Chapter 2241

During the six months since the 25th Regiment entered the Blue Valley, the League of Nations troops have not been idle. The area of ​​the fortress has expanded from about 100 acres before to half the valley, which is only superficial.

In addition to the ground buildings, there are air-raid shelters and warehouses underground in the fortress, and the nearby mountain beams have actually been hollowed out. The defenders even dug a tunnel leading to the valley, and the Bulgarians didn't know about it.

Colonel Gomez has rich experience. Without the cooperation of armored troops, attacking a fortress with perfect fortifications is likely to die. Therefore, all the troops participating in the first wave of attacks were Bulgarians.

Colonel Paulus was very dissatisfied with this.

But Colonel Paulus dared not say anything, and Colonel Gomez was reluctant to join the German army, and he would not feel bad for the Bulgarians.

The terrain in the valley is still very open, and there is a battalion of Bulgarian troops preparing to attack the fortress.

While the bombardment was still going on, Colonel Gomez ordered the attacking troops to move as close as possible to the fortress, following the impact of the shells.

For the German infantry, infantry coordination was routine.

Not for the Bulgarian troops.

Infantry coordination requires rigorous training before it can be mastered. The Bulgarian army has almost never been trained in infantry coordination.

It's not that the Bulgarian generals didn't pay attention, but that it wasn't necessary.

The training of German troops has always been based on France, Britain, and even southern Africa as imaginary enemies.

Bulgaria had no desire to expand abroad at all before the outbreak of the war, and it is understandable that its armaments were abolished. After all, troop training costs money.

And a serious problem is that the quality of the Bulgarian artillery is obviously not as high as that of the German artillery, and the quality of the artillery is not good. The infantry coordination also has high requirements for the artillery. If one fails, the shells will fall on their own heads. superior.

Therefore, after receiving the attack order, the attacking Bulgarian army was obviously a little slow in action.

Everyone is reasonable, and it is not that the Bulgarian army does not accept orders. There are not many troops in the world where orders are prohibited, and Bulgaria is obviously not among them.

What's more, there are minefields ahead, and the Bulgarian army does not have as many mine clearance methods as the southern Africans.

"Order the troops to speed up." Colonel Gomez looked indifferent, and the Bulgarian army was cannon fodder for the Germans.

Half a year after the outbreak of the war, only two villages were "occupied", and not even a real battle broke out——

The Germans are well aware of these little tricks played by the Bulgarians.

It's just that the attention of the Germans has been on Russia for the past six months, so they let it go.

Now that the Russian war situation is gradually falling into anxiety, the Germans are determined to cut off aid from southern Africa. If the Bulgarians can die instead of the Germans, Colonel Gomez is happy to see it.

"The effect of the bombardment is not obvious, we need more powerful artillery." Colonel Paulus was in a dilemma. The 150 caliber artillery was still not enough in front of the permanent fortifications built of reinforced concrete.

Southern Africans are really afraid of death. They spare no expense when building fortifications. The top of the bunker is more than one meter thick, and it is covered with logs and sandbags to enhance its protection. Unless it is directly hit by a large-caliber shell, it cannot be done at all. Deals fatal damage.

The Germans only have 150 8-caliber guns, and the firepower density is far from enough for the fortress, let alone the power of Miss 75. It is okay to deal with simple trenches, but for a fortress with an underground transportation system, it is not even ticklish Not really.

"Don't imagine the help of more artillery. The most critical factor in winning is people." Colonel Gomez was burning with anxiety.

There are also artillery in the fortress, and usually the fortress artillery is much more powerful than the field artillery.

The quality of the artillery in southern Africa is no less than that of the German artillery. Based on the experience gained by the German army in the Russian battlefield, the artillery has to move its position one hour after firing, otherwise it will face counterfire from the opponent's artillery.

Colonel Gomez didn't know that the most advanced artillery radar was installed in the blue fortress, so the fire countermeasures of the fortress were much faster than Colonel Gomez estimated.

"Our troops have never received training in this area before—" Colonel Paulus did not dare to insist. Under the urging of the officer, the Bulgarian soldiers finally left the bunker and launched a suicide attack on the fortress.

There is a minefield ahead, so it is really suicide.

The key point is that the southern Africans are still very vicious. The power of the landmines is not great. The goal is to kill the attackers, not completely kill them.

The attacking soldiers who stepped on the landmines would be miserable, their calves would be directly blown to pieces, but they would not be able to die for a while, so they could only struggle and howl and beg for help from their companions.

Even if they are sent to the rear, it is difficult to get perfect treatment.

After being cured, they are still disabled, and they cannot do without prosthetics for a lifetime, and they will definitely not be able to continue fighting. The Germans will not waste precious medical resources on them.

The Bulgarian army really lacked the will to fight. A soldier stepped into a minefield and won a lottery, and immediately retreated like a tide, much faster than when attacking.

Gomez had no time to punish these soldiers at this time. The artillery in the fortress had already begun to counterattack, and the German artillery was facing an unprecedented crisis.

The fortress guns are indeed more powerful than field artillery. The blue fortress is equipped with 203mm heavy fortress guns produced by the Nyasaland Military Industry Group. The maximum range is 25 kilometers, which is almost double that of the Germans' 150mm.

At this time, the artillerymen no longer used balloons for calibration and shooting. Don’t forget that there are bunkers on the surrounding mountains that are guarded by one man. tragedy.

The power of the 203mm fortress gun is much greater than that of the 150mm. The shell weighs more than 100 kilograms, which is powerful enough to overturn a heavy tank, leaving no survivors within 100 meters of a shot.

There are six 6 mm fortress guns in the blue fortress.

Although the number is small, the power is still very scary.

The power of the artillery lies in the volley. If you are not in it, you can't feel the feeling that the mountains are shaking and the ground is shaking, and death will come at any time.

The German artillery underestimated the time for the southern African artillery to counterattack. When the fortress artillery fired, there were still unfinished shells piled up on the German artillery positions. These shells had been fuzed and were in an unstable state. One shell hit The artillery shells piled up on the German artillery positions caused a violent explosion, eight 150, after a round of strikes by the southern African artillery, six were directly destroyed, and only two survived.

What else is there to do, pack up and run.

It's a pity that the southern African artillery didn't even give them a chance to escape.

It also takes time for the artillery to move its position, unlike self-propelled artillery that will run away after shooting.

The firing speed of the 203mm fortress gun can reach three rounds per minute. The shells are loaded using a mechanical device. After the first round of firepower strikes, there is free play time. The faster the firing speed, the better.

In more than ten seconds, the field artillery had no time to load the next shell, and another round of shells followed.

After Colonel Gomez learned the news of the annihilation of the artillery, he decisively issued an order to retreat.

This battle cannot be fought.

At least it cannot be fought until it is supported by large-caliber artillery or armored troops.

But it was too late to retreat. It took time for the artillery to move their positions, and it was even more troublesome for the infantry to retreat.

The Germans have no tanks, but there are tanks in the fortress, and they are still classified as "Leopard" type heavy tanks according to German standards, a total of 12 vehicles.

As soon as Colonel Gomez's retreat order was issued, the tank troops in the fortress came out in full force.

It is obvious that the southern African army left behind when laying out the minefields. In Colonel Gomez's telescope lens, the "Leopard" tank easily passed through the minefields without any damage, and none of the mines were detonated.

Then the "Leopard" easily crossed the small river that Colonel Paulus regarded as "natural danger", roaring and rushing over with overwhelming momentum. At this time, the Bulgarian soldiers who participated in the attack before did not even return to the starting position. superior.

It was too late to retreat.

The southern African army is not only proficient in infantry and artillery coordination, but the infantry and tank coordination is obviously not at the same level as the Bulgarian army. It is stronger than all the troops that Colonel Gomez has encountered before.

The soldiers rushing over with the "Leopard" tanks were all southern African soldiers wearing four-color camouflage.

They lined up in two rows behind the "Leopard" wide track, not giving the frontal enemy any chance.

In order to match the advancing speed of the infantry, the speed of the "Leopard" is not fast. When the machine guns of the German army fire at the infantry behind the tank, the "Leopard" will stop, and the huge turret will start to rotate, facing the machine gunner. Crazy shooting fired, completely destroying the machine gun position.

"Attack, order your troops to attack!" Colonel Gomez's eyes were already red, although the speed of these tanks is not fast now, once the German army is defeated, the speed of the tanks will not be slow at all when chasing.

"We lack anti-tank capabilities—" Colonel Paulus was sweating profusely, looking at Colonel Gomez with anger.

Blame you arrogant Germans, if you hadn't insisted on attacking, then we could have maintained the peaceful situation and would not have fallen to where we are now.

Colonel Gomez was even angrier.

When did the German army, which swept across Europe and captured hundreds of thousands and millions of Russians in Russia, fight such an aggrieved battle?
Nor can Colonel Gomez be blamed for his hubris.

Think about the fact that millions of Russian troops have already collapsed in front of the German army. There are indeed many heroic deeds that emerged during the Great Patriotic War, but when the Russian army was defeated, there were countless cases where entire divisions and regiments surrendered. It's hard not to be proud.

In Gomez's view, pampered southern Africans are nothing compared to Russians who at least have courage.

"Now I order your troops to fight back and give my troops time to retreat—" Colonel Gomez looked crazy, the servant army is just cannon fodder.

"As you wish!" Colonel Paulus roared and rushed out of the command post.

Want to run?

You have to be able to run away too.

Under the command of Colonel Paulus, the Bulgarian army organized a counterattack.

At this time, the infantry accompanying the tank attack came in handy.

Bulgarian soldiers still use bolt-action rifles.

The basic weapon of the southern African army is the Nyasaland semi-automatic rifle. The squad leader and sergeant major use automatic rifles. Light machine guns and grenade launchers are issued to the squad level. The number of accurate shooters is variable. Soldiers, the shooting level is at least passing.

Although automatic rifles and submachine guns are similar, their power is different.

The Russian Bobosha uses 7.62×25 Tokarev pistol bullets with an effective range of 200 meters. Most of them are within [-] meters in actual use, and the accuracy cannot be guaranteed no matter how far away.

The automatic rifles equipped in southern Africa use rifle bullets with an effective range of 600 meters. Not to mention great power, the accuracy is also guaranteed. With 30 rounds of magazines, the continuity of firepower is also guaranteed.

The high-level dual-purpose machine gun and coaxial machine gun on the "Leopard" tank are not vegetarian.

Therefore, when the Bulgarian army launched an offensive, they were hit head-on by the "Leopard" and southern African soldiers. As soon as the two sides came into contact, the Bulgarian army was quickly defeated.

Really rout.

Many Bulgarian soldiers didn't even run. After throwing away their rifles, they knelt down on the ground and held the back of their heads in their hands and immediately surrendered. Anyway, their two legs couldn't run on the tracks and wheels.

The Bulgarian army was unreliable, and Colonel Gomez had to do it himself.

Although the Germans had no tanks, they had quite a few trucks, enough to pull all the German troops away.

After the southern African artillery destroyed the German artillery positions, it targeted the camps of the German and Bulgarian troops.

In the entire Blue Valley, the artillery of the fortress had completed the formulation of the shooting table early on. The German artillery positions were beyond the line of sight and needed the guidance of observers. The camp of the Bulgarian army was within the line of sight and did not need guidance at all. The shells fell directly into the camps of the German and Bulgarian troops.

What chilled Colonel Gomez was that in the Bulgarian army camp, there were no decent fortifications, no trenches were dug, and the Germans had nowhere to hide.

This is also normal, the Bulgarian army does not attack, and the southern African army in the fortress does not attack either. Colonel Paulus is not prepared for the outbreak of battle at all.

Preparations were useless. Colonel Paulus did not have reinforced concrete to build permanent fortifications, nor did he have tanks and artillery to cooperate with the defense. A small number of anti-tank rifles were supported by Germany.

Don't even think about anti-tank guns. Germany's anti-tank guns are not enough by themselves, and they have no ability to support the Bulgarians.

Before the outbreak of the European War, European countries generally did not have anti-tank guns, and anti-tank rifles were sufficient to deal with light tanks with weak armor.

With the advancement of technology, tank armor is getting thicker and thicker, and countries are paying more attention to anti-tank weapons. Germany developed the Pak50 anti-tank gun with a caliber of 38mm two years ago. There are no large-scale equipment troops.

When the Pak38 anti-tank gun shoots at a distance of 914m, it can penetrate an armor plate with an inclination of 30 degrees and a thickness of 50.8 mm.

This power is not enough for the "Leopard" tank.

(End of this chapter)

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