Chapter 2126

Looking at the process of World War II in another time and space, the United States and Russia will join the allies.

Only when he was in it did he know the danger of the situation. Now Rock was not sure about the positions of the United States and Russia, so Rock didn't dare to bet lightly.

Let's not talk about the position of the United States.

Russia had just signed the "Soviet-German Nonaggression Pact" with Germany, and then the two joined forces to carve up Poland.

It is said that when the troops met at the Bug River, the officers and soldiers of the two countries greeted each other, were friendly and intimate, and cared for each other like a family.

This is also understandable. After the end of the World War, Germany and Russia had a honeymoon period. The two countries held together to keep warm. Many officers of the German army were trained in Russia.

Through cooperation with Germany, Russia has obtained the advanced technology of the Germans, improved its domestic industrial capabilities, and transformed the army left over from the Tsarist period into a modern army. The Germans have contributed a lot.

Through cooperation with Russia, Germany has trained a large number of officers and technical soldiers, and verified Guderian's mechanized tactics, which objectively promoted the perfection of "blitzkrieg".

The relationship is so good that only the "Non-Aggression Treaty" was concluded. In fact, it is not surprising. After all, neither the mustache nor the beard is the master of others. Even if the two hedgehogs cuddle up to each other for warmth, they must be on guard The opponent stabbed.

The American position is more ambiguous.

The capitalists in the United States are only interested in profit, and interests are the only position of the United States. If Germany defeats the British and French allied forces, the possibility of the United States joining the Axis powers will increase significantly.

After the Battle of Poland, the main force of the Atlantic Fleet returned to Walvis Bay from Halifax, mainly to prevent the Americans from suddenly turning their faces.

Halifax is too close to the United States. If the United States suddenly declares war, the Atlantic Fleet will have no time to react.

Therefore, returning to Whale Bay is the best choice. If you save people and lose land, you will save all people and land, and if you lose your land, you will lose all people and land.

"Hehe, we are worried that the Americans will join the Axis powers, and the Americans are still worried that we will join the Axis powers—" Rock is sober, Americans have no less worries than those in southern Africa, and Hoover will call Rock every other day. Call, hoping to confirm Roque's position.

Rock's position is Southern Africa's position.

Regardless of the fact that southern Africa was once a British colony, if Rock decided to join the Axis powers, few southern Africans would object.

If the King of England is still George V, then the British descendants in southern Africa will still have some feelings for Britain.

The farce of Edward VIII has been widely known after repeated reports by the southern African media. Even the King of England gave up the British Empire because of a woman. British people in southern Africa are not even British, so how much affection can they have for Britain? ?

For the British in southern Africa, southern Africa is the country worthy of their allegiance.

But joining the Axis powers—

Stoudemire's expression is very exciting, but also a little eager to try.

It's not that Stoudemire likes sticks. It's because Britain and France are too hot. Stoudemire doesn't want to be with Britain and France. If he joins the Axis powers, it seems to be more beneficial to southern Africa.

Ribbentrop's promise meant delineating the sphere of influence.

Recognizing the interests of southern Africa in Africa means that after the war, southern Africa can take over the colonies of Britain and France in Africa.

Many people may have no idea about this commitment.

Let's put it this way, Africa now includes Liberia, and 3020 million square kilometers belong to five countries. Except for Southern Africa and Liberia, the rest are French colonies, British colonies, and Italian colonies.

If after the war southern Africa takes over the British and French colonies in Africa.

Then things will be big, and the territory of southern Africa will definitely exceed that of Russia.

Although Russia has a vast territory, most of it is uninhabited land, and there are not many economic benefits that can be generated.

Africa is located in the tropics, and even the Sahara Desert is a treasure trove of geomantic omens. There are countless oils underground, but the Italians don't know about it. Otherwise, there would be no oil crisis in Germany and Italy.

Think about how far the North African campaign could have gone if the armored forces of Rommel and Guderian were not short of fuel?
It is estimated that Rommel's nickname was not the Desert Fox at that time, but the Desert Eagle.

That's not God.

"Impossible. Even if we join the Axis powers, there will still be a war between us and the Germans in the future." Henry is more sober than Stoudemire, and his mustache is more difficult to get along with than Winston.

Winston has also been in frequent contact with southern Africa recently.

The partition of Poland between Germany and Russia marked the complete failure of Neville's appeasement policy.

Now that Germany has withdrawn the main force attacking Poland back to the Western Front, the British and French allied forces are under unprecedented pressure.

Neville is under more pressure.

Many people in the UK are dissatisfied with Neville's appeasement policy, especially the military, whose dissatisfaction with Neville has reached its limit.

Now some people in the UK have suggested that someone must be responsible for the current plight of the Anglo-French coalition forces.

Obviously, the person most responsible for this is Neville.

As a main combatant all along, Winston suddenly found that his opportunity had come.

Rock is also very dissatisfied with Neville's appeasement policy, so the Second Armored Army has not yet set off for the British mainland.

Even if the Second Armored Army arrives in the British mainland, as long as Southern Africa does not declare war on Germany, Southern Africa will remain neutral.

"Fawalt must do its best to ensure the demand for steel, and the South African company and the Rhodesia company must do their best to ensure the supply of materials. If London and Paris have no money, they can owe it first, and use the treasury gold as collateral." Rock is also ruthless, and wants you while you are sick. Life.

Britain and France, like the Ming Dynasty that is about to collapse, have no money in the country, and the money is in the hands of capitalists.

The treasury's gold reserves cannot be moved. Once the gold leaves, the pound and the franc will depreciate instantly. Just look at the German mark during the Weimar government, and you will know how fast the currency depreciates.

Mortgage is not an outflow. Although it is sent to southern Africa for preservation, it still belongs to the British government and the French government in name. Southern African industrial products also cost money, and it is impossible to provide unconditional assistance.

Of course, transshipment of treasury gold is a difficult decision for Britain and France.

Fortunately, Britain is separated from Germany by the English Channel.

France is imminent. Once the Germans break through the Maginot Line, the Germans will not be relentless in moving the French gold.

Of course, the French are not worried. After all, France lasted for four full years in the last world war. Who would believe that France can only last for six weeks in this world war.

Not only the French have confidence in themselves, Belgium, Luxembourg, Poland, the Czech Republic and other countries have confidence in France, so they all sent their gold reserves to France for preservation early, a total of 288 tons.

This part of gold still has a story, we will talk about it later.

Germany and Russia partitioned Poland. The Polish government did not surrender, but fled to Britain to form a government-in-exile, and continued to lead the Poles to resist the invaders.

Wladyslaw Sikorski, Prime Minister of the government-in-exile, was once a Polish hero and played an important role in the Polish-Soviet War. After the war, Sikorski served as Polish Prime Minister and Foreign Minister for a long time.

In 1926, Joseph Pisudski launched the May coup, and Sikorski remained neutral. Later, he left Poland and lived in France. He worked at the Saint-Cyr Military Academy in France. During this period, he wrote a book about the future of mobile warfare, predicting the following The scale of World War I proposed an offensive approach similar to that of the German "Blitzkrieg".

As a result, Sikorsky became the founder of the "Blitzkrieg" theory together with Charles de Gaulle of France and Tukhachevsky of Russia.

After the outbreak of the Polish campaign, Sikorski returned to Poland. The commander-in-chief of the Polish army, Marshal Edward Rez-Simigwi, refused to let Sikorski command the army. Sikorski fled to London again via Paris via Romania , and formed a government-in-exile in London.

It can be seen here that Sikorski is still very smart. He did not choose to form a government-in-exile in Paris, but in London. This fully proves the long-term vision of Sikorski. Government, then it won't be long before Sikorski will have to go into exile in England with de Gaulle.

In London, things were tough for Sikorski, too.

As mentioned above, before the outbreak of the war, the Polish government had already transported the Polish government’s gold reserves to Paris for storage.

After the establishment of the government-in-exile, Sikorsky tried to ask for the gold, but was rejected by Paris, because Paris did not recognize the legitimacy of Sikorski's government-in-exile.

Under extremely difficult circumstances, Sikorsky still insisted on reorganizing the troops.

Although the Polish government has surrendered, the Polish people have not surrendered.

After the establishment of the government-in-exile, Polish naval officers and soldiers sailed to Britain to insist on fighting against Germany.

The Polish Army, unwilling to surrender, escaped from Poland via Romania, Hungary, or across the Baltic Sea. Nearly [-] people arrived in Britain successively. These people were called "Sikorski passengers". They are the team to form the new Polish army.

The new Polish troops were in a difficult situation. They lacked weapons and their morale was low. Some soldiers did not even receive full military training and escaped from Poland to join the army only out of patriotism.

The attitudes of the British government and the French government towards Sikorski were ambiguous. When Sikorski first arrived in the UK, the British government and the French government had the same attitude, believing that Poland had perished and Sikorski could not play an important role. Therefore, he treated Sikorski quite coldly, and some people even persuaded Sikorski not to anger the Germans and prevent Germany from adopting a more brutal way of ruling in Poland.

All of these brought Sikorski close to despair.

The German army transferred its main force from the Polish battlefield and returned to the Western Front, and Sikorski's situation improved greatly.

On the one hand, this is because the British and French coalition forces are under great pressure and urgently need reinforcements.

On the other hand, it is because Sikorski already has nearly [-] people under his command at this time, which is a force that cannot be ignored for the British and French allied forces.

Mosquito legs are also meat, and this piece of meat will look fatter and fatter——

(End of this chapter)

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