Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 2222 It's useless to change the vest

Chapter 2222 It's useless to change the vest
In the design of aircraft and tanks, the gap between southern Africa and Russia is huge.

When designing aircraft and tanks in southern Africa, the first consideration is overall performance. Attack power is important, but defense power is also important. Now the cost of training a qualified pilot is not as high as the weight of gold, but it is not much worse. .

The same is true for tankers. It is also valuable to train a qualified tanker. What is more important is the tacit understanding among the crew members, which requires a long time to adapt.

Russia is much rougher in this regard.

Probably because Russia has always had a large population, so the Russians don't care about population consumption. The production of aircraft and tanks in southern Africa must be refined and provide protection for pilots and tankers as much as possible. These are all consumables in Russia.

In the case of the Great Patriotic War, the Russians really did not have time to elaborate.

The huge difference in thinking is reflected in reality. When designing the "Crusader" and Type 41 tanks, southern African designers always have a sense of guilt similar to murder.

The key point is that the Russians have no money.

Russians have rubles, but southern Africa does not. Even in trade with the Germans, Russians use more barter.

Trade with the Germans was also one of the reasons for the outbreak of the Russo-German War.

Most of Germany's exports to Russia are heavy industrial products, including industrial facilities such as machine tools and cranes, as well as some military industrial products, including a semi-completed Admiral Hipper-class heavy cruiser "Lützow", which was renamed after Russia received it For Petropavlovsk.

Most of Russia's supplies to Germany are industrial raw materials, such as oil, food, etc., and the amount of oil is huge.

Due to the trade gap between Russia and Germany, Germany owed more and more money to Russia. Before the war broke out, Germany owed Russia 2.4 million Reichsmarks, equivalent to about 7000 million U.S. dollars.

After France stopped resisting, Russia went to the Germans to ask for the arrears.

Mustache didn't want to pay, and didn't want to lose the supply of raw materials from Russia, so he simply grabbed it——

In addition to tanks and aircraft, the Russians also have a lot of demand for other equipment, such as trucks and artillery.

In terms of trucks alone, there is a shortage of 50 vehicles in Russia, and there are as many artillery pieces as there are.

"After the outbreak of the war, the Russians suffered heavy losses. According to incomplete statistics, the Russians are now losing more than 5 troops a day. At this rate, the Russian army will be exhausted within three months. Joseph announced that Russia will carry out a general mobilization After that, Moscow will call up a reserve army of up to 500 million people, and the crux of the problem is that Russia does not have enough equipment to arm them.” The situation provided by Owen is shocking, and it is estimated that only Russia can sustain such a consumption rate .

"Even with our industrial capabilities, it will take at least a year and a half to provide Russia with enough weapons and equipment." Sidney Milner is also worried. In his view, Russia's defeat is imminent.

Even if Russia has the ability to recruit 500 million reserve troops, it will take time to train recruits. According to the standards of southern Africa, the Germans have already captured Moscow before the recruits leave the training camp.

"Although the Russians are very difficult, they are still persevering." Martin expressed his admiration for the tenacity of the Russians, especially when compared with the French.

Compared with Russia, French men are not even as good as women.

Long before the bearded man announced the general mobilization, the Russians had already taken action, and women and children also took up arms against the invaders.

The bearded man is also really ruthless, ordering the Russian army to implement a scorched earth policy when retreating, leaving no available materials for the Germans.

This is in stark contrast to a certain European country that was reluctant to blow up a bridge when it retreated.

"No matter what, it's not okay not to pay, and it's not okay to owe money." Stoudemire has lingering fears about Russia, and Russia also has a criminal record in terms of defaulting on debts.

"But what do we need from Russia? Oil? Food?" Henry looked down on what the Russians could provide.

In terms of oil, the output of the Baku oil field is far inferior to that of Port Elizabeth, and the quality of the oil is not good, so I don't like it.

There is no shortage of food. In the past two years, the weather has been good and the weather has been good. The agricultural harvest in southern Africa has been bumper, and there is so much food that I can't finish it.

"Gentlemen, we can't care too much about economic interests at this time." Rock slightly had a headache, and neither Stoudemire nor Henry was short of money, so we still had to take a long-term view.

"We can exchange destroyers with reference to the islands in London, and let Russia exchange land." Martin's mind was wide open.

This is not realistic at all. Although Russia has a large land area, it has no overseas territories. Should Russia and Siberia be exchanged?
The Russians are also unlikely to agree.

"The territory of Southern Africa is big enough, we have to restrain ourselves." Rock's desire for land has been satisfied in stages, and now Southern Africa needs to pursue higher-level goals: "—— Defeating the Germans is our most important thing at present. mission, and since none of us want to stop the Germans with the lives of southern Africans, something has to be sacrificed."

Rock has a trade-off. Now the situation is obvious. Southern Africa produces equipment and Russia produces people. This pattern seems familiar.

Just when Southern Africa decided to fully supply Russia, Franco finally made the final decision.

When Ribbentrop wanted Spain to join the Axis powers, Franco asked Ribbentrop to produce evidence that the Axis powers could win the final victory.

After the "Barbarossa Project" began, the German army was in a state of turmoil, and Russia suffered heavy losses. This made Franco seem to see the hope of the German army's victory.

On July 7, Franco sent an army to participate in the Axis attack on Russia.

Franco still kept a hand, let this army change into the uniform of the German army, and did not participate in the war in the name of the Spanish government.

So nominally Spain is still a neutral country.

On July 7, this Spanish army entered Russia, and Rock took the initiative to call Winston at noon that day.

After the outbreak of the European War, Rock and Winston communicated frequently, talking on the phone every day and sending telegrams every now and then.

The purpose of Rock's phone call was to discuss with Winston how to deal with the Spanish government's top rats.

"We must not tolerate such behavior, otherwise more and more countries will follow suit. Spain's attitude has always been a direct threat to the security of the Strait of Gibraltar. Now is the time to solve this problem." Rock's attitude Resolute, to make an example to others.

Now Rock doesn't care whether this will completely push Spain to the Axis powers. Southern Africa has accumulated 50 troops around the Mediterranean Sea, which is more than enough to defeat Spain.

"Locke, we can't make too many enemies now. As long as the Spanish government does not openly join the Axis powers, we have to consider the impact of declaring war on Spain." Winston disagreed with declaring war on Spain.

The reason why Winston disagreed was not because he cared about the influence at all, but because he did not want the influence of southern Africa to continue to expand in the Mediterranean and Europe.

As mentioned many times before, Britain has always regarded the Mediterranean as its core interest.

Britain can allow southern Africa to be independent, accept the expansion of southern Africa, or even give the whole of Africa to southern Africa.

Only Europe and the Mediterranean can never be let go by Britain.

After "lenting" Malta to Southern Africa, Southern Africa's influence in the Mediterranean has expanded to the central Mediterranean. Britain is now tough enough to deal with a Rommel, and can only rely on southern African troops to attack Spain.

Winston would rather have Spain at both ends than to be the spoils of southern Africa.

"Winston, we can't pin all our hopes on Russia. Have you ever thought about what will happen if Russia loses the war?" Rock was trying to bring disaster to the north, and now he wants to find a way to reduce the pressure on Russia.

This is not a change overnight, the policy needs to be adjusted as the situation changes, the performance of the German army in the Russo-German war was too good, Rock is now not sure whether the Russians can win the final victory.

"Russia has a vast territory and abundant human resources. Winter is coming. We have to trust the Russians." Winston said indifferently. It wasn't the British who died anyway.

Rock now has to watch the battle briefing every day.

If you read too many briefings, the losses of the two warring parties will really become a string of numbers, and you will become numb if you read too much.

"Even if the Russians lose the war, Germany will also suffer heavy losses. At that time, we can take advantage of the emptiness of Germany's strength and give Germany a fatal blow." Winston's thinking is the same as Truman's.

"Winston, don't forget that the advantages the Russians have now will become our disadvantages after Russia's defeat." Rock took the initiative. After all, he still couldn't be as shameless as the Onsa people.

Imagine another time and space during the Great Patriotic War in Russia, what were Britain and the United States doing?

Nothing was done.

The North African campaign, which was written about by the British, has always been limited to a very small scale. There are tens of thousands of people on both sides, and there are a large number of servants. Compared with the magnificent Great Patriotic War, it is not worth mentioning. .

After Russia and Germany both lost, the British immediately won the North African campaign, followed by the Normandy landings.

The Normandy landing was not so much a counterattack against Germany as a grab for the fruits of victory. At this time, everyone could see that the Germans were doomed.

Even in the Far East, it was the Russians who gave the Japanese the final blow, completely breaking the hopes of the Japanese.

Here again, it must be clarified that it was not the two atomic bombs that defeated Japan, and the atomic bombs were not that powerful.

What really made Japan desperate was the destruction of the Kwantung Army.

So it goes without saying that the UK and the US are pulling out all the stops.

As long as the United Kingdom and the United States show the attitude of the First World War, the Second World War will not last until 1945.

"Locke, the Germans are at the end of their battle, and the victory will eventually belong to us." Winston tried to pour chicken soup on Rock, never mentioning Spain.

Then don't mention it.

Roque actually didn't expect the British to help.

Just don't be a disservice.

Unlike Winston's attitude, de Gaulle was very active in declaring war on Spain.

Spain used to be France.

As long as Spain is defeated, the French mainland can be attacked. De Gaulle now has nearly 20 troops under his command, and he is no longer the former brigadier general who no one listens to.

"The strength of the Spanish army is limited. We don't need the participation of the British at all, and we can completely defeat Spain—" De Gaulle came to Roque immediately after knowing that Franco sent troops to join the war: "—we can send troops from Gibraltar to Spain launches an attack on the mainland, and at the same time, a fleet can be sent to block the coast of Spain, and troops will land in Catalonia, so that we can cut off the links between Spain, Germany and Italy in the shortest possible time."

De Gaulle's enthusiasm for restoring the country was unparalleled. He looked forward to the landing of the Allied forces in France every day. Unfortunately, without the cooperation of southern Africa and the United Kingdom, de Gaulle could not do anything.

The army under de Gaulle is all the army, and the French navy is still under the command of Darlan, and de Gaulle has no right to mobilize.

Roque knew that de Gaulle had always been in touch with Darlan, trying to win the support of the French navy.

Darlan is also very helpless. The French navy is now in an awkward position. After "Operation Ballista", the trust between the French navy and the British navy has been completely destroyed. At least for now, the French navy will not take orders from Charles de Gaulle.

"General, we are allies with Britain—" Rock also had a headache.

Roque also knew Winston's plan. In fact, Roque didn't have the slightest covetous heart for Spain. Unfortunately, even if Roque swore a poisonous oath, Winston would not believe it.

There is no way to do this. In the face of national interests, black and white words are not binding, and poisonous oaths are just a joke.

The key is the relationship between southern Africa and the United Kingdom. It is impossible for Rock to directly launch a war against Spain without the consent of the United Kingdom.

After all, they are allies, and they must have the respect they deserve.

What Rock needs now is a suitable reason.

The reason, as long as you want to find it at any time.

On July 7, a Spanish cargo ship was seized by the Southern African Atlantic Fleet in Gibraltar on the grounds of smuggling materials.

The freighter's shipping manifest showed that the ship was loaded with food and timber and was destined for Italy.

After the officers and soldiers of the Atlantic Fleet boarded the ship for inspection, they found a large amount of rubber in the cargo ship's bilge, which was a material prohibited by the Allied Forces from being transported to the Axis countries.

The role of rubber in modern industry does not need to be emphasized. Germany and Italy do not produce rubber themselves and rely entirely on imports.

Spain does not produce rubber in its own country, but Spain can obtain rubber from South American countries by virtue of its influence in South America.

After the outbreak of the European War, the prices of all strategic materials related to the military soared, and some ship owners would always take risks.

On the 16th, the Southern African Atlantic Fleet issued an ultimatum to the Spanish government, demanding that Spain stop all trade with Italy.

This request was opposed not only by Spain, but also by the United States.

Almost forgot America.

After the outbreak of the European War, the United States was the most active in trade with the Axis powers.

(End of this chapter)

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