Chapter 2003 Anechoic tile

The Tesla Research Institute has been very busy recently, and the rocket cooperated with Robert Goddard's team is progressing smoothly. The latest goal of Robert Goddard's team is to send an artificial satellite into space within ten years.

The Tesla Research Institute's own project is also progressing smoothly. Although the vertical take-off and landing unmanned bomber project is out of reach, at least the goal of vertical take-off and landing has been achieved. The first prototype manufactured by Nyasaland Aviation has passed the acceptance of the Ministry of Defense. , The next step depends on the number of orders. For this project alone, the Tesla Research Institute has already exceeded the scientific research tasks for this year.

Of course, the Tesla Research Institute is not idle. Although unmanned bombers cannot be realized, unmanned sightseeing submarines have been applied to the civilian field. Recently, the team led by Bruce is improving the sightseeing submarine, hoping to further improve its performance. promote.

When he received the order from the Ministry of Defense, Bruce was stunned. The sightseeing submarine is a civilian project and does not involve the military field. Bruce didn't even know that the Tesla Research Institute had the ability to assist the Ministry of Defense in improving ghost submarines.

But it’s normal. There are more and more electronic devices used on submarines. In the field of electronics, Nikola Tesla is an undisputed authority. The Tesla Research Institute does have a lot of technologies that are not available for civilian use. , can be applied to ghost submarines, such as anechoic tile technology.

"To improve the performance of military submarines, shouldn't we start with torpedoes?" Bruce didn't know enough about the use of submarines. Torpedoes are important, but survivability is even more important.

"No, no, the most important thing for a military submarine is survivability. You must first protect yourself before you can attack the enemy." Shen Simiao has a good understanding of submarines, and she doesn't know much about the performance of new German submarines. , but Shen Simiao is sure that the German submarine must not have installed anechoic tiles.

Speaking of anechoic tiles, you may not believe it. When the Tesla Research Institute launched the sightseeing submarine, in order to provide guests with a better experience, the Tesla Research Institute conveniently researched a new type of material and posted it on On the submarine, it is used to absorb the noise of the submarine and reduce the vibration of the submarine shell.

This kind of anechoic tile is made of synthetic rubber, with a thickness of about 50mm. After installing the anechoic tile, the noise of the submarine engine is greatly reduced, and the vibration of the shell is also greatly reduced. Although the cost is a bit high, but The effect is very good.

"So, the role of the anechoic tiles is to provide sailors with a better working environment—" An Qi was not very satisfied. If it was just this, then the anechoic tiles would not be of much help to the survivability of the submarine.

"No, no, the anechoic tiles can be installed not only inside the submarine, but also outside the submarine. This will not only reduce the noise made by the submarine when it is working, but also absorb the detection waves from the enemy's active sonar." Meditation Miao has confidence in the anechoic tile, and the Tesla Research Institute is such a magical place.

"Why do you conduct research in this area?" An Qi was even more dissatisfied. With such a good thing, it would be a waste to not actively contribute to the Ministry of National Defense and leave it in the corner to eat ashes.

No, this is no longer a waste, it is simply dereliction of duty!
"This——" Shen Simiao looked innocent. The Tesla Research Institute often has some weird inventions, and sometimes the researchers don't know what they are useful for.

What else can I say, I can only say that the research funding given by Rock is too much, and there must be a reason to spend it.

Of course, this reason must not be said.

"We originally researched the anechoic tiles to provide a better experience for tourists visiting submarines—" Bruce is an honest man, and he honestly stated the reason.

Shen Simiao immediately glared at Bruce.

An Qi glared at Shen Simiao.

Bruce is the most innocent, the customer is God, isn't it right to provide a more perfect experience for God!

It is definitely correct to be correct, but speaking out at this time is the biggest political incorrectness.

"This can't be our fault. After the successful development of the anechoic tile, we immediately reported it to the Ministry of the Navy for the record, but the Admiralty believes that installing the anechoic tile inside the submarine will further encroach on the interior space of the submarine and increase more costs—— "Bruce's face was full of grievances, and now Angie was embarrassed.

Since it has already been reported to the Ministry of National Defense for the record, it cannot be blamed for the Tesla Research Institute hiding it.

It is also understandable when you think about it. The ghost submarine has performed well in many exercises. The Royal Navy has been disgraced by the ghost submarine. When the German submarine has not revealed its strength, the ghost submarine is the most advanced submarine in the world. There is really no urgency to improve necessary.

This is indeed the fault of the Ministry of the Navy, but it cannot be blamed on the Ministry of the Navy. In recent years, the Ministry of the Navy has devoted almost all its energy to the development of aircraft carriers and carrier-based aircraft. It really has no extra funds and energy for the improvement of submarines.

For the generals of the navy, submarines that hide under the water all year round are not as attractive as stupid battleships.

The navy has been fighting for years to get a BIG7-class battleship but failed to do so. Submarines really look down on them.

To be honest, submarines are also useful for countries like Germany that cannot rely on surface warships to defeat the enemy. For countries like southern Africa, it is still necessary to put their strongest strength on the surface, so as to have the greatest deterrence.

"How do you know that the anechoic tiles can absorb the detection waves from the active sonar?" Since it was the fault of the Ministry of the Navy, An Qi no longer struggled with this issue.

To verify whether the anechoic tile can sacrifice the detection waves emitted by active sonar, at least active sonar is required, which is standard military equipment.

"We did the experiment?" Bruce was dumbfounded, he didn't notice Shen Simiao's frantic eyes.

"I mean, why do you have active sonar?" An Qi fully realized that when communicating with technicians, don't go around in circles, and just ask what you want to ask.

"Oh, we made one ourselves." Bruce's answer drove Angie crazy.

It is also understandable that the Tesla Research Institute itself is a scientific research institution, so this answer is very reasonable.

But this is also the biggest unreasonable point. Sightseeing submarine is a commercial equipment, so it is necessary to use sonar for active detection?
The answer is yes.

"You also know that the sightseeing submarine is to be used in Lake Niassa. It is remote-controlled. During the test, a submarine lost control and disappeared. We must take the submarine back to find out what the problem is, so we built a Sonar." Bruce was a little proud.

Sonar is also radio in essence. Don’t forget that Nikola Tesla is the inventor of radio, so there is no technical threshold for the Tesla Research Institute to build sonar, that is, whether you want to build it or not.

"Then when we searched for the missing submarine, we found that the anechoic tiles have a certain absorption effect on the detection waves emitted by the sonar, so we made a sonar with better performance—" Bruce's words became more and more excessive, and Angie had a feeling in her heart. Ten thousand grass and mud horses were galloping.

The role of sonar in the modern navy does not need to be emphasized, so the Ministry of the Navy also has a sonar research institute, which costs a lot of research funding every year.

As a result, the technology regarded as a treasure by the Naval Research Institute is like a free Chinese cabbage in the Tesla Research Institute.

This made An Qi really feel stuck.

So An Qi glanced at Shen Simiao.

"I'll have the sonar sent to the Admiralty tomorrow—" Shen Simiao knew the meaning of the sound.

"It's not tomorrow, it's now!" An Qi couldn't bear it any longer. These scientific researchers didn't have any sensitivity to military technology.

"Okay, right away, right away—" Shen Simiao immediately went to make arrangements. Sightseeing submarines is just for fun, and the Ministry of the Navy is the major customer of the Tesla Research Institute, so I can't afford to offend them.

"Go on, let me see what other good things you have?" An Qi felt as if she had entered the treasure house of the Forty Thieves, and there were surprises everywhere.

"Of course, as I said just now, to improve the combat effectiveness of submarines, we should start with torpedoes—" Bruce went back to the reason for starting again.

"Continue to talk—" An Qi was full of interest, and this trip was fruitful.

"You know, the main project that our research institute is working on is remote control, and the biggest problem with torpedoes now is that the success rate of attacking long-range targets is not high, so—" Bruce's words really surprised Angie. , When launching an attack on a long-range target, the success rate is not high, it is simply an anti-aircraft gun hitting mosquitoes.

No, the probability of hitting mosquitoes is lower than that of anti-aircraft guns.

A battleship is more than 200 meters long. When it is stationary, the success rate of torpedoes is not bad. Once it moves at high speed, the success rate can only be determined by the face.

The torpedo used by the ghost submarine has an optimal attack distance of [-] meters in the manual.

The fastest speed of the southern African torpedo is 50 knots. At this speed, it takes about 6 minutes to run [-] meters.

Don't be ridiculous, what I said is approximate. With my level of mathematics, it is estimated that this chapter will not be published until tomorrow if I have to calculate the exact time.

"So what?" Angie couldn't wait. If the Tesla Research Institute can solve this problem, then the Ministry of the Navy will really give the Tesla Research Institute a one-ton medal.

"So if we apply the remote control technology to the torpedo so that the torpedo can be controlled remotely, then we can adjust the direction of the torpedo during the torpedo attack, so that our attack success rate will be much higher." Bruce seriously Face, the most brilliant engineer is not an inventor, but is good at combining different technologies to make one plus one greater than two.

"Great! This is the next research direction of your institute. Go to work now and complete this research in the shortest possible time." Angie laughed. If Bruce's design can be successful, then the performance of the ghost submarine There will be a qualitative leap.

Shen Simiao was speechless.

Bruce also dared to say anything. Combining remote control technology with torpedoes sounds good, but unfortunately with the current technology, even the Tesla Research Institute is too difficult.

ps: On the last day of August, I’m going to start coding crazy again, don’t stop me, I’m going to be ten more today——

(End of this chapter)

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