Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 2063 Two slaps can't be counted

Chapter 2063 Two slaps can't be counted

Ade is not ignorant of the military, it can only be said that he has dabbled a little, and the people present are all veterans.

Even Ade can see that there is a problem with the Maginot Line, and Petain naturally knows it too.

Pétain himself was a staunch supporter of the Maginot Line, which is telling.

It's hard to believe that the French didn't do it on purpose.

While the old marshals were exposing each other, the diplomats stationed in southern Africa were also communicating.

In such an occasion, it is actually difficult to discuss some in-depth topics, and they are all just scratching the surface. If there is a need for further communication, then we will make an appointment for another time, so the atmosphere is particularly harmonious.

Vargas took the initiative to use this rare opportunity to recommend the new Brazilian government to the ambassadors of various countries in southern Africa present.

Although with the help of southern Africa, the new Brazilian government was able to defeat the US-Pakistan coalition forces and win the Brazilian Civil War. Vargas' performance is still surprising enough.

After the new Brazilian government was established, the Federal Government of Southern Africa immediately recognized it and established diplomatic relations with the new Brazilian government.

Subsequently, the countries of the Southern African Union, Canada, Australia and other countries in the Commonwealth that have close relations with southern Africa have also established diplomatic relations with the new Brazilian government. So far, among all the major countries in the world, only the United States has not yet established diplomatic relations with Brazil. Establish diplomatic relations.

Vargas very much hopes that the United States can recognize the new Brazilian government and normalize diplomatic relations with Brazil.

The United States insists that the Brazilian civil war is not over yet, and does not recognize that the new Brazilian government is the only legal government in Brazil.

"President Vargas, congratulations—" Danilo Silva, the Portuguese ambassador to southern Africa, was sour. Brazil was once a colony of Portugal. Unfortunately, the current Brazilian government has nothing to do with Portugal.

For Brazil, the Portuguese have mixed feelings.

There is a saying that you will only cherish it if you have lost it. This sentence is very appropriate for the Portuguese.

Portugal's land area is only 92226 square kilometers, which is not as large as a state in Brazil. Since losing Brazil, Portugal has also been in a slump and has gone from bad to worse.

"Thank you, Mr. Silva, this is the common wish of all Brazilians." Vargas was lukewarm, and Portugal has now been completely reduced to a third-rate country.

Portugal lost not only Brazil, but don't forget the Portuguese East and West Africa that has now been annexed by Southern Africa.

The Portuguese colonial empire was the world's first worldwide empire, and it was also the earliest and longest-lasting colonial empire, with an area of ​​1040 million square kilometers in its heyday.

Around the 16th century, the Portuguese colonial empire reached its peak. After that, Portugal was once annexed by Spain. Under the competition of other emerging colonial empires such as the United Kingdom and the Netherlands, the Portuguese colonial empire began to weaken.

After losing Brazil, Portuguese East and West Africa one after another, Portugal still has colonies in India, East Asia, South America and other places.

"President Vargas, if it's appropriate, we can make an appointment tomorrow to have a good chat." Samuel Hall is very interested in iron mines in Brazil.

Britain has always been interested in Brazil.

It is a pity that in the era of the military government, the United States had too much influence on Brazil, and the United Kingdom had no way to start, so it could only look at the ocean and sigh.

Now Brazil has become a country of the Southern African Union, which allows Britain to see opportunities again. Whether it is iron ore or mahogany, it is also urgently needed by the British government.

"Of course, I am also looking forward to the communication with Mr. Ambassador." Vargas is very happy, because the new Brazilian government needs more assistance.

Both Samuel Hall and Vargas were satisfied.

However, they ignored the fact that even if both of them have their own needs, they cannot reach any cooperation agreement without bypassing the federal government of Southern Africa.

Probably from the perspective of Samuel Hall and Vargas, since southern African companies can find the Iron Square in Brazil, there is no reason why the British government and the Brazilian government cannot find it.

If another Iron Square can be found, the UK's domestic demand for high-grade iron ore can be greatly alleviated, and the Brazilian government's dependence on southern Africa can also be reduced.

Of course, this must be based on the fact that another iron square can be found.

If you can find it, then everything is easy to say.

If you can't find it, everything will stop.

"President Vargas, we can make an appointment another day." Pierre Saro, the French ambassador to southern Africa, is also interested in Brazil. The United States and southern Africa have already owned Brazil, and the British are now also involved. Come in, France is not far behind.

Vargas was satisfied, and sure enough, after leaving the influence of the United States, Brazil has a brighter future.

There was no such opportunity in Brazil in the past.

"President Vargas, Southern Africa has already legislated to limit ocean overfishing. Does the Brazilian government have similar ideas?" Stoudemire said in person without making an appointment.

"No, no, the Brazilian government has no similar plan at all—" Vargas flatly denied that southern Africa is indeed eligible to limit marine fishing, but Brazil is not.

Neither dare.

Brazil's largest food producer is the South African company under Stoudemire's name.

Brazil's agricultural potential is strong. In another time and space, Brazil's coffee, alcohol, sugar and citrus rank first in the world in terms of output and export volume; other world-ranking export volumes include soybeans, beef, chicken, tobacco leaves, and leather. Wait.

In addition, Brazil is extremely competitive in pork, aquatic products, cotton, bio-fuel, corn, rice, fruits, and dried fruits. Otherwise, Brazil would not be eligible to become one of the BRICS countries.

In Brazil now, the world's largest export volume is probably timber.

However, South African companies have begun to buy farms in Brazil. Over time, agriculture may become one of the pillars of Brazil's economy, like mineral resources.

"That's good, come, come, let's go to Henry and discuss how to develop the Iron Four Corners more effectively." Stoudemire laughed and called Vargas away directly. What is there to talk about with these ambassadors? , They have to ask the country for instructions on everything, and Stoudemire and Henry can make decisions directly.

While Southern Africa is celebrating the Spring Festival, the war between Abyssinia, Italy and the Abyssinian Empire in North Africa has entered a critical period.

After receiving external aid, the resistance of the Abyssinian Empire gradually increased.

On the Italian side, it showed the old problem of lack of stamina. The fat and bald head underestimated the will of the Abyssinians to resist, and at the same time overestimated the strength of Italy. The Abyssinians stabilized the front in the Mechau area.

The Meiqiu area is the main traffic route leading to Addis Ababa. Haile Selassie knew the importance of the Meiqiu area, so he concentrated the most elite emperor's guards and tens of thousands of elite soldiers in the Meiqiu area. The army blocked Addis Ababa.

At this time in Abyssinia, the Italians had mobilized 50 people, and their strength was very obvious.

Marshal Petro Badoglio has successively served as the Italian ambassador to Brazil, the chief of staff of the Italian army, and the governor of Libya. He is experienced and energetic. He is one of the most outstanding generals in Italy.

Haile Selassie I concentrated the main force of the Abyssinian Empire in the Meciu area, right in the arms of Marshal Petro Badoglio.

Petro Badoglio was not afraid of a decisive battle with the Abyssinian army, but what he was afraid of was that the Abyssinian imperial troops used the complex terrain of Abyssinia to deal with the Italian army. The consumption is huge. If the war is protracted, Italy may repeat the mistake of invading Abyssinia last time.

Compared with the Abyssinian Empire, the Italian army has a huge advantage in equipment. Petro Badoglio mobilized hundreds of planes to carry out carpet bombing on the Mechu area, and even used gas bombs, giving Abyssinia a huge advantage. Significant casualties were inflicted by the Sinnian Empire forces.

The Italian ground forces were equally aggressive. The Italian army, which had experienced world wars, used firepower superiority, which the Abyssinian Empire could not understand.

Petro Badoglio could mobilize thousands of cannons in a single campaign.

How could the Abyssinian Empire have seen such a formation? The overwhelming artillery shells hit, no matter how brave Haile Selassie I was, the defense line of the Abyssinian army would inevitably collapse quickly.

In a decisive battle on February 2, the Abyssinian Empire lost more than 11 people, and the emperor's guards were almost wiped out. Haile Selassie I had to abandon the Mechu area and lead his army to retreat to Addis. Beba.

So far, the elite troops of the Abyssinian Empire have been completely lost.

The campaign has also become the focus of attention of the Southern African Ministry of Defense.

On the second day after the outbreak of the Battle of Mercius, Patton ordered the Ministry of War to conduct a deduction on the Battle of Mercius to discuss whether the Abyssinian Empire could defeat the Italian army.

Of course there is a possibility.

For the Abyssinian Empire, Petro Badoglio was the god of war.

For the generals in southern Africa—

Let’s not talk about the harsh words. Anyway, the southern African generals who are sure to lead the Abyssinian Empire troops to defeat Italy cannot be counted in two slaps.

If it were Italy, it would only be a matter of time before the Abyssinian Empire was defeated. The southern African generals who were confident in leading the Italian army to conquer the Abyssinian Empire within two weeks would also be too many to count with two slaps.

So when Roque asked Patton, Patton was full of confidence, listed the pros and cons of the Abyssinian Empire and the Kingdom of Italy in detail, and gave solutions one by one.

Rock is basically satisfied. Previously, what Rock was most worried about was that the southern African army became incapable of fighting under the premise of having a huge advantage in weapons.

Now it seems that the strict requirements that Rock has always insisted on are still useful. At least the generals in southern Africa did not lie on the credit book, and they are still trustworthy.

(End of this chapter)

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