Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 2246 Let the Japanese land

Chapter 2246 Let the Japanese land
The attitude of Europeans and Americans in the face of difficulties is actually relatively negative. They have not made up their minds to overcome all difficulties. They advocate the concept that as long as I work hard, I can muddle through with a clear conscience. What happens depends on God’s will.

This can explain why the French voluntarily gave up resistance when they could still persist.

Because they have worked hard.

So did MacArthur.

MacArthur also wanted to defeat the Japanese, but he was not as strong as others, and failure was acceptable.

As for the bloody battle to the end, fight to the last soldier.

Sorry, MacArthur's alternative plan never had this option.

The time came to 1942, and the situation in each theater was good and bad.

The Battle of Moscow is moving in a more favorable direction for Russia.

To the southwest, the Russians recaptured Kaluga.

To the northwest, Kalinin was also recaptured by Russia.

To the southeast, the Russians lifted the siege of Tula by the German army. The German "blitzkrieg" had actually gone bankrupt, and the war was gradually turning to a "protracted war."

This is undoubtedly very beneficial to Russia. Russia's industrial transfer plan has been basically completed, but the shortage of weapons and ammunition has not been fundamentally resolved. The counterattack stage consumes more ammunition than the defense stage. The situation is gradually improving.

The British and American troops in the Far East continued to collapse, and Parcival had nothing to do. None of his troops could stop the advance of the Japanese. The once heroic Australian troops also lost their combat effectiveness in the jungles of the Far East.

The U.S.-Philippine coalition forces are still retreating to the Bataan Peninsula in a chaotic manner. The troops have completely lost their organizational structure. The officers do not know where to retreat, and the soldiers only know how to flee.

The British also had trouble in North Africa.

The British once saw the hope of victory in North Africa, because of the joint operations of the Mediterranean Fleet and the Cyprus Squadron. In November last year, the North African Army led by Rommel had only enough fuel for one day when it was most critical.

Mustache noticed Rommel's embarrassment, and at the most critical juncture of the Russo-German War, he sent more submarine troops and an air division to increase the emphasis on the North African battlefield.

The effect of this approach is immediate.

On November 11 last year, the "Ark Royal" aircraft carrier belonging to the British H Fleet was sunk by a torpedo launched by the German U-10 submarine 40 miles away from the Strait of Gibraltar.

When it was sunk, the "Ark Royal" was only three days away from the third anniversary of its service. This meritorious warship participated in the roundup of the "Konigsberg" and the "Bismarck". It is currently one of the most advanced aircraft carriers in the UK.

This is just the beginning.

On November 11, the battleship HMS Barham belonging to the Mediterranean Fleet was captured by the German U-25 in the waters near Cyrenaica in North Africa while performing a supporting escort mission with HMS Queen Elizabeth and HMS Warrior. The submarine was sunk and 331 people were killed.

"Barham" was built in 1913, and if that wasn't heart-wrenching enough, what happened next did.

On December 12, the Z Fleet led by Thumbs was completely wiped out in Malaya.

On Christmas night, December 12, the Italian Navy gave the Royal Navy another "surprise".

According to tradition, the Royal Navy also holds a series of celebrations on Christmas Eve, even during war.

The Italian Navy is not on holiday.

While the Royal Navy was partying all night, a submarine from the Italian Navy came to Alexandria, released three "man-controlled torpedoes" and sneaked into Alexandria.

The "man-controlled torpedo" is a small thruster operated by two people. It is small and flexible, and its noise is similar to that of a large fish.

The Italians planted bombs on the battleships HMS Queen Elizabeth and HMS Warrior, and both mighty battleships were sunk.

In just two months, Britain lost five battleships and an aircraft carrier, and the Royal Navy lost one-third of its main battleships.

This is not over yet.

On the night of the 25th, a fleet of cruisers and destroyers carried out missions in the waters near Malta and attacked an Italian supply fleet.

The Italians were clever and led the British into a minefield that had been laid out in advance.

The British were unprepared. The cruiser "Neptune" hit the mine first, and the "Dawn" and "Schnelope" were also injured. The "Dawn" was seriously damaged and struggled to Malta at a speed of 16 knots, " The "Schnelope" triggered two more mines in the process of trying to help the "Neptune".

"Neptune" eventually sank, and only one of the 763 crew members survived.

Suffering heavy losses one after another, the strength of the British Mediterranean Fleet was severely damaged. At least in the Mediterranean, the Cyprus Squadron began to dominate.

At the beginning of the new year, the Cyprus Squadron was replenished again. The number of aircraft carriers in the fleet increased to three, the number of cruisers increased to 21, and the number of destroyers remained at 30.

On the night of the 25th, an Italian submarine came to the waters near Cyprus, trying to release "man-controlled torpedoes" to the naval port where the Cyprus squadron is located.

The Cyprus Squadron maintained due vigilance even during the festive season.

The submarine was discovered by patrolling destroyers before it reached the position where it could release the "man-controlled torpedo".

The idle captains finally found the most suitable toys, and the four destroyers dropped a total of 186 depth charges around the exposed Italian submarine.

The poor Italian submarine even had a chance to float up and surrender, and was sunk directly.

Also on Christmas Day, the No.25 Division belonging to the Japanese 18th Army, after occupying Kuantan, sent a force to attack Diaomen Island.

Diaomen Island, also known as Tioman Island, is the largest of the 64 volcanic islands in eastern Malaya. Through the "destroyer-for-island" plan, the volcanic island where Diaomen Island is located has become the territory of southern Africa.

Diaomen Island has beautiful scenery, crystal-clear sea water, winding coast, and incomparable golden sandy beaches.

The most attractive place of Diaomen Island is the colorful underwater world of tropical fish. There are white coral beaches, tall and straight emerald green coconut trees, crystal clear water, and there are colorful corals and countless beautiful small fish in the offshore. Experienced divers or those who are new to diving will find their own fun here.

Diaomen Island is known as one of the ten most beautiful islands in the world.

It's a pity that the scenery here is unknown. The scenery of Diaomen Island was widely circulated after another time-space Fox company filmed a large-scale song and dance film "South Pacific" on Diaomen Island in 1958.

After obtaining Diaomen Island, the 9nd Regiment of the 2th Brigade of the Marine Corps belonging to the Indian Ocean Theater was ordered to station and built a field airport on the island. Then the air force stationed there turned Diaomen Island into a military fortress.

In August last year, the 15th Infantry Division of the East India was transferred to Diaomen Island to assist in the defense, and the number of troops on the island increased to 25000.

The composition of the 5000 was mixed, including marines, army aviation, and East India troops.

Although there is no such thing as a servant army within the Southern African Union, when the Southern African army and the Union troops fight hand in hand, it must be the southern African army. Therefore, the commander-in-chief of the garrison on Diaomen Island is the head of the 9nd Regiment of the 2th Brigade of the Marine Corps. Wang Sheng.

"The Japanese army sent a total of four transport ships, escorted by a cruiser and three destroyers. If you agree, we can wipe out the Japanese on the sea and never give them a chance to land." The captain of the 31st Air Wing of the Army Chen Yang took the initiative to ask for the battle. Chen Yang and Wang Sheng had the same military rank, but in the battle of defending the island, the air force was in a subordinate position and had to obey Wang Sheng's command.

"No, let them come up, let us see how capable Little Japan is." Huang Peng, the commander of the 15th East India Division, is of Chinese origin, a member of the Huang family, and has a strong background.

The air and sea defense of East India is completely dependent on southern Africa, focusing on the development of the army, and its strength is still quite strong.

In the Southern African Union, the relationship between East India and Southern Africa is very special. Only these two countries are mainly composed of Chinese. The equipment of the East India Army is also good. It started with Lee Enfield, and gradually began to change this year. , becoming the second country to equip semi-automatic rifles on a large scale after Southern Africa.

The only regret is that East India has not yet been able to organize military production, and all weapons and equipment are imported from southern Africa.

The leaders of the East India were also very smart. They vigorously developed the plantation economy and had no desires for heavy industry. The structure of the 50 army was similar to that of other alliance troops. All the officers were Chinese, and the soldiers were mainly local aborigines.

So Huang Peng didn't care how much casualties the Japanese army would cause to the defense troops when they landed.

The front line of the beachhead must be the East India Army.

Not really, and the Marine Corps.

"If you want greater results, you have to let the Japanese land—" Wang Sheng hoped that the Japanese would send more troops to attack Diaomen Island, so the four transport ships could only get there.

If you want to replace it with the rich and powerful Southern Africa, four transport ships can transport at least one division.

The strength gap between Japan and southern Africa is also comprehensive.

Southern African transport ships cost tens of thousands of tons, and those of several thousand tons are inland river tugboats, which are not even qualified to go to sea.

The visual displacement of Japan's four transport ships is all below [-] tons, and they can't hold a few people at all.

"That's it, I'll go to the front to supervise the battle!" Huang Peng looked happy, feeling that the golden military medal was waving to him.

Chen Yang looked up to the sky and sighed, if he took a long line to catch big fish, the air force probably wouldn't even have the chance to join the battle.

That's not right, the Japanese are not stupid, they will definitely have air cover when they land on the beach, but I don't know how many planes the Japanese can send over.

Chen Yang is still looking forward to the "Zero Type" that the Japanese have just equipped.

Like many landing battles during the Philippine campaign, the Japanese fleet arrived at the offshore waters of Diaomen Island smoothly, and the transport ship immediately released the landing craft, and the landing battle officially began.

Diaomen Island is 20 kilometers long from north to south and 10 kilometers wide from east to west. It is in the shape of a gourd and has a commanding height of 1133 meters.

At the headquarters less than one kilometer away from the beach, Wang Sheng and Chen Yang could clearly observe every move of the Japanese army through binoculars.

Probably since the outbreak of the war, the Japanese army has not encountered decent resistance, so the beach landing organized by the Japanese army seems a bit amateurish to Wang Sheng and Chen Yang.

"There is not even a routine shelling, the Japanese are a bit overbearing—" Chen Yang was very dissatisfied. Not only did the Japanese army not bombard, there was not even a single Japanese aircraft in the air. This was not an understatement, but arrogance.

"Shouldn't shelling be a waste of shells? The Japanese probably think that we have already evacuated early—" Wang Sheng sneered. The Japanese who had already landed didn't even set up a beachhead. Attack inland.

This cannot be blamed on the Japanese.

The scenery of Diaomen Island is beautiful. The top ten most beautiful islands are not blown out. People who come to Diaomen Island for the first time will be shocked by the scenery here.

When the Marines deployed their defenses, they did not destroy the scenery near the beach.

Therefore, when the landing craft was heading towards Diaomen Island, the sea water was so clear that one could see the red coral on the bottom of the sea at a glance.

Colorful tropical fish swim among the corals, and seagulls fly around landing craft full of soldiers.

The temperature of Diaomen Island in December is suitable, the sea breeze is still soft, and the sun is warm enough to make people drowsy.

How can this environment be connected with the bloody battlefield? For Japanese soldiers, this is simply tourism.

On Diaomen Island in the 21st century, there are wooden houses full of tropical features on the beach.

Not in this era.

In order to clear the shooting range, there was not even a stone on the beach, and all the trees were cleared, so even if the Japanese army who landed wanted to, it was difficult to build a perfect beachhead in a short time.

Then come to a tentative attack first.

The Japanese troops participating in the attack were about a squadron, about 200 people.

Japan's army organization is composed of detachments, squads, squadrons, brigades, regiments, and divisions. Squadrons are roughly equivalent to the company level in southern Africa. Here, the Japanese began to play tricks. ’ but more than companies in southern Africa.

The 18th Division has just occupied Kuantan, and its morale is booming.

A series of victories broke the myth of the European and American armies, and even the evaluation of the southern African army has been declining.

As for the East Indies—

The East India Forces are the servants of southern Africa, just like the British and Indian troops in the British Army and the Filipino troops in the US Army.

Looking at the performance of the British and Indian troops and the Philippine troops in the Malay campaign and the Philippine campaign, the Japanese army did not come to fight at all, but to receive the captured supplies.

The Japanese army during this period was at an unprecedented peak in terms of experience and morale.

One thing that is amazing about Japan is that the high-level military often makes some strategic mistakes that should not be made, but the quality of low-level officers is not low. During this period, the proportion of veterans in the Japanese army was still quite large, and their combat effectiveness was very strong.

Under the command of Japanese officers, a squadron of Japanese soldiers lined up in battle formation and began to advance towards the inland of Diaomen Island.

Less than 500 meters in front of them, the officers and soldiers of the 15th East India Division in the bunker are ready to fight. Their weapons include semi-automatic rifles, general-purpose machine guns, dual-purpose machine guns, anti-tank guns, mortars, and automatic grenade launchers. guns, rocket launchers, and flamethrowers.

(End of this chapter)

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