated that all the people in Naizhi would have died.

The same is true for Australia. During the economic crisis, if it hadn't been for southern Africa to lend a helping hand, Australia's economy would have collapsed long ago, so Australia is the most loyal dog leg of southern Africa-wrong, it is the younger brother.

The same is true for Canada. When the United Kingdom abandoned Canada, if Southern Africa hadn't come forward, I am afraid that Canada would have been annexed by the United States, so Canada did not hesitate to show its loyalty to Southern Africa by humiliating the Americans.

William King said that the author, don’t talk nonsense, the Canadian government also has great expectations for the Canadian delegation participating in the Los Angeles Olympics, and hopes that Canadian athletes can achieve good results.

As for why the Canadian delegation to the Los Angeles Friendship Games consisted of 150 people——

Oh, I don't explain it, I think about the reason.

Qin Ling on the main seat looked at the map in front of him and said nothing. After occupying Domingos Martins, the forward troops of the Michigan Army were only less than 30 kilometers away from Victoria. With the current momentum of the Michigan Army, it should be a matter of effort.

The demands of the Americans still have to be considered. Even if southern Africa and the United States have reached the brink of war, after all, war has not been declared yet. George Marshall's request for a truce does not mean that the US military has admitted defeat. It will of course get more rewards if it directly attacks Victoria. A big result, but it will push the relationship between southern Africa and the United States to a worse level.

As bad as it is now, Southern Africa and the United States remain allies, at least on the surface.

"Order the troops to advance towards Victoria, but keep the speed—" Qin Ling continued to put pressure on the US-Pakistan coalition forces, not giving George Marshall time to breathe.

If you want to take a breather, go to St. Louis to take a slow breath. The US-Pakistan coalition forces need time to regroup, and the new government also needs time to stabilize the regime.

While the Victorian Army was advancing steadily, the pressure on Kitchener Port was also increasing.

Everyone knows that the Port of Kitchener and Belo Horizonte have an inexplicable connection. From the view of the team members, the Port of Kitchener, like Rio, should be completely destroyed.

Just last night, a house in the suburb of Kitchener was invaded, and all the property in the house was looted. The owner was not at home at the time, which prevented a greater tragedy from happening.

"Don't ask, it must have been done by the U.S.-Pakistan coalition—" Brewster, the third-level director of the Umbrella Company, looked at the cut barbed wire with a gloomy expression.

After the outbreak of the Brazilian Civil War, the Umbrella Company installed barbed wire around the port of Kitchena and dispatched mercenaries to patrol 24 hours a day to protect the port of Kitchena.

The function of the barbed wire is a psychological comfort. It is somewhat useful against ordinary people, but it is almost like paper to well-trained soldiers.

"Do you have evidence?" Second-level supervisor Chaplin was also helpless. This was already the third similar incident this month.

At the beginning of the month, a residential house in Kitchener Harbor was invaded, and all property was also looted. All four members of the owner's family were killed, and the hostess was insulted. The scene was appalling.

In order not to cause panic and avoid more similar tragedies from happening, the umbrella company blocked the news on the one hand, and sent more mercenaries to strengthen security work on the other hand, but unfortunately the effect was not great.

"Oh, so what if there is evidence—" Brewster looked at the U.S.-Pakistan coalition barracks not far away with a displeased expression, and said in a vicious tone, "—you fucking Americans, let's see how long you can continue to be arrogant. "

Suddenly an off-road vehicle drove out of the barracks of the US-Pakistan coalition forces and drove directly to Kitchener Port.

"Let some doctors come over, we need help, bring the medicine by the way, we'll pay for it—" The second lieutenant in the co-pilot's seat didn't even get out of the car, with a domineering expression on his face.

"Sorry, we don't have extra doctors and medicines." Chaplin directly refused, American dollars are not rare for southern Africans.

What's more, it doesn't have to be U.S. dollars, and it is more likely to be Miles issued by the Brazilian military government. This stuff is almost like waste paper now.

This is not the first time Americans have made demands on Kitchener Port.

Southern Africa's medical capabilities are strong, and everyone knows that.

The medicines in southern Africa are also very useful, especially the medicines for treating trauma and anti-inflammation, which have remarkable curative effects.

More importantly, the Federal Government of Southern Africa attaches great importance to medical and health care. In southern Africa, any small town has a professional doctor. Sodium, there are three hospitals.

"This is not a request, it's an order!" The second lieutenant had a tough attitude. The US Marine Corps also had doctors. The key point was that the front line had just suffered a defeat and there were too many wounded soldiers. The doctors were too busy, so they asked Kitchener Port for help.

But this is not the attitude of asking for help.

"Order? Did you make a mistake—" Chaplin laughed angrily. The Americans could order the Brazilians, but it was still a little bit worse for the southern Africans.

"Don't make trouble on purpose. I don't have time to delay with you. Bring your doctor here immediately." The second lieutenant didn't seem to be asking for help, but more like looking for trouble.

"I don't want to talk to you, let your chief come over." Chaplin didn't bother to talk to the second lieutenant, and couldn't figure it out with such a person.

"Very good, very good—" the second lieutenant sneered twice and left bitterly.

Chaplin was not in a hurry to leave, and immediately ordered the mercenaries to step up their vigilance.

Soon the Americans came back, and this time it was a lieutenant colonel.

"Hello, Mr. Supervisor—" The lieutenant colonel's attitude was much better than that of the second lieutenant.

"Hello, Mr. Lieutenant Colonel—" Chaplin was also polite. The lieutenant colonel should be more sensible than the second lieutenant.

"Maybe my people have a bad attitude, but we do need the assistance of Kitchener Port." The Lieutenant Colonel also had problems with his words, and this was not the way to ask for help.

"Sorry Lieutenant Colonel, Kitchener Port has no obligation to assist the U.S. Marine Corps." Chaplin was neither overbearing nor humble, as Americans always do, and never forget to take advantage of it no matter what.

Even if it is cheap in words.

"So you don't cooperate?" The lieutenant colonel's patience was also limited.

Chaplin didn't say a word, his attitude was obvious.

"Heh—" the lieutenant colonel waved his hand, the off-road vehicle accelerated suddenly, and the gear lever was knocked away.

Then the off-road vehicle ran over the nail belt and crookedly crashed into the roadblock made of sandbags next to it.

Behind the barricades are Umbrella Corp armored vehicles.

The machine gunner on the armored vehicle is already in place, with a 12.7mm heavy machine gun, it is also like paper when fighting this off-road vehicle.

The lieutenant colonel probably didn't have the habit of wearing a seat belt in the car, and his face was covered in blood when he hit the front windshield.

Or how to say the seat belt is very important.

ps: Dozens of pages in a chapter really can’t be done, a dozen pages is the limit, handicapped party can’t help——

(End of this chapter)

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