Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 2218 Dogs Can't Talk

Chapter 2218 Dogs Can't Talk

Being able to persist for six hours is really not because Charlie Jenkins has a strong mental capacity, but because this guy is too sleepy.

The confinement rooms in southern Africa are said to be absolutely sealed. Once the door is closed, there is no light at all, and the sound insulation is so good that you can't hear the suona at the door.

It feels like the black technology in southern Africa has been used to create this confinement room over the years.

As the person in charge of Alamein Airport, Charlie Jenkins is under a lot of pressure. According to him, his daily rest time does not exceed four hours.

So after the door of the confinement room was closed, Charlie Jenkins slept happily.

Until Su Jianping took the initiative to open the door worried about something going wrong, this guy was still snoring loudly in his sleep.

Such an experience is naturally ineffective.

In the words of Charlie Jenkins, confinement is simply a welfare, not a punishment at all.

The result is that this guy didn't learn the stunts in southern Africa at all, but thought that Su Jianping was fooling him, so he left angrily.

Su Jianping was not angry.

If the British think the whip works, let's go ahead and use it.

As long as the Indians obey under the management of the southern Africans.

In fact, Indians are really not that difficult to manage. The key is to get a reasonable return for your efforts.

Under the management of the British, there was no difference between how much Indians worked and how little they did. Those who worked more were not rewarded, and the punishment for being lazy was not enough to touch the soul. Over time, they would naturally become free and loose.

The rewards and punishments in southern Africa are immediately cashed out. If the work of the day is not finished, the punishment will be directly reflected in the dinner standard in the evening.

Seeing other people eating and drinking, each can get a glass of wine, because the soldiers who can only eat potatoes because they can't complete the task immediately understand what attitude they should face work the next day.

Alcohol is actually not a good wine. Although the vodka made from potatoes is called "absolutely pure", it actually tastes bad. Southern Africans have long stopped drinking it, and white wine made from wine or grains is more popular.

Not so for Indians.

India still starves to death every year, and there is no surplus food for wine making. After a hard day's work, a glass of spicy vodka is definitely the best reward.

Of course, at this time, no one is hypocritical to say no to drinking, and the age when the stomach is not full, where is the qualification to be hypocritical?
Whether Charlie Jenkins accepts it or not, Alamein airport is split in two just a week after these Indians were managed by southern Africans.

Specifically, it is centered on the airport runway, with clear distinctions.

The take-off and landing of large transport aircraft has very strict requirements on the runways. Alamein Airport has two runways with a length of 1500 meters. The Southern African Air Force and the British Air Force use the two runways as the dividing line, each responsible for half of the airport.

When the British Air Force was in charge, there was no difference between the two sides of the runway, the messy apron, the messy warehouse, the messy camp, and even the anti-aircraft artillery positions.

Less than a week after the separation, the difference was noticeable.

First of all, it must be hygiene.

When the British managed it, although there were many toilets at the airport, the situation of defecating anywhere was still very serious. There were piles of things in the corner of the warehouse where the canned food was stored, which is simply indescribable.

After the Southern African Air Force took over, the phenomenon of free defecation in Area B managed by the Southern African Air Force has completely disappeared. Indians, who are not taboos about meat and vegetables, have become more civilized and hygienic overnight, and their body odor has been reduced a lot.

How to say about the body odor of Indians is also hard to describe.

This is really not embarrassing.

Indians don’t use toilet paper when they go to the toilet. It’s understandable when you think about it. There is no country with any industry at all. It can’t even make toilet paper. Naturally, you don’t need it.

So Indians flush with water after using the toilet.

The crux of the problem is that Alamein is in North Africa, and the water shortage is serious——

In addition, Indians like to eat curry, so the body odor of Indians is more unbearable than that of whites.

On the first day when this Indian army was sent to Area B, the southern African side required every Indian soldier to take a bath every day, and the clothes must be changed every day. If the allotted clothes were not enough, the southern African side would make up for them all. Anyway The weather in North Africa is hot, and short-sleeved shirts don't use much fabric.

In terms of management, the Southern African Air Force has also put a lot of thought into it.

Due to the tradition of the British and Indian troops, most of the officers are white British, and a small number of Indian officers are all of high caste.

During the First World War, Winston had more than a dozen boxes of personal belongings on the front line, and the high-caste officers in India were even worse than Winston.

Before getting in touch with Indian high-caste officers, the officers in southern Africa really didn't know that some officers had to sit in sedan chairs when they went to the front line——

Uh, it’s not a sedan chair, it’s a chair that also needs two people to carry it, similar to a sliding pole.

This is for fear that the opponent's snipers will not find important targets.

In order to make Indian soldiers more obedient, Southern Africa sent all white and high-caste officers away, and then promoted officers from ordinary Indian soldiers to manage other Indian soldiers.

This move is extremely effective.

The British actually understand how to use barbarians to control barbarians, but they haven't done it thoroughly enough.

The high caste and the low caste in India are completely two groups. Britain relies on the high caste to manage the low caste.

In India, only the lower castes know what the lower castes are most afraid of.

A saying ridiculing Indians on the Internet in the 21st century is: If you dry up this bowl of Ganges water, you will be an Indian in your next life.

This is not all ridicule. Indians firmly believe in "reincarnation". It doesn't matter if you have no experience in this life and have a good pregnancy.

In southern Africa, there is no need to wait for the next life, obey orders and work hard, and reach the pinnacle of life in minutes.

Therefore, the Indian military officers who were promoted from southern Africa immediately burst out with unparalleled enthusiasm for their work. The pressure on those Indian soldiers who were lazy to work was doubled.

At this time, the relationship between southern Africans and Indians changed. The Indian soldiers were managed by Indian officers, and the southern Africans were not in charge. Some Indian officers who were very ruthless were complained by Indian soldiers. Time to come forward as an "arbiter", the effect is surprisingly good.

Ten days later, the cleanliness of Area B managed by the Southern African Air Force went up to a new level.

As far as Su Jianping was not satisfied, by mid-June, Area B under the management of Southern Africa had already begun to try to grow vegetables, which made the British in Area A completely confused.

Most of North Africa is a dry desert, but the coastal areas are moistened by the Mediterranean climate, and vegetables can still be grown.

The point is that it is not necessary.

The logistics of the Allied forces in North Africa are all in charge of Southern Africa.

The strong agricultural capabilities of southern Africa have played a huge role. All kinds of meat are sent to the front line without money, and the number of poultry eggs is too large to count. kind.

What's more, Alamein is in a war zone. The war is not over yet, and the Germans may come over at any time, so even if vegetables are grown, it is uncertain whether they can be eaten.

Su Jianping doesn't think so.

As a major general of the Air Force, Su Jianping has a high position and authority. Many British people would never have imagined that in Su Jianping's home in Los Angeles, the front lawn and back garden were directly converted into a vegetable garden, and the flowers were grown on the balcony on the second floor.

The extent to which Southern Africans use the land can be described as insane.

The British think that growing vegetables in southern Africa is boring.

Southern Africans see land, and if they don't feel something, they will suffer.

Even for growing vegetables, precious drinking water is consumed.

In mid-June, Auchinleck, commander-in-chief of the Eighth Army, came to Alamein Airport for inspection. As soon as he got off the plane, Auchinleck noticed the difference on both sides of the runway.

How different is it?
The air smells different.

Auchinleck got off the plane and went to Area A first. Before leaving the airport runway, he subconsciously covered his nose. The smell was really strong.

Britain at the beginning of the 20th century had not yet experienced the baptism of the Cold War, and its domestic construction level was just that way.

Don't think that the domestic construction level of the old capitalist countries is so high. The construction level of European and American countries advanced by leaps and bounds in the middle of the 20th century. To be precise, it was after the start of the Cold War. Before that, it was really not so good.

European and American countries improve their domestic construction level mainly to resist the attraction of the other camp to the people of European and American countries.

It sounds like the opposite, doesn't it?

How can a poisonous vegetable country be more attractive to the people than a democratic country——

It should be that the people of the poisonous vegetable country tried every means to smuggle into the beacon of democracy and seek freedom!

In fact, this is not the case.

All in all, the level of infrastructure construction in Britain at the beginning of the 20th century was not at the same level as that in southern Africa.

London is still known as the "Smog City". Every winter, thousands of people die due to smog. The hygiene level can be imagined.

In Zone A of Alamein Airport, the air pollution level is comparable to that of London in winter.

Before entering Area A, Auchinleck felt a warm air mixed with the smell of sweat, body odor, curry, and feces.

Odors will continue to ferment in a stuffy environment.

Auchinleck personally feels like the Germans dropped a biochemical bomb at Alamein Airport. My first reaction is that I have to wear a gas mask——

But look at Charlie Jenkins and other British officers, they are extremely calm and accustomed to it.

Nima, this is living in Baosi for a long time without smelling its stink.

In order to welcome Auchinleck, some preparations were made here in Area A. The windows of the barracks were polished, the anti-aircraft guns next to the runway were spotless, the vehicles were parked neatly, and the barrel height of the tanks was measured with a ruler.

Needless to say, this is learned from District B again.

The difference is that Area B is like this every day.

Area A was cleaned up in surprise to meet Auchinleck.

Except for the camp, all the British soldiers and Indian soldiers in Area A had put on clean clothes, and the camp had just been cleaned and watered, and it looked brand new compared to before.

Auchinleck was still very responsible, and took the initiative to walk to an anti-aircraft machine gun, wanting to communicate with the soldiers who were seriously on duty.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he got off the grass, Auchinleck stepped on his foot——

Charlie Jenkins' face at the time was brilliant.

No one thought of this situation.

Fortunately, Charlie Jenkins has quick wits.
"This should be pulled by military dogs—"

Auchinleck had a gloomy expression, and when he had a problem, he pushed it to the military dog. Bullying the military dog ​​can't speak, right?

Charlie Jenkins looked embarrassed. It didn't matter if it was pulled by military dogs, the key was that Auchinleck stepped on it.

So Auchinleck turned around and went to Area B.

Compared with Area A, which has no superficial articles, Area B is undergoing vigorous mass production.

Really bang.

At least Auchinleck had never seen an Indian soldier singing while working.

Before coming to Egypt, Auchinleck was the commander-in-chief of the British Army in India.

The song that the key sings is also strange.

The tune is very familiar to Auchinlake. It is a mile song popular in the British and Indian troops. I dare not write the lyrics for fear of being 404. Many of them are related to female body organs.

To say that the sexual repression of the British and Indian troops is also great enough.

This can also be explained, after all, it is an army led by a corrupt country.

The lyrics of the song sung by Indian soldiers in Area B have obviously been rewritten.

I love working for Southern Africa -

I know who I am-

Hard work pays off -

As a man, you should take on your responsibilities——

Compared with the previous mile song, Auchinleck likes this version too much.

If you change "Southern Africa" ​​to "British Empire", it would be perfect.

When Auchinleck came to Area B, these singing Indian soldiers were planting trees.

"It's really meaningless. The purpose of asking them to plant trees is to consume their energy and make them exhausted all day long. Naturally, they don't have the mood to think about things they shouldn't think about." Su Jianping took the initiative to explain that Auchinleck's military rank As an admiral, he deserves the respect he deserves.

"This is a good idea!" Auchinleck was very satisfied, and Alamein Airport was also working under the leadership of the Eighth Army.

These are all grades.

Compared with Area A, the management of Area B can simply be used as a template for promotion at all British military airports.

The air is different.

The air in Zone B can't be said to be sweet, at least it doesn't have that disgusting mixture of smells.

Walking into the warehouse, rows of materials are neatly arranged by category.

Only after Su Jianping’s introduction did Auchinlake know that the principle of stacking materials is according to the different production dates. The ones with the latest production dates are put at the back and the ones with earlier production dates are put at the front, so as to ensure that the materials are not wasted as much as possible.

This doesn't make much sense for ammunition with a relatively long shelf life.

But it is of great significance for foods with a short shelf life.

Auchinleck knew how serious the waste of supplies was within the British army.

But it is such a simple method, why has no one thought of it before?
It's not that I didn't expect it, but that I couldn't do it.

Or don't want to do it at all.

(End of this chapter)

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