Chapter 2119 Ultimatum
After the end of the last world war, a war broke out between Poland and Russia.

At that time, Russia had just experienced a series of domestic changes. Poland had the support of Britain and France, so in just one year, Poland occupied most of Ukraine and Belarus. Russia took the initiative to seek peace. Finally, Russia and Poland signed a Treaty of Riga in favor of Poland.

Now I know why Russia and Germany joined forces to attack Poland. The two have feuds.

In 1939, Poland had an army of 100 million, 870 tanks and armored vehicles, 4300 artillery pieces, and more than 900 military aircraft. In today's Europe, its strength on paper is indeed top-notch.

It's no wonder that Poland can shout "destroy Germany within three days", some people always can't recognize themselves.

As an individual, you don't recognize that you still have the opportunity to correct your mistakes.

As a country, if you don't recognize your own strength, you may perish.

Poland's 100 million troops, mostly cavalry—

It is not the "modern cavalry" in southern Africa that has replaced horses with tanks and armored vehicles, or it is cavalry in the traditional sense.

There are 870 tanks and armored vehicles, most of which are classic cars that participated in the last world war. Tank No. [-] means I want to fight ten.

As for the more than 900 military aircraft, the situation is similar to that of tanks and armored vehicles. The difference of ten years is enough to wipe out the advantage in numbers.

What's more, compared with the German Air Force, which is advancing by leaps and bounds, the Polish aircraft have lost their numerical advantage.

So on the whole, the situation is far less optimistic than the Poles imagined, and all of them are about the same.

Winston is very sober and rational. He knows the true strength of Germany. Even without the participation of Russia, Poland cannot defeat Germany, let alone being attacked by two of the most powerful countries in Europe at the same time. Dead.

"The British government has started a new conscription plan. All adult men over the age of 20 must receive military training at a fixed time to form more armies. Some troops have already marched into France to help France defend the Maginot Line." Wins When Dun talked about the Maginot Line, his expression was wonderful.

For more than ten years, the Maginot Line was one of the biggest laughing stocks for the British to laugh at the French.

Another laughing stock is the frequently changing French prime minister.

But when the war was approaching, the British discovered sadly that the Maginot Line was the last guarantee of the Anglo-French coalition forces.

This is so embarrassing.

It's like two families living next to each other. One family lays the foundation when they have nothing to do, and is ridiculed by the other family. As a result, a flood suddenly comes one day.

"When is Southern Africa going to send an expeditionary force to Europe?" Winston stared firmly into Roque's eyes. This was his real purpose in coming to Pretoria.

Rock smiled and said nothing. If Southern Africa wanted to send an expeditionary force, the French had to accept it.

About a month ago, a French newspaper suddenly publicly declared that the southern African garrison in Saint-Roch violated the original agreement when France bestowed Saint-Roch to Southern Africa. Therefore, in order not to further stimulate the Germans, Southern Africa should withdraw all Garrison of St. Roch.

This is indeed a fact. When France bestowed St. Roque to southern Africa, there was a condition that southern Africa should not be stationed.

The problem is that France is very different now than it was in the immediate aftermath of the last world war.

At the end of the last World War, France suffered huge losses, but because it was a victorious country, the French were full of confidence, believing that Germany would be slumped and France would become the new European hegemon, so France no longer needed the Southern African Expeditionary Force.

France is now facing a huge threat from Germany, and war is imminent, but some French people are trying to please the Germans at the cost of withdrawing troops from southern Africa. This kind of people can only be said to be either stupid or bad.

Mostly bad.

There are also many French traitors.

Otherwise, France would not have surrendered so simply.

"If war breaks out again, the worst case scenario is that the British Empire will face the crazy attacks of the Germans and Italians alone." Winston has already prepared for the worst case to happen.

But the British government was not prepared.

The Germans were experimenting not only with new weapons in Spain, but with new tactics as well.

Three months ago, the Falangists and the Italian Intervention Army, equipped with German Panzer III tanks, used a new combat method to concentrate on the use of armored forces, successfully broke through the defense line of the People's Guard, and occupied the Catalan region for three years. The Spanish Civil War finally ended with the victory of the Falangists.

In the past three years, the Spanish Civil War has attracted the attention of countless people. Almost all countries have sent military observers to Spain. While the performance of weapons and equipment has improved rapidly, tactics are also the focus of observation by military observers.

In the process, Guderian, the director of the German mobile forces, and his Panzer III rose to fame.

In 1930, Heinz Guderian, then chief of staff of the German Motor Command, set up a working group to conduct research on tanks and tank tactics.

Guderian is extremely gifted in armored forces. Through research, he believes that only when other arms supporting tanks have the same driving speed and cross-country force as tanks, can tanks fully exert their power; Take the leading role, and the other arms act according to the needs of the tanks; therefore, instead of organizing tanks in infantry divisions, create armored divisions that include all arms so that tanks can perform better.

Guderian is known as the "father of armored forces" in Germany and the inventor of "blitzkrieg" tactics.

When the Falange launched the last Catalan campaign, it used the "blitzkrieg" advocated by Guderian.

The Spaniards could not withstand the "Blitzkrieg" attack, and the French probably could not do the same.

So despite the fact that the British government has sent troops to France to assist in defense, Winston is pessimistic about the prospects of the European War.

Therefore, Winston's purpose is also very clear. He hopes that Rock can send the expeditionary force to the British mainland and prepare for the British air battle now.

"Sorry Winston, the anti-war sentiment in southern Africa is very serious. Southern Africans don't want the federal government to participate in wars that have nothing to do with southern Africa, so I can't send an expeditionary force, at least not now." Rock didn't lie, this is not an excuse.

A long time ago, southern African films have begun to reflect on war.

Only those who have experienced war will love peace.

When the cruel war scenes in the movie are compared with the happy and beautiful life in the movie, the opposition to war is getting louder.

After Spain tore up the arms purchase agreement with southern Africa, the anti-war voice in southern Africa reached its peak, especially for those who immigrated from Europe to southern Africa. They immigrated to southern Africa to escape the war, so their opposition to the war was very resolute.

The same goes for the Chinese in southern Africa.

The Chinese in southern Africa may be the most peaceful group in the world.

In 1939, more than 90.00% of the farmers in southern Africa were Chinese.

Farms in southern Africa have an average of 150 acres of land, which translates to about 900 acres. Taking care of the farms has consumed most of the energy of the farmers, and they are not in the mood to pay attention to the war thousands of miles away.

Money can be donated, but it is impossible for farmers to abandon their farms and go to war thousands of miles away.

As for going to Europe to join the war, it is even more impossible.

Of course, the key lies in the guidance of the Federal Government of Southern Africa.

"Don't you pride yourself on justice and fairness all day?" Winston was very dissatisfied with Rock's attitude.

"People change—" Rock's words left Winston speechless.

Politicians, in particular, are more fickle.

Roque's position is the national interest of southern Africa.

In the national interest, Southern Africa could come to the aid of Germany.

Also for the sake of national interests, southern Africa can assist France, and the two do not conflict.

Winston was in no position to blame Rock on this issue, as the position of the British government changed more quickly.

Of course, southern Africa and the United Kingdom are far inferior to mustaches.

Mustache turned his face really quickly. Before the ink on the "British-German Declaration" was dry, Mustache immediately annexed Czechoslovakia.

Less than two years after the signing of the "Soviet-German Nonaggression Pact", the Soviet-German War broke out.

As for the Anglo-German Naval Treaty, it is not even as effective as toilet paper.

Winston knew that he could not convince Rock that personal friendship was just a decoration in front of national interests.

Mustache didn't give Winston time to lobby either.

On September 1939, 9, Germany invaded Poland.

At this time, Neville was still fantasizing about peace. He gave Mustache an ultimatum, as long as the German army withdraws from Poland within 48 hours, Britain and France can forget the past.

let bygones be bygones!

Neville can indeed let the past go, but Mustache will not.

Mustache's biggest goal now is to completely wash away the shame imposed on the Germans by the Paris peace conference after the end of the last world war.

On September 9, the 3 hours stipulated in the ultimatum ended. Instead of withdrawing the troops that had invaded Poland, Germany dispatched its air force to bomb Warsaw, causing huge civilian casualties.

At seven o'clock in the morning, the British government issued another ultimatum to the German government.

At ten o'clock in the morning, there was still no response from Germany.

At 11:45, Neville made a public speech on the radio, announcing the general mobilization of Britain and the declaration of war on Germany.

At the same time, France also declared war on Germany.


Not then.

It's just a declaration of war, the fleet is still at the home port, the planes are still in the hangar, and the army has begun to mobilize, but it will be at least half a year before the training is completed and sent to the battlefield.

Half a year!

Germany really failed to occupy Poland in three days.

It took 31 days from the German attack on Poland to the surrender of Poland.

During these 31 days, Britain and France did nothing but declare war.

It can’t be said that nothing is done. The British and French allied forces are strengthening the defense in France. Now everyone knows that once Germany ends the war against Poland, France will be the next target.

ps: 2060 has been released, Sahua——

(End of this chapter)

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