Chapter 1989

Both the United States and Japan are very good at this issue, such as the famous Yumei School.

In 1906, James, the president of the University of Illinois in the United States, in the "Memorandum" to the then US President Theodore Roosevelt, a paragraph reflected the true purpose of the United States to refund the school.

We must now be able to control the development of a country in the fullest and most ingenious manner—that is, by dominating its leaders intellectually and spiritually.

And it is more reliable for business to follow spiritual domination than to follow the military standard.

Southern Africa is also good at this issue. Students receiving funding from the Cecil Foundation are not only Americans, but also British, French, and Germans. Many students even receive funding from the Cecil Foundation after graduation. Funding, and it is precisely because of the Cecil Foundation that the Rhodes family has a huge reputation in Europe and America.

To be precise, it has a huge reputation among European and American folks.

European politicians must be well aware of these small tricks, but everyone is doing the same thing, so it is tacit that southern Africa is doing better than European and American countries in attracting talent.

The foundation under the name of Phyllis actually has similar charitable operations.

Relatively speaking, the foundation under the name of Phyllis still pays more attention to southern Africa, and its influence in European and American countries is not as good as that of the Cecil Foundation.

Since the establishment of the Cecil Foundation by Adams, thousands of European and American students have traveled thousands of miles to study in southern Africa because of the funding of the Cecil Foundation. Many of them stayed in southern Africa after graduation, and some Return to your own country.

Interestingly, most of those who stayed in southern Africa were high-achieving scientific and technological talents.

Those who return to their home countries are active liberal arts students, such as Jonathan Gray from New York.

Jonathan Gray was born in Brooklyn, New York. Although Brooklyn was assigned to New York in 1898 and became one of the five major districts of New York, Jonathan Gray never mentioned Brooklyn when he introduced himself.

More than ten years ago, Jonathan Gray received funding from the Cecil Foundation and went to Nyasaland University to study law. After successfully obtaining a doctorate, Jonathan Gray returned to New York to run a law firm and lived in bustling Manhattan. , among the high society in New York.

American lawyers have high income and high status, and many politicians are lawyers.

Jonathan Gray became famous and began to consider developing into politics, but Jonathan Gray did not choose the Democratic Party where Roosevelt Jr. belonged, but chose the Republican Party in opposition.

After the Brazilian Civil War broke out, the Republican Party strongly opposed the United States' participation in the war.

After the defeat of the U.S.-Pakistan coalition forces and the forced relocation of the Brazilian military government, the opposition to joining the war reached its peak, and Roosevelt Jr., who led the United States out of the Great Depression, was also criticized for this.

"It is undeniable that Mr. Franklin D. Roosevelt was a great president. He successfully led the United States out of the economic crisis and became a hero for all of us. But now the hero has made mistakes and he must be responsible for it. We cannot contribution, and ignore the harm he has done to America—” Jonathan Gray’s speech won rounds of applause at the Republican gathering.

Time flies, Roosevelt Jr.'s first term is coming to an end, next year the United States will start the 37th presidential election, the Republican Party hopes to make a comeback and enter the White House.

Hoover is the most hopeful candidate to represent the Republican Party. Since he went to Geneva, Switzerland to serve as the plenipotentiary representative of the United States to the League of Nations, Hoover has been extremely tough, and the purpose is to build momentum for himself.

When Hoover was president of the United States, the inaction of the U.S. government during the Great Depression became the biggest factor in Roosevelt Jr.'s victory over Hoover.

Now that the United States has successfully emerged from the economic crisis, Hoover also needs to establish a tough image to confront the wise image established by Roosevelt Jr.

With this tone, the Republican Party attacked Roosevelt Jr.'s policies on various occasions. The failure of the US-Pakistan coalition forces became Roosevelt Jr.'s biggest pain.

"Our steel company has clearly reached an agreement with the Mizhou state government on the import of iron ore, but because of Mr. President's desperate bet, the agreement was forced to be cancelled-now we have encountered unprecedented failure on the battlefield, the great American When was the last time you failed? Oh, that’s already happened in the last century!” Jonathan Gray was impassioned, directly targeting Roosevelt Jr., and he also meant to excuse the U.S. steel company.

Although everyone knows that the United States entered the war, most of the reasons are due to the behind-the-scenes promotion of the US steel company.

Roosevelt Jr. actually did not approve of the United States participating in the war. Unfortunately, Roosevelt Jr.'s personal prestige could not suppress the ambitions of American capitalists.

Again, the truth is not important. Even if the Republican Party comes to power, it still needs the support of American capital.

Since the Democratic Party under the leadership of Roosevelt Jr. cannot better protect the interests of the US steel industry, why not try the Republican Party?

"Yes, it's too inappropriate—"

"Our Mr. President made a mistake and he should stand trial!"

"We should mobilize the whole country now to completely wipe out the Mizhou people."

The Republicans at the meeting talked a lot, and some guests in the middle ground inevitably began to waver.

The failure of the US-Pakistan coalition forces is really unacceptable.

As Jonathan Gray said, the last time America failed was in the last century.

"It is unwise for us to have a conflict with southern Africa at this time." Sporadic voices of reason were quickly suppressed by many radical voices, and gradually became inaudible.

"Southern Africa did not join the war, there was no war between us and southern Africa, we are still allies—" Jonathan Gray carried private goods, which was immediately criticized by some people.

"The U.S. Marine Corps has suffered over [-] casualties, and southern Africa has actually joined the war, but war has not yet been declared."

"What do you mean by that? Excuse Southern Africa? Are you still not American?"

"We should declare war on Southern Africa now!"

The Republicans who have just been mobilized by Jonathan Gray are excited. It takes courage to dare to speak for Southern Africa at this time.

"Calm down gentlemen, I say this for a reason, have you really thought about the disastrous consequences of a war between the two most powerful countries in the world, the United States has just recovered from the economic crisis Are we going to jump into another abyss again?" Jonathan Gray was heartbroken, you guys are too irrational, neutral, and objective.

When the Great Depression was mentioned, the abuse in the venue immediately became much quieter.

The economic crisis that has lasted for several years has brought too much psychological shadow to people.

Although the economic crisis before the Great Depression broke out from the United States most of the time, most of the time it was the United States that became the final winner.

The Great Depression was different.

Because of the rise of southern Africa, the Great Depression has hurt the United States far more than the previous economic crises have brought to the United States.

"I would like to ask you gentlemen a question. All the people here are successful people. If Iron Four was our American company and faced the same situation as Brazil in Liberia, what would you choose to do?" Jonathan Gray smiled with a confident expression.

The venue became more and more quiet.

If Iron Four Corners is an American company——

Then there is no need to say, it must be his fault!

"That's why I say that the Brazilian Civil War was a war at the wrong time, at the wrong place, and with the wrong opponent. We should be grateful for the sanity of the Federal Government of Southern Africa. If Pretoria and Washington are the same Faint, then the Second World War may have broken out now, almost 20 years have passed since the last world war, and our technology has developed rapidly in the past 20 years, we have built more powerful battleships and more aircraft carriers, so the first The damage caused by World War II to the United States will be far greater than that of World War I." Jonathan Gray was deafening, and this is the reason and calmness that a qualified politician should possess.

"But we can't give up. When everyone here was a kid today, everyone worshiped pinball champions, sprinters, boxers, and professional players-Americans love winners! Americans never forgive losers Americans despise cowards! Americans compete to win! I sneer at the kind of people who laugh when they lose - because of this, the Americans have not lost a war so far, and they will never lose a war. A true American hates even the thought of failure!" Jonathan Gray's words resonated with many people, and there were sporadic applause in the venue, and then more applause gradually, just now those who abused Jonathan Gray , and now they all look in admiration.

This is really too much for the appetite of Americans.

Although this statement does not stand up to scrutiny, because the United States has just lost a war.

But at this time, who cares about this.

"So I'm not defending anyone. This is not a court. I am not a lawyer. I am an ordinary American citizen, and I am an American citizen who loves America very much. I am reminding Washington to pay attention to this. You Be vigilant now, you are leading the United States to the abyss, if you do not correct this as soon as possible, you will be abandoned by all Americans!" Jonathan Gray ended his speech with an extremely strong fist gesture.

The applause was of course very warm.

On the sidelines of the venue, several reporters were writing furiously. What Jonathan Gray said tonight will appear on the front page of the newspaper tomorrow.

ps: I went to take the fourth exam yesterday, and I finished the exam in 10 minutes. I waited for six hours, and I couldn’t do it if I didn’t take the exam.

(End of this chapter)

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