Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1988 The Black-bellied Stoudemire Upgrades Again

Chapter 1988 The Black-bellied Stoudemire Upgrades Again

In fact, the UK is really not worried about the spread of the labor movement. The British Labor Party has been in power twice, and the British constitutional monarchy has not been affected.

To put it bluntly, a solid foundation can make troubles, and the British Labor Party is fundamentally different from Russia. This may be a trick of the British government. The purpose of letting the Labor Party come to power is to tell all the British: Look, another party will not be in power. Better, maybe worse, than the Conservatives or the Liberals.

What really worries Britain now is that after the end of the World War, because Germany and Russia were also squeezed out by Europe, the situation of the two countries is similar, so Germany and Russia have joined together to keep warm, and the relationship between the two countries is very good.

So how to break up the connection between Germany and Russia is a big problem for Britain.

Southern Africa is not worried about this problem.

In the last world war, southern Africa was still a member of the Commonwealth of Nations, so Britain declared war on Germany, and southern Africa was forced to follow Britain in declaring war on Germany.

Now that Southern Africa has separated from the Commonwealth of Nations and is no longer under the control of the United Kingdom, even if Britain declares war on Germany, Southern Africa can stand by and choose the best time to join the war.

The closed-door meeting of the five permanent members also failed to produce any results.

In official terms, there was a cordial and friendly exchange, a frank exchange of opinions.

In fact, each said its own way, the differences were too great, and no agreement was reached.

Rock had expected this result.

To be honest, Roque has never had any expectations for the League of Nations. The Disarmament Conference is full of feathers, the "Lytton Report" is hugely controversial, and the Macaé massacre has not yet come to fruition. It is better to count on the Germans than to count on the League of Nations to restrict Germany. Rein in the cliff.

On September 2th, the Friendship Games ended successfully, and Southern Africa topped the gold medal and medal charts. The number of gold medals and medals won by No.5 to No.[-] did not add up to as many as Southern Africa.

The Nyasaland State Government and the Los Angeles City Government have gained a lot, successfully recommending Los Angeles to the world, and greatly creating a sense of presence.

The Friendship Games objectively promoted the progress of science and technology, and the application of new technologies such as television greatly increased the influence of the Friendship Games. Before the opening of the Friendship Games, the number of TV sets in southern Africa was less than 1500. During the entire Friendship Games, TV The stock has increased by 2000%, and there are more than [-] TV sets in Los Angeles alone.

The number of TV sets has increased rapidly, and the speed at which TV stations produce programs has also increased rapidly.

Before the Friendship Games, Nyasaland TV broadcasted only two hours of TV programs every day.

By the end of the Friendship Games, the number of broadcast programs increased to six hours a day, and the number of TV stations also increased to three, one dedicated to broadcasting sports programs, and the other used to broadcast entertainment programs such as movies and dramas.

The holding of the Friendship Games has also brought substantial income to the Nyasaland State Government and the Los Angeles City Government.

Since the existing stadiums are used as much as possible, the cost of the Goodwill Games is not high.

Before the opening of the Friendship Games, the organizing committee has collected a wave of sponsorship fees, and then the ticket revenue is a large chunk, and the souvenir sales are more profitable. Tourists and athletes from all over the world must spend money when they come to Los Angeles. The sales of Nuo store directly quadrupled, and even the property prices around Lake Niassa doubled.

Like the wave of immigrants that emerged after the Pretoria Olympics, the Los Angeles Goodwill Games also brought a new wave of immigrants to Nyasaland.

Compared with European cities, Los Angeles has a higher level in terms of environment and urban construction, as well as education, medical care and living convenience.

Thinking of those cramped and chaotic European cities with almost no planning at all, and looking at Los Angeles, which has a beautiful environment and well-planned plans, yearning arises spontaneously.

The key is that tourists who are able to watch the Friendship Games have considerable financial strength. When the city of Los Angeles, which was only glimpsed in movies in the past, is so vividly presented in front of tourists, the impact it brings is unparalleled.

Then what else is there to say, buy, buy, buy new clothes from Yitnor this season, buy!

All kinds of handbags with novel styles that people can't put it down, buy!
Expensive car in Europe, cheap car in Southern Africa, buy!

Even if it's shipped back to Europe, plus the shipping cost is actually not cheap, then I'll buy it. The added value brought by a product that originated in southern Africa is enough to offset the shipping cost.

As for the houses on the banks of Lake Niassa, you have to buy them for the colorful entertainment facilities in Lake Niassa. The rich buy luxury houses, the middle class with well-off families buy apartments, ordinary tourists can’t afford houses, as long as they have a skill Nyasaland can immigrate, and the Los Angeles city government can also provide cheap public rental housing.

The entire Goodwill Games brought Nyasaland more than 4.5 million rand in revenue.

Anton is satisfied. To be honest, Nyasaland's development is already very good, but Anton is not satisfied yet.

Nyasaland's current top institution is only Nyasaland University, which does not match the economic development of Nyasaland at all, and the Polytechnic Institute is fully capable of developing into a world-class institution of higher learning.

The current strength of the Military Medical University is actually no less than that of the Nyasaland University School of Medicine and the Johannesburg School of Medicine. Because it was established later, it does not have the honor to match its strength.

Now if the state government increases investment, the Military Medical University is fully capable of becoming a world-renowned medical school just like the Johannesburg Medical School.

The Army Academy shoulders the important task of cultivating national defense talents for Southern Africa. If all the officers of the Southern African Defense Force graduate from Nyasaland Army Academy, then the Nyasaland Army Academy's position in the Southern African National Defense Force will be unshakable.

Other colleges of economics, architecture, and industry that have just been established in recent years can also be considered for upgrading to universities. There are still so many primary and secondary schools that also need support. Some schools don’t even have swimming pools or football fields. The intellectual, physical, aesthetic and labor development is comprehensive and healthy.

In the past, the state government had no money, and these problems were not solved in time.

Now that he has money, Anton can finally show his talents. Don’t forget that every year, countless students apply to study at Nyasaland University, but Nyasaland University rejects them all due to lack of resources. Now Nyasaland University can open The gate, come as many as you want.

As long as the student's conditions meet the requirements of Nyasaland University.

"Southern Africa is a country founded on education. Without the original biological laboratory, there would be no Nyasaland University now. Without the original Bigwig Hospital, there would be no Johannesburg Medical School. The competition in the future world is the competition of science and technology. We still have to Keep working hard." Anton came to Roque, hoping that the federal government could also give Nyasaland more help.

"The status quo of education in Nyasaland has already made other states very envious. Some states have only one university until now, and the three states in West Africa do not even have a university. The federal government has nothing to worry about. "Rock is also in a dilemma. Education is important, isn't medical care important, isn't national defense important?"
In recent years, in order to increase investment in infrastructure construction, the federal government has successively issued national bonds several times. It is good that Roque didn't ask Anton for money.

"The combined population of the three states in West Africa is not as large as one county of Nyasaland. It would be a waste to allocate too much money." Anton said the truth.

In fact, the population of West Africa is also quite large. When Southern Africa was added, there were still more than 200 million people.

The key point is that the vast majority of West Africans are of African descent. Many of them can't even speak Chinese and English, and it's just a dream to go to university.

The federal government has also considered increasing support for West Africa. Unfortunately, the facts are also very frustrating. Policies that are effective in other states cannot be implemented in West Africa, not only in education, but also in other aspects.

Like a farm.

Ten years ago, when new immigrants came to southern Africa, the federal government allocated land for free. Later, because there were too many new immigrants, this policy was gradually abolished.

There are few lands in West Africa. When it was merged into Southern Africa, the federal government tried to allocate land to some West Africans, allowing them to operate independently and improve the livelihood of local people in West Africa.

The result is disappointing. Africans do not seem to be suitable for self-management. There are indeed some Africans who have improved their lives through hard work, but most Africans have no such concept in their minds. Many people do nothing after getting the land. , Even farming is perfunctory, and some people even try to transfer the land under their names to make a profit.

This cannot be blamed on the federal government, not to mention all of them, the vast majority of Africans would do nothing if they were not driven away, and their quality of life requirement is to not starve to death.

"You can't say that." Rock is becoming more and more cautious now. Southern Africa used to cross the river by touching the United Kingdom and the United States. Now Southern Africa is running ahead, and there are no stones to touch.

"The foundation established by Cecil at Nyasaland University sponsored a group of American students a few years ago, and now those American students have returned to the United States after completing their studies. This year, the Cecil Foundation plans to fund 150 American students. It's a waste!" Anton said that Cecil was Stoudemire, and he seemed to be dissatisfied with Stoudemire.

Rock's heart moved.

Rock knows this. Stoudemire often does things that seem illogical, but Stoudemire is definitely not stupid. He does this for a purpose.

"It might be a good thing for us not to interfere with the Foundation's operations." Rock knew the Foundation's role too well.

"The cost of subsidizing an American student can be used to subsidize two southern African students. Is this a good thing?" Anton is still not as black-bellied as Rock and Stoudemire. This is not a subsidy, it is clearly a seed .

Those American students received funding from the Cecil Foundation and returned home after studying in Southern Africa. They must have a good impression of Southern Africa.

Even if one hundred people are funded every year, even if only one percent will play a role in the future, it is a force that cannot be underestimated.

(End of this chapter)

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