Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 2033 Football Lovers' Paradise

Chapter 2033 Football Lovers' Paradise
The current main international currency is still the pound, but the pound is now facing strong challenges from the rand and the dollar.

Specifically, in the Americas, the dollar is more popular than both the pound and the rand.

Brazil has become a breakthrough for the rand, exchanging printed paper for the precious natural resources of other countries. This kind of thing sounds very interesting.

Roque spared no effort in promoting the rand. During the economic crisis, the British pound and the US dollar were unbound from gold one after another. The rand became the strongest currency in value, bar none.

In order to better promote the rand, Rock even linked the oil in the Persian Gulf to the rand, the rand or gold, oil companies large and small in the Persian Gulf now only accept these two payment methods.

With the help of the Federal Government of Southern Africa, Brazil's new government is actually rebuilding the currency system.

At this time, people were surprised to find that Brazil did not even have the ability to print currency, and had to rely on the help of southern African companies.

This is normal. Brazil is several million square kilometers in size. There must be a printing factory. It is okay to print a newspaper or something. Printing currency still requires a certain level of technology.

It is mainly various cutting-edge anti-counterfeiting technologies. The rand issued in southern Africa has a lot of watermarks, counter-prints, and gravures, and it is extremely difficult to imitate.

If this is replaced by Brazil's own printing, if it is printed out, it will fade in a short time.

To put it bluntly, even the banknote paper needed to print banknotes cannot be produced in Brazil.

In this area of ​​technology, southern Africa is too powerful.

It is so powerful that some printing houses have reached the point where they can easily print banknotes from other countries.

This has to start from the beginning of this year.

About two months ago, the Ministry of Justice of Southern Africa received an investigation report from Scotland Yard, claiming that a large number of British pounds of unknown origin were found in the UK. It is hoped that the Ministry of Justice of Southern Africa can cooperate with Scotland Yard in the investigation.

Scotland Yard is synonymous with the London Police Department. This is not because the London police are all Scots, but the street where the London Police Department was originally located was called "Great Scotland Yard", so "Scotland Yard" became synonymous with the London Police Department. .

Speaking of counterfeit money, this aspect also has a long history. As early as the age of metal currency, some people mixed cheap metals such as copper and lead into gold coins for profit. The money is melted into metal utensils and sold for profit.

After the French Revolution, the French government issued bonds mortgaged by confiscated church estates as substitute banknotes.

The United Kingdom once copied this banknote on a large scale.

This may be the earliest economic warfare.

Now that fortunes are turning and counterfeit sterling notes appear in the UK, Scotland Yard's first object of suspicion is not the French or the Germans, but the southern Africans.

This is unacceptable to the Federal Government of Southern Africa.

There are even more ironic things.

The reason why Scotland Yard does not suspect the French or the Germans is that the counterfeit coins that appear in the UK are of high printing quality and high technical content. They are more authentic than the real coins issued by the British government and have been used all over the world. Few countries have this technology, and southern Africa is one of the best.

Scotland Yard is not unfounded suspicion, provided a considerable amount of evidence.

All the evidence points to a paper mill in Lorenzo Marques.

"Based on all the evidence we have analyzed, there is indeed a problem with this paper mill named Nichols. The owner of the paper mill is named McMillan, a British-born southern African, half-German, and graduated from the University of Paris—" is reporting the investigation The resulting Pretoria Police Senior Inspector Tony Fast had a subtle expression on his face.

This guy's background is really complicated.

knock --

Deputy Attorney General Rhodes Frank tapped on the table.

Tony Fast understood and read the result directly.

"—this factory not only imitates British pounds, but also imitates francs, dollars, marks, and yen."


It is understandable to imitate the British pound, the US dollar, and even the Japanese yen. After all, the value of the Japanese yen is relatively strong now.

But what happened to the imitation mark?

As far as the depreciation speed of the mark is concerned, most of the printing costs cannot be recovered.

"What are you waiting for? Let's act immediately and completely destroy this factory." Senior Inspector Owen Huggins from Scotland Yard couldn't wait, which was a great achievement.

"Don't worry, we still need to investigate further." Gao Ming, the director of Brad's office in Pretoria, is cautious, and Huggins has the final say on when to act.

The British police do not have law enforcement powers in southern Africa. When Owen Huggins came to southern Africa, he was not even allowed to carry a weapon. Whether to act or when to act is the final decision of the southern African police. Huggins can be there Supervision, don't even think about pointing fingers.

Because this case involves the United Kingdom, Brad's office is also involved.

"Since the evidence is solid, what are we waiting for?" Owen Hudgens was eager to make a contribution.

"It's not that simple. If we want to take action, we need the cooperation of the Lorenzo Marquez police." Rhodes Frank didn't know why, but he had an inexplicable affection for that guy named McMillan.

The reason is simple. The counterfeit coins made by McMillan include British pounds and US dollars, as well as Japanese yen, francs, and marks, but there is no rand——

The key is that this guy is highly skilled. When he was studying at the University of Paris, he studied chemistry, and he has a very precise grasp of the ratio of raw materials.

The investigation results of Brad's office showed that McMillan originally worked in Rand Bank. His father was a gambler, and he was set up to lose the factory overnight. McMillan was forced to resign and go home to take over the family business. In just two years, the Nichols Paper Mill was redeemed.

The Nichols paper mill is doing very well, and the newspaper "The Times" issued in Lorenzo Marques is printed by the Nichols paper mill.

"There are still doubts in this case, and further investigation is needed." Gao Ming was firm. No matter how detailed the investigation results of the Pretoria Police Department were, Brad's office said no.

Owen Hudgens was furious, but unfortunately to no avail.

Rhodes Frank spread his hands, the power in Brad's office is indeed great.

Leaving the Pretoria Police Station, Owen Hudgens' mood immediately improved.

It was only March at this time, and London was still covered with fog, but southern Africa was sunny and warm like spring, and the air was so clean. The tall buildings in front of me, the green belts on the roadside, the billboards in front of the shops, everything Everything is as clear, bright and vivid as if washed with water.

All expenses incurred by Owen Hudgens during his stay in Southern Africa were borne by the Pretoria Police Service.

But Owen Hudgens never forgot to ask for an invoice when consuming.

These invoices are reimbursed upon return to Scotland Yard.

So this trip to southern Africa is a public trip for Owen Hudgens.

There are still a lot of cultural and entertainment facilities in Pretoria, and Owen Huggins is so happy to leave. Yesterday Owen Huggins just watched a football match between De Beers Diamonds and Rand Gold, so Owen Huggins Adams became a fan of the De Beers Diamond team.

Diamond team!
Gold team!
Such a strong local tyrant gold style can be seen as Stoudemire's handwriting.

That's right, the football team under Stoudemire's name is not just Rhodesia United. The De Beers Diamond Team is a team of the De Beers Unified Mining Company, and the Rand Gold Team is a team organized by the Rand Mining Union. Both teams are at the top of the Southern African Second Division.

As mentioned above, there are many football teams in southern Africa. In Los Angeles alone, there are as many as seven clubs that are eligible to participate in the professional league.

There are a total of 25 teams in the First Division. In principle, each state has one team. In fact, the distribution is uneven. For example, Los Angeles has three First Division teams.

So what about other teams?
For example, De Beers Diamond and Rand Gold, these clubs are not without strength, but because the top teams such as Nyasaran Eagles and Rhodesia United are too strong, so De Beers Diamond and Rand Gold are not without strength. Qualified for the First Division.

So the Second Division came into being.

As the second-level league in Southern Africa, the second division also has 25 teams.

Then there are the continental leagues all over southern Africa.

Still take Nyasaland as an example. In addition to the top teams, Nyasaland has nearly a hundred football clubs, large and small. These clubs hold competitions in units of counties. This level belongs to the fifth level in southern Africa.

The top three in each fifth level are eligible to participate in the fourth level held in Nyasaland in the second year, which is the D-League.

Only No.1 in the D-League is eligible to participate in the C-League in Southern Africa, and the top three in the C-League will be promoted to the B-League in the second year.

This competition system is definitely not fair to a state with relatively developed football like Nyasaland.

However, there has never been an absolutely fair system. Among the three promotion places in the C-League every year, there must be a team belonging to Nyasaland. It will not take a few years if this continues, and the truly capable teams will still be able to stand out. .

But in this way, the competition in states with stronger football strength is very fierce.

This league system is heaven for football-loving Owen Hudgens.

That is, after watching a second division game, Owen Huggins finally understood why so many Europeans were willing to immigrate to southern Africa.

This is only a second-tier competition, the audience is less than 2, and the atmosphere is already extremely enthusiastic.

If this were changed to the First Division, or even the national derby between Nyasaland Eagles and Rhodesia United, how hot would the atmosphere be?
Owen Hudgens couldn't even imagine it.

ps: The Mid-Autumn Festival is approaching, I wish readers and gentlemen that lovers will get married in the end—there was a guest at home yesterday, and the fish head sacrificed heroically, and I will try to make up for it today—but don’t expect too much, because there may be guests today—no The method, seniority——

(End of this chapter)

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