Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 2062 Dispatched to Petain in Southern Africa

Chapter 2062 Dispatched to Petain in Southern Africa

Prince Nasser also came to pay the protection fee.

Although Nezhi Petroleum Company has taken most of the profits from the Nezhi Oilfield, the royal family of Nezhi still dare not neglect.

Nezhi Petroleum Company has now grown into an oil company comparable to Adan Company. If you think about the oil companies in the United States, which are restricted by Adan Company and Nezhi Petroleum Company in the United States, you will know how profitable Nezhi Petroleum Company is. .

The [-]% that the Najd royal family gets is [-]% of all profits, and this alone earns tens of millions of rand a year.

The royal family of Najd does not participate in the operation of the oil company, nor does it have the ability to do so.

So this money is like picking up for nothing.

However, if the royal family of Naizhi accepted the money with peace of mind and said nothing, then King Naizhi should change.

Like Joseph Lyons, Prince Nasser also wanted to buy the two soon-to-be-retired "Johannesburg" class heavy cruisers.

Here I want to explain that there are 12 heavy cruisers in southern Africa, the Atlantic Fleet and the East India Fleet, and two each of the four major squadrons. And it is also the flagship of the Persian Gulf Squadron.

Obviously, after the Najd Sultanate bought the two "Johannesburg", it is estimated that they will also be handed over to the Persian Gulf Squadron for use.

After all, the fighter jets purchased by Najd Sultanate from southern Africa are now in Port Elizabeth, and the pilots who fly those fighter jets are all southern Africans, and they are under the command of the Persian Gulf Squadron.

Unlike the stingy Australians, Naiji, who owns oilfield revenues, has a lot of money. He offered a total price of 650 million rand for two "Johannesburg" class heavy cruisers, and he could build an aircraft carrier with a little more.

Of course, it is an aircraft carrier without carrier-based aircraft.

The cost of carrier-based aircraft is more expensive than the aircraft carrier itself.

"Nasser, I've already sold those two 'Johannesburgs' to the Australians—" Rock was speechless. The Australians and the Najs were too eager, and the Royal Navy would probably be envious.

If only the Royal Navy's decommissioned warships could be so sought after.

"Then what should we buy—" Nasser accidentally said what was in his mind.

Look, people's minds are so simple.

Anyway, I brought the money, so I have to buy some things before leaving, or I will not be able to explain if I go back.

"Buy some large transport planes and go back." Rock is not a suggestion.

"Okay!" Nasser said simply, without even asking the price.

If the Najd Sultanate buys warships, then Southern Africa can form an airborne force in Port Elizabeth.

The role of the airborne force is still very important. Port Elizabeth is located between Cyprus and the Changi Naval Base. No matter which direction the war breaks out, the airborne force can be deployed at the fastest speed.

During World War II, W. Mitchell of the United States once proposed the idea of ​​using a bomber fleet to parachute an infantry division to the rear of the German front to attack.

After the World War, Southern Africa formed the world's first airborne force. Because there is no demand after the war, the scale of the airborne force has been small.

Now as the war is approaching, the size of the airborne force must be expanded. Rock's initial plan is to form two divisions and deploy them all to Port Elizabeth.

During the World War, the Najd Sultanate sent eight cavalry divisions to join the Southern African Expeditionary Force.

After the war, the cavalry division was disbanded on the spot. Except for some cavalry who went to the umbrella company as mercenaries, most of them were disarmed and returned to the field.

Now the Najd Sultanate even relies on the mercenaries of the Umbrella Company for the safety of the royal palace. It can be said that the Najd Sultanate is the country that needs the umbrella company the most in the world.

When Rock and Prince Nasser were negotiating arms purchases——

If this is considered a negotiation, to be honest, I have never seen such an easy negotiation.

The price of a large transport aircraft is not cheap, especially for a country like Najd Sultanate.

No matter how high the price Roque offered, Prince Nasser didn't even pay back the price. Roque could do as much as he said, and he didn't feel any sense of accomplishment when he slaughtered it.

In the end, the Sultanate of Najd purchased 650 transport aircraft from Southern Africa at a price of 65 million rand, and the unit price was as high as [-] rand each. To be honest, neither southern Africa nor the United States could afford it.

In order to thank the generous and selfless people of Najd, Roque presented two of the latest business jets to the royal family of Najd, which made Prince Nasser happier than 65 transport planes.

Because one of them was planned as a gift to Prince Nasser.

The other was designated as a gift to King Najd.

When Roque and Prince Nasser were discussing military purchases, a banquet was being held on the garden lawn.

Rock was so busy that he didn't even have time to appear in public, and it was Stoudemire and Henry who came out to receive distinguished guests from various countries.

And the three elders in southern Africa who have also made fewer and fewer public appearances in recent years.

Among the three old men, Ade didn't like to appear in public the least. Philip was not in good health recently. He went upstairs to rest after showing his face at the entrance of the main building in the backyard. The happiest was Kitchener.

In recent years, southern Africa has begun to pay attention to environmental protection, and the environment is getting better and better.

Originally, southern Africa had a good foundation. After the start of large-scale infrastructure construction during the economic crisis, the level of infrastructure construction in southern Africa has reached a new level.

In the past few years, more and more people in southern Africa have retired, including many old friends of Kitchener. After all, the winter in southern Africa is much better than the winter in London.

It's winter in London right now, but it's warm as spring in southern Africa.

Kitchener turned out the marshal's dress at the bottom of the box and put it on again. There were a lot of shining medals on his chest, issued by the British Empire, France, the Kingdom of Belgium, the Kingdom of Italy, and the Federal Government of Southern Africa. of--

Anyway, as long as it can be called a famous medal, Kitchener has it, and all kinds of big ribbons are thickly stacked on the shoulders, just like a peddler who resells the medals.

"Germany marched into the Rhineland, didn't you French have any objection—you don't object, why do we in southern Africa object?" Kitchinna's voice was loud and full of spirit, and it seemed that he would have no problem living another ten years.

Speaking of Ade from another time and space, it seems that he passed away in the past two years.

Ade in this time and space is actually in good health, and it will be no problem to last for a few more years.

After all, Ade in another time and space was left out after returning to the British Empire. The last few years of his life were very bleak, and it is normal to die early.

In this time and space, Adelaide has continued to be the prime minister for another ten years in the self-made era. He is in a happy mood and energetic. Seeing the prosperity of southern Africa, Adelaide wants to watch it for a few more years.

"You English—" Henri-Philippe Pétain, the French ambassador to southern Africa, was talking to Kitchener.

That's right, it was Petain who served as the commander-in-chief of the French army during the World War.

After the World War, Petain served as the vice chairman of the military committee for ten years, served as the director of the army in 22 years, led the French army to French Morocco from 25 to 26 to suppress the rebellion, and served as the director of prevention and control for 31 years, and also served as the minister of the army. Germany After marching into the Rhineland, Petain was implicated because he advocated the construction of the Maginot Line. He came to southern Africa a few years ago and served as the French ambassador to southern Africa.

When Petain was Commander-in-Chief of the French Army, Kitchener was the British Minister of War and the highest military commanders of Britain and France respectively.

"I'm a southern African now!" Kitchener said with a domineering expression, which is a thing of the past for the British.

"Well, you southern Africans—" Pétain was clearly not as strong as Kitchener, he had never been a strong man.

Petain, like Foch, another old French marshal, is a typical example of a late bloomer, becoming a general in his 60s.

Kitchener is another typical example. He has served as the commander-in-chief of Egypt since he was 40 years old, a standard colonial soldier.

"I know what you want to say, what you want to say, we southern Africans have never done!" Kitchener interrupted frequently, and did not give Petain a chance to speak.

The old friends around were very happy to see the arrogant Kitchener and the constipated Petain.

Ade folded his hands on the cane, and looked at Kitchener and Petain who were arguing with a smile, as well as the former marshals and governors who were adding fuel to each other, feeling satisfied.

What could be more fortunate than having a group of old friends gather together in the dying years.

"Southern Africa is now the former British Empire. You are also ready to betray France at any time. Don't think I don't know what you did in Saint-Roch—" Petain looked indignant, what he said was The letter that Kitchener wrote to Rock during the World Wars.

During the World War, Kitchener wrote a letter to Roque, which clearly stated that if the war was unfavorable, Roque would try his best to bring the British Expeditionary Force back to the British mainland.

Since Rock wanted to bring the expeditionary force back to the British mainland as much as possible, he had to make some preparations, so the contents of the letter were accidentally leaked.

"If the German army broke through our defense line at that time, then we would have to retain as much force as possible. Am I wrong? I am the British Minister of War, so I naturally have to consider the issue from the perspective of the Minister of War." Kitchener did not agree. If you think you are wrong, if you switch to Pétain, Pétain will do the same.

"You didn't put all your energy into fighting Germany at all. It was because of your half-heartedness that you gave the Germans a chance to rise again." Petain was also very dissatisfied with British appeasement.

"We at least did what we should do, but you put almost all your hopes on that dead snake-like Maginot Line. This is why we in southern Africa cannot give France full confidence." Kitchin The sense of smell of sodium is still very keen, which is an essential quality of a born commander.

Petain still wanted to refute, but Ade suddenly spoke.

"Henry, Herbert is right. You shouldn't pin your hopes on the Maginot Line."

Even Adelaide can see that there is a problem with the Maginot Line, but can't Petain see it?

(End of this chapter)

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