Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 2127 Thank You Eight Generations Ancestors

Chapter 2127 Thank you eight generations of ancestors

As a senior military officer, Sikorski's personal financial situation is still good. During his stay in London, Sikorski lived near the King's Road in Chelsea, less than 500 meters from the Southern African Embassy in the UK.

After the outbreak of the European War, the King's Road became more and more lively. Countless European politicians in exile in the UK gathered here, and the residence of Haile Selassie I was also nearby. They all wanted to get aid from southern Africa.

No one knows how many government-in-exiles there are in London.

Even the offices of the Ottoman Empire in London were not closed, which shows the long history.

Diplomats from various countries often gather in the cafe opposite the Southern African embassy in the UK, and the staff of the southern African embassy in the UK sometimes appear in the cafe.

Although we all know that the coffee provided by the southern African embassy in the UK is excellent.

Definitely better than the coffee served in cafes.

"Gentlemen, if you have wine today, you will be drunk today. Cherish the good times now. Let's have a toast!" Mars from Eastern Europe proposed a toast, which received warm responses from customers.

The war has come, and there will be fewer and fewer cafes that can serve coffee. During the last world war, Britain rationed many materials, including food, and it is estimated that this time will be the same.

The owner of this coffee shop is very resourceful, not only provides high-quality coffee from Southeast Asia, but also provides champagne from France, wine from Cape Town, and vodka from Johannesburg.

There are various types of food, such as freshly baked steaming biscuits, various snacks from the ancient empires of the East, as well as "chips" and "fried fish", which are known as British national dishes, are all served here. can be found.

What's even more exciting is that there are often interesting gossips in the cafe. The source of the news is unknown, but the authenticity is very high.
"Henry, has Downing Street agreed to give you an interest-free loan?" Kotel from Czechoslovakia asked Keinz from Austria. Their countries have been annexed by Germany, and they share the same disease.

"No, but we are no longer fighting for interest-free loans. What we hope to get is aid—" Keinz has a big appetite. Interest-free loans must be repaid, and aid does not need to be repaid.

"We don't need money, what we need is weapons and equipment, even if they are eliminated by the Royal Army-" Graalski from Poland asked for a low level.

"Ha, Britain doesn't have a Royal Army, but the Royal Navy does—" Mars completely let go, and he drank vodka.

The cafe not only offers vodka, but also salted duck eggs.

This is the true combination of East and West.

At this time, the doorbell rang suddenly, and it was Willie Patrick, Second Secretary of the Southern African Embassy in the UK, who walked in.

This doorbell is not an electric doorbell, but a bell hanging on the door. As long as a guest pushes the door, the doorbell will ring.

"Hi Willie—"

"Good evening Willy—"

"I miss you so much Willie—"

The diplomats welcomed Willy with enthusiasm, like long-lost relatives.

"Good evening, gentlemen, David, give me a glass of Nyasaran—" Willie looked tired, like a middle-aged man who worked overtime until one o'clock in the morning.

"Willie, is there any good news?" Skotel squeezed between Willie and Keinz with a cup in his hand. Although Keinz was dissatisfied, he didn't attack, and he didn't give up the stool. at the bar.

"There is no good news you want. The British and French allied forces are still in the strong fortifications of the Maginot Line and have not launched an attack on the German army. The naval battleships are still parked in the naval port. Southern Africa still has not declared war on Germany. The above is what happened today. Everything." Wei Li seemed to reveal a lot of information, but also seemed to say nothing, in short, nothing happened.

Nothing really happened.

The sit-down war on the western front is still going on. The British, French and German forces are waiting for the other side to attack first, so that the defenders can rely on solid fortifications to wait for work.

The Royal Navy dispatched some cruisers and destroyers to escort, but the German High Seas Fleet did not take any action.

The High Seas Fleet did not dare to move.

The Royal Navy in 1939 was still one of the most powerful fleets in the world, with 15 battleships and battlecruisers, four aircraft carriers, 64 cruisers, 119 destroyers, and a large number of frigates, submarines, minesweepers and other auxiliary ships The ship has a gross tonnage of 130 million tons.

At the same time, a large number of ships, including four aircraft carriers, five battleships, 5 cruisers, and 23 destroyers, are under construction in British shipyards.

Compared with the Royal Navy, the German Navy has only two poor light battlecruisers, three pocket battleships, and two 203-ton heavy cruisers equipped with 6 mm artillery, 60 light cruisers, and [-] ships including destroyers and frigates. including small ships.

The gap in strength was so huge that the German navy did not dare to leave the military port, but a German submarine attacked a Polish merchant ship in the northern waters of the UK the day before yesterday.

"Strange war, strange people—" Skrtel dared not complain about the Anglo-French coalition forces, which could only be regarded as complaints.

"When is the Highland Brigade going to leave?" Willie noticed that Graalski's glass was almost empty, and motioned to the waiter to bring Graalski another glass.

The Polish Highland Brigade is a unit composed entirely of Sikorski passengers. Less than a week after its establishment, this unit received an order to go to France to cooperate with the British and French forces.

"I don't know. Our soldiers don't even have enough weapons and equipment. What can they do even if they arrive in France?" Graalski was full of resentment. The British and French were too stingy with Poland.

"If it's just a weapon, then I can help." Willie's words made Glaalski overjoyed, and he finally saw hope.

"Don't get too excited. The weapons I mentioned have nothing to do with the Southern African Federal Government. To be precise, they are French weapons, but they have never been delivered to the French." To disclaim responsibility.

London is known as the "world capital of espionage". There are countless intelligence agents lurking in London from various countries. There may be German spies in the cafe in front of you.

The Federal Government of Southern Africa has not yet joined the war, so it is naturally impossible to give assistance to the Poles openly.

At this time, some of the previous "historical issues" came into play.

This batch of weapons also starts with France's order to southern Africa.

After France placed the order, Nyasaland Military Industry organized a batch of weapons and equipment to be sent to France as quickly as possible.

As a result, the French tore up the arms purchase agreement with southern Africa before the batch of weapons and equipment arrived in France.

The French have already paid for this batch of weapons and equipment, and theoretically belong to the French.

However, the French have not yet paid the freight, so the Walvis Bay Ocean Shipping Company, which undertakes the transportation business, refused to hand over the weapons and ammunition to the French.

Now this batch of weapons and ammunition is stored in the warehouse of San Lok.

"According to the requirements of the French, all the weapons used in this batch are French standards, including rifles, general-purpose machine guns, mortars, dual-purpose machine guns, etc. The requirements of Walvis Bay Ocean Shipping Company are very simple, as long as someone is willing to pay Shipping and storage fees, then all the weapons can be transported away.” Willy’s words made Graalski a little uneasy, as it turned out that money was still required.

Compared with the actual value of weapons and equipment, the shipping and storage fees are definitely not worth mentioning.

But the current Polish government-in-exile can't even come up with this little money.

Opportunities are rare after all.

The quality of the weapons and equipment produced by Nyasaland Military Industry is obvious to all. The barrel life of the rifle produced in France is only about [-] rounds, and the barrel life of Nyasaland Military Industry is fully doubled.

The Polish Highland Brigade went to France to fight. Britain and France should be responsible for the equipment of the Highland Brigade. Sikorski therefore went to Neville, hoping that the British government would come forward to pay for the shipping and storage costs.

The British government really neglected Sikorski. Sikorski didn't even meet Neville's people. The person who received Sikorski was a secretary from the Prime Minister's Office, even Neville's personal secretary. no.

"I'm sorry, General. There is a dispute between the French government and the French government. The French government has asked for this batch of equipment many times. Walvis Bay Ocean Shipping Company insists on refusing to deliver it. The two companies have already brought the lawsuit to the International Court of Justice. The British government can't get involved in—”

Sikorski never expected that he would get such a reply.

"Wait, the Polish Highland Brigade went to France to assist the British and French allied forces!" Sikorski couldn't believe it. When would he want to file a lawsuit? Germany annexed Poland. Can the International Court manage it?

This is—

The full name of the International Court of Justice is the "Permanent Court of International Adjudication". It was officially established in The Hague, Netherlands in December 1920. It is one of the main institutions of the League of Nations.

Sikorski still doesn't know that the Germans have formulated the "Yellow Plan" to attack France, and the Netherlands, where the International Tribunal in The Hague is located, is also part of the "Yellow Plan".

The secretary's smile was both awkward and polite, which meant that I knew it was inappropriate, but there was nothing I could do, there was nothing I could do.

Sikorski was shaking when he walked out of Number [-].

He simply cannot understand the thinking of the British and French.

"General, please wait a moment." A staff member of the Prime Minister's Office stopped Sikorski.

Sikorski turned his head, despairing.

"General, this is the phone number of Mr. Brewster Rhodes of the Rhodes Foundation. Maybe he can help you." The staff handed Sikorski a business card with only one name and a phone number on it. He doesn't even have a title and looks like a street crook.

"Thank you, thank you very much—" Sikorski said with mixed feelings.

The Highland Brigade went to fight in France to help the Anglo-French forces.

Instead of helping, the British government asked Sikorski to thank the British.

Thanks for what?
Thank the British for allowing the Poles to go to France to fight for the British?
Thank you for your eight generations of ancestors.

(End of this chapter)

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