Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 2061 Give a look and experience it yourself

Chapter 2061 Give a look and experience it yourself
Although East India and Southern Africa had better relations, Vargas wanted to give it a try.

Compared with New Year's Day, southern Africa pays more attention to the traditional Chinese Spring Festival.

The Spring Festival in 1934 was on February 2, which coincided with the traditional Western Valentine's Day, and the festive atmosphere was even stronger.

On New Year's Eve, Roque held a banquet at the Palace of Justice as usual to entertain envoys from various countries in southern Africa.

The banquet was of a very high level. In addition to Vargas, Yaya also attended on behalf of the Kingdom of Congo. Wilses, who had just served as the president of the Republic of Congo a few years ago, was also present in person. Prince Nasser of the Najd Sultanate came to represent the East India It was a young man named Huang Xingzhou.

This young man is incredible. He has just turned 30 years old and is already the Minister of Trade of the United East India.

In addition to the above member states of the Southern African Union, all the ambassadors of European and American countries in southern Africa were present, and the Australian came from Joseph Lyons, the prime minister who was elected the year before last.

Like all Australian prime ministers before him, the first country that Joseph Lyons visited was Southern Africa after he was elected prime minister.

Australia and Southern Africa are now closer than ever.

Under the premise of the continuous strategic contraction of the British Empire, Australia’s situation is becoming more and more dangerous. The country of more than 700 million square kilometers has a population of only 1000 million. Most of them are new immigrants who came to Australia in the past ten years. Most of them are Chinese.

Australia's economy is completely controlled by southern Africa, not just the iron mines in the Pilbara region. The combined area of ​​private farms owned by Rock and Stoudemire in Australia has exceeded 4000 million hectares, and it is still expanding.

"Canberra is under great pressure now. London hopes to get more gold and high-grade iron ore. In the past two years, Australia's animal husbandry and agriculture have also been greatly affected. Congress also has voices to restrict the expansion of southern African companies in Australia, and I hope that southern African companies can keep more profits in Australia and provide more jobs for Australians—” Joseph Lyons took the initiative to complain that Australia is now sandwiched between southern Africa and the United Kingdom.

Rock is a qualified listener, nodding frequently with a smile on his face, and offered to pour water for Joseph Lyons.

When Rock was pouring water, Joseph Lyons subconsciously stood up, quite at a loss.

"You're welcome Joseph, southern Africa is Australia's forever friend." Rock has repeated these words countless times in the past few days.

The strategic contraction of the British Empire in this time and space is more serious than in another time and space.

In another time and space, Britain's strategic contraction still retains military presence in some key location nodes, such as the Changi Naval Base.

In this time and space, London sold the Changi Naval Base to southern Africa at a cost price early on. Britain’s military strength around the Indian Ocean is far inferior to that of another time and space. Australia can only rely on southern Africa to ensure Australia’s security.

If there were no new immigrants, the situation in Australia would be similar to that of France, and it would not even be able to recruit enough soldiers.

No one in France wants to be a soldier because the French have chilled the French government.

Australia simply has no one at all, and it is impossible to imagine 550 million people out of 55 Australian and New Zealand coalition forces like in the last world war.

In the last world war, the Australians were also broken.

Southern Africa now has 7 military bases in Australia, all of which are ports along the Indian Ocean.

"If a war breaks out, Southern Africa will go all out to protect Australia's security. Whether it is Japan or the United States, it will never encroach on any of Australia's interests." Roque made a clear promise that these two are Australia's biggest threats.

It has been emphasized many times before, regardless of the fact that the United States is an ally of Britain, the United States has never given up its coveting of British colonies.

Needless to say, Japan, as long as Japan does not want to be trapped in East Asia, then Japan will definitely expand towards Australia.

The Japanese are also very much in need of Australia's high-quality iron ore.

"Thank you, my lord. You also have to understand the embarrassment of Canberra. After all, the United Kingdom is the suzerain of Australia." Joseph Lyons was melancholy. Australia can actually strive for the same independent status as southern Africa, but in that way Australia lost the protection of the United Kingdom.

The biggest difference between Australia and Southern Africa is that.

Southern Africa has a strong military strength. Even without the protection of the United Kingdom, the Southern African Defense Force can still guarantee the security of Southern Africa.

Australia doesn't even have a standing army. The navy purchased six "Durban"-class light cruisers from southern Africa a few years ago, but they don't even have enough sailors. Now they can't form combat effectiveness and can only patrol offshore.

Joseph Lyons came to southern Africa this time, and another task was to purchase the "Johannesburg" class heavy cruiser in southern Africa.

The "Johannesburg" class heavy cruisers have been in service for more than 15 years. After Southern Africa decided to build a new type of heavy cruiser last year, the "Johannesburg" class heavy cruisers will gradually withdraw from active service.

Retiring from active service does not mean that it must be dismantled and sold for scrap iron. Sometimes it is just sealed up and can be used when needed.

"Johannesburg" is different. The current main heavy cruiser in southern Africa is the "Los Angeles" class. When the "Los Angeles" class began to be built, the "London Naval Treaty" had not yet been signed, so the combat effectiveness of the "Los Angeles" class is not bad. , more powerful than the general treaty heavy cruiser.

The new heavy cruiser to be built in southern Africa is developed on the basis of the "county" heavy cruiser that the United Kingdom was forced to abandon.

After the signing of the "London Naval Treaty", the construction of heavy cruisers in southern Africa will also be restricted by the "London Naval Treaty".

However, the "London Naval Treaty" can be bypassed. Japan can build a 13550-ton treaty-type heavy cruiser, and so can southern Africa.

The price offered by Joseph Lyons for "Johannesburg" is very high. For two "Johannesburg" class heavy cruisers, the price offered by Joseph Lyons is 400 million rand, which is enough to rebuild two new heavy cruisers in southern Africa. .

This is obviously a protection fee.

Rock is very satisfied with Australia's attitude.

To be a younger brother is to look like a younger brother, always wanting to share the worries of the big brother, Angie also mentioned it to the Australian ambassador to Southern Africa, and Joseph Lyons came to Pretoria happily Ya "collect scrap iron", this is consciousness.

After sending Joseph Lyons away, Rock felt a little tired. He closed his eyes and leaned back on the chair. When he opened his eyes again, Louis was looking worried.

"Who's next?" Rock didn't want to be idle today, there were many people lining up outside waiting to see Rock, making Rock look like the godfather.

In fact, it is similar, the region around the Indian Ocean, Southern Africa is the undisputed godfather.

"Prince Nasser is waiting—" Louis rarely saw a tired expression on Roque's face, and Roque was always full of energy.

"Ask him to come in." Rock cheered up. The Sultanate of Najd is equally important to southern Africa.

If it weren't for Prince Nasser's good attitude, Roque would have thought that Prince Nasser was here to show off his wealth.

There are many types of royal families, one of which is the upstart royal family of Najd Sultanate.

Rock knew how much oil lay beneath the deserts of Najd Sultanate.

The royal family of Najd didn't know that.

So when Adan Company announced the discovery of oil in Najd, the royal family of Najd was ecstatic.

Relying on the [-]% profit dividend of Najd Petroleum Company, the royal family of Najd quickly became rich, which is fully reflected in Prince Nasser.

Prince Nasser's ten fingers were covered with rings inlaid with various precious stones. The largest one was as big as a pigeon's egg. The diamonds on the necklace would dazzle the eyes, but unfortunately they were colorless.

Thanks to De Beers Consolidated Mining Company for its continuous efforts to promote this colorless diamond, which no one wanted 30 years ago, has become a favorite now, and is most sought after by nouveau riche like Prince Nasser.

Stoudemire is also treacherous, linking diamonds with love and a noble quality of life to publicize, as if buying a diamond can make you a member of the upper class.

In fact, it's all nonsense. If diamonds can represent social status, then Stoudemire should be the king of England.

"My lord, your faithful servant Nasser, I wish you good health forever—" Prince Nasser's Chinese was even better than Rock's.

This is a concrete manifestation of national strength.

30 years ago, no white people took the initiative to learn Chinese, and it was all Chinese who learned English. At that time, all the translators in the Huayong Camp were Chinese.

In the early years, southern Africa consciously carried out cultural export and gradually expanded the influence of Chinese, but the effect was not very good.

Now there is no such trouble, and there is no need to export from southern Africa. More and more white people are beginning to learn Chinese on their own initiative. The status of Chinese has been raised to the same level as Neizhi, and all members of the royal family regard Chinese as a compulsory course. Class, you have to learn whether you can hold your head down or not.

"Sit down Nasser, you look good." Roque liked the nouveau riche Prince Nasser very much.

If there were no people like them, who would sell the luxury goods produced by Itno?

"Thank you for your compliments, the Najd Sultanate is getting better and better, it's all because of you—" Prince Nasser began to eloquently, most of the words were memorized in advance.

Don't think that Prince Nasser is stupid, how can someone who is qualified to represent Najd Sultanate to come to southern Africa be a fool.

A country like the Najd Sultanate is more dependent on southern Africa than Australia.

If Southern Africa is dissatisfied with the Australian Prime Minister, it has to go through the Australian Parliament to replace the Prime Minister.


If Roque is dissatisfied with the royal family of Nezhi, he just glances over, and the umbrella company will take care of the matter.

ps: On the last day of September, let’s watch my performance today——

(End of this chapter)

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