Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 2203 The End of the Green Devil

Chapter 2203 The End of the Green Devil
In the era of continuous economic downturn, rand and British pound are the most popular currencies nowadays.

The Bulgarians can't afford the rand, nor can they afford the pound, so they can only watch the trucks of the League of Nations troops, pulling the truckloads of fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as various meat and eggs back to the place that seems to have been captured by the Bulgarian army. In the surrounded fortress.

This is so uncomfortable.

The logistics supply standard of the Bulgarian army is much worse than that of the League of Nations forces.

Don't even think about coffee and milk, it is difficult for officers to enjoy it, and it is absolutely impossible for ordinary soldiers.

Vegetable salad is a traditional Bulgarian food, not because it is nutritious, delicious and healthy, but because it is cheap.

Another traditional delicacy is meat sausage, each soldier is only given a thin slice at lunch, and it is not known what ingredients are made of it, but it is certain that animal offal must be included.

Europeans don't eat animal offal?
What are you talking about, there is a food in Bulgaria called tripe soup, the main raw material is tripe.

This same soup is made from the stomach of a cow in Serbia and the feet of a cow in Greece.

The supply list for the Coalition of Nations forces was extensive.

Since the fortress was "surrounded", transport planes in the Mediterranean theater began to drop supplies to the fortress.

During the first airdrop, probably because the pilot of the transport plane was not familiar with the environment, he dropped a box of supplies into the camp of the 25th Regiment.

Then the Bulgarians opened their eyes.

It was a metal box measuring two meters by two meters by three meters. The box was covered with a layer of straw mats to prevent impacts, and a wooden frame was built outside the straw mats. After using three parachutes, it landed intact.

There are about [-] boxes of canned food in the box. The canned beef is stuffed with beef and has very little fat. One box a day for a soldier is enough to meet the nutritional needs of the body.

A big bag of instant coffee with added sugar and milk, weighing about 25 kilograms, is all washed out, and each person in the [-]th group can share a cup.

Looking at it this way, it is not outrageous.

It wasn't until Colonel Paulus saw the supply list that he realized that in the League of Nations forces, this was a company standard.

In addition to cans and coffee, there are cigarettes, chocolates and vodka in vats in the crate, and there are even playing cards.

Colonel Paulus and General Popov both had complicated expressions when they saw the playing cards.

Is it possible for the Bulgarian army to win in the face of such an abundant supply of logistical supplies?
Not to mention the Bulgarian army.

Even if it is replaced by the German army, it is estimated that the possibility is not high.

That's when Colonel Paulus and General Popov realized.

The German army was invincible after the outbreak of the European War, and it seemed that no battle broke out with the southern African army.

While Colonel Paulus and General Popov were deep in thought, the 700th Division in Southern Africa was building a defensive position on Crete, 35 kilometers away.

When the time came to May, the entire territory of Greece, except Crete, had been completely occupied by the German-Italian coalition forces.

Mustache doesn't want to let go of this last isolated island. The Germans have already dispatched the air force to bomb Crete, and landing operations may happen at any time.

The terrain of Crete is complex, with three mountains and several north-south rivers dividing Crete into several different parts.

The British Expeditionary Force did not all withdraw. Due to Winston's insistence, most of the Australian Fourth Division and a regiment of the Australian Fifth Division stayed in Crete to assist the Fifth Army's defense.

The position of the 35th Division is next to the position of the [-]th Division.

This worried Anthony Jones, commander of the 35th Division.

In the previous stage of combat, both the Fourth and Fifth Australian Divisions suffered heavy losses. The remnants of the Fourth Division and a regiment of the Fifth Division could not form a complete infantry division, and the two divisions were still withdrawing. Almost all the equipment was lost on the way to Crete, and the soldiers' rifles were not enough for each man. Once the German and Italian coalition forces launched a ground attack, it would be difficult for the Australians to hold on.

"Once the Australian position collapses, it will definitely have an impact on our position, so why not withdraw the Australians to Pumbia to take care of logistics and transfer the 75th Division over? At least the morale of the 75th Division is higher than that of the Australians." Much taller." Anthony Jones was worried that the Australians would be holding back. The 75th Division was formed mainly from West African troops, and all soldiers were Africans.

"Australians also have self-respect." Mike Tolan didn't want to be like this, but this is the situation that must be faced when forming an allied army.

It is said that in the "Barbarossa plan" of the Germans, the Italians also participated.

It is said that the German troops definitely look down on the combat effectiveness of the Italians, and it would be better without the participation of the Italians.

However, this is not how the calculations are calculated. No matter how weak the Italians are, the mustaches have to give fat and bald heads a chance, otherwise the alliance will no longer be necessary.

The same goes for the Allies.

Everyone knows that on the Allied side, the combat effectiveness of the Indian troops is seriously doubted.

But India cannot be excluded from the Allied forces because of this, at least as coolies, Indians are qualified at certain times.

It's just some of the time, for the Indians, don't expect too much from them.

Now on the position of the 35th Division, there is a regiment of Indian soldiers digging trenches.

Even digging trenches requires the supervision of the officers and soldiers of the 35th Division, otherwise the Indians will not even be able to do this job well.

When fighting in North Africa, the traffic trenches dug by the Indians themselves were only one foot high. Let alone running straight, crawling, you have to worry about whether your buttocks will be exposed to the Germans' shooting range.

In North Africa, there are deserts everywhere, and it is easy to dig.

The defensive positions of the 35th Division were built on the hillside, and there were stones everywhere. The requirements of the 35th Division were very high, so the work was not easy.

"It seems that there are many Chinese soldiers in the Australian army—" Anthony Jones thought.

The corner of Mike Toland's mouth twitched and he didn't speak.

If Australia holds a referendum now, it is hard to say whether it will remain in the Commonwealth of Nations.

Of course this topic is rarely discussed in Southern Africa.

Just as Anthony Jones complained to Mike Tolan, more than a dozen German bombers flew towards Crete under the cover of more than 109 BF[-]s.

The Southern African air force stationed at the field airport in Crete immediately took off to fight. The performance of the "Cheetah" is better than that of the BF109. In the past few days, the "Cheetah" has shot down more than [-] German fighter planes. The German army remained unmoved and continued to send The plane came to harass.

This time the situation was the same as before. Although the number of "Cheetahs" was less than that of BF109s, they had better performance and more skilled pilots. Not long after the air battle broke out, six BF109s were shot down.

Only one of the "Cheetah" was injured. After the ground crew repaired it, it would take a few days to return to the sky.

"Is it meaningful for the Germans to die like this? It feels like European pilots are not very valuable." Anthony Jones couldn't figure it out. Southern Africa attaches great importance to air force pilots.

"Hehe, for them, this is a battle that will determine the fate of the country for decades, or even hundreds of years, and everyone must go all out—" Mike Tolan was not surprised.

Not just the Luftwaffe.

The Italian navy has also been frequently dispatched around Crete recently. The Mediterranean theater judges that the German-Italian coalition forces may be escorted by the Italian navy and land on Crete within the next few days.

This judgment was immediately reminded by the Southern African Ministry of Defense.

Compared with landing at sea.

The Ministry of Defense of Southern Africa reminded the Mediterranean theater that more attention should be paid to the German paratroopers.

Since the outbreak of World War II, the German paratroopers have performed very well and have repeatedly made military exploits on the battlefield.

It can be seen that the German paratroopers are quite trusted and valued by Mustache. Within the German army, the paratroopers are almost as important as the armored forces.

"Referring to the previous battle process of the German army, if the Germans want to use paratroopers, it is almost certainly near the field airfield. The paratroopers must seize the airfield before they can continue to fight." Anthony Jones has studied the German army in "Operation Sickle" in detail. Performance, paratroopers operations are also predictable.

"BF109 does not have high requirements for the airport, so the Germans may also appear in places we did not expect." Mike Tolan is not too big. Don't look at these generals in southern Africa who are usually bullish, but they are really facing the Germans. At the time, they were still very cautious.

"But there are not many places suitable for the construction of field airfields, and the construction of field airfields requires time and large-scale construction machinery, which is exactly what the Germans lack most." Anthony Jones grinned, and the Mediterranean Theater only needs to persist for a month to complete the Luo The task delivered by gram.

It is now May, and according to the German plan, the attack on the Russians will also start soon.

It doesn't need to drag on for too long. Summer in Russia is very short. Unlike the Aegean Sea, which is like spring all the year round, there is really not much time left for the Germans.

"So we have to deploy our troops near the airport. If the German paratroopers are airborne, then we will let the Germans feel the sanctions of the southern African army!" Mike Tolan did not miss any opportunity.

Mike Tolan would even have given the German a chance if he could.

What worries Mike Tolan most now is that Mustache starts the Barbarossa plan even if the battle on the Greek side is not completely over, so all the previous preparations in the Mediterranean theater will be in vain.

This is unlikely.

There is an element of obsessive-compulsive disorder in Mustache's character. If it were replaced by a fat bald head, the fat bald head might not have completely ended the battle on the Greek side, and could not wait to start the second battle.

The mustache will not. Since the outbreak of the European War, the purpose of each German operation has been very clear, and the plan has been implemented very resolutely. It began to prepare for the "Barbarossa Plan" after the complete failure of the "Sea Lion Operation".

On May 5, Brad's office received information that the German-Italian coalition forces had assembled in the Peloponnese, which is the closest to Crete, and were ready to attack and might invade Crete at any time.

Brad's office was very powerful, and even gave the serial number of the troops of the German-Italian coalition attacking Crete. The main force was the German paratroopers known as the "Green Devils".

The German paratroopers are arguably the best equipped unit of the German infantry.

As early as last year, German paratroopers have begun to equip the MP38 submachine gun, which is also the second individual automatic weapon for large-scale deployment of troops in the world.

The first is the Nyasaran automatic rifle.

In addition to the MP38, the German paratroopers are also equipped with MG42 machine guns that can use magazines. You must know that Germany is limited to industrial capabilities and is very cautious about the deployment of automatic weapons. From the MP38 and MG42, it is not difficult to see that the mustache is very important to the German paratroopers. Pay attention to.

In the latest situation, the German paratroopers have begun to equip rocket launchers, which will pose a serious threat to the tanks and armor of the 35th Division, as well as some not-so-strong fortifications.

In fact, as early as during the "Operation Sickle", Germany had already begun to airborne anti-tank weapons along with paratroopers, and it was not completely helpless against the Allied armored forces.

Southern Africa has also been prepared for the improvement of German military equipment.

Although the German paratroopers were equipped with MP38 and MG42, the number was not large, and the bullets carried by the machine gunners were limited, so they could not persist in fighting for a long time.

As for the rocket launcher, southern Africa is the elder brother in this respect, and the Germans are at most the younger brother.

After receiving information from Brad's office, the southern African army that had landed on Crete was ready for battle.

There are currently five Allied forces on Crete, including three Southern African divisions, one Australian division, and one Indian division.

The 35th Division was the best equipped of all Allied forces, so it was placed near Heraklion, where it was most likely to be attacked by German paratroopers.

On the 18th, the German paratroopers were not dispatched, but on this day the German Air Force and the Italian Navy were frequently dispatched. The Southern African Air Force shot down 19 German fighter planes and lost only four of them.

On the naval side, an Italian submarine attacked a Southern African transport ship, which was sunk.

Then the destroyer of the Cyprus Squadron sank the Italian Navy submarine.

Later on the 18th, the main force of the Cyprus Squadron and the First Destroyer Squadron of the British Mediterranean Fleet launched an attack on the ports of the coastal cities of the Peloponnese, sinking hundreds of ships and further reducing the German-Italian coalition forces. Possibly in Crete.

In the heavy rain on the 19th, the Germans still did not take any action.

The heavy rain continued until the 21st, and the Allied officers and soldiers who waited for the Germans in the wet trenches suffered a lot.

The trenches were filled with water, and the water pumps were working non-stop. The soldiers in charge of observation were lying in the puddles soaked, and the tankers in the distance were trying to get the tanks out of the mud.

The German bazooka is really not a big threat to the southern African tanks.

The greater threat is the weather and the poor traffic environment in Crete.

On the 22nd, the weather finally cleared up, the dark clouds cleared and the sun was shining brightly.

Before the soldiers had time to catch their breath, they received news that the Germans had been dispatched.

The most brutal Crete offensive and defensive battle since the outbreak of World War II officially began.

This cruelty is of course for the German paratroopers.

(End of this chapter)

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