Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 2040 The Japanese Killed by the United States

Chapter 2040 The Japanese Killed by the United States

Europe and the United States have never been monolithic, but the contradictions have never been so obvious.

It can only be said that the generals present are relatively hot-tempered, and they cannot learn the tact and compromise of politicians.

In addition, the Changi Naval Base is far away from Europe after all, and the colonial mentality of the generals is still very obvious. If you cover it up at home, you will completely let it go in Southeast Asia.

"Gentlemen, let's talk about tomorrow's exercise—" Tang Li tried to bring the topic back to tomorrow's exercise.

"What can I say—I don't want to cooperate with some arrogant guys—" Luis Garibuere was still angry, and stared fiercely at David Stephen.

For the continental balance policy that the British government has always pursued, and the increasingly serious appeasement policy, the dissatisfaction of the French has accumulated to the extreme.

After the Franco-Prussian War, Britain supported France in order to contain Germany.

After the World War, Britain chose to aid Germany in order to contain France.

Every Frenchman detests this practice of the British.

Especially for soldiers like Louis and the others.

But the French had to succumb again. After all, they still had to rely on Britain to fight against Germany. This feeling of humiliation made the extremely proud French very entangled.

"Heh, only those who have real strength are qualified to be arrogant. Some people can't be confident even if they want to be confident." David Stephen sneered, no matter how proud the Gallic Rooster is, he still has to bow his head to Britain.

Tom Bartlett didn't speak, just watched from the sideline with a smile, very satisfied with the current scene.

Once Europe is united, the Americans who shout about isolationism all day long will be really isolated. This is something Americans absolutely do not want to see.

After the World War, the U.S. Navy finally had the qualifications to be on an equal footing with the Royal Navy.

In fact, the current strength of the U.S. Navy is going to surpass the Royal Navy. After all, the warships of the U.S. Navy are all newly built in recent years. They have been in service for a short time and have advanced technology. Coupled with continuous upgrades and transformations, the Royal Navy is now lagging behind.

As for the French Navy, it is simply not qualified to be valued by the US Navy.

What Tom Bartlett was thinking about now was how to drag Tang Li into the water. The U.S. Navy would remember the revenge of "Lexington" being sunk.

"Gentlemen, no matter what's going on in Europe, at least in Asia, we must maintain cooperation so that we can cope with the increasingly severe pressure." Tang Li no matter how Europe struggles, the strongest in Asia now is the Japanese.

As mentioned earlier, Japan's military expansion has already affected the interests of all countries in East Asia. Britain and France have extensive interests in East Asia, but the strength of the Eastern Fleet and the Far Eastern Fleet is seriously insufficient. At this time, internal strife is not right. Sensible.

"Don, I think your worries are unnecessary. The era of naval holidays is not over yet. The planet we live in is in an unprecedented period of safety." Tom Bartlett had a relaxed expression, not sure if his heart matched his expression Just as easy.

"If Washington really thinks so, then why do you bother to build five new 'Yorktown' class aircraft carriers?" Tang Li's words directly made Tom Bartlett feel ashamed.

Why did the United States build five "Yorktowns"? Don't you southern Africans have any AC numbers in your mind?

"Even if I don't say it, we all know the situation in East Asia. The Japanese have proposed to turn Asia into Japan's Asia. If we still can't recognize the reality, then we'd better get ready to leave East Asia." Tang Li It's not alarmist talk, the ambitions of the Japanese are the same as those of the Germans, and they are becoming more and more obvious.

"The Japanese are dreaming, they don't have the strength to swallow Asia." David Stephen dismissed it, regardless of the fact that the United Fleet is now very arrogant, in the eyes of the Royal Navy, it is just an empty shelf.

Centennial Navy is no joke.

"That's the problem. It's exactly what you said. The Japanese didn't swallow the strength of Asia, but they tried to do so. I don't need to emphasize the consequences." Tang Li's angle was tricky, and the calm Japanese could not Terrible, terrible are the crazy Japanese.

Leaving aside whether Japan has the strength to monopolize East Asia, ambition is like a weed in spring, it will grow wantonly as long as the conditions are right.

In case the Japanese think they have this ability, then the Japanese will unswervingly move towards this goal.

Then sooner or later war will break out.

"Gentlemen, I have the latest information. The combined Japanese fleet is also preparing for a drill, and both 'Nagato' and 'Mutsu' will participate." Li Yaozu's words made everyone frown.

The Japanese were not invited to the Changi Squadron and East India joint maneuvers.

The Japanese organize their own exercises.

This targeting is also obvious.

"Have you been invited?" Tang Li was curious. The Changi Squadron would definitely not be invited to the Japanese exercise.

Even if invited, Changi Squadron will not participate.

"It should be just a routine exercise—" Tom Bartlett said, I'm afraid he didn't believe it himself.

Tang Li didn't believe it either. Military exercises cost a lot of money. For BIG7 battleships like "Nagato" and "Mutsu", the cost of operating one hour is calculated in units of "[-]". It's obviously a demonstration.

Because of this new situation, the banquet ended hastily, which fully proves the pressure that the combined fleet has put on the navies of various countries.

It is different from the generals who participated in the exercise.

The news that the United Fleet is about to hold an exercise is tantamount to a shot in the arm for Kakuda Zhi, and Kakuda Zhi's mood instantly improved.

It was really too much pressure on Satoshi Kakuda during this time.

For the Sarawak oil field, Pan Asia Co., Ltd. has paid millions of yen back and forth, but now it has not even seen a drop of oil.

If this continues, Kakuda Zhi may only have one way to go by breaking his belly and apologizing.

He failed everyone's trust.

The current Japanese government is in a very difficult situation. After the United States began to gradually reduce its trade volume with Japan, Japan’s only import channel will soon be closed. This makes the Japanese, who already lack a sense of security, even more worried. It is getting stronger and stronger.

The exercise of the joint fleet can at least give some greedy guys a warning, telling them that the Japanese are not easy to mess with, so that the construction of offshore oil wells will be greatly accelerated in the future.

In the agreement between Pan Asia Co., Ltd. and the Kingdom of Sarawak, Pan Asia Co., Ltd. will complete the development of the oil field within one year, so that the Kingdom of Sarawak can obtain the profits brought by the oil field as soon as possible.

Now half a year has passed, and the oil well is still gone. Tomo Kakuda is very anxious. Once the oil field fails to produce oil as scheduled, according to the agreement between Pan Asia Co., Ltd. and the Kingdom of Sarawak, Pan Asia Co., Ltd. will lose the right to exploit the oil field.

"Is there any news from the Americans?" Nakamura Kuro is also anxious. The exercises of the Changi Squadron and the East India Fleet will be held soon. Nakamura Kuro vaguely feels that an alliance against Japan is being formed. Very bad for Japan.

The main reason why Japan can't wait to expand abroad is because of its lack of strength.

The Sino-Japanese War of Sino-Japanese War and the Russo-Japanese War, as well as successive victories in world wars greatly stimulated the Japanese ambitions, and Japan desperately hopes to obtain an international status that matches its strength.

Since the Meiji Restoration, Japan has tried to leave Asia and join Europe.

However, the mainstream society formed by the Anglo-Saxons is not so easy to integrate into, and Japan has not been able to enter it until now.

With Japan's national strength, it is simply unable to afford a huge combined fleet.

Not to mention that Japan is still doing its best to build a "Yamato".

Among all the victorious countries in World War I, Japan's attitude towards German indemnity is the most resolute, and it hopes that German indemnity will support Japan's continued military expansion.

It's a pity that the Germans have no money, and after paying only a billion pounds, Germany no longer pays reparations.

Britain, the United States, and southern Africa certainly don't matter, but Japan is in big trouble.

For Japan, which is struggling financially, buying industrial raw materials from the United States is not an option. After all, Japan’s gold reserves are only so small, and they are all used to buy raw materials, which is not enough for Japan to make "Yamato".

Therefore, Japan can only expand abroad to plunder the industrial raw materials needed for domestic construction.

Now you know why the United States has reduced trade with Japan, right?
Not an American conscience.

But the Japanese have no money!

This is the case with American capitalists, who will not give up until the last copper coin is squeezed out.

"Americans' asking prices are too high. A worker's salary is 20 dollars a day. This is a robbery!" Satoshi Tsunoda cursed, which was 1930 dollars in the 20s.

"Can't we get rid of those American workers? What the Americans can do, we Japanese can also do." Nakamura Hei did not expect that the appetite of the Americans was so big.

This is twenty a day.

Not January twenty.

"No, this is part of our agreement." Tomoya Tsunoda was helpless. The Americans were willing to export offshore oil extraction technology to Japan. The engineers and workers used to build the oil derrick had to be hired from the United States.

After the oil rig is erected in the future, Americans will be hired to operate it.

If the parts are damaged and need to be replaced, they must also be purchased from the United States.

You can if the parts are cheap.

The key point is that the Americans also set the prices of parts and components extremely expensive, with a fractional ratio of about [-]%——

In short, it was the Japanese who were tricked to death by the Americans this time.

"Then urge the American workers to get in place as soon as possible. If this delays, the interests of American workers will also be damaged." Nakamura Hei has not yet realized how hateful the Americans are.

"No, American workers have already started calculating their salaries from the moment they board the ship, so their interests will not be lost—" Satoshi Tsunoda's expression was dull. There are indeed reasons for so many lawyers in the United States.

(End of this chapter)

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