Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 2202 The Most Embarrassing Occupation Army Ever

Chapter 2202 The Most Embarrassing Occupation Army Ever
After the end of the last world war, Bulgaria was forced to cede the Aegean Thrace region and southern Macedonia to Greece at a huge price.

After Bulgaria joined the Axis powers, Mustache promised to return to Bulgaria the territory that Bulgaria had ceded to Greece after the end of the last world war, once Greece surrendered, which cheered up the Bulgarians.

But to get back the lost territory, you must contribute.

So there was relegation Leah's attack on the League of Nations troops.

This result was unexpected by Ruiz.

At the same time, it was beyond Manolev's expectations.

The key point that Ruiz couldn't figure out was why Bulgaria chose the League of Nations troops to start.

Manolev did not expect the combat effectiveness of the League of Nations troops to be so powerful. Even if the Bulgarian military deliberately controlled the fact that hundreds of people were killed and wounded on their own side, none of the opponents were killed or injured. Manolev did not expect it beforehand.

"So, you took the initiative to attack us in order to gain the trust of the Germans." Ruiz was very angry, and his self-esteem was severely damaged.

"What can we do—" Manolev said bitterly, clearly seeing the sorrow of the small country and few people.

"So what are you going to do next?" Ruiz was very curious. The Bulgarians should not follow the Germans all the way to the dark.

"If the League of Nations troops can take the initiative to retreat and let us at least appear to have gained something on the surface, then we can deal with the pressure from Germany." Manolev didn't want to fight with the League of Nations troops, he just wanted to deal with it.

This is very simple.

Millions of southern Africans may sound like a lot, but scattered across the Garibaldi Peninsula and the League of Nations controlled areas in the Balkans, they are still vast and sparsely populated.

Especially in the fringe areas of the controlled area, there are still large tracts of uncultivated wasteland, and it doesn't matter if a small area is given up for the Bulgarians to act.

Anyway, it will be returned after the war is over.

Mostly plus some interest.

Manolev was also very smart, choosing a valley on the edge of the actual control line between Bulgaria and the League of Nations forces. From the map, this valley was uninhabited.

At the end of May, a Bulgarian force was ordered to take over the valley called "Blue Harbor".

Colonel Paulus, head of the 25th Bulgarian Regiment, was curious that an uninhabited valley had such a beautiful name.

The area controlled by the League of Nations forces is still different from Bulgaria.

Since entering the area controlled by the League of Nations forces, Paulus has been very surprised by the spacious and smooth roads. The League of Nations troops—or the southern Africans are really rich, and they can't wait to build roads to the ends of the earth. As long as there are people, there must be people. highway.

"This is not paid by the federal government of Southern Africa, but by the Russians. Do you know how many ships pass through the Dardanelles and Constantinople every day—" Popov, the deputy chief of staff of the Kingdom of Bulgaria, couldn't help but sigh, No wonder the Russians are obsessed with the Black Sea estuary.

The ships that pass through the Black Sea estuary are mainly Russian.

During the Spanish Civil War, Russian ships provided assistance to the Spanish Popular Front through the Bosphorus Strait and the Dardanelles, and they also had to pay transit fees——

Over the past 20 years, the International Coalition Forces have built a series of cities along the Bosporus Strait, the Sea of ​​Marmara, and the Dardanelles with the money paid by the Russians, and built a series of cities all over the Garibaldi Peninsula road network, thus realizing the rapid mobilization of national alliance troops in the controlled area.

Ruiz and the previous commanders of the League of Nations forces even had money to form a small fleet with more than [-] offshore patrol boats.

"Walking on such a road, I always feel a bit luxurious—" Colonel Paulus said to himself, the equipment of the Bulgarian army is really not very good.

Regardless of southern Africa and Germany, mechanized armored soldiers are now at every turn. In most countries around the world, mules and horses are the norm, and motorized infantry can be regarded as the trump card. The 25th regiment is the most advanced unit in Bulgaria. There are only more than ten cars, and most soldiers still have to walk step by step on their legs if they want to move to another area.

Colonel Paulus and Popov must have traveled by car.

However, the cars they took were also produced in southern Africa, and Bulgaria does not have the ability to produce cars.

In addition to the lack of cars, the equipment of the 25th Regiment was a bit poor by southern African standards, especially the number of artillery and machine guns was seriously insufficient.

A regiment in southern Africa has more than 60 mortars of various calibers. This year, each infantry regiment has added an anti-tank company equipped with 12 60mm anti-tank guns and hundreds of light and heavy machine guns. .

The 25th Bulgarian regiment has only 12 artillery pieces, and it is a French 75mm infantry artillery that has been in service since the last century.

Yes, it is the famous Miss 75.

These 12 "Miss 75" often troubled Colonel Paulus and the officers and soldiers of the 25th regiment.

Fortunately, it's sunny, and it's not too hard to drag Miss 75, a draft horse can do the job.

Rainy days are terrible. The bad traffic conditions in Bulgaria, two draft horses and a squad of soldiers, can hardly pull a 75-year-old lady who is stuck in the mud.

At this time, the benefits of the mortar are reflected.

Even the 120mm mortar with the largest caliber can be easily carried away by a few soldiers after disassembly.

So let's not talk about the mood of Colonel Paulus and General Popov.

Since entering the area controlled by the League of Nations troops, at least the officers and soldiers of the 25th regiment who were on foot are in a good mood.

Colonel Paulus and General Popov were riding in a military off-road vehicle produced by Nyasaran Heavy Industries.

The body defense performance of this off-road vehicle has been strengthened to a certain extent. Although it is not as good as an armored vehicle, it is also much better than ordinary civilian vehicles.

The key is that the engine has strong performance and strong off-road capability, which is very popular among military officers.

Not long after entering the area controlled by the League of Nations troops, a black Lord car with a civilian license plate suddenly appeared in the marching ranks of the 25th Regiment.

This is a first-generation Lord produced at least 30 years ago. The eye-catching white ring five-star spray on the door clearly shows that the owner has a protective umbrella or a military background. This should be the world's first classic car with collection value. Not cheap on the used car market in Southern Africa.

The driver was an old man with white beard and hair.

Thank you for this era of driving with no age limit.

Colonel Paulus waved to the old man in a friendly manner.

The old man rolled down the window and also waved to Colonel Paulus.

Colonel Paulus simply asked the driver to stop the car and took the initiative to chat with the old man.

"Hi--" Colonel Paulus could only speak Chinese.

This is also thanks to the popularity of southern African movies.

"Hello, why are you here?" The old man was surprised.

Colonel Paulus looked embarrassed and didn't know how to explain it.

Under normal circumstances, the 25th Regiment should be an occupying force.

This may be the most embarrassing occupying force ever.

"We are the 25th Bulgarian regiment, and we have been ordered to take over here." Fortunately, there is General Popov next to him.

And General Popov's English is good.

"Then are you invading?" The old man's expression suddenly turned cold.

Colonel Paulus noticed with sensitivity that the old man had a gun on his waist.

Damn southern Africans can't help but guns everywhere, Colonel Paulus doesn't feel safe as a soldier.

It seems a good deal for an old man to exchange a general and a colonel.

"No, no, this doesn't count. You should have noticed that we didn't have any aggressive behavior." Popov took the initiative to explain that he didn't want any accidents to happen.

"You'd better do this." The old man's smile was meaningful.

Soon, Colonel Paulus and General Popov understood the meaning of the old man's smile.

In this valley, which is not marked on the map, there is actually a stronghold of the League of Nations forces.

Judging by the scale, it should be a camp.

But looking at the specifications, it seems that "fortress" should be more appropriate.

The main building of the fortress is a castle that is very common in Europe. There are reinforced concrete fortifications around the castle. There is a small river outside the fortification. Outside the small river, there is an open space about 200 meters surrounded by barbed wire. Put a warning sign.

Colonel Paulus got out of the car and walked a few steps forward.

General Popov reminded: "Be careful, there is a minefield in front of you—"


There are still landmines!

Disgusting for the National Coalition Forces to openly use a weapon that is banned by the Coalition of Nations.

Of course it could be a sham.

But Colonel Paulus certainly didn't want to use his life to test the authenticity of the minefield.

"Why is there a camp for the League of Nations troops here?" Colonel Paulus was in a broken mood.

Through the telescope, it can be clearly seen that there are densely packed fortresses on the other side of the river.

Behind the black hole is the black barrel. There is no doubt that there must be high-level dual-purpose machine guns mixed in. The southern African army is very good at this, and the International Alliance troops should also be very good at it.

Although Colonel Paulus couldn't see it, Colonel Paulus had no doubt that the reverse slope behind the fort must be a mortar position, and there might be a heavy artillery position behind it.

The entire fort covers an area of ​​about 100 acres, and there may even be a field airport in the fort.

Even if there is no airport, airdrops can still provide a steady stream of supplies for the fortress.

This also means that without a strong armored force, it is impossible to capture the fortress.

"What should we do? Surround this place?" Colonel Paulus was slightly embarrassed.

The total strength of the 25th regiment is about 1500 people.

Maybe there are not as many defenders as there are fortresses.

And the key point is that at the only entrance to the fortress, there are two "Biao Cavalry" tanks produced in southern Africa.

By Southern African standards, the Biao cavalry is a light tank.

By European standards, the "Biao cavalry" is at least a medium tank.

For the 25th regiment, the "Biao Cavalry" seems to be more classified as a heavy tank.

Anyway, just can't beat it.

"Come on, see if those two tanks are there. If they rush over, we have nothing to do." Popov also collapsed.

Definitely can't beat it.

If you run, it seems that you can't run.

Fortunately, the League of Nations troops in the fortress did not seem to have the will to attack.

Colonel Paulus ordered the troops to camp on the spot, and then telegraphed home for instructions.

Colonel Paulus' caution was not wrong. In addition to the guards, there was also a battalion stationed in the fortress, with a total strength of about 1400 people. In a real fight, the 25th Regiment really couldn't beat it.

"If we want to attack, we can outflank the enemy's two wings now, and then use 12 tanks to make a frontal assault, break through the enemy's position, and completely wipe out the enemy." Inside the fortress, Major Thomson, the commander of the 2rd Battalion of the 7nd Brigade, 3th Regiment, was eager to try.

"It's so troublesome, just send the tanks to attack, and then the infantry will clean up the mess. I don't think they even have anti-tank weapons, and they don't even have rocket launchers. Tsk tsk—" Major Brandon, the combat staff officer of the Deep Blue Fortress, sneered, he seemed to have forgotten , Nowadays, in all countries, only the southern African army is equipped with rocket launchers.

No, the British army has also begun to equip rocket launchers, and anti-tank rifles are being forgotten after a short-lived appearance.

Nor can it be said to be forgotten.

In Europe, anti-tank rifles were indeed a short-lived phenomenon.

In southern Africa, anti-tank rifles are being converted into large-caliber sniper rifles—

Or it is more appropriate to be called a sniper gun.

"Use infantry to attack a fortress with complete defense facilities. Anyway, if I were the commander on the opposite side, I would definitely not do this." Colonel Shen, the commander of the fortress, was curious and wondered how the commander on the other side would choose.

Colonel Paulus was not stupid, he did nothing in the next few days, and the camp of the 25th Regiment became more and more perfect, showing the appearance of a long-term station.

On the 25th, a truck drove out from the Deep Blue Fortress, ready to go to a farm not far away to purchase some fresh food. The Bulgarian soldiers on duty on the road not only did not attack, they did not even ask, and they took the initiative to remove the roadblock. , raised the railing, and had a very good attitude.

This made the drivers in the cab feel embarrassed, and when they passed the checkpoint, they threw a pack of cigarettes to the Bulgarian officer with a complicated expression.

The officer's expression became more complicated.

Yes, this valley called Blue Harbor not only has the fortress of the League of Nations troops, but also dozens of farms run by southern Africans. The size of the farms varies, the largest is nearly 500 acres, and the smallest is only about 200 acres.

What is even more surprising is that varying numbers of Bulgarians were employed on these farms.

There are nearly a hundred people working on the largest farm, and their daily work is to produce fresh fruits and vegetables for the fortress.

Colonel Paulus sent someone to ask, and was embarrassed to find that the price was a bit expensive, and the 25th regiment seemed to be unable to afford it.

And so the most embarrassing occupation army ever created was finally born.

In other places, if the occupying army wants to eat fruits and vegetables, they still need to pay for them?

What's wrong with eating your watermelon, it's not bad if you don't even eat it.

But not in Blue Harbor. The tough farmer said that if he didn’t give money, he wouldn’t even try to take a single egg.

And Bulgaria's currency is not needed, you have to use rand or sterling.

(End of this chapter)

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