Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 2247 Don't take prisoners

Chapter 2247 Don't take prisoners
In order to cooperate with Southern Africa, East India voluntarily gave up the development of the navy and air force, and concentrated all its energy on the army. Naturally, Southern Africa will not treat East India badly. Therefore, the equipment of the East India Army is as luxurious as that of the Southern African National Defense Force. Except for the latest In addition to the "Tiger" tanks, what the Southern African Defense Force has, what the East India Army has, and even helicopters.

Limited by the production of helicopters, the East India Army does not have many helicopters, and they are all early models that have been eliminated by the Southern African Defense Forces. The East India Army has not yet had the luxury to equip helicopters to division-level units. the point.

Even so, the No.60 division equipped with 15 "Clouded Leopard" tanks is still much better equipped than the backward and crude Japanese army.

"Clouded Leopard" is an export-oriented tank specially developed by Nyasaran Heavy Industries for East India. It is named because the camouflage paint on the tank is similar to the East Indian animal "Clouded Leopard".

The "Clouded Leopard" tank has a total combat weight of 25 tons. It is equipped with a 75mm tank gun, a 7.7mm coaxial machine gun, and two 12.7mm machine guns. The thickness of the frontal armor reaches 50mm. With a 12-cylinder diesel engine, the maximum road speed can reach 45 kilometers.

Compared with the East India troops, the equipment of the Japanese army is indeed crude.

In other words, the equipment of the Japanese Army has never been advanced.

Not to mention the gap between the 92-type rifle and the Nyasaran-style semi-automatic rifle. In terms of heavy firepower, the Japanese Army only has [-] infantry guns, which are regarded as one of the few bright spots. The widely touted grenade is actually a Light mortars, but the range and power are much worse than real mortars.

The range of the grenade is only 300 meters, and the killing radius is five meters.

This power is not even as good as the "Super Revolver" equipped by the East India Army.

It is not that the Japanese army does not want to equip equipment with better performance.

The reason is that limited by technology and resources, better equipment cannot be used at all.

This is the case with the Japanese army that landed on Diaomen Island. The basic equipment of the soldiers is the 11-style rifle, and the pistol is only equipped by officers. The Type [-] heavy machine gun and the Type [-] light machine gun, one is a copy of the French Hotchkiss heavy machine gun, and the other is a crooked gun with so many faults that even Tubalu hates it.

The attacking Japanese troops were relatively cautious, and skirmishers were very skilled in tactics. When the soldiers advanced, they bowed their waists, looking as funny as winter melons with two legs stretched out.

The Japanese are too short, 1.6 meters tall is definitely tall in Japan, and many Japanese soldiers are not even as tall as the [-]-style rifles with bayonets installed.

Just when the Japanese army began to attack, Li Feizhou and his soldiers from East India Coconut City were ready to fight in the bunker less than 500 meters away from the beach.

"Hold on, wait for the Japanese to cross the road before shooting, don't give them a chance to escape." Before Li Feizhou finished speaking, the roar of shells came from the air.

Probably due to limited transport capacity, the Japanese army at the beach did not even have 92 infantry guns. The naval guns provided fire cover for the attacking troops, and it can be seen that the Japanese navy is not rich now. The firepower is not intensive, it is simply perfunctory.

This is also normal, there are only one cruiser and three destroyers in total, and the full firepower cannot be called intensive.

Naval guns also have a lifespan, and the cost is much higher than that of army artillery. The United States has now stopped trade with Japan, so save as much as you can.

The standard of fortifications built by the East India Army is similar to that of the Southern African Army.

The artillery on the Japanese destroyer hardly poses a threat to the Yonggu fortifications, and hitting them is almost like scratching an itch.

The caliber of the cruiser's artillery was larger, but it was not strong enough to penetrate the bunker. The shelling lasted only 5 minutes before stopping, and Li Feizhou's men suffered no casualties.

After the shelling stopped, the attacking Japanese troops continued to advance, crossing the road one after another.

At this time, the roar of aircraft engines came from the air, and more than a dozen torpedo planes flew over the position, roaring towards the Japanese warships staying on the distant sea.

Tom tom tom——

The roar of the 12.7mm high-level dual-purpose machine gun is heart-piercing, and the automatic weapons on the ground are equipped to the point of madness. The East India Infantry Division is the same as the Southern African National Defense Force. Each division is equipped with more than [-] light and heavy machine guns. .

Company B under Li Feizhou has 181 officers and soldiers, equipped with 12 light machine guns, three mortars and two heavy machine guns. The number of automatic weapons is more than that of a Japanese brigade.

With so many automatic weapons, the attacking Japanese troops were out of luck.

A squadron of [-] people is not enough points for many machine gunners. Many machine gunners have not even finished a single magazine, and all the attacking Japanese troops have been wiped out.

The officer leading the team was the worst. At least a dozen precision shooters took the officer leading the team as the first target, and they were beaten into a hornet's nest as soon as the battle started.

Next are senior veterans carrying grenadiers. These soldiers need a long period of training to be proficient in using grenades. After being targeted by accurate shooters, they only need one bullet.

If you come down, there will be no more.

The machine gun shooters accompanying the infantry attack were taken care of, and were wiped out by grenades as soon as they fired two bursts. The grenade shooters in East India have also undergone long-term training, pointing to where to hit at a distance of two to 300 meters.

The annihilation of the attacking troops was not the end of the day for the landing troops. The Japanese did not expect the first wave of attacks to end the battle. The British and Indian troops could still support two or three rounds. The first wave was only a tentative attack.

However, the result of the annihilation of the entire army was enough to surprise the Japanese.

The firepower of the East India troops exceeded the expectations of the Japanese.

To launch an attack on a position with perfect fortifications, more heavy firepower and even the cooperation of armored forces are needed. Sending light infantry to attack is death.

To the desperation of the Japanese landing forces, they had lost their chance to retreat. The first wave of attacks by the Southern African Air Force concentrated on a cruiser and three destroyers escorted by the Japanese army.

Before the attack on Pearl Harbor, the Japanese Navy had just undergone a large-scale modernization, mainly adding more anti-aircraft weapons.

The "more" here depends on who you compare with.

Before the attack on Pearl Harbor, the Japanese Combined Fleet had no opponents in East Asia, and the emphasis on air defense was seriously insufficient.

Adding more anti-aircraft weapons does not mean that combat effectiveness can be formed immediately. After all, sailors who operate anti-aircraft weapons also need long-term training.

Southern Africa dispatched not only torpedo planes, but also dive bombers.

Bombers dropped bombs at high altitude, and torpedo planes made a surprise attack on the sea. Japanese cruisers dashed left and right, zigzag on the sea to avoid the bombs in the air, but failed to escape the torpedoes in the water, and were hit on the tail in the first wave of attack. , lose power.

The loss of power of the warship is a live target. The destroyer closest to the cruiser began to approach the cruiser, trying to provide assistance to the cruiser, but was accidentally hit in the abdomen by a torpedo.

After the outbreak of the European War, destroyers produced in southern Africa had a displacement of more than 3000 tons, almost at the same level as light cruisers.

Japan's destroyers are still treaty destroyers of about 1500 tons.

Southern African torpedo charges exceed 600 kg.

A destroyer with a displacement of 1500 tons was hit by such a torpedo, and the consequences were extremely tragic.

The performance of the southern African torpedo is relatively reliable, and it rarely misfires.

After the Japanese destroyer was hit by a torpedo, it inflated rapidly like a balloon, then broke into two pieces from the middle, and disappeared from the sea in only ten seconds.

With such a fast speed, basically no one can escape.

The cruiser hit by a torpedo was not spared either.

After losing power, although the sailors on the cruiser were still desperately fighting back, they could not change the fate of being hit consecutively. When the second torpedo hit the middle of the cruiser, the unlucky cruiser exploded and sank like the destroyer just now.

Only at this time did the remaining two destroyers realize the seriousness of the situation. The captains of the two destroyers did not have the courage to fight to the end, and chose different directions when they escaped. It also did not escape the fate of being sunk.

When the last destroyer was sunk, it was less than half an hour before the battle broke out, and the Japanese troops who landed on the beach had not yet organized a second attack, and the battle on the sea was over.

The Southern African Air Force is also abominable.

After sinking all the escorting warships, they ignored the Japanese transport ships and allowed the transport ships to approach the landing troops.

Presumably the captain of the transport ship thought it would be protected by the landing force.

But the landing troops couldn't even protect themselves.

The East India Army is not only equipped with a large number of light and heavy machine guns, but also a large number of artillery, not counting the mortars equipped to the company level, and only heavy artillery, each division has about 60 pieces.

The Japanese army also has heavy artillery, the Taisho Seventh Year Type 150mm Heavy Cannon, the Nine Zero Type 240mm Heavy Cannon, the Nine Six Type 150mm Howitzer, and the Nine Eight Type 320mm Mortar Cannon are quite powerful.

However, these heavy artillery can only be equipped by specialized heavy artillery brigades. They belong to the artillery formation of the campaign level.

75 mm!

This is not as large as the mortar caliber equipped by the East India Army.

Like the southern African troops, the East India troops are equipped with 150mm heavy artillery at the division level, and their firepower output is more than one grade higher than that of the Japanese divisions.

While the Southern African Air Force was dealing with the Japanese warships, the artillery of the 15th Division was shelling the Japanese troops who had already landed on the beach.

As mentioned earlier, in order to clear the shooting area, all the buildings and trees on the beach have been cleared, and the Japanese army on the beach has no hidden objects, and is completely exposed to the artillery.

The shell of a 150mm howitzer weighs about 50 kilograms, and people within a radius of 20 meters from the center of the explosion will be directly torn apart. This is how most missing people on the battlefield come from.

Within a radius of 50 meters, even if it is not shredded, it will be killed by the shock wave.

Fragments still have lethality 100 meters away, and 200 meters is considered a safe range, but if there is no protection during the explosion, temporary deafness may also occur at a distance of 200 meters.

Not to mention 100 meters away.

A radius of 50 meters means that when a 150mm grenade falls, everyone will be killed in a circle within 50 meters of the center of the explosion.

The artillery of the 15th Division had already made a shooting table for the beachhead, and it was like sweeping the floor, cleaning up all the garbage.

What's more, the beachhead is less than 15 meters away from the 500th Division's position, completely within the range of machine guns and mortars.

When the heavy artillery began to roar, the machine guns and mortars on the frontline positions were not idle.

The Japanese officers and soldiers who landed on the beach were completely tragic. They were overwhelmed by artillery shells of various sizes and calibers.

Forget about combat missions at this time, the most important thing is to leave the beachhead, no matter how brave you want to die, it is worthless.

There is only one direction to leave the beachhead, and the opposite of the beachhead is the defense line of the 15th Division.

Without an order from the officer, the surviving Japanese officers and soldiers began to rush towards the position of the 15th Division.

This should be considered an offense.

The machine guns that had just stopped for a while began to roar again, and the barrels of many machine guns were not cold yet.

Smarter Japanese soldiers lay down and played dead when they rushed across the road.

There are still Japanese soldiers who have gone crazy and howled and charged with bayonets.

Without exception, they were all under intensive care, and they died miserably. Many of them were directly beaten in two by heavy machine guns.

The battle is actually over now.

When the last Japanese soldier fell, the intensive gunfire finally stopped.

Only then did Li Feizhou lead his soldiers out of the bunker, ready to clean up the battlefield.

Diaomen Island is located in the tropics, and it is quite hot in December. If the corpses are not disposed of in time, it is likely to cause plague.

The environment of Diaomen Island is still so good, so we must pay attention to protection. The corpses of these Japanese soldiers must be buried in time. It is best to plant trees on the graves, at least to give their descendants a place to worship.

"Pay attention to repairing the gun, even if it is broken in two, don't forget to repair the gun. If you didn't die in the battle just now, but died in a despicable sneak attack, it would be too tragic." Li Feizhou didn't forget to remind him of the men.

The East India Army has southern Africa to cover the logistics, and the bullets can be used casually without money.

Li Feizhou's soldiers were very obedient, and immediately the gunshots erupted one after another.

There were indeed Japanese soldiers pretending to be dead trying to sneak attack, but they were knocked down by East Indian soldiers holding semi-automatic rifles before they could lift the heavy [-] cover.

Some Japanese soldiers who had been terrified turned over and knelt down and raised their hands to surrender.

But before he raised his hand, he was also hit by the intensive shooting.

Li Feizhou is very happy. His men have still not suffered any casualties, which is a good record.

"Sir, do you want to accept the prisoners?" A soldier with an unbearable face asked Li Feizhou for instructions.

"Captives? What captives? Everyone here is dead, and there are no captives at all—" Li Feizhou was firm. For the Japanese, the East India Army never wanted captives.

(End of this chapter)

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