Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 2046 A New Threat To The Royal Navy

Chapter 2046 A New Threat To The Royal Navy
The possibility of a freighter hitting an oil drilling platform cannot be said to be non-existent, but it is also very rare. After all, there are various signal lights on the oil drilling platform. As long as you are not blind, you should not hit it.

But the reason why this world is wonderful is because of all kinds of accidents.

In the past few days, there have been storms off the coast of Sarawak, and the cargo ship has seriously deviated from its course. In addition, the wind and waves are too strong to see clearly at night, so it hit the oil drilling platform. Although the cargo ship was fine, the oil drilling platform was unlucky.

Structural damage is difficult to repair, and a professional team must be invited from the United States, and this wait is at least one month.

The engineer and workers who suffered from food poisoning have not yet recovered, and this kind of thing happened here again. It's time for Kakuda Chi to be ill, otherwise he would have to apologize.

Rock doesn't care how unlucky the Japanese are, as long as the Japanese can't produce oil.

Winston is still in Pretoria. His mission has not been completed. Not only did Southern Africa not agree to return to the Commonwealth of Nations, but the gold given to London has also been decreasing, which made Winston very worried.

Since the independence of southern Africa, the gold supply to London has been decreasing, from 120 tons per year at the beginning to less than 60 tons per year now.

As far as Winston knows, the output of the Rand Gold Mine has not decreased, but has been steadily increasing. It has increased from about 20 tons per year 150 years ago to the current 270 tons. With the blessing of the company, it has gradually stabilized its current international status.

In mid-August, a new gold mine was discovered in Australia.

When Winston knew the news, the mining right of the gold mine had been acquired by an Australian company, which made Winston very dissatisfied.

"The gold in the Rand mine, the oil in Elizabeth, the iron mine in Pilbara, and now the gold mine in Australia, Locke, when will your appetite be satisfied?" Winston was also very helpless, regardless of southern Africa. Already seceded from the Commonwealth, London has far less influence over Australia than Pretoria.

This is also no way, the UK is too far away from Australia.

Initially, Australia was the place where British criminals were exiled. During the World War, Australia and New Zealand formed the Anzac Army to fight in Europe, but they did not get anything after the war. Even the German colony in Guinea was entrusted by the League of Nations to the East India. Since then, Australia has become farther and farther away from the United Kingdom.

The key is Britain's strategic contraction.

Compared with before the World War, Britain's sphere of influence in East Asia was shrinking, and the importance it paid to Australia was seriously insufficient.

Australia is sparsely populated, with only 769 million people in 550 million square kilometers. In recent years, due to the influx of southern Africans, Australia's population barely exceeded 1000 million.

Relying on this point, people cannot form a reliable national defense force. When the strength of the United States and Japan increases sharply, southern Africa becomes the best hope for ensuring Australia's security.

The most important port of Darwin in northern Australia has been leased to southern Africa for a period of 99 years.

"Winston, you only see that the Australian company has obtained the right to mine the gold mine, but you don't know how much money and effort the Australian company has spent to find this gold mine. When Londoners drink afternoon tea, there are thousands of gold mines in southern Africa. This is a reward for their hard work." Rock directly tore, and it was impossible to get something for nothing like before.

"You are right, but after controlling the oil in Elizabeth and the iron mines in Pilbara and Iron Square, southern Africa has become the target of public criticism. Now you have the power to control the world. This power is dreadful." Winston was blunt and threatening.

"Anyone who wants to threaten southern Africa will have to face the wrath of [-] million southern Africans." Rock was calm and calm, and he had the ability to grab it.

This conversation between Rock and Winston took place at the delivery ceremony of the "Madagascar".

As the first ship of the "Island" class aircraft carrier, the "Madagascar" has received great attention from the first day of its birth.

The "City" aircraft carrier was originally the most powerful aircraft carrier in the world, and the "Island" class raised the advantages of the Southern African Navy in terms of aircraft carriers to a new level.

With a full load displacement of 33000 tons, it is larger than BIG7-class battleships.

The carrying capacity of 120 aircraft is more than the combined number of all aircraft in most countries in the world.

The fastest speed is 31 knots, not to mention battleships, heavy cruisers can't catch up with "island" class aircraft carriers, light cruisers and destroyers catch up to deliver food, even aircraft carrier guards can't beat them.

Such sea behemoths, southern Africa will build four.

When the "Madagascar" was delivered, the second ship "Nyasaran" and the third ship "Rhodesia" had already been launched, and the fourth ship "Transvaal" was also undergoing final outfitting. Can be used in full.

After all four "islands" are in service, together with the existing six "cities", they will become the most powerful naval aviation force in the world.

Winston looked at "Madagascar", which was as huge as a hill in front of him, and couldn't say a word. He felt the shock again when he saw the "Elizabeth" aircraft carrier for the first time.

Coincidentally, when the United Kingdom and Southern Africa were negotiating the purchase of the "Elizabeth", the person in charge was Winston, then the British Secretary of the Navy.

"Elizabeth" is for sale.

"Island" class aircraft carriers are not for sale.

The latest carrier-based aircraft is certainly not for sale.

"The Germans are building submarines, and their navy is getting stronger." Winston was more worried about Germany.

Southern Africa's threat to the British Empire lies in the future.

Germany is now.

Therefore, even if Winston is very dissatisfied with the "overbearing" of southern Africa, he must obey the overall strategy of the United Kingdom.

"The real threat to Germany is the army. The High Seas Fleet has never been an opponent of the Royal Navy, so if the Germans are smarter, they should put all their strength on the development of the army, instead of the navy and the army going hand in hand." Rock is not worried Germany's threat, Roark's lifetime, Germany may not be able to launch an attack on the mainland of southern Africa.

As long as the mainland is not attacked, Rock is confident of defeating any country.

"The strength of the German navy is indeed not very good, but the development of the German navy has also given the Royal Navy the opportunity to ask for more budget." Winston is really worried about this, and the UK is also a bad debt.

Rock smiled and said nothing. If Britain wants to get out of the current predicament, it needs the determination to turn the table.

It is a pity that both the Conservative Party and the Labor Party in the UK lack similar determination and only want to tinker with the current system.

At this time, the military band played the "March of the Expeditionary Force" and salutes were fired. In order to welcome the entry into service of "Madagascar", the aircraft carrier "Basutoland" came to Port Edward from Whale Bay. The aircraft carrier formation returned to the home port of Walvis Bay.

All the warships of the Indian Ocean Fleet in Port Edward also lined up to welcome, with the battleships "Congo" and "East India" bearing the brunt, followed by "Cape Town", "Bloemfontein" and "Pretoria". Asia" three aircraft carriers, followed by a large number of cruisers and destroyers, and the latest "Dolphin" submarine in southern Africa also appeared for the first time.

After realizing that the performance of the "Ghost" submarine was not advanced enough, the Southern African Navy upgraded the "Ghost" submarine.

In the process of upgrading and transformation, more and more new technologies are applied. After installing more sound-absorbing tiles and more powerful engines, the transformed submarine has been transformed into a brand-new submarine with performance and "ghost" A huge improvement over submarines.

In terms of the naming of the new submarine, the Admiralty initially hoped to name it after the "ghost".

Rock didn't like the name very much. The name "ghost" was always associated with some negative information. Rock hoped that the new submarine could appear in a more gentle image, so there was "Dolphin".

Compared with the "Ghost" submarine, the "Dolphin" is quieter and almost blends in with the environment; it is also faster, especially when using the electric motor to sail underwater, the speed reaches an unprecedented 15 knots, thanks to the Contribution from Tesla Laboratories.

At the commissioning ceremony, two new "Dolphin" submarines appeared.

The more streamlined shape of "Dolphin" immediately caught Winston's attention.

"A new type of submarine?" Winston put down the binoculars in his hand and looked at Rock hesitantly.

Southern Africa already has a powerful naval aviation force, and now there are new submarines, so who is the imaginary enemy of the southern African navy?

It probably couldn't be Germany—

"Yes, the 'Ghost' submarine has lost its leading edge, and the new submarine is called 'Dolphin'—" Rock cherished words like gold, and didn't say a word more.

Winston was itching.

The "Ghost" submarine loses its lead!
So the implication is that the "Dolphin" regained the lead.

The "ghost" submarine has participated in the exercises of the British Mediterranean Fleet and the Cyprus Squadron in southern Africa many times. Winston is no stranger to the "ghost" submarine.

Even the "ghost" submarine is still very advanced.

At least it is more advanced than British submarines.

Now that there are more advanced "dolphins" in southern Africa, the Royal Navy needs to work hard.

"Don't worry about Winston, 'Dolphin' is not prepared for the Royal Navy, but for the Japanese." Rock saw Winston's worries and took the initiative to relieve him.

But Winston did not quite believe that.

"Dolphin" can be used against the Japanese.

It can also be used against the Royal Navy.

"Locke, is it possible to share technology?" Winston didn't hold much hope.

"Of course, but the Royal Navy has to come up with the corresponding technology." Rock is not stingy, but can the Royal Navy still come up with exchangeable technology now?

(End of this chapter)

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