Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 2251 One way to kill devils

Chapter 2251 One Hundred Ways To Kill Devils
The battle is still going on, and the 42nd Wing does not accept its fate, and is still stubbornly resisting.

After the reorganization in 1940, the Fifth Division revoked the brigade organization and reorganized into a three-unit mechanized division. The 42nd Wing has a total strength of 3800 people.

Before launching the attack on Johor, Matsui Tajiro added a chariot brigade and an artillery brigade to the 42nd Regiment, with a total strength of nearly 6000 troops.

The artillery firepower in southern Africa is fierce. The Japanese artillery has been completely lost in the firepower of the artillery artillery in southern Africa. The tank brigade is also seriously damaged. "Type tanks do not pose the slightest threat.

Kong Xin drove his No. 8527 tank, and after rushing into the Japanese army's position, he was like a tiger among a flock of sheep, like entering an uninhabited territory.

After destroying three Japanese machine gun positions in a row, Kong Xin finally found a Japanese Type 97 tank, which made Kong Xin very happy.

"At 11 o'clock, we found Japanese tanks with armor-piercing projectiles, ready to shoot—" Kong Xin was so excited that his voice was trembling.

The gunners and loaders move fast, so they have to be tight, otherwise the few remaining Type 97 tanks will become spoils of war for brother units. . .

The Type 97 tank on the opposite side also noticed the parked 8527, which was a sign that the 8527 was ready to shoot. The current tank does not have the ability to maintain accurate shooting while in motion.


The Type 97 tank actively fired at 8527.

It's a pity that the 47mm gun can't penetrate the front armor of the 8527 at all.


Kong Xin clearly heard the sound of shells hitting the tank body.

Then it was gone, not to mention the front armor, even the reactive armor didn't bother to react.

"Hurry up, aren't you even as fast as those little dwarfs?" Kong Xin was dissatisfied with the crew members, and let the little devils fire first, which is simply unforgivable.

The 88mm tank gun is still very powerful. When it hits the soul at a distance of about 400 meters, the armor-piercing projectile will easily tear the front armor of the Type 97 tank. After the explosion inside the turret, it will cause a martyrdom. The Type 97 with rivet structure is like a bursting firework The same is torn apart and horrible.

"No need to fight, no need to fight—" Kong Xin regretted that this was not enough, but he had no opponents, and all the Japanese tanks had been wiped out.

But the battle isn't over yet.

After all, there are thousands of devils, and when they are defeated, they are also everywhere.

How could two legs run over the tank tracks? Many Japanese soldiers resisted on the spot, hoping to drag a back pad before dying.

Several Japanese soldiers occupied a private house by the main road. When 8527 passed by, they dared to shoot at 8527.

The driver adjusted the direction and hit the house directly.

The thatched adobe house was extremely fragile, and 8527 passed through the wall as easily as cutting tofu with a hemp rope. The wailing and screaming echoed in Kong Xin's ears, and there was no mercy in his heart.

Two Japanese soldiers rushed out from the ruined house, and before they could raise their rifles, they were randomly shot to death by Chen Kai and a dozen other soldiers.

It was too late to clean up the battlefield, and Chen Kai ran while pressing bullets into the gun. Compared with the American Garand rifle, the biggest advantage of the Nyasaran rifle is that it can replenish bullets.

The Garand was developed later than the Nyasaran rifle, but its performance is still far from that of the Nyasaran rifle, not only in the feeding method, but also in accuracy and power.

Not far forward is a small river, and there are Japanese soldiers in the bridge hole, I don't know how many there are.

Kong Xin tried it and found that the design angle was not ideal.

Chen Kai arrived with the infantry, and three or four people took out the grenades and prepared them, shouting one, two, three and throwing them in together. A soldier with a flamethrower came over, pointed at the bridge hole and started spraying.


When the fire column is sprayed, it feels like the surrounding air is burning. The flamethrower equipped by the southern African military has an effective range of 200 meters and can be sprayed 1500 times. The core temperature is as high as [-] degrees, and steel can be melted.

The Japanese army in the bridge hole was out of luck.

After a flame, the air is filled with the smell of BBQ.

Chen Kai covered his nose in disgust and crossed the bridge as fast as he could. Even veterans were disgusted by the smell. After asking, he would not eat meat for at least a week.

Don't even look at it.

At this time, the battle was basically over, with sparse gunshots and sporadic grenade explosions.

8527 did not dare to cross the bridge, and the 40-ton bridge may not be able to support it.

This is the biggest weakness of heavy tanks fighting in the rainforest area. There are dense river networks here, and most bridges cannot pass through. Light tanks weighing no more than 20 tons are better.

When returning to the defense line, dozens of southern African soldiers surrounded a cellar by the roadside.

"Throw the gun out and surrender, or throw the grenade—" A southern African soldier holding a grenade demanded the surrender of the Japanese in the cellar.

"If you can keep us alive, we can surrender—" the Japanese soldiers in the cellar were negotiating terms, and the voice was another guy who was proficient in Chinese.

There are many people in Japan who are proficient in Chinese, especially members of the upper class aristocracy, and Chinese is a compulsory course.

It's a pity that when the Chinese culture spread, the Japanese only learned the superficial aspects of this group of white-eyed wolves. The essence of the Chinese culture was beyond the Japanese' understanding.

"What's the point of talking to them, just blow them up—" Chen Kai didn't want prisoners, and the soldiers holding the grenades obviously didn't mean to treat them kindly. If the people in the cellar surrendered, they would be miserable after suffering some cruel torture. die.

This is normal, the soldier holding the grenade may have his family and relatives massacred by the Japanese army in the Far East.

"Don't throw it, I thought of a more interesting one—" A southern African military officer raised his hand and called for a bulldozer.

How can there be bulldozers on the battlefield?

It really does.

This is for burying the dead after the war.

Johor is a tropical state. If the corpse is not disposed of in time, it will cause plague. Southern Africans care more about the environment.

The ground around me trembled as the bulldozers approached.

The Japanese in the cellar panicked and their voices changed: "We surrender, surrender now—"

It was a pity that it was too late, and the sound of the bulldozer engine was too loud for the driver to hear.

Soon the cellar was buried. No one cared how many people were in the cellar. The 42nd Wing participated in the Nanjing Massacre. When they buried those women and children alive in Nanjing, those women and children must have begged.

Compared with the soldiers of the Fifth Division, the 19th Division did far less.

When he returned to the camp, Kong Xin found that there was still more than half of the fuel in the tank.

It doesn't matter, there will be more battles to come, and 8527 will eventually become a meritorious chariot.

The annihilation of the 42nd Wing did not satisfy Ford. The Australian 8th Division was still facing the attack of the 19th Division. All of them interspersed and surrounded the Fifth Division.

After learning that the 42nd Regiment had been wiped out, Matsui Taijiro immediately ordered the Fifth Division to retreat.

But the retreat was not so easy. The Australian 8th Division led by Henry Kelsen was not weak, and it held the Fifth Division tightly, and did not give the Fifth Division a chance to get out of the battle.

Taijiro Matsui broke his arm to survive, and ordered the 21st Regiment to withstand the attack of the 8th Division and cover the retreat of other troops.

Ford did not give Matsui Taijiro a chance to retreat. The 19th Division and the 6th East India Division attacked across the board, especially the 6th East India Division advanced very fast. The "Clouded Leopard" tank is more suitable for advancing in rainforest areas than the "Leopard" type. After a 6-hour rapid march, the 12st Regiment and [-]nd Battalion of the [-]th Division seized the Golden Horse, the only way for the [-]th Division to retreat before the [-]th Division, and cut off the [-]th Division. The retreat of the Fifth Division.

The establishment of the East India Army is similar to that of the Southern African Defense Force, with a battalion of about 900 people.

Dozens of people from the Second Battalion fell behind during the rapid march, but this did not affect their combat effectiveness. In order to increase their speed, the Second Battalion abandoned most of their heavy weapons. When they occupied Jinma, the troops only carried general-purpose machine guns and grenade launchers.

This was enough for the Japanese army, which was even worse equipped.

Only the Type 97 medium tanks equipped by the Fifth Division can pose a threat to the Second Battalion.

Don't look at the Type 97 tank when facing the "Leopard".

When facing light infantry, the Type 97 tank is a big killer.

Dai Zhixin, the commander of the Second Battalion, knew the weakness of the Type 97 tank, and the troops began to build positions after arriving in Jinma.

The speed of the Japanese army is also very fast, the position has not yet been completed, and the Japanese forward has also arrived at Jinma.

Tajiro Matsui already had a premonition that something was wrong, and without delay, he ordered the Japanese army to launch an attack on Jinma immediately.

There is a small river in front of the second battalion's position, which is very beneficial to the second battalion's defense. The Type 97 tank has no wading ability and cannot directly attack the second battalion's position.

Even so, the Type 97 firing across the river still annoyed Dai Zhixin very much.

At this time, no anti-tank guns are needed, even if there is an anti-tank rifle, it can cause fatal damage to the Type 97 tank.

It's a pity that the second battalion didn't even have anti-tank rifles.

Just kidding, they are already equipped with anti-tank guns, so why do they need anti-tank rifles?
Facts have proved that the existence is reasonable, and the anti-tank rifle widely used by European troops is indeed necessary for light infantry.


A shell fired by a Type 97 tank exploded not far from Dai Zhixin's command post.

The power of the shells is not great. The tank guns are direct-firing guns, which do little damage to the trenches. It is not easy to penetrate the sandbags around the machine gun positions with a 47mm caliber. The Johoreans also hate the Japanese army. The residents of the village took the initiative to come over to help the Second Battalion dig trenches, and there were many gray-haired old people among them.

At this time the Japanese infantry began to cross the river.

The river is actually not deep, and people from southern Africa can walk over it directly.

But the Japanese can’t do it. The shorts are only ten centimeters short of height. Southern African soldiers can show their heads when crossing the river. The scene was very weird.

However, this also brought some trouble to the defenders, after all, the targets in the water were not easy to aim at.

The river is not wide, and the dwarfs will eventually surface.

blah blah-

General-purpose machine gun shooters are facing a gluttonous feast, and they can finally enjoy themselves. However, they don’t carry many magazines. A magazine only has 75 rounds of ammunition, so they should be used sparingly. Long bursts combined with short bursts, this set Machine gunners are very skilled.

Skilled machine gunners need a lot of bullets to feed them out. East India is backed by southern Africa. There must be no shortage of bullets.

The Japanese troops who crossed the river were unlucky. The terrain of the river bank was complicated, and the bottom of the river was still full of mud.

Staying in the river can only be used as a target, and rushing to the bank will face the machine gunners shooting. Some Japanese soldiers began to throw grenades, but unfortunately the distance is too far, and it is still not within the position of the second battalion.

The first wave of attacks was quickly repelled, and there were hundreds of dead Japanese soldiers scattered across the river bank.

More Japanese soldiers didn't even have the chance to go ashore, and were directly killed in the river. The corpses floated downstream along the river, and the river was stained red with blood.

The Japanese army was not discouraged, and quickly organized a second attack. This time, the Japanese army carried out a fire strike for as long as 5 minutes.

Compared with the firepower strikes in the European battlefield that took a week at every turn, the Japanese army's strike strength is just tickling.

However, this was not easy for the resource-poor Japanese army. When the Japanese army dispatched, they could not carry a few shells. It was not that they didn't want to carry them, but they didn't.

The 92 infantry gun is indeed an excellent artillery. The height of this gun is very low, and it can be placed very close to the front line, so it is not easy to be found.

However, the caliber of the 92 infantry artillery is only 70 mm, which is seriously insufficient in power, and the number is small, which cannot change the situation of the battle.

The fact that the Second Battalion didn't carry heavy weapons doesn't mean it doesn't have the ability to fight back.

Before Dai Zhixin had time to worry, the roar of aeroengines came from the sky.

Yes, the most powerful in southern Africa is not the navy or the army, but the air force.

Under the cover of six Cheetahs, 12 Vulture close-range support aircraft equipped by the army began to dive. Their target was not the 92 infantry guns, but the Type 97 tanks that were still showing off their might on the river bank.

The close-range support aircraft is a dive bomber. The performance of the Vulture is extremely outstanding. It can dive at an angle close to 90 degrees. A 50kg aerial bomb can be hung under each wing, and a [-]kg aerial bomb can be hung under the belly. , can easily penetrate the permanent fortifications with strong defenses.

There are many types of aerial bombs in southern Africa. High-explosive bombs and incendiary bombs are traditional skills. Obviously, incendiary bombs are best used in rainforest areas. A dozen of them can form a wall of fire that lasts for several hours. If the flames spread Come on, humans have nowhere to hide.

In the rain forest area, the speed of human running cannot keep up with the speed of flames.

The biggest tragedy of the Fifth Division was that it was not equipped with enough anti-aircraft weapons.

So when the vultures swooped in, the [-]th Division was almost unprepared.

A vulture broke away from the fleet during a dive and flew towards the temporary command post where Matsui Taijiro was.

The staff of the command post carried Matsui Taijiro to run, but they couldn't run faster than the speed of the aerial bomb falling.

After the violent explosion, Tahiro Matsui's temporary headquarters disappeared directly, and the power of the 500 kg aerial bomb completely destroyed the entire headquarters.

(End of this chapter)

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