Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 2120 Dare to ask where is the way

Chapter 2120 Dare to ask where is the way
When Germany began to attack Poland, the civilian population of St. Rocco had already begun to evacuate.

The women and children were the first to be evacuated. Some of them returned to southern Africa directly by boat, and the other went to the British mainland first, and then went to southern Africa via the British mainland. Everything was in order.

In 1939, the fixed population of St. Roch was 15, and the migrant workers and tourists who often lived in St. Roch added up to nearly 50.

After Germany invaded Poland, that number doubled to 100 million.

Anyone with a discerning eye knows that war is inevitable, and southern Africa may be the last piece of pure land. People from all over Europe who want to escape the war are all flocking to Saint Rocco.

There are too many people who want to escape from Europe, and the line waiting to enter Saint Rocco is as long as ten kilometers. Saint Rocco has mobilized all available ships, but still cannot meet the demand. Cruise ships with ocean-going capabilities from the United Kingdom and France have also rushed in. The price of a boat ticket was fired ten times before, and there is still no market for it.

On the Boulevard de France, the main entrance of St. Roch, Henry from Dunkirk is holding a tin trumpet to maintain order.

"Don't be crowded, go forward one by one, keep quiet, otherwise you will lose the qualification to enter Saint Rocco—"

Henry's mouth was dry. There were too many people who hoped to escape from Europe through St. Roque. Some of them were driving cars with luggage on the roof, some were driving carriages, and the cars were full, and more people were walking. Come here, the adults are holding the children, the old people are dragging their luggage, their faces are full of panic, and their bodies are desolate.

Hundreds of tables are lined up at the entrance, and all people waiting to enter San Roque are strictly checked.

Carrying weapons is strictly prohibited. Most European countries do not ban guns, and people have the habit of carrying weapons with them.

Not now, for the sake of safety, Saint Rocco strictly forbids people to bring weapons into Saint Rocco. If everyone has no weapons, even if someone intentionally creates chaos, it will not cause too much impact.

"No, it is my right to bear arms. I need weapons to protect me and my family." Some people understand, but others don't.

"I don't have time to explain to you. Either throw the gun into the basket or leave." The staff in charge of the inspection had a hoarse voice. It is a personal right to defend the country, and few Frenchmen volunteered to join the army.

In the bamboo basket next to the table, there are all kinds of guns, Browning produced in Nyasaland, Luger from Germany, Webley from England, and even ancient arquebus guns, which are all antiques, I guess It is a collection, not a weapon. Unfortunately, it still cannot escape the fate of being confiscated.

"Please, this is my only property." Someone begged.

"Then I suggest you leave, because even if you enter Saint Rocco, you will not have the opportunity to board the ship." Even if the staff lenient the boat, the owner of the ship will not.


The shrill and sharp air raid siren sounded suddenly, and the crowd suddenly became commotion.

Has the German hit San Roque already?
"Quiet, don't worry, it's just a drill, the Germans are still far away—" the staff tried to appease, but they cursed inwardly.

The panicked crowd is in a state of extreme mental tension. At this time, the air defense siren is raised, which may cause riots.

Toss around.

The comfort of the staff did not have much effect. Some children were frightened and cried, and their irritable emotions were on the verge of collapse. Quarrels broke out at multiple checkpoints, and physical conflicts broke out at some checkpoints.

The mercenaries who maintained order fired warning shots, and if anyone dared to make trouble, they really dared to shoot.

Saint Rocco's current troops, apart from the sailors of the Saint Rocco Squadron, are the mercenaries of the Umbrella Company.

There is a regiment of umbrella mercenaries stationed in San Loch. Although the number is small, the weapons and equipment are very advanced, including tanks and armored vehicles. If a war breaks out, this regiment will collectively join the Southern African Defense Forces.

To put it bluntly, it is the Southern African Defense Forces that do not wear military uniforms.

The Southern African Defense Forces are very patient with Southern Africans.

The Southern African Defense Forces were severely impatient with Europeans.

Those people waiting in line to enter Saint-Roch, even if they enter Saint-Roch, there is a high probability that they will not go to southern Africa, but only take temporary refuge in Saint-Roch. After all, not everyone can afford a ticket of [-] rand of.

"God, these people are crazy, why don't they take up arms to fight against the invaders?" Sean from Nyasaland couldn't understand, if Nyasaland faced invasion, Sean would never leave Nyasaland Saran.

This has nothing to do with education. The French government also educates the French to bravely take up arms against the invaders. Unfortunately, the French do not have a country worthy of bloodshed and sacrifice. Even the upper class in France are busy fleeing. France at war?

If Nyasaland is invaded by foreign enemies, members of the Locke family will be the first to take up arms to defend Nyasaland. At that time, if any Nyasalander dares to escape, then there is no need for the enemy to do anything, and other Nyasaland will be killed. Lan people were beaten to death.

"France doesn't love the French, so why ask the French to love France—" The smile on Henry's face was uglier than crying. His family had already gone to southern Africa, so at least Henry didn't need to worry about his family's safety.

Compared with ten years ago, there are no free farms for immigrants in southern Africa to distribute, and the work in southern Africa is more intensive than that in France.

French factories have already begun to fight for a 40-hour work week. Even if Germany invaded Poland, French workers did not give up.

Most factories in southern Africa also have a 40-hour work system in name, but they actually have to work overtime every day. Of course, there are overtime pay for overtime work.

Britain and France began to implement a new conscription system, and the army was expanding wildly.

It is sad that the factories in Britain and France do not have the ability to meet the needs of the military.

This is also understandable. Take Britain as an example. In peacetime, the British Army only retains a battalion of honor guards. Even if each person has a set of clothes for a day, they can’t even support a factory. Capitalists never do business that loses money.

Companies capable of taking on orders from Britain and France are all in southern Africa.

Forget about the United States, the United States is also expanding its military now. American companies cannot even meet the needs of the US military, and there is no excess production capacity at all.

So orders are flying to southern Africa like snowflakes, and overtime work has become a normal phenomenon. Not only military enterprises, but all enterprises are working overtime crazily.

There is nothing wrong with saying that when the cannon is fired, there will be ten thousand taels of gold.

In just one month, the number of troops in the British Army increased from less than 76 to [-].

The extra 70 people generated orders as high as 500 million rand, an average of nearly [-] rand per person.

This is just ordinary equipment.

To form a combat force, it is not as simple as one person with one suit and one rifle. You need machine guns, you need artillery, tanks and armored vehicles, should you consider Army aviation helicopters?
To transport more than 70 troops across the English Channel to France, the ship is too slow. Do you want to know about the transport plane? It only takes 6 minutes to fly across the English Channel from England to France.

This is not an exaggeration, the southern African export-oriented transport aircraft has a top speed of 330 kilometers per hour.

It is known that the narrowest point of the English Channel is only 21 miles, equivalent to 33 kilometers.

Exactly 6 minutes.

It's just a matter of kicking the accelerator.

"That's not what you, a Frenchman, should say." Sean was blunt, and his contempt for Henry was not concealed in his words.

"Sean, you are from southern Africa, and you don't understand the sadness of being a Frenchman—" Henry didn't argue, nor could he explain.

Henry didn't know why, the former imperialist France had fallen to where it is today.

Before Germany started to attack France, the French were already panicked to the point of fleeing France.

What would happen to France once Germany started attacking France?

In fact, France is not powerless.

From the perspective of industrial strength, France in 1939 was still the sixth largest industrial power in the world.

Although France's industrial share has fallen from 30% of the world's total industry in the early 6s to 3.5% now, this is mainly because the French factory operating rate is insufficient. 40 hours a week is definitely much less than 50 hours. Not to mention unit efficiency.

Once the French factories go all out, the French industry cannot compare with southern Africa and the United States, at least not much worse than the United Kingdom.

The point is that the French factory cannot go all out.

By 1939, France claimed to have 300 million troops, with more tanks and artillery than Germany. The French Air Force now had 1500 military aircraft. After Germany began to invade Poland, France, like Britain, ordered "Hurricane" fighter jets from southern Africa. For 2200.

This time the French will not tear up the order because the amount has already been paid in advance.

full payment!

At the critical moment, France is still the rich and powerful France.

It's a pity that Paris probably won't be able to wait for the "Hurricane" fighter jets. Even if all the aircraft factories in southern Africa start to build "Hurricanes", the first batch of "Hurricanes" will not arrive in France until two months later.

"You should learn from the Spaniards now and move the capital from Paris to North Africa, so that France will have greater strategic depth." Sean said clearly. If French politicians can be as clear-headed as Sean, then France probably won't Kneel so fast.

"Move the capital? No, no, no, France is not Spain, and the Germans will never occupy Paris." Henry was very contradictory. On the one hand, he was very confident, on the other hand, he had no self-confidence.

Henry believed that Paris would not be occupied by Germany, but he sent his family to southern Africa early, which cannot be explained by common sense.

Maybe this is France now, contradictory and confused, not knowing where the road is going.

ps: I am also very confused now, and I will communicate with the editor later to determine where the boundary is——

(End of this chapter)

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