Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 2011 The Enlightened Tie Hanhan

Chapter 2011 The Enlightened Tie Hanhan

The position of the Americans actually depends on southern Africa.

Germany plus Japan, plus Italy, cannot beat Britain plus southern Africa.

The United States joined the German side, which is indeed evenly matched.

The problem is that the Americans don't want to fight hard, but want to take advantage of it easily, so the United States will definitely not join Germany.

They don't even join at the beginning of the war, but when the war is about to be won, they join the side that is about to win.

During World War I, the United States took advantage of this.

In the Second World War in another time and space, if Japan hadn't made a desperate bet to pull the United States into the water, it is hard to say which side the United States will join.

Therefore, Americans have no position. If Americans must have a position, then this position can only be based on interests.

Joining whichever side is most in the interests of the United States, then the United States will join whichever side, whether it is justice or not has nothing to do with it.

Southern Africa has a clear position. In any case, Southern Africa will definitely choose the other side of Japan. Even if Japan forms an alliance with the United Kingdom, Southern Africa will not let Japan go.

The British also know this, so the British have to distance themselves from the Japanese anyway.

Americans also know this, so Americans have started to reduce their trade volume with Japan.

In fact, this has little to do with southern Africa. The main reason is that Japan's expansion in the Far East has affected the interests of the United States.

Americans have always been in favor of opening the door. During the Opium War, the United States used the banner of "opening the door" in the hope that the foreign powers would carve up the Far East market.

Japan's expansion in the Far East is essentially to monopolize the Far East market, which is unacceptable to the Americans anyway.

Therefore, the Americans have now begun to deliberately control the trade volume with Japan, and do not want Japan's power to expand to the point where it can threaten the United States.

This is similar to a friend in the ordinary sense, you can live a good life, but you can't live a better life than me——

Yang Smotz understands the mentality of the Americans very well, because the same is true in southern Africa.

The purpose of Yang Smoltz coming to London is very clear. Arthur and Angie are still a little immature when participating in this level of meeting. They need a mature and prudent guy like Yang Smoltz to sit in charge, otherwise Arthur and Angie Maybe they will be fooled by those old hooligans.

At the beginning of this London Naval Conference, the United Kingdom showed its cards and hoped that the participating countries could reach a consensus.

The requirements put forward by the United Kingdom are: the standard displacement of capital ships of various countries shall not exceed 35000 tons, and the caliber of the main gun shall not exceed 14 inches.

At the same time, the standard displacement of an aircraft carrier must not exceed 25000 tons, and the caliber of the artillery must not exceed 6 inches.

The standard displacement of a standard cruiser shall not exceed 8000 tons, and the caliber of the gun shall not exceed 6 inches, but any contracting party may build a cruiser with a displacement of 1 tons if it considers that its national security is affected.

Then the problem came. The new battleships built by Japan, France, and Italy all had a displacement of more than 35000 tons, and all of their main guns had a caliber of more than 14 inches.

The newly built aircraft carriers of the United States and the United Kingdom perfectly meet the proposals proposed by the United Kingdom, and the newly built "island" class aircraft carriers in southern Africa far exceed the standards proposed by the United Kingdom with a displacement of 30000 tons.

According to the British suggestion, the four "island" class aircraft carriers under construction in southern Africa must be demolished.

This is simply impossible. Just a week ago, the first "island"-class aircraft carrier in southern Africa was launched, and the next three will be launched one after another in the middle of next year. It is definitely impossible to dismantle it.

Therefore, Arthur and An Qi had a fierce attitude. In the three meetings that have been held, Arthur and An Qi strongly opposed it and demanded that the limit of aircraft carriers be raised to 32000 tons.

"You guys, isn't this the same as admitting that the displacement of the 'island' class aircraft carrier has reached 32000 tons? If they restrict it, let them restrict it. Now that you have done this, the country most opposed to restricting the arms race has become us in southern Africa , the Japanese, the French, and the Italians are reaping the benefits, and the United States and the United Kingdom have become advocates of world peace, which is a big loss!" Yang Smozi was not angry, experience always needs to be accumulated, and the old guys will sooner or later If we want to retreat, the future of southern Africa will sooner or later be supported by the generation of Arthur and Angie.

So it's not a bad thing to suffer a loss, it's a good thing to gain wisdom.

"But if we agree to this condition, what about our 'island'-class aircraft carrier?" An Qi disagrees. If it is something else, An Qi may give in. On the issue of the "island"-class aircraft carrier, An Qi is absolutely Will not budge.

"Let's put it this way, do you think there is any possibility of success in this naval meeting?" Yang Smozi was not in a hurry, but An Qi was in a hurry if she cared.

"It probably won't succeed. Even if an agreement is reached, it probably won't have much binding force." If the "island" class aircraft carrier is not mentioned, An Qi is still very clear-headed.

"That's it. Since it's unlikely to succeed, why should we rush to the forefront—" Yang Smozi was cunning and cunning, and the two young men were accidentally replaced by gunmen.

An Qi and Arthur didn't speak, and they looked at Yang Smozi in a daze, as if they gradually understood something.

"Even if we agree to the restrictions on aircraft carriers, is it possible for the Japanese, the French, and the Italians to agree to the restrictions on battleships?" "Class battleship, 80.00% of the hull has been completed, and it will be launched in a few months.

The progress of the Italians is a little slower, and their first "Vittorio Veneto"-class battleship is already more than halfway through.

Both of these two classes of battleships have a displacement of more than 35000 tons, so southern Africa is not willing to demolish the "island" class aircraft carrier. Are the French and Italians willing to demolish their battleships?

As for the Japanese, Yamamoto 56 came to London to quarrel. By the way, he made a deal with the Germans. He never thought of signing the "London Naval Treaty", otherwise Yamamoto would not have shut up Kaya Konobu.

Shutting up does not mean unconditional acceptance, but silent protest.

Unlike Konobu Kaya, Yamamoto 56 has become unbearable to Ou Nanan's arbitrariness. Since Ou Nanan does not want to listen to Japan's voice, Japan will also reject any restrictions imposed on Japan by "civilized society".

So in this way, it doesn't matter whether Southern Africa agrees or not. Anyway, Japan, France, and Italy will definitely not agree.

Even the United States and the United Kingdom did not have much hope for these proposals in their hearts. It was only because the United States and the United Kingdom were building aircraft carriers that they could not afford to build new battleships for the time being, so the United Kingdom and the United States had such a tacit understanding.

"So, for the next meeting, we just go with our ears. As long as the Japanese, French, and Italians don't matter, then we in southern Africa don't care. Let's dismantle it together. We can build it after dismantling it. The Japanese, the French, and the Italians, heh heh—" Yang Smozi really didn't mean to discriminate against these three countries, but these three countries really don't have the strength to compare with southern Africa.

To put it bluntly, the national strength is not enough. Japan's construction of Yamato and Musashi has basically exhausted Japan's national strength. Otherwise, you think the Japanese don't know that the 12.7-ton medium tank is a bit shabby.

The point is that there is no way. The Japanese want to build medium tanks up to 35 tons, just like southern Africa. Unfortunately, Japan does not have as much steel as southern Africa. The only steel that is left is used to make Yamato and Musashi.

The situation in France and Italy is similar. Since the end of the last world war, the two countries have not built new battleships. Southern Africa is worried about the insufficient tonnage of capital ships every day. France and Italy have never run out.

Unlike Japan, Japan wants to buy steel from southern Africa, but southern Africa does not sell it.

France and Italy have no money to buy. Even if the Federal Government of Southern Africa offers a wholesale price, France and Italy have no money.

"What if the Japanese, the French, and the Italians agree?" After all, Arthur was not used to such a shameless Yang Smother.

"That's good. Our requirements are not too high. As long as the Navy Council is willing to give us a quota of 30 tons of battleships, then we will immediately destroy all four 'island' class aircraft carriers." Yang Smozi repeated the old story, Japan has 30 tons, how is southern Africa worse than Japan?
So they all shout for fairness and justice. Even Germany almost has all the normal rights of a normal country. Does the southern African navy deserve to guard those four 25000-ton battleships every day?
It is said that battleships of this level are almost retired in France and Italy, and southern Africa is also eligible to fight for legitimate rights and interests.

"I think we should take this condition as our formal request." An Qi never gave up her ambition for battleships.

"No, no, no, this is our trump card. It is mainly used to threaten European and American countries. It will be useless if you bring it up." If the meeting really wanted to give Southern Africa a 30-ton battleship, the pressure would immediately shift to Southern Africa.

In case the London Naval Conference gives a quota to southern Africa, will southern Africa be built or not?
If it is built, the battleship is obviously behind the times, and it is useless to build it. With that money, it is better to build a few more "Durban" class light cruisers.

If it is not made, the Southern African Navy will definitely be dissatisfied whether other countries will read the joke or not.

So why ask for trouble, just mention it from time to time, but not a tough attitude, which is in the best interest of the Southern African Federal Government.

So in the following naval meeting, the southern African delegation completely became a display.

This made delegations from other countries not quite used to it. What's the matter, Tie Hanhan suddenly became enlightened?

(End of this chapter)

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