Chapter 2248
On the Russian battlefield, less than 500 million of the 150 million Russian prisoners of war survived after the war. The Japanese were more aggressive than the Germans. The many appalling massacres on the Far East battlefield have already defined the sex of the Japanese. A truly civilized savage.

The officers of the East India Army are all Chinese, which can understand why they don't want to take prisoners.

After all, the captives still have to take care of their meals. Just giving them two meals in 20 days like the Germans is completely cruel, and the East India Army can't do this kind of thing.

Li Feizhou and his comrades didn't know that they set a record in this battle. The Japanese navy and army dispatched a total of more than 6400 people, and none of them escaped. This is the real "annihilation of the entire army."

Worse than the annihilation of the entire army, there were no prisoners of more than 6400 people.

Such a result is definitely unacceptable to the Japanese who are "invincible" in the East Asian battlefield.

So the Japanese navy and army began to habitually shirk responsibility from each other.

The Japanese Army accused the Navy of insufficient support, and the fire cover provided by the four warships was too weak, which was completely perfunctory.

The navy dismissed this. It was clearly the lack of strength of the army that led to the final disastrous result. It had nothing to do with the navy. After all, no matter how strong the combined fleet was, it could not bring battleships ashore.

Then the problem is coming.

Since battleships cannot go ashore, why do we have to devote all our efforts to build "Yamato"?
It's better to free up a few tons of steel to build tanks.

This statement was immediately counterattacked by the Japanese Navy collectively. The "Yamato" was already in service on December 12, and the construction of "Musashi" has also reached the most critical period. It was originally expected to be in service in June next year because the United States cut off the relationship with Japan. For trade, it is estimated that the service time will be postponed until August. From top to bottom, the United Fleet is looking forward to a decisive battle with the powerful Southern African Indian Ocean Fleet after the two super battleships enter service.

Sneak attacks are a must. Southern Africans are much more vigilant than Americans, otherwise the United Fleet would not have chosen Pearl Harbor.

Since there is no chance for a sneak attack, we can only fight head-on.

The Indian Ocean Fleet in southern Africa is strong. There are six aircraft carriers with a capacity of more than [-] aircraft. The total number of carrier aircraft in Japan is not so many. The United Fleet puts its hope of victory on two super battleships. Ships have become the spiritual pillar of the Japanese.

The thickness of the main armor belt of "Yamato" and "Musashi" reaches an astonishing 410mm, the thickness of the frontal armor of the turret is 650mm, and the caliber of the three triple-mounted main guns is 3mm. In the words of the Japanese, these are two "forever" The unsinkable island".

It is precisely because Japan uses all its resources in the navy that the army's equipment cannot be taken care of.

When dealing with an army with backward equipment, the Japanese army's equipment is not bad.

Even compared with the better-equipped British and Indian troops and the US-Philippine coalition forces, the Japanese Army can still gain the upper hand with its tenacious awareness and excellent quality of grassroots officers and soldiers.

However, being able to defeat the British and Indian troops and the US-Philippines coalition forces does not mean anything. It is well known that the quality of the British and Indian troops is poor. When fighting with the southern African army, they are not qualified to fight.

The U.S.-Philippines coalition forces were even worse. When Jonathan Wainwright was ordered to go to Northern Luzon to command the U.S.-Philippines coalition forces to prevent the Japanese from landing, the army under his command was actually composed of refugees and boy scouts, and the result collapsed at the first touch.

This is understandable.

The United States has always paid insufficient attention to the Army. All troops composed of Americans are considered "beggar troops."

The Japanese made an empirical error in measuring the strength of the southern African army, thinking that even if the southern African army was stronger than the British-Indian army and the US-Philippines, it would not be much stronger. nailed.

According to the West, this is just a servant army of the southern African army.

The Japanese Army does not approve of the navy's "sophistry".

However, the Japanese army had no choice. More than half of the "Musashi" had been built, so it was impossible to build tanks after dismantling it. Even if the Japanese government wanted to increase its support for the army, it had to wait until the "Musashi" was finished.

While the Japanese Army and the United Fleet were talking, the Malay Campaign and the Philippine Campaign were still developing according to the established rhythm.

Probably in order to prove that the responsibility for the failure of the Battle of Diaomen Island lies entirely with the Navy, the Japanese Army gave greater support to the Malay Peninsula and the Philippines.

Yamashita Fengfumi and Honma Masahiro also performed well, worthy of the trust of the Japanese military. On January 1, the Japanese army occupied Kuala Lumpur. During this period, Parcival did not organize any effective resistance. The Japanese army easily occupied the largest city in British Malaya. city ​​of.

The Lion City is not a British Malayan territory, it belongs to the Straits Settlements.

In the Philippines, the Japanese army occupied Manila on January 1, and also landed on Mindanao and Jolo Island. Masaharu Honma believed that the overall situation in the Philippines was settled, and ordered the 2th Division to go to Borneo while not destroying the US-Philippines coalition forces on the Bataan Peninsula. Attack.

Masaharu Honma did not lose his mind. He ordered the 48th Division to only attack the territory of British Malaya in Borneo, and strictly prohibited attacks on the territory of East India.

On January 1th, the Japanese army launched an attack on the Bataan Peninsula, but was stubbornly resisted by the U.S.-Philippine coalition forces who had lost their retreat. MacArthur's plan has been smooth so far. He successfully dragged southern Africa and East India into the war.

Also on January 1, the 9th Division of the Japanese Army landed in Kuching without any resistance during the landing.

It can't be blamed that Parcival didn't pay attention to Kuching's defense. The British and Indian troops were unable to defend the Malay Peninsula, and they couldn't take care of Kuching at all.

Not far from Kuching is the position of the Southern African Army and the East Indian Army. On a clear day, you don’t need to use binoculars, you can see Kuching Port visually. The Southern African and East Indian troops will not let the Japanese army go wild. Attack, the Japanese dare to occupy Kuching, just wait for the iron fist of justice in southern Africa.

As Parcival expected, the Southern African and East Indian coalition forces were ready to take the initiative to attack, but it was the British Malaya civilians who came faster than the Japanese. The 48th Division had not yet landed in Kuching. Civilians living in Kuching frantically flocked into Shilongmen, which is less than [-] kilometers away from Kuching.

After the southern African and East Indian troops stationed in Shilongmen, Shilongmen has developed into a military city no less than Kuching, and the road connecting Kuching has also been completed.

After the establishment of the East Indies, many Chinese living in British Malaya went to settle in the East Indies one after another. The Chinese who remained in British Malaya were all loyal to the British, and firmly believed that following the British would have a brighter future.

These Malayans who poured into Shilongmen were all refugees according to the standards of southern Africa. They were responsible for their own food, clothing, housing and transportation in East India, and the East India government didn't care.

"There are a lot of people who want to join the East Indian nationality, but most of them are Malays, and there are very few Chinese. Do they still have confidence in the United Kingdom?" Huang Can, the commander of the Sixth East India Division, couldn't understand. He could only say A lean camel is bigger than a horse.

"It's normal. There are hundreds of people. That's the United Kingdom. Some are sought after by people." Shen Wei, the commander of the 28th Division in Southern Africa, doesn't care. The benefits obtained in southern Africa are getting less and less. The centipedes of the British Empire are dead but not stiff.

In the early years when there were few Chinese in southern Africa, as long as there were Chinese immigrants who broke the law and discipline, they would also be repatriated to their original places.

Now Southern Africa is able to meet the development needs with its own hematopoietic function, and the demand for immigrants is no longer so urgent. In the past, the Southern African Immigration Bureau coaxed and tricked people to get on board, but now they are all pick and choose, without any skills. Obtain Southern African citizenship.

What's more, in Nanyang in the early years, some Chinese had a really bad reputation, especially the plantation owners and the dogs who followed the whites. Their attitude towards the Chinese was more ruthless than the whites.

The Shilongmen garrison plus residents were less than [-] before the war broke out.

After the increase of troops in East India, the number of troops stationed at Shilongmen has reached 2, but as many as [-] refugees flooded into Shilongmen.

Southern Africa is essentially a guest army in the East India. Although Huang Can respects Shen Wei very much and relies on Shen Wei's opinions in everything, Huang Can is actually responsible for the management of Shilongmen.

Huang Can designated an area about ten kilometers east of Shilongmen City as a refugee camp for refugees from British Malaya.

Most of these refugees are poor people. The rich have already fled to Lion City or Coconut City. These refugees cannot even guarantee their basic life. Huang Can had to allocate some supplies to meet the basic needs of the refugees.

"We can't let them be idle, pick out those who are able to work, and find them some jobs, such as building roads, laying bridges, digging trenches, or even throwing stones. Anyway, we can't let them idle." Shen Wei experienced the Great Depression, I have a lot of experience with work-for-work.

In fact, this is the same as military training. Many things are idle, especially for energetic young people. Not in the mood to think wildly.

"Okay, we can't keep them for nothing—" Huang Can was very happy, this is all free labor, and only need to pay a little cheap rations.

It is really all labor force, the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled are not at all.

The real old, weak, sick and disabled have no ability to escape from Kuching, the war is so cruel.

When Shilongmen was busy resettling refugees, the Japanese troops who landed in Kuching were warmly welcomed by the local Japanese in Kuching.

There are not only Chinese in Nanyang, but also many Japanese. The small islands in the Japanese mainland are too narrow. As long as there is a chance, many Japanese want to escape from Japan.

So there are many Japanese immigrants not only in Nanyang, but also in South America.

After the establishment of the East India, the Japanese in the East India were also unlucky. Many Japanese were forced to leave the East India, and some of them went to Kuching. These people hated the East India and Southern Africa. Taro Kono was one of them a member.

Before the independence of East India, Taro Kono accumulated a plantation and two factories in East India with the hard work of several generations. He is much better than ordinary people even if he is not rich.

When East India became independent, Kono Taro and his family fled East India. After the war, when Kono Taro returned to East India, his family’s plantation had become the private property of a Chinese executive of an umbrella company, and the factory was also It has been destroyed in the fire of war.

Kono Taro tried to get his family's plantation back, but was threatened and almost died. After that, Kono Taro came to Kuching to run a shop to eke out a living.

After the outbreak of the Malay War, Kono Taro was unlucky again. The store was robbed, and the whole family was thrown into a concentration camp for centralized management. When the Japanese army rescued Kono Taro from the concentration camp, Kono Taro’s family was only left with him. one person.

The Anglo-Saxons were never soft on their enemies. After Britain joined the war, the Germans living in Britain were all thrown into concentration camps for centralized management, and the same was true for the Japanese.

When he was imprisoned in the concentration camp, Kono Taro's property was confiscated and he was penniless.

The Malays who were in charge of managing the concentration camps, Kono Taro used his daughter to bribe the Malays who managed the concentration camps, and the family finally survived.

"I know the terrain around Shilongmen. If the invincible imperial army launches an attack on Shilongmen, I can be the guide of the imperial army." Taro Kono hated the southern Africans and East Indians deeply, and he obviously thought of the arrival of the Japanese army. , as a turning point in the fate of the family.

"Very well, we need people like you." The leader of the team, Shao Zuo, smiled, obviously lacking enthusiasm for Kono Taro's suggestion.

As mentioned above, the Japanese carried out the Meiji Restoration, and a large part of the source of funds relied on the business behavior of Japanese women around the world.

However, Japanese women who work hard do not get the respect they deserve in Japan. They have given everything for the rise of Japan. Many people in Japan are ashamed of this, especially the one born after winning the Russo-Japanese War. A generation of Japanese, not only did they not appreciate the contributions of their predecessors, but they thought it was a shame for Japan.

It's understandable when you think about it, even the Japanese government is desperately trying to avoid this humiliating history. Ordinary Japanese people simply can't face it, and even look down on Japanese immigrants from overseas, thinking that they are traitors to Japan.

You have immigrated overseas for countless years, and you don’t even know how much Japanese blood you still have in your body, so there is no loyalty at all.

"I know the Southern African Army and the East Indian Army very well. As long as the Imperial Japanese Army launches an attack on Shilongmen, the Southern African Army and East Indian Army entrenched in Shilongmen will quickly collapse, just like what we did in Malaya and the Philippines It’s like that.” Taro Kono hoped that the 48th Division would launch an attack on Shilongmen immediately, so that his value could be reflected.

"Your suggestion is very good, we will seriously consider it." The major perfunctory, he knows the southern African army better than Kono Taro.


Even senior Japanese generals did not dare to launch an active attack on the southern African army. It was so easy to fight, and Masaharu Honma would not be so cautious.

(End of this chapter)

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