Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 2223 Trading the Army for Time

Chapter 2223 Trading the Army for Time
Even though 20 years have passed, the thinking of Americans has not changed at all.

In the last world war, the Americans made a lot of money by relying on trade. They did not miss the post-war carve-up feast when they joined the war. It was only because of the conservativeness of the US Congress that they missed the opportunity to expand their international influence. As a result, southern Africa picked up Big deal.

This time the Americans were still the same. Franco was forced to remain neutral, and neither side dared to offend.

The reason why Americans stay neutral is to have both sides. It doesn't matter how many Europeans die. The Americans make money first.

After the Saar Conference, in order to avoid the opposition of southern Africa and the United Kingdom, the trade between the United States and Germany and Italy was mainly carried out through Spain.

The suspension of trade between Spain and Italy in southern Africa immediately aroused opposition from the United States on the grounds of old-fashioned free trade.

Americans regard "free trade" as a talisman. As long as they advocate something, all countries in the world should support it.

As for justice, who cares.

"The Spanish government does not agree to terminate the trade with Italy, and considers our boarding inspection to be an illegal act. Therefore, the Spanish government requires us to release the seized merchant ships and cargo as soon as possible, and even requires us to compensate for the losses caused by the seizure." Martin was happy. Seeing the back molars, Franco has not yet realized the seriousness of the matter.

"Do the Spaniards think that we are easy to bully in southern Africa?" Henry sneered, but the Royal Navy seized the Spanish merchant ship, and the Spaniards would never dare to make such a request.

"Let the Third Army cross the Strait of Gibraltar to launch an attack on the Spanish mainland. The Atlantic Fleet and the Cyprus Squadron are attacking from both sides. What are the Marines and Airborne Forces waiting for? The time has come for them to safeguard the interests of southern Africa!" Stoudemire was the most active, Regardless of reality or not.

Among other things, sending the Cyprus squadron to attack the Spanish mainland sounds unreliable.

Cyprus and Spain are separated by Italy and France.

Leaving aside Italy, France's position is a bit vague.

After "Operation Ballista", the French Navy retaliated against the Royal Navy. Although Vichy France remained neutral, the French Navy and the Royal Navy were actually at war.

Regarding the southern African navy, the French navy has shown restraint, and it does not offend the river.

The southern African navy did not attack the French navy, and they were not even close to the French coast. Both sides were trying to avoid conflicts.

Now the task of the Cyprus Squadron is to cooperate with the British Mediterranean Fleet to completely cut off the connection between the German-Italian North African Army and the Italian mainland.

This idea is very good, but it is very difficult to achieve. In recent months, Germany and Italy have all supplied the North African Army with submarine forces, or dispatched transport planes to take advantage of nighttime airlifts. The Mediterranean theater has deployed radar in Malta, but it has no effect. limited.

In southern Africa and the United Kingdom, there are no airports around Malta. Unless there is an aircraft carrier nearby, by the time the air force arrives, the Italian transport plane has already fled.

"Order the Mediterranean theater to block the waterway between Spain and Italy, and intercept Spanish merchant ships—and at the same time order the troops stationed in the Strait of Gibraltar to enter a combat state." Rock made up his mind that even without the cooperation of the United Kingdom, the plan for southern Africa would have to Progress gradually.

Before the outbreak of the world war, the Ministry of National Defense of Southern Africa formulated countless plans for various situations.

The United Kingdom hopes to block the influence of southern Africa from Europe, and even further block it from the south of North Africa. The affairs of the Europeans should be resolved by the Europeans, as long as southern Africa does a good job of logistics.

But at this point today, how could southern Africa be completely in accordance with the British's vision and still be attached to the British's wings.

Rock had given the British enough opportunities. Until the Battle of Greece, Rock hadn't been completely disappointed with the British and kept a glimmer of illusion.

The defeat of the British army during the Battle of Crete, or the early evacuation, made Rock completely give up.

Since the British are unreliable, let Southern Africa do it by itself.

However, the Americans still need to pay attention, so Rock took the initiative to call Roosevelt, hoping that while the United States would reduce trade with the Axis countries, he would also invite Roosevelt to attend a meeting in Russia in October.

After the outbreak of the Russo-German War, the bearded man finally recognized the reality and had to join the Allied camp.

However, the bearded man has not given up. Joining the Allied camp is conditional. The core appeal is the Romanian oil fields and the Black Sea estuary.

This is very unreasonable. What the Axis countries cannot get, the Allies will obviously not give.

Romania’s oil fields are easy to say, there is no shortage of oil in southern Africa, and British oil is also guaranteed, but the Black Sea outlet cannot be given up to Russia. This is the most important gate to prevent the expansion of Russian power.

Not to mention the millions of southern Africans who have settled on the Garibaldi peninsula for decades.

Rock didn't want to see the southern Africans who settled on the Garibaldi Peninsula after the Russians took control of the Garibaldi Peninsula, and were sent to Siberia by the Russians like piggies.

Then let's have a meeting and talk about it first.

According to the experience of the Saar Conference, the location of the conference should be somewhere between Southern Africa, the United Kingdom, and Russia.

Beard claimed that he could not travel far due to health reasons, so he hoped that the venue of the meeting would be in Russia.

Rock didn't care. Winston didn't want to go to Russia because the weather in Russia in October was too cold.

This is also an objective fact, but this reason is obviously not sufficient in the context of the world war.

"The United States has not yet decided to join the war. It is a very difficult decision to bring 500 million Americans into the war." Roosevelt's voice was severely distorted and intermittent after tens of thousands of kilometers of transmission, from the United States to southern Africa, in the middle There are dozens of signal relay stations.

In 1940, the population of the United States reached 1.25 million, ranking fifth in the world.

In second place is the United Kingdom, which counts the population of India, fourth is Southern Africa and third is Russia.

As early as 1930, the population of the United States had reached 1.2 million, and it had only increased by 500 million in the past ten years, which was unprecedented in the history of the United States.

There are many reasons, the Great Depression being just one of them, and competition in southern Africa being the biggest reason.

Since the end of the last world war, most Europeans chose southern Africa as their first choice for immigration, and fewer and fewer Europeans immigrated to the United States, which has also led to slower and slower development in the United States in the past decade.

In the past 100 years, the rapid economic development of the United States has a lot to do with the rapid growth of the American population.

Before the last world war, the United States had developed into the world's second largest market outside of Europe, and American companies were able to grow rapidly because of this.

Everything changed with the rise of Southern Africa.

"I was deeply impressed by the extraordinary courage shown by the United States during the last world war. I believe that this time the United States will choose to be with the righteous side just like the last world war." Roque said insincerely.

Thinking about the American troops who went on and on to launch a desperate attack on Fortress Lie Sun during the last world war, courage is indeed courage, but unfortunately it is more similar to reckless courage.

The current U.S. military does not even have an absolute advantage in firepower. The United States has formed millions of troops, but it has not experienced the baptism of war and is seriously lacking in combat experience.

After the Brazilian Civil War, the United States frantically expanded its military under the banner of "revenge" and formed an army of one million overnight. Unfortunately, most of the troops only had one designation.

In the Brazilian Civil War, the U.S.-Pakistan coalition suffered a complete defeat and completely lost the war.

The Americans learned from the painful experience and fully realized the gap with southern Africa. Although the military decided to retaliate, they did not have the courage to implement it.

The speed of naval shipbuilding is quite fast. All six "Yorktowns" in the United States have already been completed and put into service. After the outbreak of the European War, four more ships were added. Now the United States has a total of twelve aircraft carriers, the second most powerful in the world.

It's a pity that Americans don't understand the truth that literature has no priority and martial arts has no second.

"I hope it is the same, but Locke, you have to understand that the United States is different from southern Africa. It is a real democratic country." Roosevelt said with contempt and envy.

The United States is indeed different from southern Africa. The president of the United States is a mascot, controlled by American capital. Roosevelt has been the president of the United States for the longest time in power, and he still cannot escape this curse.

Southern Africa is nominally the same as the United States, and the prime minister must also be responsible to the Congress, but Rock's influence has surpassed the Congress, and the Congress has become a vassal of the Prime Minister's Office. This is an open secret.

So as the head of state, Roosevelt really envied Rock's power.

"Mr. President, you need to tell your entrepreneurial friends that money is endless, not to mention that they will soon have no money to make." Rock is looking for an inch, and Germany and Italy are already being sucked by the United States. If you do it, you must be prepared to owe money if you continue to do business.

The Americans have never been relentless in asking prices for business. Germany and Italy purchased military-related strategic materials from the United States, and the price was more than double that provided to the Allies in southern Africa.

Without such a high profit, it is impossible for American businessmen to take huge risks to do business with Germany and Italy.

Now this business is almost impossible to do.

The impending depletion of funds in Germany and Italy is one reason, and once Russia is defeated, Germany and Italy no longer need raw materials from the United States.

"I can pass it on, but I don't guarantee it will be effective." Roosevelt didn't know this. It's a pity that the greedy capitalists in the United States will not obey Roosevelt's orders.

While the Allies were planning a conference in Russia, the Russo-German war continued.

The situation is becoming more and more unfavorable for Russia, and all the news is bad news. After two months of persistence, the Brest Fortress finally fell, and both Germany and Russia declared themselves victorious.

Germany won the Brest Race.

Russia has gained the courage and spiritual symbol to continue fighting.

The final result of the Battle of Minsk was heartbreaking. The surrender of 32 surrounded Russian troops was only the beginning of heartbreak.

In the Uman battle that ended in early August, the Russian army captured 10 people. This is not the worst result.

After the Battle of Uman, the huge salient of the Russian Southwest Front was completely surrounded by the Germans. This time there were 65 Russian troops in the encirclement.

At the same time as the Battle of Kiev started, the German Army Group Center launched the Battle of Smolensk. This time there were about 40 Russian troops in desperate situation.

Following Lithuania, rebellions broke out in Estonia and Romania. In just two months, all the land Russia acquired after 1938 had been lost, and Leningrad was exposed to German attacks. This was the most brutal war in human history. The offensive and defensive battle is about to start.

In this case, assistance from southern Africa and the United Kingdom is becoming more and more important to Russia.

The bearded man did not lower his request because of the heavy losses of the Russian army.

On the contrary, with the loss of the Russian army, there are more and more demands, which seems to be an attempt to make up for the losses caused by the war to Russia through negotiations.

This made Rock and Winston very dissatisfied.

With 65 Russian troops under siege in Kiev, Winston called Rock.

On the phone, Winston viciously claimed that he would abandon the Russians and let Russia fend for itself.

"Two months ago, Russia still had 400 million troops. Now at least half of these troops have been lost, and the rest have completely collapsed. The Russians can't hold on. Even if we do our best to help Russia now, Russia will also be doomed." Winston was terrified by the attack power of the German army. Recalling the British air battle that broke out not long ago, Winston realized how lucky the British Empire was at this time.

Fortunately, Mustache turned his target to Russia.

Otherwise, if Mustache insists on implementing the "Sea Lion Project", Britain will lose faster than Russia.

The UK does not have as much strategic depth as Russia.

Unless the UK moves its capital from London to Canada.

"Winston, don't worry, you should see that the supply of the Germans is slowing down, and the determination of the Russians is greater than the Germans imagined." Rock is not in a hurry. Although the Russian army suffered a crushing defeat, it is not without its bright spots .

Just look at the scale of the war.

More than 30 people at every turn, more than 60 people——

Every number here represents a soldier with a weapon, and a soldier with a strong will even though the command is chaotic.

The Germans also paid a huge price to win the war. During the Battle of Minsk, the tenacious resistance of the Russian army effectively slowed down the advance speed of the German army. Although the Germans won the battle, the advance speed has fallen behind the expectations of the German General Staff .

In the ongoing battle of Kiev, the Russian army surrounded by about 65 troops, but the total number of German troops surrounding them is less than 65. Therefore, in order to annihilate the Russian army in the encirclement, the Germans have to mobilize some troops from the Central Army Group Supplementing into the Army Group South will also have a huge impact on the attack of the Army Group Central.

The key now is time. As long as the time is delayed until winter, the Russians will win a turning point.

(End of this chapter)

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