Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 2002 The Whimsical Frenchman

Chapter 2002 The Whimsical Frenchman
Paying more attention to the situation in Europe, it is not difficult to understand why the United States and southern Africa fought in Brazil, but maintained a sufficient tacit understanding on the issue of aiding Germany.

Even in Brazil, the United States and southern Africa have maintained enough sense, otherwise Kitchener Port would not have accepted American wounded soldiers, and the United States would not have suffered such a big loss. There has not been a national mobilization until now.

Switching to other countries, it is estimated that the Americans have completely turned against southern Africa and initiated World War II.

What plays a key role is strength. Since the War of Independence, Americans have never fought uncertain battles. If they want to fight, they will fight against opponents like Spain and Mexico whose strength is significantly different from that of the United States. Let alone Southern Africa. It's so easy to steal a chicken but lose a lot of rice, lose your wife and lose your army. Americans are not stupid at all on this issue.

Southern Africa is even more clear. For southern Africa, the United States is also a tough nut to crack. Tens of thousands of kilometers of logistics transportation lines are enough to collapse any country. Canada is close to the United States. In a fight with southern Africa, even with the help of the Atlantic Fleet, Canada will surrender in minutes.

So the real X factor is Germany, and only Germany can deal a fatal blow to Britain and France. In this way, the tacit understanding between southern Africa and the United States is easy to explain.

To be honest, Roque didn’t take Germany’s little tricks to heart. There are millions of Germans in southern Africa, and less than one percent of them are willing to return to Germany. Southern Africa is no longer the southern part of 30 years ago. Africa is now, with hundreds of millions of people, dozens of colleges and universities. Southern Africa now has a strong hematopoietic function. When Germans in southern Africa want to return to Germany, there are still people in Germany who desperately want to immigrate to southern Africa. Not all Germans are willing to sacrifice themselves for the ambitions of a few.

"Paris hopes to form an alliance with us, so that when war breaks out in France, Paris hopes to get our help as soon as possible." Yang Smozi has been in high spirits recently, and Brazil's victory has further improved the international status of southern Africa , otherwise the French wouldn't even want to save face and take the initiative to hug their thighs.

Regardless of how many hidden dangers there are in France, the French are still very proud.

Or maybe it's arrogance, the French are the kind of dead ducks with a hard mouth who don't want to mess up their hair even if they go to the guillotine. It's not easy for the French to let go of their pride and beg southern Africa to form an alliance.

In fact, the French are now desperate. After Germany entered the Rhineland, the French finally felt the familiar threat, so France began to expand its military, but the expansion did not go smoothly.

The damage caused to France by the last world war was too great. After the end of the world war, the actions of the French government completely chilled the French veterans of World War I. For more than ten years, the French economy has been stagnant in turmoil. Now France There is also the ability to arm France, but unfortunately the French are no longer willing to serve the country.

Conscripted for his country and then, after the end of the world war, abandoned by the French government again?
Since the end of the World War to the present, the French government has tried every means to increase the population, but the population of France has not increased but declined. The number of people introduced has not been as many as those who have left France voluntarily. Now France has completely lost its competitiveness.

"Good idea!" Rock refused directly.

Obviously, France is using the alliance to drag southern Africa into the water, so that when Germany attacks France for the first time, southern Africa has the obligation to assist France.

This is definitely not possible. Let’s not say that France is far away from the mountains and rivers in southern Africa. If southern Africa really wants to form an alliance with France, it’s hard to say whether Germany will dare to attack France. So what’s the point of southern Africa’s assistance to Germany these years?
Therefore, the alliance is completely wishful thinking of the French, and the UK may not agree.

Although Britain agrees to disagree, it is no longer binding on southern Africa.

"If we agree, the French government is willing to order two 'island'-class aircraft carriers from Southern Africa, including the carrier-based aircraft, but the French specify that they want the most advanced carrier-based aircraft in Southern Africa." Yang Smozi had a strange expression, The French who made such a request have to say that the brain circuit is absolutely perfect.

Rock didn't want to comment at all. Returning the "island" aircraft carrier and the latest carrier-based aircraft, is this an attitude of asking for help?
This is nothing but blackmail!
"Don't even think about the 'island' level, but the 'city' level is also considered, but the 'city' level is not cheap, the French are sure they can afford it?" If the price given by the French is high enough, Rock is actually not Mind cheating the French.

The spread of information on the "City" class aircraft carrier was also expected by Rock. There are many stories between the United Kingdom and the United States that have to be told. There are many PY transactions. The French may now have the "City" class Information on aircraft carriers, but the French still don't care about aircraft carriers.

The "Richelieu"-class battleships have exhausted France's national power. In recent years, France may not be able to launch new aircraft carriers. This may be one of the reasons why France is seeking to buy from southern Africa.

Britain and the United States built aircraft carriers this year, and it is impossible for the French not to know.

However, due to the pressure from Italy to build the "Vittorio Veneto" class battleship, the French had to build the "Richelieu" class battleship to deal with it. As a result, in the Brazilian Civil War this year, the status of the battleship was once again reduced. Italy is now riding a tiger.

"The French really don't have any money, so the French hope to get a loan from the Rand Bank—" Yang Smother couldn't help curling his lips. The French are not empty-handed wolves, but they want southern Africa to help. .

Rock was speechless, let the Frenchmen dream, they have everything in their dreams.

After sending Yang Smother away, Rock called Martin over to ask about the progress of the military expansion.

Yes, Europe and the United States are making preparations, and Southern Africa should also make corresponding preparations.

The main thing is the Union Army. Southern Africans are busy developing the economy, and the young people in the Union countries have nothing to do, so they just join the army. This can not only reduce the burden on the Union countries, but also enhance the Union's military strength. It is the best of both worlds.

"We have added ten new infantry divisions, and we are hurrying up for training. Overseas, we have deployed two divisions at Changi Naval Base, two divisions in Elizabeth, one in Cyprus, one in St. Roch, and one mobile force in the Aldan Islands. Now the only Our weakness is in Halifax, and the U.S. reacted strongly to our increase in troops.” Martin was in high spirits during this time, and since the World Wars, southern Africa has continued to disarm, and this time the military expansion is the first time in more than ten years.

There is no way to expand the army. In addition to local defense, the demand for overseas troops in southern Africa is also increasing. There are only two divisions stationed in such an important place as the Changi Naval Base. Saint Rocco is located in the heart of Europe, and Cyprus is facing France and Italy. , and Russia's triple threat, not to mention Port Elizabeth, which must be protected.

The Ministry of Defense estimates that, excluding coalition forces, at least 20 standing army divisions in southern Africa will be needed to meet the security needs of southern Africa.

There are 20 divisions, with a division of 18000 people, a total of 36 people.

This is just the army, plus the navy and air force, the total strength must have reached more than 50, which is a heavy burden for the federal government of southern Africa.

Although Southern Africa is strong, the treatment of troops is high, and the performance of advanced weapons is good, but the price is also very expensive. The cost of forming a Southern African division is enough to form an alliance force of five divisions. Therefore, it is more cost-effective to form an alliance force .

"Halifax can take a break and don't put too much pressure on the Americans. How is the situation in Germany?" Rock's focus is still on Europe, and Brazil is just an appetizer.

"The Germans are breaking through the Treaty of Versailles in an all-round way. After taking back the Rhineland by force, Germany has begun to produce heavy weapons and equipment including aircraft and tanks. The navy has also taken action. The information we have obtained shows that Germany is secretly expanding its presence in the Netherlands. The submarine base of the German army, the performance of the new German submarine should be comparable to our ghost submarine." The situation provided by Martin made Rock secretly startled.

The ghost submarine in southern Africa was successfully developed on the basis of the German U-boat.

After the end of the World War, Southern Africa relocated almost the whole of Krupp's Germania shipyard to Southern Africa, which was considered a devastating blow to the German submarine industry at the time.

It now appears that Germany’s strength in submarines has far exceeded people’s expectations. After the signing of the "Versailles Treaty", Germany was not allowed to own submarines, so Krupp secretly built a submarine dock in the Netherlands and did not stop research on submarines.

Even so, Roque was still surprised when he learned that the performance of the new German submarine was comparable to that of the ghost submarine.

"This is nothing unusual. We have focused our energy on the construction of surface ships these years, and the technology of ghost submarines has not been updated for many years." Martin blamed himself, and he, the chief of defense, was duty-bound for this situation.

When Roque was the chief of defense, this situation never happened.

In fact, Martin cannot be blamed. The Germans had to develop submarines because they could not build large surface warships.

Southern Africa is not restricted by the "Versailles Treaty", and can even bypass the restrictions of the "Washington Naval Treaty" and "London Naval Treaty", so there is no need for southern Africa to develop submarine forces, and it is king to go all out to study aircraft carriers.

"Then update it. The Tesla Research Institute should have new technology." Rock pointed out that the Tesla Research Institute was too idle to start researching civilian sightseeing ships. Rock didn't believe that there was no new technology that could be applied to ghost submarines.

(End of this chapter)

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