Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 2047 Italians Feel Alright Again

Chapter 2047 Italians Feel Alright Again

The current Royal Navy is not the Royal Navy of 20 years ago.

When the first dreadnought was launched in 1906, the whole world cried wolf.

At that time, the British Empire was still the mighty "Empire on which the sun never sets".

The present British Empire has degenerated into the United Kingdom.

In fact, the Royal Navy still has certain technical advantages. For example, under the same caliber, the main guns of British battleships are more powerful than those of the United States, Japan, and France.

But these have no effect on the southern African navy.

The Southern African Navy does not even build battleships. The existing four battleships are like mascots. They are only driven out for a symbolic run when the parade is held. They are docked in the military port to rest on weekdays and are really being maintained. Cruisers play a role in Southern Africa's overseas interests, and the strategic threat to Southern Africa is aircraft carriers.

As for other aspects, such as the armor steel of battleships, and the large warship drive technology that Britain is proud of, it now has no absolute advantage compared with other countries.

Southern Africa's technology in terms of warship power is not much different from that of the Royal Navy.

In terms of submarine power, Southern Africa even has an advantage, so the Royal Navy really doesn't have much to offer.

Although I have seen related pictures of "Madagascar" many times.

However, when he actually saw the complete "Madagascar", Winston still felt in a trance.

Compared with the "Madagascar" during the visit to the UK, the current "Madagascar" is the real complete body.

After returning to Port Edward, the final outfitting of "Madagascar".

Adhering to the southern African naval tradition, the light gray livery of "Madagascar" is very eye-catching in the sun.

This kind of painting is actually not conducive to the concealment of "Madagascar". Usually, warships operating in the open sea all year round should use darker painting, so as to integrate with the environment to the greatest extent and provide greater protection for warships.

Southern Africa does the opposite. Although the dark color painting is more conducive to concealment, it is not good-looking. It is because of this speechless reason that the southern African navy chooses a lighter light gray.

Compared with the light gray warships, the naval officers and soldiers who are lining up on the flight deck are all wearing white navy uniforms. In the past, all types of carrier-based aircraft that the southern African navy never showed easily were also on display. The blue-gray "blue" "Eagle", light blue "Sea Harrier", white "Seagull", plus colorful naval flags, this day is definitely a grand festival for the Southern African Navy.

For a moment, Winston seemed to return to the delivery ceremony of the "Elizabeth" battleship.

At that time, the Royal Navy was invincible. Germany built a battleship, and the Royal Navy had to build two.

Although the Americans are catching up, they are still far from the Royal Navy. At that time, the slogan of the Royal Navy was that its strength must be equal to the sum of the world's second and third navies, and it could win two large-scale naval wars at the same time.

This is only the past 20 years, and the Royal Navy has not entered service with a powerful warship like "Madagascar" for a long time.

The construction speed of southern African warships has also far exceeded that of the Royal Navy.

The two new aircraft carriers built by the Royal Navy last year were laid at about the same time as the "Island" class in southern Africa.

Now "Madagascar" has been delivered to the Atlantic Fleet, and the two "Ark Royal" of the United Kingdom have not yet launched, and they will not be delivered until next year at the earliest.

Rock handed the wine in his hand to Winston, and asked Winston to complete the ceremony of tossing champagne.

The tradition of smashing champagne also originated in the United Kingdom. In 1891, when the "Royal Arthur" was built, Queen Victoria smashed a bottle of champagne to celebrate.

Before that, when a new ship was launched, it would drink wine from a goblet, drink half and pour half, and then throw the glass into the sea, so every time a new ship entered service in the Royal Navy, it would lose a silver goblet. cup.

It would be too wasteful to do so, and it would be better to throw champagne.

Southern Africa does not drop champagne, but wine from the Cape.

Winston did not object to this ceremony, raised the wine bottle for display, and smashed it hard on the bow of the "Madagascar".

The naval officers and soldiers present, as well as the people participating in the enlistment ceremony on the pier cheered loudly,

"Madagascar" whistled, announcing the official service of the world's most powerful aircraft carrier.

The battleship "Congo" and the battleship "East India" fired salutes again. There will definitely be no oolongs such as salutes firing live ammunition, everything is perfect.

At the end of the ceremony, the Atlantic Fleet held a dinner to thank the guests who participated in the commissioning ceremony of the "Madagascar" and the relevant personnel of the Edward Naval Factory who built the "Madagascar".

Secretary of the Navy Angie, Commander Garfield of the Atlantic Fleet, and Li Ao, the first captain of the "Madagascar", became the stars of the dinner.

"The commissioning of the 'Madagascar' is a new beginning for the Atlantic Fleet. This warship is of great significance to maintaining the interests of southern Africa around the Atlantic Ocean. After the commissioning of the 'Transvaal' next year, the Atlantic Fleet will have The four powerful aircraft carriers have become a force to be reckoned with in the Atlantic Ocean, and we look forward to working closely with the Royal Navy to maintain peace and stability in the Atlantic region.” An Qi was on a steady footing, her words on the scene were impeccable.

"General Garfield, will 'Madagascar' participate in the joint exercise between the Royal Navy and the Atlantic Fleet in October?" Winston was still concerned about the cooperation between the Atlantic Fleet and the Royal Navy.

Although Southern Africa withdrew from the Commonwealth of Nations, Southern Africa and the United Kingdom still share the same interests within the Atlantic Ocean.

However, the focus of southern Africa and the United Kingdom is different. The United Kingdom regards the Atlantic Ocean as its core interest, while the core interest of southern Africa is the Indian Ocean.

The United States also regards the Atlantic Ocean as its core interest.

Across the Atlantic, Britain faced not only the threat from Germany, but also competition from the United States.

So the Royal Navy urgently needs the help of the Atlantic Fleet.

"I'm sorry, Minister. 'Madagascar' has just entered service, and probably won't participate in the joint exercise in October." Garfield told the truth that the lineup for participating in the October exercise has been determined, and "Madagascar" regrettably missed it.

In addition to "Madagascar", the battleship "West Africa" ​​of the Atlantic Fleet and the aircraft carrier "Basutoland" will participate in the exercise in October.

Yang Smotz's trip to London was still fruitful. The Southern African Navy and the Royal Navy have resumed full cooperation. At the end of the year, the British Mediterranean Fleet and the Southern African Cyprus Squadron will have a joint exercise.

Early next year, the Changi Squadron will also hold joint exercises with the British Eastern Fleet.

At the end of next year, the Royal Navy will use its main force to hold an exercise in the northern waters of the Indian Ocean and the strongest Indian Ocean fleet in southern Africa.

"That's really a pity. I look forward to seeing the 'Madagascar' show a strong combat effectiveness one day earlier." Winston may be the only main combat faction in the UK now.

After Germany entered the Rhineland, Winston called on the British government on different occasions to limit Germany's military expansion.

It's a pity that there are very few followers.

Like France, Britain also has fresh memories of the damage caused by the last world war.

It is a pity that there is a problem with the way the British learned their lessons. Now the UK does not focus on restricting Germany, but tries its best to avoid the intensification of conflicts with Germany.

"Winston, you should remind Congress that at the very least, we must be prepared for the outbreak of another world war." Rock did his best to obey the destiny, and it was up to the British whether he listened or not.

"Locke, London is not Pretoria—" Winston looked up to the sky and sighed, he really wanted to kill the enemy and be unable to recover.

Although Roque disagreed with the technical cooperation with the United Kingdom.

Regarding the material trade in the UK, Rock still made some concessions.

After the economic crisis, the British economy recovered slowly, and it has not recovered to the level before the economic crisis.

The territory of the United Kingdom is small, and the supplies are actually not rich. It is hard to imagine that there will be famines in the United Kingdom from time to time. Southern Africa has been exempted from the interest repayment of the United Kingdom for the past two years, but it still does not help.

One of the purposes of Winston's visit to Southern Africa this time is to hope that Southern Africa can exempt the loan owed by Britain to Southern Africa during the World War.

The main part of it is money owed to South African companies, Nyasaland Military Industries, and Fawalt Steel Group.

With regard to the debt of the southern African federal government, Rock can also make concessions, such as waiving interest or something.

With money owed to Southern African businesses, Roque was helpless.

Even Nyasaland military industry, Rock can't be a home.

After all, the Nyasaland military industry is not owned by Rock alone.

Roque can only promise that when Britain encounters trouble, the Southern African Federal Government will provide assistance within its capacity.

Roque couldn't give other more promises.

Just as Winston was about to leave southern Africa, war broke out again.

This time it is not America, nor East Asia, but Abyssinia (Ethiopia) in North Africa.

The initiator of the war was Italy.

At the end of the last century, Italy once invaded Abyssinia.

The result was jaw-dropping. Not only did the Italians fail to conquer Abyssinia, but they were beaten to shame and forced to recognize Abyssinia's independence.

Now Italy probably feels that it can do it again, so it invaded Abyssinia again, hoping to expand the colonial territory of the Kingdom of Italy.

What needs to be emphasized here is that the British position in this war does not support Italy, because if Italy occupies Abyssinia, it will pose a threat to the Suez Canal.

(End of this chapter)

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