Chapter 2010
Heinrich Heinkel graduated from the Stuart Institute of Technology in 1911 and produced an improved Farmand biplane in the same year.

During the World Wars, Heinkel served as an engineer and technical consultant to several European companies and was known for designing military aircraft.

In 1922, Heinkel established an aircraft factory to develop and produce various bombers, airliners and seaplanes.

For the cooperation with the Japanese, Heinkel does not pay much attention to it. The He70 dive bomber is an outdated model. What Heinkel is currently developing is the "HE-177 Heavy Bomber", which is the famous German Air Force lighter. .

The reason for this humiliating nickname is that due to the unreasonable design of the HE-177, the engine is easily shot and caught fire, so the HE-177 is also known as the "burning coffin".

Such a bad design is not actually a problem with Heinkel. Ernst Udet, director of the German Aeronautical Technology Agency, believes that bombers without dive bombing capabilities are not worth producing at all, so there is such a wonderful design. Think about a dive bomber with an empty weight of 16800 kilograms. Even if it is handed over to Nyasaran Airlines, Nyasaran Airlines will not be able to handle it.

The heavy bombers in southern Africa are used to carry out strategic bombing missions. There are more dexterous ground attack aircraft and fighter bombers for ground support. The HE-177 has a wing area of ​​102 square meters. Even if it is made of metal, it is mostly Can't withstand the intensive attack of anti-aircraft firepower.

But that's what the German Aeronautical Technology Bureau requires, and Heinkel can't help it.

Moreover, the funds provided by the German Aeronautical Technology Bureau were insufficient, so Heinkel had to realize the related technologies of the HE70, which made Siegfried Gantt, who was in charge, very helpless.

Siegfried Gantt is Heinkel's chief assistant and an equally experienced bomber design expert. Gantt is very dissatisfied with the conditions offered by the Japanese. Although the technology of the HE70 has fallen behind, the Japanese can Said it is still the most advanced technology.

"Compared to the bombers in southern Africa, the HE70—probably equal to a few percent of the heavy bombers in southern Africa?" Goering didn't even ask whether the HE70 could be comparable to the heavy bombers in southern Africa.

"It's hard to say, after all, HE70 has not participated in actual combat—" Gant didn't answer directly, which was also self-defeating.

"Heh—" Goering sneered, the painstaking efforts that the technicians were proud of were meaningless persistence to Goering.

What is there to insist on? No matter how strong the HE70 is, it is not as strong as the HE177 that Heinkel is researching, and it is not as good as the heavy bomber in southern Africa, so it is better to sell the technology to the Japanese.

"The price offered by the Japanese is too low, and we can definitely strive for greater benefits." Gantt is not reconciled. The former air combat hero has become a potbellied official. If you really want to obtain aircraft carrier technology, it is better to go to Southern Africa. make a deal.

For the sake of Britain, southern Africa should not reject Germany.

"As I said, the HE70 is an outdated technology, and what we need now is an aircraft carrier!" Gant couldn't understand Goering's urgency for the aircraft carrier.

Goering's understanding of aircraft carriers may be deeper than that of Yamamoto 56.

During World War II, the German navy suffered from the loss of the "Elizabeth" class aircraft carrier. After Goering became the commander of the German Air Force, the development of aircraft carriers was Germany's top priority. Technology transfer to Germany, Japan is the only way for Germany to obtain aircraft carrier related technology.

Even if the Japanese "Akagi" is like that, it is still what Germany urgently needs now.

There was nothing Gant could do about meeting such an overbearing and rude boss. In the evening, Gant went to a bar near the German embassy for a drink.

Alcohol is not intoxicating, and everyone is intoxicated. Gant, who is used to drinking German stout, is still not used to the violent southern African potato vodka after all. After two glasses of wine, Gant is already bleary-eyed.

"There are only love and good wine in life that can never disappoint—" A middle-aged man took the initiative to chat with Gantt while holding a glass of wine. Different people have different understandings of this sentence.

"Heh—" Gant sneered, he didn't come here to hunt for sex, but to drink away his worries.

Gantt's biggest ideal is to design a German heavy bomber comparable to the southern African heavy bomber to protect the German sky.

"Meet me, my name is Tom, Tom Francis, American—" Tom offered Gant his hand.

"Hi, my name is Siegfried Gant, a German—" Gant shook Tom's hand, looking unhappy.

Germans have mixed feelings about Americans.

Especially Americans with the surname "Francis".

As one of the few countries willing to give aid to Germany after the World War, the United States also caused great harm to Germany during the World War.

If Tom was from southern Africa, Gant would be happy to have a chat with Tom.

Forget about the Americans, Tom will never forget the atrocities committed by the US military when they were stationed on the Rhine.

"I heard that your Henkel company is looking for more funds. Have you considered the United States?" Tom has a clear goal, and he also came for Henkel's technology.

Gant smiled and said nothing. Japan needs Heinkel's bomber technology, and so does the United States.

You may not believe it, but the American technology in manufacturing aircraft is not as good as that of Germany, which has just started.

This is thanks to the blow to American airlines by Southern African airlines.

The survival of American aviation companies is very difficult. Lockheed was acquired by Nyasaland Airways not long after its establishment. When Boeing was established, it was attacked by southern African aviation companies and Lockheed. In the end, Boeing had Abandon aircraft manufacturing and transform into a purely civil aviation company.

So now the Great America does not even have a decent aircraft factory, otherwise the performance of the "Cerberus" would not be inferior to that of the "Gust".

Americans must also be very concerned about the German bomber technology. Germany is unable to develop heavy bombers, and the United States has no shortage of resources.

What's more, the United States must have what there is in southern Africa, and who does it look down on.

"If you want, we can have a good chat. The aircraft carrier technology you need is also available in the United States, and it is better than that of the Japanese." The Germans and Japanese probably don't know it yet.

However, this secret may not be kept for too long. The Japanese "Akagi" and the American "Ranger" both have rectangular decks, while the "Elizabeth" has a beveled deck. In terms of deck size, the hull of "Akagi" is 29 meters wide. The flight deck is only 30.5 meters, and the "Elizabeth" hull is 30 meters, but the flight deck is a full 48 meters wide, and the gap is huge.

The most advanced "island" class aircraft carrier in southern Africa, with a flight deck width of 58 meters, has basically reached the extreme at the level of 30000 tons.

"Are you talking about Lexington?" Gant's words almost broke Tom's defense.

That’s right, no matter how hard you blow the Americans, “Lexington” was still sunk in Brazil——

It is said that "Lexington" is also the first and only aircraft carrier ever to be sunk in battle. This will be a stain that the Americans will never be able to get rid of.

"No, no, do you know about the Rangers? That is our most advanced aircraft carrier in the United States." Tom kept his expression on, ready to use information about the "Rangers" to fool the Germans.


Not as good as Chicheng.

Gantt was noncommittal, he did not have the power to make a decision, and Goering did not have the power to make a decision whether to allow Americans to participate.

When Goering reported to Germany, Arthur and Angie already knew about the situation.

This is not surprising. How could the Americans stay out of such a big event as the London Naval Conference.

In the past few days, the US delegation and the southern African delegation have also had a lot of contact, but the content of the exchange is definitely not disarmament, but the Brazilian civil war.

The new Brazilian government has begun to attack St. Louis, and the striker has approached Santa Rosa near St. Louis, less than 200 kilometers away from St. Louis.

Washington has signaled to Rio that the new government will pause its offensive for now.

Vargas has completely turned to southern Africa, and he will definitely not accept this suggestion. The Americans need time to train their troops, build new warships, and stabilize their defenses. Everything takes time.

The new government only needs to advance all the way. During this period of time, more and more states have expressed their support for the new government, and only three states have not yet made a final statement. Brazil can say that the overall situation has been settled, and the new government will not leave the US-Pakistan coalition forces behind. Time to breathe.

So going around, the U.S. delegation took the initiative to contact the southern African delegation. The U.S. still hasn't given up completely, but before counterattacking, the U.S. government needs a decent reason to withdraw from Brazil.

Even if the United States wants to return to Brazil, I am afraid that it will be next year or the year after at the earliest.

"Is it possible for the United States, Germany, and Japan to unite?" This was Arthur's most worried question.

"Before the final result is settled, everything is possible." Angel is also not sure. If the United States, Germany and Japan join forces, Southern Africa will not be afraid. The United Kingdom should be the most worried.

The situation in the Old Continent is complicated now. Even if the situation is unfavorable, Southern Africa can withdraw to regroup.

The British Empire is miserable, and most of the British Isles cannot withstand the joint attack of the United States and Germany.

But not necessarily, the Royal Navy is still very powerful, coupled with the assistance of southern Africa, it is still possible to hold the English Channel.

But in that case, the war will definitely be protracted, and it may not end within three to five years.

"No!" Yang Smother, who had just arrived in London, was very sure.

"Why?" Arthur and Angie haven't figured it out yet.

"The Brazilian Civil War has taught the United States enough lessons. Just like what General Angie said just now, the Americans will not easily choose sides again before everything is settled." Standing is a joke.

(End of this chapter)

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