Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 2032 The noose in Ada's hand

Chapter 2032 The noose in Ada's hand

In the era of naval holidays, all countries are very cautious in launching large surface warships. They must not only ensure combat effectiveness, but also not break through the restrictions of the "Washington Naval Treaty". Therefore, there are various exotic ship types, such as Japan's "Myoko" class heavy cruiser.

As a standard treaty-type heavy cruiser, the "Miaoko" class heavy cruiser originally had a displacement of no more than [-] tons.

As a result, the Japanese tried every means to falsify and conceal the report, and the full-load displacement of the "Miaoko" heavy cruiser reached 13500 tons.

The crazy Japanese installed ten 200mm cannons on the "Myoko" class, so the "Myoko" class has the strongest firepower at the same level. Last year, Japan refitted the "Myoko" and replaced the 200mm cannon with 203mm. Shell weight was also increased from 110kg to 126kg.

While the firepower is strong, "Miao Gao" also has many hidden dangers.

Japanese warships pursue firepower and speed, but cannot balance other aspects, and their stability and structural strength are insufficient, which lays hidden dangers for future naval battles.

The "Surrey" class designed by the British is not outstanding in all aspects of performance, but there are no obvious shortcomings, and its strength is relatively balanced. It is also an excellent heavy cruiser.

It is a pity that in order to delay the arms race, the British government tied its hands and feet, and actually shelved the "Surrey" class and did not plan to build it, so it made the southern Africans cheaper.

Rock didn't ask how he got the "Surrey" class blueprints. Two heavy cruisers are still affordable for southern Africa.

During the naval meeting, Rock was more concerned about Brazil.

After the new Brazilian government took St. Louis, the civil war has actually ended, but it will have to wait for confirmation from southern Africa and the United States before the new Brazilian government can completely convince the public.

With the establishment of the new Brazilian government, Brazil has officially entered a state of reconstruction, and more and more southern African companies are investing in Brazil. For southern African companies, Brazil is like a huge treasure house waiting to be discovered.

Rhodesia Company and Nyasaland Company will definitely not miss such a gluttonous feast, and the emphasis is also different.

Nyasaran is concerned about the mineral resources of Brazil. As the largest country in South America, Brazil has mineral resources as rich as southern Africa.

Especially the iron mines of Iron Four Corners. After controlling the Pilbara and Iron Four Corners, Nyasaland almost controlled the lifeline of global steel companies. related to strength.

Now Nyasaland is cooperating with Christian Exploration Company to explore mineral resources in Brazil. The new Brazilian government is unable to develop them. Nyasaland can invest. The current Brazilian government embraces the investment of southern African capital. , the more the better.

In contrast, Rhodesia's investment is more concentrated in the field of people's livelihood.

Brazil's mahogany is world-famous, and the demand for high-grade wood in southern Africa has been high. In recent years, the federal government of southern Africa has begun to pay attention to environmental protection, and has strictly restricted the development of resources in the territory. Now it wants to develop forest resources in southern Africa. It is as difficult as climbing the sky, and the profit in this area is very high.

"The new Brazilian government is facing many difficulties now. Vargas hopes to get more support. We have provided three interest-free loans to the new Brazilian government before. Now Vargas is asking for money again. This time it is 1.5 million— —” Ada reminded Roque to pay attention to the financial situation of the new Brazilian government, and this will definitely not work.

Probably because they are used to relying on others. Both African countries and South American countries have a common problem, that is, they habitually hope that others will help them solve problems when encountering difficulties, and never think of relying on their own strength to solve problems.

This is understandable.

For example, the new Brazilian government now has the biggest source of income from export tariffs and Iron Square mines. The export tariffs have been mortgaged to Rand Bank and Nyasaland Bank by the new Brazilian government. Under the joint control of the Special Steel Group, most of the profits have been taken away, and what is left for the new Brazilian government and the state capital of Mizhou is leftovers.

In this case, Vargas will definitely turn to southern Africa when he encounters difficulties.

The money has been taken away by southern Africa, why not go to the United States if you don't go to southern Africa?
"What do you need 1.5 million for?" Rock wasn't worried. The more loans, the better.

Don't think that interest-free loans are really interest-free, the more free things are, the more expensive they are.

When the Rand Bank provides interest-free loans to Brazil, or even direct aid, it will attach many subsidiary conditions, such as mining rights, railway operation rights, land lease rights, etc. If the new Brazilian government does not agree, there will be no money , Agree that the consequences will be more serious, and it won't take long for Brazil to become a colony of southern Africa.

A new type of colony that does not establish direct control by the colonial government, but indirectly controls the kind hidden behind the government.

This new type of colonial method is more concealed, less burdensome and more profitable, and there is no need to worry about conflicts with the Brazilians. The pressure is on the new Brazilian government.

"It is used to divide and win over the state capitals. The situation in Brazil is a bit special. The state capitals have a lot of power, and the federal government is just a decoration—" Ada said here, looking at Roque with complicated eyes.

It's not that the situation in Brazil is a bit special. Now all countries in the world say that it is basically the same. On the contrary, southern Africa is a special case.

In the era of Adelaide and Philip, the power of the federal government in southern Africa was actually not that great. There were three countries in the capital, and the rankings were not in order. Here are the top ten outstanding young people.

In the era of Adelaide and Philip, Nyasaland and Rhodesia were equivalent to a country within a country. The federal government didn't even know how many people there were in these two states, let alone the economies of these two states.

How much tax to pay every year depends on the mood of Rock and Stoudemire.

In the Rock era, the capital status of Cape Town and Bloemfontein was abolished, and the jurisdiction of the national guards of the states was also taken back by the federal government. In the past two years, Rock has ruled by doing nothing on the surface. In fact, changes in southern Africa are subtle In the process of progress, last year the federal government took back the right to appoint the justices of the states. If this continues, it is estimated that one day in the future, the governors of each state will be appointed by the federal government.

Only then will the federal government be the only legitimate government truly qualified to represent southern Africa.

"Is it so complicated to take back the power of the local government?" Roque ignored Vargas' influence in Brazil.

Before Roque entered the Palace of Justice, he was already the Marquis of Nyasaland, the commander-in-chief of the British Expeditionary Force, and one of the most powerful capitalists in southern Africa. His influence on southern Africa has reached an inexhaustible level.

Regardless of the new government's defeat of the US-Pakistan coalition forces, Vargas' influence on Brazil is far behind Roque's influence on southern Africa. Roque can take back the jurisdiction of the National Guard of each state with a single order However, if Vargas wants to do the same, it is estimated that Brazil will set up an "anti-Vagas coalition".

"Is it that easy?" Ada rolled her eyes, disdainful in her heart, but she couldn't help it, because it was really easy for Rock.

"The new government now has 30 troops, so it's easy to do whatever you want." Rock was even more disdainful. No matter how tactful a politician is, it's not as good as power coming out of the barrel of a gun.

This can be regarded as a matter of habit. Politicians, when encountering problems, always tend to use political methods to solve them.

Rock is simple and rude, just like dealing with the Boers in southern Africa. If you don’t obey the federal government honestly, then you will oppress your living space step by step, reduce the sense of existence of the entire Boer group, and cancel the official Boer language in southern Africa. In terms of status, if you want to get financial appropriation from the federal government, you have to write a nomination letter in blood.

The last move is the most powerful. Orange is already poor, and the state government cannot even maintain normal operation by virtue of its own capabilities.

In the past, Orange either turned to the British for alms, or turned to the federal government to cry for poverty, and lived for a year.

This approach in the Rock era is no longer feasible. We need the support of the federal government to be obedient. The Boers cannot always stay outside the mainstream society in southern Africa. It is said that since the environment cannot be changed, they must actively adapt to the environment. Southern Africa, as an immigrant country, the Boers had to take the initiative to integrate into Southern Africa.

Of course, there must be a big stick along with carrots. The "Freiburg Rebellion" almost wiped out the Boers with extreme attitudes. The Boers who are still in southern Africa are all honest and responsible, and have never sought help from the federal government. trouble.

That's right, focus more on working with your hands to create a happy and beautiful life, and don't always think about what you have and what you don't have.

"Vargas doesn't have this determination, not to mention - Vargas has no command of the army at all. He is a lawyer, not a soldier." Aida said that a scholar failed to rebel for three years. g the biggest difference.

"Tell Augusto, let him cooperate with Vargas to end the chaos in Brazil as soon as possible." Rock also knew the problem, but Rock did not intend to hand over the command of the army to Vargas.

It is very dangerous to hand over a powerful army to a person who does not know how to use it.

The reason why Roque is very relieved to return the command of the Southern African Army to the Southern African Ministry of Defense is because Roque himself is the founder of the Southern African Army, not even one of them. Rock has the supreme authority in the Southern African Army Authority, that's why Roque is relieved.

Brazil's 30 troops have almost nothing to do with Vargas.

When the Mizhou Army was established, the team consisted of mercenaries from the Umbrella Company and miners from the Iron Four Corners Company, both of which were members of Rock.

The weapons used by the Michigan Army are also provided by southern Africa. Brazil has not been able to produce even a single bullet. If southern Africa cuts off the supply today, the new Brazilian government will collapse tomorrow.

No, maybe it will crash at night, not overnight.

"Will the money be returned?" The signature pen in Ada's hand was like a noose around Vargas' neck.

"Give it, why not give it." Rock doesn't care, Rand, it's all paper anyway.

(End of this chapter)

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