Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 2224 Washing Southern Africans into the Mediterranean Sea

Chapter 2224 Washing Southern Africans into the Mediterranean Sea

In the first two years of the European War, neither Poland nor France caused enough trouble for the Germans, and the Germans have never encountered a real challenge.

More than two years of invincibility gave Moustache enough confidence, as if the Germans could conquer the world.

Therefore, before the start of the "Barbarossa Project", Mustache was not fully prepared for the difficulties encountered in conquering Russia.

Maybe Mustache thinks that the Russians will be like the French. As long as the German army breaks through the French army's line, the French army will be defeated across the board. Seeing the arrival of German tanks from a distance, they will throw away all their weapons and surrender.

The German army is indeed strong.

"Blitz" is also great.

But the Russians are not French. Although the German army can break through the Russian defense line like a scalpel cutting butter, the Russians will not give up easily. As time goes by, the prospect of war becomes obscure.

The point is that Russia is too big.

Although France and Poland are not small, they are not as deep as Russia, and their population is not as large as Russia. The war potential is not at the same level.

To deal with Poland or France, as long as the German army broke through the opponent's line of defense, they could drive straight in. The Poles and French had no time to organize a second line of defense, and the country was penetrated, and victory was easy.

Russia has a vast territory. Moscow is 1600 kilometers away from Berlin and 750 kilometers away from Kiev.

When the German Central Army Group and the Southern Army Group encircled and wiped out the Russian Southwest Front Army, the bearded man recruited another 500 million people in Moscow, but the bearded man had already invested all the strategic reserve forces at this time.

In order to conquer Russia, Mustache prepared a total of 23 divisions of strategic reserve forces.

Obviously this is not enough. During the Battle of Minsk, 23 of the 13 divisions were used.

The battle of Kiev is not over yet. The Germans have invested all their strategic reserves and have to draw troops from the Central Army. An armored division that was supposed to be sent to North Africa to support Rommel was also sent to Russia. Including the three armored divisions sent to Greece to support the Italians.

Therefore, the strength of the German-Italian coalition forces in Greece is very empty now. If the Mediterranean theater takes advantage of the gap, whether the Germans can defeat Russia in 1941 or not, the Mediterranean theater will definitely be able to drive the German-Italian coalition forces out of Greece in 1941 and restore 1940 years of battle.

Winston was not only dissatisfied with Russia, but also with southern Africa.

Southern Africa delivered an ultimatum to the Spanish government without informing Britain.

The Spanish government talks tough, but in fact has lost its mind. Recently, it has frequently contacted London and Washington, hoping to get help from the United Kingdom and the United States.

Franco's attitude is very clear: If you don't help, Spain will become a colony in southern Africa. At that time, the influence of Britain and the United States on Europe will be greatly weakened, and we will all die together.

Not to mention, this kind of nonsense has really resonated with the British and Americans to a certain extent, so Winston hopes that Rock can suspend the persecution of Spain until Franco wakes up on his own initiative.

"The Spaniards have stated that once the Allied forces land in Europe, Spain will join the Allied forces and fight alongside us." Winston is very optimistic and has high hopes for the Spaniards.

"It is estimated that the Spaniards said the same to the Germans, otherwise Franco would not have sent troops to participate in the attack on Russia." Rock hates both sides, and now it is a world war, so be sober, man.

Winston was visibly unconscious.

Or be intentional and muddy.

"The Spaniards are still strong, and we should try our best to win all possible support." Winston did not give up. The strength of the Spaniards has been revealed in the Spanish Civil War for more than four years.

Without the assistance of Germany and Italy, and even his own participation in the war, Franco had no chance of winning the civil war.

This is also thanks to the appeasement policy of Britain and France. In order to contain Russia's expansion, Britain and France can only sacrifice the interests of the Spaniards.

So the strength of the Spaniard is a joke.

At least for Southern Africa.

"Spain is not included in our plan. It would be best for the Spaniards to join the Axis powers, so that we can get the entire Mediterranean after the war." Rock drew a cake for Winston.

Now it is obvious that Britain's influence in the Mediterranean Sea is getting smaller and smaller, the French centipedes are dead but not dead, the Italians may be resurrected at any time, and southern Africa is eager to try. It is not bad that Rock is willing to share the Mediterranean Sea with Winston .

"At any time, I will support Britain's control of the Strait of Gibraltar and the Suez Canal." Rock promised Winston, but this promise is of little value.

After the World War ended, Rock and Winston were about to retire, and the future world belonged to young people.

When Roque was Prime Minister of Southern Africa, Southern Africa certainly supported British control of the Strait of Gibraltar and the Suez Canal.

It's hard to say after Roque leaves office, what will happen at that time, Roque and Winston can't control it, they don't plan their own affairs if they are not in their positions.

Perhaps Roque and Winston did not see the scene of the break between southern Africa and Britain at all.

"Locke, we discussed this issue during the Saar meeting, Europe is Europe for Europeans." Winston tried his best, this was his last bottom line.

During the Saar meeting, Rock and Winston had detailed exchanges on the European War, the most important part of which was the division of spheres of influence in the post-war world.

Winston wanted Southern Africa to stay out of Europe after the war.

Rock readily agreed.

However, Roque also has requirements, that is, the sphere of influence in Asia.

As for the Indian Ocean, considering that Britain will never give up India, Rock hopes that Britain and southern Africa can respect each other's interests in the Indian Ocean.

Winston also readily agreed.

No way to disagree.

Once upon a time, the Indian Ocean almost became Britain's inland sea, surrounded by British military bases.

Now the situation has completely changed. The Persian Gulf has become the inner lake of southern Africa, Ceylon and Diego Garcia have become enclaves of southern Africa, India is clamoring for independence every day, and Australia and southern Africa are flirting with each other. backyard.

Even if Winston disagrees, it will not be able to change the reality that southern Africa is becoming more and more influential in the Indian Ocean.

As for Asia.

This is where there is the least disagreement.

If southern Africa does not take over British influence in Asia, the Americans will.

In the past, Britain supported Japan, hoping to continue to control Asia through Japan.

Now that Britain finds that Japan is a white-eyed wolf who wants to monopolize East Asia, it might as well let southern Africa try.

"Europe will always belong to the Europeans. Southern Africa has no desire for Europe. If Southern Africa is willing, Spain will not be able to become a bridgehead for the invasion of Southern African influence." Rock told the truth. Compared with Spain, Rock I prefer the sunshine of the Aegean Sea.

Everything in the sphere of influence is fake. Referring to Britain a century ago, no matter how large the sphere of influence is, it will collapse completely without sufficient strength to maintain it.

Southern Africa has already captured the Dodecanese Islands and Malta. If we make more efforts to capture Crete, then the eastern Mediterranean, like the Persian Gulf, will become the inner lake of Southern Africa.

This will not hinder the interests of the United Kingdom. Even if Southern Africa controls the Eastern Mediterranean, British ships can still sail freely.

Of course, this is on the premise of a good relationship.

If relations between Southern Africa and Britain deteriorate, just look at Japan.

Japanese ships have not appeared in the Mediterranean Sea for many years. The ship owners would rather take a big circle around the Panama Canal than be inexplicably inspected, detained, or even disappear silently.

Winston was silent for a long time, and he fell into boundless despair. He could only sit and watch the expansion of southern Africa's sphere of influence, and he wanted to change but had no strength.

While Roque and Winston were discussing how to decide the fate of Spain, the relationship between the Gibraltar Allied Forces and the Spanish Army became more and more tense.

The Strait of Gibraltar is about 90 kilometers long, with an average depth of 375 meters, and the narrowest point is only 11 kilometers. The British colony in Gibraltar is located on the Gibraltar Peninsula, with an area of ​​only 6 square kilometers.

The Gibraltar Peninsula has always been Spanish territory. In 1704, the Spanish War of Succession broke out, and Britain became the third winner of the war. The Spanish Bourbon Dynasty ceded the Gibraltar Peninsula to the United Kingdom in exchange for Britain's recognition of its legitimacy.

For more than 200 years since then, Spain has repeatedly united with France and many European countries to launch multiple military, political, economic, and diplomatic means to try to retake the Gibraltar Peninsula, but it has not been able to do so.

After the outbreak of the European War, Germany used the Mediterranean ocean currents to evade the radar surveillance of the Allied forces, and freely entered and exited the Mediterranean Sea, causing huge losses to the Allied forces.

When a German submarine enters the Mediterranean Sea, it raises the submarine to a relatively shallow area, turns off the engine, and the submarine enters the Mediterranean Sea along the surface ocean current.

When it was time to leave the Mediterranean Sea, the Germans turned off the engine, descended to a relatively deep area below the sea surface, and returned to the Atlantic Ocean along the ocean current, thus avoiding the detection of the Allied forces.

German submarines are fighting in the Mediterranean Sea and definitely need supply points.

This is also the main reason why Rock forced Spain.

There is evidence that Spanish ports and ships were used to resupply German submarine forces.

On the southern shore of the Strait of Gibraltar, it is a French colony.

So when Operation Sickle started, the [-]nd Airborne Division in Southern Africa parachuted into the Gibraltar peninsula to assist the British defense.

Now the strength of the peninsula has been strengthened again. In addition to the 33nd Airborne Division, there is also the [-]rd Armored Division belonging to the [-]rd Army.

After the Spanish Civil War, Franco once made a territorial claim to Britain, hoping that Britain could return the Gibraltar peninsula to Spain.


The siege for three years and seven months did not make the British army give up, and Franco's official document was even more impossible.

Franco, who had just won the Spanish Civil War at that time, felt that he had suffered a great humiliation on the issue of the Gibraltar Peninsula, so he sent troops to besiege the Gibraltar Peninsula again, and it has not been lifted until now.

The so-called siege is just a stunt.

Britain has strong sea power, and the Royal Navy can freely pass through the Strait of Gibraltar. As long as this does not change, Spain's siege of the Gibraltar Peninsula is a joke.

On the border demarcation line in the northern part of the peninsula, both the British and Spanish troops have checkpoints. Now the checkpoints on the British side are jointly in charge of the British and Southern African troops, and the Spanish side is in charge of the Second Spanish Division.

Like the 33rd Division, the Spanish Second Division is also an armored force in name, but its combat effectiveness is worlds apart.

Spain does not have the ability to independently produce tanks, so the tanks equipped by the Spanish Second Division are still the No. [-] tanks that Germany supported to the Falange during the Spanish Civil War.

The tanks equipped by the 33rd Division are "Tiger" type and "Leopard" type. It is no exaggeration to say that one hits ten.

Spaniards don't think so.

Do you still remember Alvin who came to Spain during the Spanish Civil War hoping to join the war but failed in the end?

Even the "third prince" of southern Africa had to back down when facing Spain, which proves that Spain still has deterrent power.

This reason is a bit absurd.

But in Spain, many people firmly believe in it.

At least that's what [-]nd Division Commander Alvaro Garcia thought.

"Southern Africa is very strong, but it also depends on the circumstances. If it is the southern African army, our army is fighting in a third country, and we may not be able to take advantage of it. You can rush the southern Africans into the Mediterranean—”Alvaro Garcia is not entirely arrogant, the southern African army is fighting as a guest army in Gibraltar, and the Spaniards have the advantage of home court.

Leon Klose, a consultant from Germany, smiled and said nothing. War is not football. If Alvaro Garcia's words are true, then Poland and France will not lose.

Don't be surprised how such people are in high positions. There are many people who are arrogant in Yelang. Many people are in high positions not by virtue of ability. This situation is especially common in Europe.

"Now is an unprecedented good time. We should take the opportunity to recover the Gibraltar Peninsula and wash away the shame imposed on us by the British for 200 years." Jose Moreno, the chief of staff of the Second Division, was gearing up, which was the long-standing wish of all Spaniards.

Just like a normal British person, he will never forget southern Africa.

"Don't do that, at least we have to wait until we have conquered Russia before we can launch a new offensive." Leon Cross was calm. He didn't think that when the No. , has a chance of winning.

Leon Cross knew better that Patton, the commander of the Atlantic Theater in Southern Africa, was expecting the Spaniards to initiate the war.

(End of this chapter)

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