Chapter 2217 Iron Man
The airdrop to the British army in Tobruk was the responsibility of the Army Aviation Force. After all, transport planes could not board the ship, and it was impossible for the aircraft carrier of the Cyprus Squadron to keep staring at Tobruk.

The closest Allied airfield to Tobruk in North Africa is Alamein, 500 kilometers away. The transport plane had to make a circle from the sea and bypass the defensive positions of Rommel's North African Army before arriving at Tobruk.

The Allied Airfield in Alamein was jointly used by the Southern African Air Force and the British Air Force. The defense, ground handling, and transportation of the airport were all in charge of the British Army. As a result, the British sent Indians, which made Su Jianping very helpless.

I really didn't mean to black Indians on purpose.

It’s true that Indians have too many flaws, and they can’t finish talking for three days and three nights, and they get used to it after spitting.

Indians are not bad, most of the time they are purely lazy, plus they also complain about the British's back-and-forth, so the efficiency is hard to describe.

A box of ammunition weighs [-] kilograms. If there is no special request, Indian soldiers must carry it with two people, and the speed is horribly slow.

Southern Africa has high requirements for hygiene, and there are many toilets in the airport.

But as long as no one is around, Indian soldiers will definitely solve them anywhere, and they are all the same size. This often happens in the corner of the warehouse where Indian soldiers are guarding.

Note is often.

Even if the British made repeated orders, the Indians still refused to mend their ways.

The British are also really cruel to the Indians. "Hanging up and beating" is an exaggeration most of the time, and it is commonplace for Indian soldiers.

The key point is that most Indians are happy to accept punishment, because then they can use the injury as an excuse to rest openly.

As for self-esteem?

It doesn't exist in Indians.

It's not right to say that, Indians are not without self-esteem, but their understanding of self-esteem is different from ordinary people.

For example, being whipped is regarded as a huge insult to Southern African soldiers, even Southern African Union soldiers.

For Indian soldiers, they seem to regard being whipped as an honor for daring to resist the British, so there are often Indian soldiers laughing while being whipped, and the Indian soldiers around are also happy, and everyone is very happy.

The "air fortress" in southern Africa supplies the British army in Tobruk, because it does not need to carry too much fuel, and the maximum load can reach 12 tons.

In southern Africa, it takes only half an hour to fill a "sky fortress" with a tractor.

In Alamein, even if a tractor is used, it takes a full four hours to dispatch a company of Indian soldiers.

This kind of efficiency really made Su Jianping unbearable.

As early as April, shortly after the start of the Greek campaign, Su Jianping suggested to Major General Charlie Jenkins, who was in charge of Alamein Airport, that the southern African army be in charge of the ground handling work at Alamein Airport. Su Jianping would rather the southern African army work harder than see a loose Lazy Indians.

Major General Charlie directly refused.

The reason why the North African campaign has dragged on is mainly because the British government refused to participate in the participation of ground forces in southern Africa.

Putting Southern African ground forces in charge of Alamein would break the agreement between the British government and the Federal Government of Southern Africa.

Su Jianping had no choice but to settle for the next best thing, hoping to divide Alamein Airport into two parts, with the Southern African Air Force and the British Air Force each responsible for one part.

This request was also rejected by Charlie Jenkins, which is no different from the first suggestion, changing the soup without changing the medicine.

Su Jianping is not without temper.

Since the British refused to enter, Su Jianping directly threatened that if the situation did not improve, the Southern African Air Force would stop carrying out the supply mission to Tobruk.

This hit directly hit the Achilles heel of the Egyptian British army.

Although the Eighth Army now has 700 aircraft.

However, most of them are fighter jets and lack strategic transportation forces, so all supplies to Tobruk depend on the Southern African Air Force.

Now that the Southern African Air Force is going to pick up the pick, and the British themselves are incapable, Charlie Jenkins finally gave in and agreed that the Southern African Air Force will be responsible for part of the airport.

Of course, the southern African army is definitely not allowed to enter Alamein, but civilian husbands can.

This is actually deception.

Isn't the Southern African Air Force the Southern African Army?
Su Jianping didn't want to argue with the British. How to fight for the interests of southern Africa was Rock's business. Su Jianping was only responsible for completing his own tasks.

Then Su Jianping found helplessly that although he had won part of the management rights of Alamein Airport, he could only rely on the Indians.

No way, after the outbreak of the European War, there was a shortage of local human resources in southern Africa, and even women began to work in factories, and there was no extra human resources for the front line.

That's okay too.

Whether the Indians are capable or not depends on management.

Under the management of the French, the Africans, who are not much better than the Indians, can at least get a passing grade under the management of the southern Africans, and the Indians are no problem.

Unlike the British who have used various methods and finally found that the whip is the best, southern Africans do not use whips to punish, but it makes Indians feel more uncomfortable.

What do Indian soldiers care about most?
It's not a blow to their self-esteem, they have no self-esteem at all, and Indian soldiers care most about food standards.

Now India is experiencing a famine comparable to that during the Great Depression. It is said that millions of people starved to death last year. The specific data cannot be counted, because the UK does not even know how many people there are in India. Various official statistics are estimates. .

But famine is unavoidable.

Like the last world war, in order to win the loyalty of India, Britain once again promised to give Indians greater freedom after the war is over.

Indians also remember to eat but not to fight.

In the last world war, Britain made such a promise, but after the war ended, the Indians were severely punished.

The Indians have not learned a lesson from it. This time the European War broke out, they still need people to send people, money for money, and food for food.

India's arable land is considerable.

The arable land in the United States is only 1.88 million hectares, while that in India reaches 1.85 million hectares.

But neither is as good as Southern Africa.

After the annexation of West Africa, the arable land in Southern Africa has reached a staggering 2.5 million hectares, and now less than a quarter has been developed, and there is still huge potential to be tapped.

The key is that the agricultural efficiency in India is too low. There are three crops a year in India, otherwise there would not be so many people in India.

With so much land, three crops a year, replaced by Chinese species, can almost meet the food needs of the world.

India suffers from famines every year, and people starve to death even in good harvest years, which is hard to understand.

After the outbreak of the European War, the demand for food in the UK increased significantly. The Indians themselves tightened their belts and sent food to the UK. Last year, they sent more than 2000 million tons of food.

Don't be too little, this is already the limit that India can provide. Many Indians even give the British the next year's grain, otherwise the British attach so much importance to India.

As a result of sending all the grain to England, the population of India hardly increased last year.

This is unbelievable. Indians are very capable of giving birth. Under normal circumstances, the annual population increase of 5.00% and [-]% is drizzle. As a result, the population did not increase at all last year. The facts behind it are shocking.

Probably in order to reduce the pressure of the disaster, the British and Indian governments organized 200 million Indian youths to join the army shortly after the outbreak of the European War.

The recruitment slogan of the British and Indian governments is very simple. The phrase "Join the army and you will have enough to eat", has caused countless Indian youths to surge.

The British and Indian governments are still very restrained.

If you want as much as you want, India alone can easily provide 500 million troops for Britain.

After Mustache conquered the whole of Europe, even with the servant army, he only had 500 million people.

The logistical standards of Southern African armies have always been high.

The Air Force's logistical standard of all arms is matched only by the Navy's Submarine Corps.

Just one thing, in North Africa, only the Southern African Air Force has ice cream in the logistics supply list, and there is still as much of that kind as you want.

For disobedient Indians, the punishment for the southern Africans is to lower the supply standard, or not to eat at all.

Don't you love to go on a hunger strike? Let you have enough.

Not to mention defecating anywhere, move slowly when moving things, and there is not even a trace of meat when eating at night.

Others don't talk about big fish and big meat, there are still salted fish. Alamein is a port, and there are as many fish as you want. The Mediterranean Fleet sent a special force to fish.

At this time, people didn't pay much attention, at least there were no vegetarians in El Alamein.

The cooking technique of the fish is not very good, even the processing is not too delicate, the scales of the fish are not scraped, just throw it into the pot and start to stew, without adding much salt, the taste is extremely delicious.

Looking at other soldiers eating fish and meat——

There is still meat, canned, and there are many in southern Africa.

Others have big fish and big meat, but I only have two poor potatoes. Only I know how sad I am.

On the first day, many Indian soldiers who were punished were very dissatisfied. They went directly to the southern African officers in charge of the Indian troops and demanded equal treatment.

Indian soldiers are very simple.

In the hearts of most Indian soldiers, southern Africa is still a British colony.

Everyone is a servant army, so how can you southern Africans be superior to others.

Still superior.

For these Indian soldiers who disobeyed management, the southern African military officers were not polite, and they went through confinement.

In the Southern African Army, soldiers feared nothing but confinement.

Even the lawless mercenaries of the Umbrella Company have two murmurs when it comes to confinement.

Hard-bodied men have to be carried out even if they are locked up for 24 hours.

If it takes longer, people will die.

The Indian soldiers who were held in confinement probably thought that the confinement rooms in southern Africa were similar to the field hospitals in Britain, after all, they were all about treating diseases and saving lives.

As a result, the first batch of soldiers who were put into confinement were all carried out. Half of them were carried directly to the hospital after being carried out of the confinement room.

The dead one is said to have hit himself to death by hitting his head against a wall.

Only on the third day, the Indian soldiers who were non-violent and non-cooperative under the management of the British were honestly like chickens under the management of the southern Africans.

This surprised the British.

After Charlie Jenkins knew about it, he came to learn from it as soon as possible.

God knows how much the British have spent to make the Indians obedient.

"It's so simple, get rid of all the disobedient ones, and the rest will be obedient." Su Jianping calmly dug a hole for Charlie Jenkins. If the British really did this, they would have to rebel even if they did not cooperate non-violently.

Of course, the rebellion of the Indians is not the same as the rebellion in the Chinese concept.

For Indians, civil disobedience is rebellion.

They can only do so much.

This made the Indians pick up guns and fight the British desperately, and the Indians couldn't do it.

Nor did they dare.

Charlie Jenkins laughed and said nothing, and the British actually did the same.

Don't think that Winston discussed with Roque all the big and small things, just like the two brothers.

When facing the Indians, Winston never showed mercy.

Even Gandhi made Winston sick, not to mention the other Indians.

"I want to visit your confinement room." Charlie Jenkins took the initiative to find stimulation for himself.

And it can't be Charlie Jenkins to blame.

Since the end of the last world war, the cooperation between the British army and the southern African army has become closer and closer, and joint exercises are held several times a year.

However, the British generals have never paid attention to the confinement rooms of the southern African army.

"Are you sure?" Su Jianping's eyes widened. He didn't expect Charlie Jenkins to be a man.

"Sure!" Charlie Jenkins looked serious. He wanted to know why the confinement room in southern Africa had such a magical power.

"Okay——" Su Jianping satisfied Charlie Jenkins' curiosity and took Charlie Jenkins to the confinement room himself.

The confinement room is still very clean, the door is wide open and the light is good. There are beds and quilts in the room, and several soldiers are busy installing wood panels on the wall.

Someone hit a wall and killed himself, some extra precautions have to be taken.

"It looks good—" Charlie Jenkins praised again and again.

Among other things, the Southern African Army has no problem with hygiene. The ground is spotless, cleaner than Charlie Jenkins' desk.

"I don't understand, why is the confinement room so magical?" Charlie Jenkins asked proactively.

"Want to feel it?" Su Jianping smiled like Maitreya Buddha, really not very threatening.

"Of course, why not?" Charlie Jenkins was genuinely curious.

"Okay, but you have to promise that no matter what happens, it will be your own responsibility." Su Jianping was worried about Charlie Jenkins' psychological endurance.

"Of course! I'm an adult and can take responsibility for my own actions." Charlie Jenkins was very upset, who did he look down on!
Su Jianping was also very helpless. He had seen someone kill someone for a piece of bread, but he had never seen someone who asked for confinement.

Then try it.

But the time can't be too long. Just in case, Su Jianping moved a chair and waited at the door to see how long Charlie Jenkins can last.

As a result, the wait was 6 hours.

Nima is a real iron man.

(End of this chapter)

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