Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 2240 The first head-to-head confrontation

Chapter 2240

The fighting was brutal, both for the Germans and the Russians.

When the Battle of Moscow just broke out, the bearded man issued an order "on the evacuation of Moscow residents".

This order was mistaken by many people as a sign that Russia was about to abandon Moscow. Within the first day of the order, 779 officials fled Moscow. They took money and valuables worth 2500 million rubles with them, and even used 100 vehicles. Limousines and vans transport family members.

This caused confusion within a certain range, and many Moscow citizens also fled, and the roads leaving the city were severely blocked. This situation did not disappear until Moscow entered a state of siege.

Beard didn't want to give up Moscow to Mustache.

But it did prepare for the fall of Moscow.

Just before the outbreak of the Moscow Battle, Russia carried out the largest industrial transfer plan in history, with more than 100 million wagons of equipment and materials transferred.

This had a serious impact on Russia's industrial production, especially the military industry. In the early days of the Moscow Defense War, the supply of ammunition to Russian frontline troops was once severely affected. This situation was not partially alleviated until four months later.

Industrial transfer cannot be accomplished overnight. The construction of factories, the organization of raw material supply, the placement of workers, and the improvement of water, electricity and other supporting facilities necessary for industrial production all take time.

Difficulties need to be faced one by one. The Russians broke out with huge combat effectiveness when they were on the verge of extinction. This is clearly reflected in the advancing speed of the German Fourth Army.

Ten days before the outbreak of the Battle of Moscow, the German Fourth Army advanced 10 kilometers to the center of Moscow.

In the second ten days, the German Fourth Army only advanced 2.5 kilometers.

By the third ten days, the front of the German Fourth Army had only advanced 150 meters.

At this time, the German Fourth Army was at the end of its strength, and the nearest German army to Moscow was only eight kilometers away.

These eight kilometers became an insurmountable moat for the German army. The tenacious Russians and the severe winter cold stopped the Germans.

The winter of 1941 was actually not that cold. The coldest time was usually the first few months of the next year. In Moscow in November 1941, the average temperature was only minus four degrees.

For many Russians, this temperature is not even suitable for winter swimming, because it is not cold enough.

Russians who live in the frigid zone all year round have long been accustomed to this temperature, and their clothing is more conducive to keeping out the cold. Even with the same clothing, Russians consume fewer calories than Germans.

At the same time, the Russians are more prepared. Needless to say, all kinds of cotton clothes, even the white camouflage clothes, Russia distributes a lot more than the Germans.

After the first heavy snow arrived, the guns of the Russian army had already been put on thermal jackets and coated with antifreeze lubricants; thanks to the assistance from southern Africa, the Russian soldiers had sufficient winter clothing, cotton coats, fur coats, etc. Boots and a winter hat with earflaps are used to keep out the cold.

In order to prevent the bombing of the Luftwaffe, the Russians even painted the trucks white.

The Germans on the opposite side were miserable.

As the front grew longer, it became increasingly difficult for the Germans to resupply.

During the Battle of Moscow, the German army actually had more troops than Russia. When November entered, the German army had 11 million people, while Russia had only 170 million people.

However, the German army's front line is too long to use all the troops to attack Moscow, so in local battlefields, Russia's troops have an advantage.

The Russians are used to the severe cold in winter, but the Germans cannot adapt.

Entering November, German tanks and armored vehicles were difficult to start due to the low temperature, and the officers and soldiers did not have enough warm cotton clothes, so they could only gather together to warm up with precious gasoline.

No firewood.

When the Russians retreated, they took all the things they could take away, and burned all the things they couldn't take away, and didn't even leave the door panels to the Germans.

The German army hopes to occupy Russia's oil-producing areas, but this plan has not yet come true. The Russians are ready to destroy all oil production facilities rather than leave them to the Germans.

When it comes to the work of strengthening the wall and clearing the field, the Russians are really determined.

After the mobilization of the entire city of Moscow, even the Kremlin built barricades, preparing to fight street battles with the Germans.

In order to counter the Germans, the Russians set up 59 secret arsenals in Moscow to provide support for the resistance forces in the occupied areas.

In famous buildings such as the Bolshoi Theater, the Central Telegraph Building, the "Metro" and the "National" Hotel, the Russians laid mines; even the famous St. Occupy Moscow, then it is possible for the mustache to visit St. Basil's Cathedral.

The Germans, who were unprepared for winter combat, were unable to launch a new offensive by November. At this time, the commander-in-chief of the German Central Group took stock of casualties. The division with the most serious losses in the German Fourth Army, various combat and non-combat reductions had already more than a third.

According to European military theory, an army loses more than 30.00% of its combat effectiveness.

The Russians suffered even worse losses.

The worst loss on the German side only reached 30.00%.

On the Russian side, the entire division or even the entire army was completely wiped out. When the Battle of Moscow first broke out, there were 125 million people on the Russian side. After a month of fighting for the reinforcements, the total remaining troops were only 25 million, and the losses were too heavy to be counted.

On November 11th, the Battle of Moscow reached the most critical stage. Russia held a military parade on time for the 7th anniversary of the October Revolution. The bearded man gave a speech at the military parade: Our country is being invaded, and all citizens and troops must use it at all costs. Use every drop of blood to defend our land and village.

Southern African Ambassador to Russia Andre Fernandez sent a sincere telegram to Pretoria after the military parade, hoping that the Federal Government of Southern Africa could give Russia and more assistance.

Andre Fernandez is a descendant of the White Russian nobles. After the fall of the Russian Empire, Andre and his family immigrated to southern Africa and have no relationship with the current Russia.

Rock did not doubt Andre's loyalty to the Federal Government of Southern Africa. He was infected by the determination and bravery of the Russians.

Not to mention Andre, even Stoudemire and Henry, after the outbreak of the Russo-German War, their attitudes towards Russia changed from indifference or hostility to respect and sympathy.

Entering November, while the Battle of Moscow was going on, the German Army Group South was gathering forces in the Donbass, trying to launch an attack on Rostov and open the passage to the Baku oil fields.

At the same time, Bulgaria also began to gather troops in Burgas, and the Garibaldi Peninsula was also shrouded in war.

Blue Harbor Valley, the Bulgarian army stationed here is still the 25th regiment.

Nearly half a year has passed, and the situation has not changed. The 25th regiment does not attack, and the troops defending the fort do not counterattack. The southern Africans are confident and do not worry about the fort falling at all.

Now the fortress garrison troops no longer send trucks out to purchase supplies, and the daily airdrops are enough for the fortress troops to consume.

As the transport plane pilots gradually became familiar with the terrain, no airdrops were mistakenly dropped into the camp of the 25th Regiment. Occasionally, some airdrops fell outside the fortress, and soon there would be League of Nations soldiers wearing blue helmets driving out. Pull away, it will not be left to the Bulgarians.

During this time, Colonel Paulus finally realized how big the power gap between Bulgaria and southern Africa was.

Bulgaria doesn’t even have an air force. Southern Africa has already started to use transport planes to drop heavy equipment such as light tanks and armored vehicles. In August, six strange planes flew into the fortress and never came out again. The propellers of these planes are all On the roof, under the short wings, there are rocket pods, and when the plane flies into the fort, the door is open, and a 40mm automatic grenade launcher is installed in the door, as well as a shortly after the end of the world. Gatlin was eliminated.

Colonel Paulus didn't know that this weird aircraft was called a helicopter, and the Gatling installed in the aircraft had also been converted into an electric one, thus overcoming the shortcomings of heavy weight and poor maneuverability.

For infantry, Gatling is really not easy to use.

But for vehicular weapons, Gatling is perfect.

In September, Southern Africa airdropped support to the fortress, and an airborne force arrived at the fortress.

This time it was not League of Nations troops wearing blue helmets, but Southern African paratroopers wearing four-color camouflage, they were easy to identify.

Half a month ago, Colonel Paulus received an order to increase his combat readiness and launch an attack on the "Blue Fortress" at any time.

This order made Colonel Paulus want to die.

The gentlemen sitting in the office don't know the situation facing the 25th Regiment.

With the strength of the 25th regiment, launching an attack on the fortress is no different from sending them to death.

So Colonel Paulus refused to carry out the order on the grounds that there was a serious shortage of troops.

You can attack if you want, but you must give Colonel Paulus more support.

Colonel Paulus estimated that after reinforcements, there were at least 3000 defenders in the fortress, so to conquer the fortress, at least 30000 people are needed.

This requires the help of large-caliber artillery.

Otherwise, the Seventy-Five Misses of the 25th Regiment would definitely not be able to break open the solid tortoise shell of the Blue Fortress.

Bulgaria still attaches great importance to the blue fortress. If it wants to launch an attack on the Garibaldi Peninsula, it must pull out the nail of the blue fortress, otherwise the blue fortress will always threaten the transportation line of the attacking troops.

The desired aid came quickly, and it was not a Bulgarian army, but a purely German army.

It's a pity that the number of people is a bit small, only about 3000 people, not the 30000 people requested by Colonel Paulus.

And the most important thing is that the Germans did not send armored troops over, this German army was pure infantry.

Regarding the combat effectiveness of the German army, there is no particularly accurate measure.

For the German army divisions that are generally equipped with armored forces, the combat effectiveness is mainly reflected in the armored forces. Once the armored forces lose, the combat effectiveness of the German infantry is not much stronger than that of the servant army.

This German army should have just participated in the Battle of Kiev. Their faces were covered with wind and dust, and they looked a little embarrassed after a long journey.

Good morale though.

After all Germany captured 66 Russians in Kiev.

"The defenders of the Blue Fortress have at least 30 tanks and armored vehicles. I don't know how many artillery pieces there are. It must be much more than it looks. We want to attack the Blue Fortress. It’s a wide, but fast-flowing river, and the other side of the river is still a minefield, and then there are anti-tank trenches, and firepower points all over the fort.” Colonel Paulus was not optimistic, and this German army did not carry heavy artillery.

"Is there a floor plan for the fortress?" Colonel Gomez from Munich frowned. This battle was not easy to fight.

"No—" Colonel Paulus said calmly.

"This fortress is surrounded by mountains. You have been stationed here for half a year. Didn't you send anyone to investigate?" Gomez was very angry. It is estimated that Colonel Paulus spent the past six months traveling in the mountains and rivers.

"There are bunkers on the mountain ridges, the terrain is dangerous, and the roads are narrow. It only takes two men and one machine gun to withstand the attack of a battalion." Colonel Paulus was not exaggerating. If there is enough ammunition, another battalion will be useless.

The terrain is not open enough, the troops cannot be deployed at all, and only a small number of troops can be invested to participate in the attack, otherwise, how can one man guard the gate and ten thousand men cannot open it.

"Whether you can bear it or not, you have to try—" Colonel Gomez looked indifferent. No matter how good the southern Africans can fight, how much better than the Russians?

Just try it.

Anyway, Colonel Gomez would not send his German soldiers to test the firepower of the Blue Fortress.

It is not easy to attack, Gomez has rich experience, without the cooperation of heavy artillery, to attack the fortress with strong fortifications is to die.

Fortunately, there is no shortage of artillery now. The Germans seized nearly 3000 artillery pieces, more than half of which were heavy artillery pieces with a caliber of 120 mm or more.

Against the Blue Fortress, the 120mm caliber was not enough. After Gomez fought hard, a German artillery unit arrived in the Blue Valley a week later. This unit carried eight 150mm S.FH.18 howitzers.

The 150mm S.FH.18 howitzer has an actual caliber of 149.1mm, a barrel length of 4.43 meters, a diameter of 30 times, and a maximum range of 13250 meters. The accuracy and power of this artillery are currently world-class.

The 150mm S.FH.18 howitzer also has shortcomings. This kind of artillery has insufficient range and is not convenient to move. On the Russian-German battlefield, the A-19 122mm howitzer equipped by the Russian army has a maximum range of 20 kilometers. The disadvantage in range This made it impossible for the German artillery to make an effective counterattack when facing the Russian artillery.

In order to solve this problem, German engineers specially designed rocket-extended bombs for the S.FH.18 howitzer.

The use of rocket range-extending ammunition only increases the range of the S.FH.18 howitzer to 18000 meters, and it still cannot compete with the Russian A-19 122mm howitzer.

Fortunately, in the Blue Valley, there is no problem of insufficient range.

On November 11, the German army shelled the Blue Fortress, and the battle finally broke out.

This is the first head-to-head confrontation between the southern African army and the German army.

(End of this chapter)

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