Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 2041 The Appetite of Sarawakians

Chapter 2041 The Appetite of Sarawakians

The Japanese once regarded the Sarawak oil field as a life-saving straw to solve the oil crisis of the empire. With the Sarawak oil field, Japan can gradually get rid of the increasingly serious energy crisis.

Twenty years ago, Japan's demand for oil was not so urgent.

There were not so many planes back then.

There are not so many tanks either.

The battleships of the United Fleet need only steam engines to drive them.

Thinking about it now, that should be the happiest time for the Japanese.

However, in just 20 years, or even just ten years, the world has undergone earth-shaking changes. Aircraft carriers have become more and more important, and battleships have become a thing of the past——

But Japan is still frantically building battleships.

Don't the Japanese know the development trend of the modern navy?


But knowing what to do, Japan has no oil, so it cannot develop aircraft carriers that use carrier-based aircraft as a strike method, so the Japanese have to build "Yamato", trying to counter the future development trend of the navy by strengthening battleships.

But this is not a long-term solution after all.

If Japan's ambitions are still limited to East Asia, then Japan really does not need to develop aircraft carriers.

The key issue now is that there are increasing calls in Japan for the joint fleet to break through the limitations of East Asia. In this case, Japan must find a way to deal with the huge air power of European countries, the United States, and southern Africa.

What the Japanese never expected was that the Americans were more insidious than the Japanese imagined.

Now the Japanese government’s investment in Sarawak oilfields has far exceeded expectations. American oilfield technology is not so easy to get. Counting various expenses, Pan Asia Co., Ltd. digs oil from Sarawak. It is more expensive to buy from the US.

For now, the only consolation for Pan Asia is that reserves in the Sarawak oil fields are higher than expected.

Although Pan Asia Co., Ltd. has to pay a certain fee to the Kingdom of Sarawak for every barrel of oil dug out, it is worth it in the long run.

It is precisely because of this that Kakuda Zhi can persist until now.

It's a pity that this point also came to naught with Heywood's visit.

The Kingdom of Sarawak knew from nowhere that the real reserves of the Sarawak oilfield were far greater than expected, so it immediately came to the Japanese embassy in Sarawak, demanding to change the agreement and pay more according to the latest reserves.

"The act of concealing reserves is too bad, and you must be severely punished for this bad behavior, not to mention that the reserves have soared from 200 million tons to 2000 million tons, won't your conscience hurt?" Heywood was very angry, 200 million At 2000 million, the previous agreement is not worth mentioning immediately.

"Mr. Consul, the reserves of the Sarawak Oilfield are not 2000 million tons at all, and it is impossible to reach 2000 million tons—" Satoshi Tsunoda almost vomited blood. The reserves of the Sarawak Oilfield are indeed more than 200 million, but they are not as big as 2000 million. Many, the Japanese address exploration personnel have worked hard for several months, and the latest conclusion is about 1500 million tons.

Of course, the reserves reaching 1500 million tons does not mean that 1500 million tons can be dug out.

Exploitation of oil is a very complicated job, and geological changes are full of various uncertainties. With the progress of mining work, the difficulty of mining is also increasing. Maybe with the current technical level, half of the 1500 million tons can be dug out That's fine.

"Impossible! The reserves of the Sarawak oil field must be more than 2000 million. You think that the previous concealment behavior has lost credibility with me—" Heywood has obviously done his homework, and the oil reserves are also Schrödinger's cat. Everything is subject to change.

If you look at the Elizabeth Oilfield, you will know that from the initial 1000 million tons, to the subsequent [-] million tons, and now to the current one billion tons, no one knows how much black gold is hidden under the desert.

Even if the reserves of the Elizabeth Oilfield soared to 100 billion tons tomorrow, Heywood would not be surprised at all.

No way, God is so partial to southern Africans.

If so, then the same could happen to Sarawak oilfields.

Half a year ago, the reserves of the Sarawak oil field were only 200 million, but now it is 2000 million.

What about next year?
What about the next year?
Heywood now feels that he will be sorry for this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity if the exploitation right of the Sarawak oil field is not sold for [-] million pounds.

To paraphrase the words of southern Africa, 30 years in Hedong, 30 years in Hexi, and now it is finally Sarawak's turn to lie on the oil fields and make a fortune!
"Mr. Consul, it is dishonorable to tear up the agreement at will!" Nakamura Kuro's patience has almost reached its limit.

Since Pan Asia Co., Ltd. obtained the right to exploit the Sarawak oilfield, all kinds of moths of the Sarawak people have repeatedly broken through the bottom line of Nakamura Hei.

From the fishery association at the beginning to the buoy association later, the Japanese put up with all kinds of pitfalls of the Americans in the middle.

Such humiliation and humiliation are for the smooth extraction of oil from Sarawak.

Now that there is finally a clue that the construction of the oil platform can start when the American workers are in place, the Sarawak government has jumped out to revise the agreement.

Even if the Kingdom of Sarawak has the British Empire behind it.

But in Asia, Japan is the real local snake!

"It was you who concealed the real reserves first, and the previous agreement itself was built on an unfair basis, so it is legal for us to ask to revise the agreement." Heywood sneered, it was you Japanese who were shameless first.

"Hehe, Mr. Consul, the Empire of Japan will never allow such a thing to happen!" Nakamura was so angry that his hands were trembling, and his face was darker than that of an African.

"Mr. Consul, tell me about your conditions." Satoshi Tsunoda didn't want to tear himself apart now. If Sarawak's requirements are not high, then it is not unbearable for the sake of the empire's energy crisis.

Anyway, I have endured so much.

"President Kakuda, this is the bottom line that must never be broken!" Nakamura Kuro's patience with Kakuda Satoshi has also reached its limit.

Take a step back?
Empty your sister!

Constant concessions will only make the other party's ambitions continue to expand. If that Rao Shizi Fisheries Association came to the door for the first time, Kakuda Satoshi would firmly reject all the other party's requests.

Then maybe there won't be so many troubles later.

What Nakamura Hero overlooked is that it was precisely because of the pressing force of the Sarawakians that Nakamura Hero and Kakuda Satoshi realized this.

Before that, the Japanese also had fantasies about European and American countries that boasted of being a "civilized society".

It can only be said that in terms of understanding of "civilized society", the Japanese—

The Japanese, who are deeply influenced by Han culture, have a completely different understanding from the Anglo-Saxons.

According to the interpretation of Chinese culture, civilization means: the sum of the humanistic spirit and inventions accumulated in human history that are conducive to understanding and adapting to the objective world, conform to the pursuit of human spirit, and can be recognized and accepted by the vast majority of people.

These words seem a bit esoteric, but the straightforward point is fairness and justice.

The so-called "civilization" of Europeans and Americans is based on plunder and colonization.

The so-called economic base determines the superstructure.

So we can understand what the so-called "civilization" of Europeans is all about.

"Please go back, Your Excellency the Consul, we will never revise the agreement, the agreement must be implemented in accordance with the original." Nakamura Hei issued an order to evict the guest.

"Very good, very good——" Heywood probably didn't expect the Japanese, who had always been cowardly, to become so tough: "—you wait, you will be punished!"

"How can this be done—how could this be—what should we do?" Satoshi Tsunoda couldn't accept the result and was in a state of confusion.

"Concession without a bottom line will inevitably lead to the current result. Be sober. The road ahead for the rise of the empire is doomed to be full of thorns. In addition to having a pioneering spirit, we also need the knife and courage to cut through the thorns!" Nakamura Hei shouted.

Heywood is really not just talking.

The Kingdom of Sarawak also has a navy.

Although the navy of the Kingdom of Sarawak does not even have a decent destroyer, and the largest warship is just an offshore gunboat, it is enough to deal with civilian ships.

After Heywood left the Japanese embassy in Sarawak, the patrol boats and gunboats of the Sarawak Navy were dispatched frequently, the workboat of Pan Asia Co., Ltd. was also prohibited from going to sea, and all exploration work was stopped.

The Japanese government must not allow this situation to continue to ferment. On the fifth day of the quarrel between the Kingdom of Sarawak and Pan Asia Co., Ltd., the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan sent a telegram to the Kingdom of Sarawak, requesting the Kingdom of Sarawak to fully protect Japanese companies in Sarawak. Otherwise, the Japanese government reserves the ability to take further action.

This is the threat of Hongguoguo.

Sarawak dismissed the Japanese government's threats.

The Sarawak Navy will definitely not be able to defeat the Combined Fleet.

Not to mention the battleships of the United Fleet.

Even if the United Fleet sends a destroyer squadron, it can completely wipe out the Kingdom of Sarawak.

Even the Kingdom of Sarawak can be easily eliminated.

But behind the Kingdom of Sarawak is the British Empire.

The Sarawak Navy can't beat the Combined Fleet, so can the Royal Navy not beat the Combined Fleet?
Yes, the Combined Fleet once defeated China's former No. [-] navy in Asia, as well as the Navy of the Russian Empire. During World War I, the Combined Fleet also defeated the German fleet in Asia.

But these few, tied together, are not the opponents of the Royal Navy.

So after the threat from the Japanese government, the Kingdom of Sarawak sent a distress signal to London.

Boss, the Japanese are bullying me, is there anyone who cares——

At this time, the Kingdom of Sarawak made a mistake.

Sarawak was not the only vassal state of the British Empire.

Although the United Fleet can't beat the Royal Navy, the gap is not too big.

If it is specific to East Asia, the British Far East Fleet is really no match for the United Fleet.

After all, Britain's center of gravity is in the Atlantic Ocean.

However, the interests of the dependent countries cannot be ignored. London should speak out to support Sarawak, both morally and in terms of strength.

There is a time difference here.

Everyone knows the efficiency of the British Empire. If the Royal Navy wants to build a patrol boat, it has to be discussed in Parliament for three to five months, so the reply to the Kingdom of Sarawak is a bit slow.

So the Kingdom of Sarawak is sadly reminded.

The long-awaited support did not wait, but the heavy cruisers of the United Fleet waited.

That's right, the Japanese government didn't care about the attitude of the British Empire at all, and directly sent the cruiser to Sarawak.

(End of this chapter)

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